Anyone up for a swim?
OOC: All Welcome, first post for me! Word count: 437


The sun was freshly woken and birds were singing the dawn chorus as the slender bodied luperci walked steadily through the lush vegetation that lead to what she presumed to be Rabbit Lake. She was following a happy little stream that gurgled its way in the direction she was heading, meandering in all sorts of directions, forcing the black pelted female to cross its extremely shallow waters in order to remain heading in a straight line. She wasn't worried though, the water barely came up to her ankles and she intended to get much wetter once she got to the lake. She didn't bother with wearing any clothes, why should she when it was likely she would take them off as much as possible? Why hide what many liked to see? On top of this, Aektia thought it silly to wear clothes that exposed almost as much of one's body as when one didn't wear clothes, they just got in the way of things she wanted to do. Anyway, her fur was a good enough cover and insulator for her.

It didn't take long to get to the lake and Aekita slung the small bag she always carried with her onto a large rock that sat almost hanging over the lake. Delicately, she stepped into the shallows of the lake, taking in a sharp breath as the cold water swirled around her calves. It wasn't too bad though, so she stepped into the deeper reaches of the lake until the water was just past her breasts. Crouching, she submerged herself and quickly came up again, water droplets dripping from the longer fur that came from her head and dropped down her neck. A good early morning bathe was always a wonderful start to the day and Aekita found that cold water was especially good when she needed to wake up properly, all drowsiness had now lifted and she ran her fingers through her longer fur, brushing it through lightly before submerging herself again and letting herself float to the surface on her back. She closed her eyes, swirling her hands slightly to keep herself afloat as she relaxed in the lake, content to just lay there for a while.

After about fifteen minutes or so, though she couldn't really be sure how long she'd soaked for, Aekita stood up and walked towards the rock, climbing easily onto it in one fluid movement and laying on her back, pushing aside her bag. The sun was already high and wonderfully warm, letting her dripping body heat up and begin to dry as she rested happily, eyes closing once more.

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