Sherman's March to the Sea

rawrrr Mino's hitt'n on Snake Big Grin

His voice rang through the air. His voice, the voice of creation, the voice of destruction. Punishment, reward. Life, death. His voice called, and the follower did not needed to be told twice. His white form ran, the voice and its story propelling him faster then another could. His devotion to the pack’s alpha had only increased the more he lived among them. The knowledge of the power his new form provided had sealed the canines fate. He would die in the name of the giver, this day or another. Minos would perish in the honor of the one who gave him this gift. It had done just as the massive earth hued beast had said. It made him better.

Mino smelled the smoke and char, teeth shown against pink gums, and adrenaline pulsed through his muscled Secui body. Yellow eyes saw the flames, their reflection dancing in the bright gold pools. The structure was being eaten alive, and yet the follower could smell his leader’s scent. It was heavy in the air and it drove him further and faster. The figured danced among the shadows of the fire, and the male did not slow to choose whom would be the best target. He held no fear, the feeling that had been slowly draining from the primal beast since his initiation into his new life. The fighting had begun, and he ran at the closest beast that smelled of the coyote clan. Green eyes, were seen, acidic in tone and yet Minos saw nothing else but the need for blood.


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