one tribe, one time, one planet, one race
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       The man's head cocked slightly to the side as Tayui apologized for what she believed was a lapse in her powers of explanation. What she amended with though did not really change his opinion. To him, it still seemed as if the old lands that she had come from did have a sort of curse on them. He knew that not everyone believed in the powers of the world that could not be seen, especially outside of the AniWayan culture, but he had seen those powers and he believed them without any doubt whatsoever. Some might think him naive or superstitious, but how could he not believe in the power of spirits? One walked side by side with him every day of his life and guided him through the world. The Guides were not the only spirits out there that held some power and sway in the world. They could not physically alter things on the Earth, but the powers they had were beyond any that any living mortal held. That was the Utina's belief. He did not think that there was any preordained fate or that the spirits controlled everything, but they did effect the world and those that lived in it.

       "I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the power of such a name. Perhaps some of these happenings were mere coincidence or mistakes, but if they happened so frequently I find it hard to believe that they all were as such. Though I know that not many outside of the tribe subscribe to such beliefs. It is what I have always thought though, as many of my people do." Nayati wasn't meaning to exclude Tayui from that statement, for she was a part of the tribe now as well, but neither of them could deny that they came from very different places and situations. Even if she could not think as he thought, perhaps it would give her some insight into how the systems of AniWaya worked and why they were as they were.


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