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Private for Phox.

Thus far, our hero had encountered two werewolves, both curious creatures indeed. Being neither a braggart nor a bandit (though the latter far more applied to his disposition) Cael had decided to explore further into the strange and odd world of the wolves. Easily the black-footed rogue slipped over the border, moving as if liquid shadow. As was customary of his kind, the night-time dreamland was familiar and thus darkness gave comfort. His eyes, cat-like and glowing in the dark, took in the area around and noted landmarks he would use when navigating this strange forest.

Cael had learned several key factors about wolves as he had grown up. First, they lived communally and often had a near feverous loyalty to one another. Secondly, they were unpredictable and aggressive. More recently, he had also discovered they were plagued by emotions he did not understand. He understood what it meant to be happy, but sorrow was unheard of. What was there for him to mourn? Of course, by this point our hero had forgotten this debacle and was solely focused on his exploration of this dark forest.

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