this is the story of my life
OOC: This is now closed to new participates, sorry, unless I specifically invite please kthnx

He'd found her scent upon the borders some weeks ago. She was hiding there. She was hiding with Snake in his little car. No..He didn't have the car any more..It was burned down.. Daisuke wondered where his little Snake had been staying since Daisuke had advised that he find somewhere more comfortable to sleep rather than sleeping on the floor, or on a rock slab like he had been doing (or that's what Daisuke thought, he didn't actually know what the man had been sleeping in or on.) or whatever the man had been doing as far as sleeping arrangements went. He had worried about his friend from some time now, but never found himself seeking out the man because of the confrontation he had with the man's alleged "mate". In the back of his mind, Snake had moved on and was with this woman, but the dominate part of his brain was in denial, telling him that the woman was lying to him, and she was just a stupid bitch of a liar. Now that he was finding her scent around Inferni had been unsettling to him, and he couldn't find himself staying away very much longer.

He smoked a few joints before he had moved across the Styx river (the other side was Inferni territory officially, and he lived on the unclaimed side of the river) and he would get his muddy form onto the shore. The golden brute held his largest Optime form, though the man would walk on his fours still, finding his height to be easily seen if he was to stand on his two legs. He held no weapon, Snake breaking his blades a months back, and Daisuke never knowing how to really fix them. It didn't matter, all he would need would be his teeth, his claws, and his fists and legs. He could work with hand to hand combat, if not then hand to whatever weapon someone wanted to pull out on him. There was no fear within the man right now. Someone would have to teach the 225 pound mass of muscle some sort of lesson, even though they would really be wasting their time since Daisuke didn't really learn lessons from being beat up. He just figured he lost a game.

Daisuke shook his fur from the mud and the water that clung to it as he had started to move through the burnt lands. He made sure his last joint didn't get wet as he had moved out of the water and onto land. He did not touch his joint yet until he shook it dry. Then he would take it within his pierced maw and take a lighter and light the end of it. He inhaled the smoke and walked on, this time rising to his hind legs. Once he had found himself a good tree to sit under, he had sat under it, and finished his joint. With him being on the lands for a good twenty minutes, his joint long gone by that time, he would wonder where everyone was. He would get up again, and start to move his golden form through the wooded area, the sun bouncing off of his sun-colored pelt as he would walk through the forest, a stupid stoned grin sitting on his stupid maw. Someone please come and knock the shit out of this bastard. You'd be doing him a favor.

Daisuke Speaks

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oh hay

When he had first smelt the marijuana, he had guessed it was Razekiel. This would have acceptable for Gabriel until he caught the other scent that came with it. Wolf. Male wolf. The Inferni leader felt heat begin to rise in his chest, a familiar and welcomed feeling. Though he was more wolf then coyote, though he sired wolf-children, though a wolf lived in his ranks, Gabriel hated wolves. He hated them for everything that had been done to him, to his family, to the strangers he had welcomed into his protection and watched fall.

There was a yellow wolf in his forest. The Aquila’s body was all but ready to launch forward, to end the bastard’s life and slaughter him then and there. A two-hundred pound mass of muscle and black-tipped fur crept along the underbrush, amber eyes burning in the sunlight. Years of training and of practice had made him all but silent, and there was no rush in his steps. If the wolf was to continue into his land, Gabriel would see it would come to an end. A need rose within him, one that he recognized, one that he had not felt since destroying Haku.

His muscles tensed into steel springs and the Aquila pinned his ears against his head. Silent and poised to attack, he waited.

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OOC: wassup?

Daisuke started to hum to himself lightly as he stuck his nose to the ground. The golden tail of the other man had been wagging peacefully behind him as he walked around, a bug in the back of his mind telling him to be a little bit more careful about how he walked, or where he walked, or something of the sort that would promptly be ignored by the Loner. He was searching for that bitch's scent so he would be able to drag her by her tail and drown her in the river that he had made his home on the other side of. He did not catch her scent, but the overwhelming scent of the Alpha male of Inferni, which did contribute to the smell of Inferni itself. The smell that he was used to clinging to all Infernians. It was a strong smell, but he was not concerned about it (even though he should have been because there had been a predator waiting in the brush for him) because he did not realize that the reason that the smell was so strong was not because the man had pissed close to where Daisuke was located, but he was smelling the man so strong because he was around here.

