Simply Being There
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Still waters run deep

As Savina commented on Haven's exceptionally good nature, the blue merle female tried to think of all the ways that he had helped both the pack as a whole and herself. She could not begin to remember them all for his helpful actions were indeed inumerable. Savina's change of subject was slightly unexpected by the fragile optime. She had not been asked about where she came from in quite awhile, but it took her only a moment to recall the story, "King Jacquez, our leader, and I are from a land several days journey down south. We lived in a place called, Florida. Much of the population there is made up of dogs rather than wolves and coyotes, but the living conditions were incredibly cramped. Oh, and yes we did sail up here on a ship. In fact, Jac was our captain. Most of my young life was spent out at sea. Unfortunately, we were caught in a storm just as we reached the coasts. The ship that had served as our home for so long was destroyed by the rocks." Her explanation complete the petite Border collie turned the question back to Savina, "What about you, Savina? Where are you from?" Pale blue eyes danced back and forth in the direction of the Italian woman, ears focused forward, eagerly listening for the Commander's accented voice to tell her story. Ruri, of course, knew not what Savina looked like physically, but her voice and personality conveyed a unique perspective of the other woman's obvious beauty.


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