swarm like smoke in the dawn

Things happened so quickly Liliana had little to no time to react, in fact one second she was busy distracting one of the elk and the next minute there was dead silence. It was eerie in a way, but she stopped to take in the scene, but the silence was not real, for there was still one left, one that Moonfyre was still hodling onto, Liliana saw Nayati’s arrow go through it’s lower legs, and she galloped her horse poising her spear to the elk’s chest, knowing if the spear went anywhere it would bury itself deep inside the animal and not come out the other side. She hit it dead on, letting the spear go as they passed it by. She had to slow Grace down before turning to see what was happening.

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Now that Nayati’s arrow had managed to hit one of the elk’s legs she was slowing down now. The arrow had managed to pass threw the elk’s leg, and the beast stumbled, but before it could spring Liliana’s arrow went through it’s shoulder most likely piercing it’s heart. The animal fell from her run, and hit the ground with an audible thump. Moonfyre landed on top of it. The elk was dead. Moonfyre rose to his feet standing on the dead carcass for a second before hopping down, and regrouping with the others.

All three of the elk were brought down with great teamwork efforts from his fellow pack mates. Everyone now stood by their kill. Time to eat!

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a329/ ... _horse.gif); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
My apologies for the wait, you guys! <3


The hunt had been very successful, with each of the wolves standing next to one of the creatures that they had felled. Ember dismounted Bayard, the horse breathing heavily, and patted his side. He was used to hunting by now, and wasn't afraid of the fallen animals. He hadn't spooked at anything and had performed really well. Ember continued to pat his side as her own breathing slowed down.

There was one thing that she had yet to do, and she knelt down before the body of the fallen beast. She closed her eyes, thanking the animal for giving its life to the wolves so that they might eat. She put her hand on the beast's side, sitting completely still for a moment as she spoke to it in her mind. She then stood back up, looking around to see what the others were doing.


I think we're pretty much done here! Everyone can make a last post if they want and we'll close this up Smile 300+

As Moonfyre's elk went down Nayati breathed a sigh of relief, the adrenaline of the hunt started to leave his body. His shoulders relaxed as he looked around the ground. Three elk down, better than the Kanati had dared to hope for. He had been confident that they could bring down two but he hadn't been certain if they would be lucky enough to get three. His fellow tribesmembers had all done great jobs and had worked together almost seamlessly. It was that that had brought them such great success.

Nayati slid off of Iye's back and walked over to the elk that he had felled with Ember's help. He knelt down next to where his arrow had struck it and said a quiet prayer of thanks. These three animals had given their lives to help sustain the tribe, they needed to thank them for their sacrifice. After he had given his gratitude to the fallen beasts he pulled his arrow from it's body and then walked over to the one Moonfyre stood next to to retrieve his other arrow. That one was a little more difficult to extract, but he managed it. Placing them both back in his quiver he turned to his companions. "You all did a good job today and I thank you for your hard work," he said, a smile turning up the corners of his lips.

"Now we shall take them back to the village where we can skin them and cut up the meat. Some will serve as our dinner tonight, but the rest will be cured for storage." The man undid the rope he had brought with him, unraveling the cord. "It may take a couple trips to bring them all back, but we will manage." The horses were tired, so they could put two to one elk. There was still plenty of work to be done but with them all working together it would not take long.

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