if we could always be so silent.

I Speak this, I

dream this, and I 'think'


You "said this"

Anderung felt her face growing hot at Tayui’s amused expression. She was almost 3 years old and yet she had always felt so much younger around the alpha. She looked down, flicking her ears back and shuffling her paws. However, Meer smiled at the other’s comment of her own eyes. The amber wolf looked down at the brown and white rabbit. She moved it with a paw. ”Thank-you, I’ve never really thought of them that way. Sorry to change the subject, but I was wondering if you could skin this for me? I wouldn’t bother you with it, but it does have the most beautiful pelt, and I don’t exactly have any hands.” Anderung smiled sheepishly at Tayui. Ever since she found out about the Luperci, and once she began to understand them, she had been jealous of their hands. And they were extremely attractive.



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