Take it out on me [M]

WC 395
Bad starter post :/ My apologies.

There was a strange warm musk in the air, and though the sun had not risen fully, the sky was painted in several shades, ranging from midnight black to mild peach. Though still on the brink of wintery weather, it was clear that as the day progressed it would be a bright one. This, in itself, was a strange occurrence as of late; rain and sleet had pelted the terrain daily, thus nature must have been thankful for this break.

The landscape itself was a torsion of desolate buildings, twisted trees and naked shrubbery. There were crumbling flats, empty houses; all strangled by trees, ivy and various other types of plants. As such, there was a mild dust in the air. Not quite thick, but given the right circumstances, it could play on the lungs of any animal.

Lucia, who had spent the night walking on two legs, had now shifted to four paws. Her ebony fur shimmed in the morning sunlight, emerald eyes heavy from insomnia. Sleep was a rarity for her, and though she wished it would come, part of her feared such things; nightmares were always hot on her tail, dribbling through her brain like blood through her veins. This, however, would remain her deepest secret; nobody liked weaknesses, not even strangers.

Treading carefully across the dirt-ridden landscape, her malachite eyes scanned each movement around her, there was an unnerving feeling seeping through the atmosphere. She could feel a presence, though there was no visual on who - or what - lingered nearby.
“Hello?” Lucia's tone was strong, doused in confidence; a lie if ever there was one, but that would remain a hidden factor; nobody need know that her mask was on, or even that there was one present. “Is somebody there?”

Curiosity more than fear, yet with her anxious disposition, mixed with mild paranoia, she could feel her hackles rising on the back of her neck. A small growl erupted from her throat, quiet enough to not alert any nearby lurkers of her insecurities, though her tone became slightly more aggressive, almost nervous. Being new to the terrain, everything was suspicious. Lucia knew all too well that newcomers were the most likely prey for a homicidal maniac, or a cannibalistic canine. She had often been placed in these situations, and this one felt strangely similar.
“Show yourself!”


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