The man walked on his fours for another good 30 or 40 feet before he would stand up on his hinds and look around. He would see a shadow move, but did not make the form out to be any danger at the moment, but he did stare in that direction for quite some time. His torn ear was perked towards the spot where the shadow had disappeared into. He didn't know who it was, and he wasn't aware that it was really anyone anyways. The shadow disappeared too fast for him to really figure out if it was big enough to be something to be of danger to him. Daisuke would cock his head in that direction, his feet long stopped from moving as he stood there, his fur that was shaved from his back would stand on edge (he looked funny when it came to his back because he would have thick fur where his wings were not placed, but then he's have the shaved spots as well, and when his hair stood on edge, he looked like a badly shaved peacock) on instinct. The loner would push his weight from one leg to another, his eyes still on that bush, him still expecting for something to come out before he shook his head and he had moved to a tree and he grabbed onto a branch that was within his reach, and he had quickly worked at taking it down. He would keep his eye over towards where that shadow disappeared at as he had taken down the branch. It took a good amount of tugging for him to get it down and once he did, he took off the extra branches and he had measured how much room he had, and how far he would need to stand if he was to reach this out to that bush.

Daisuke cocked his large wolf head as he had moved towards the bush, and he reached his stick he had out to the bush to poke whatever was behind it, if anything at all. For all he knew, he could have just been paranoid and been seeing things. A stoned grin still stayed on his face though as he poked at the bush with that branch he had taken down.

Daisuke Speaks

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busy and all that. But I couldn't resist this thread. :>

The yellow wolf was large. Gabriel sized him up as he moved. Under his sunny coat there was lean muscle, but it was apparent to Gabriel that the stranger was not a person who regularly trained. That did not mean he would not be dangerous. His size was enough to make him a threat. Crouched low in the brush the Aquila saw his suspicions come to fruition. The clearly stoned wolf grabbed a large branch from a tree and fashioned it into a weapon. His haunches bunched, ready to spring.

So when the wolf thrust the branch at him, Gabriel let out a snarl and flew. He close the distance in one leap, and with his second was after the wolf. His eyes blazed with the thrill of battle, yet there was no joy in him. Ivory teeth snapped at the stranger, intent on drawing blood. If he could grab the stranger he would kill him. If not, he would fall back to his coyote training and run him off.

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OOC: pft, I could barely resist this thread, so totally get you. (plus we were supposed to have a thread with these two awhile back anywayssssssss) I also am assuming he's in lupus or secui form, I didn't see any form mentioned <3

It only took a prod of the bush until there was a wolf almost at his throat. It was a wolf all right, because Daisuke knew for sure that this was too big to be a coyote. Snake was the tallest one he saw that was not hybridized. In defense, he would pull the branch up and defended himself (surprisingly) with the stick, the ivory fangs of the other catching a part of the branch that could easily been bitten through and he snapped it in two real quick. Daisuke had a delighted look on his face, and was happy that his reflexes still decided to work, even if he was toppled over by this large wolf, just because of the surprise of the animal flying out at him. Snapping the branch in two had given Daisuke a thick end of the branch that he would still hold for the same use he just used it for. It would take the wolfman at least two or three bites to get through the thicker end, and Daisuke was well aware of this. If Daisuke was to shove the complete end to the wolf, he could give the man a mouthful of wood, maybe a few splinters on his gums, and tongue. As he was toppled over though, he had given a tuck and roll before he was back on his feet in front of the wolf again. A stupid grin was on the stoned face. He'd have to keep in mind not to giggle too much, even though every time he thought about not giggling, he giggled, and now was not a moment in when he did not giggle lightly as he guarded his chest and neck with the stick. He danced there for a moment, much like a boxer would dance in the ring. His stupid tail wagging. I've got to remember, that this is just a game.

Hello, sir. a stoned, yet polite tone was to overtake his voice, after all, he held nothing against anybody here...Well except maybe the one who was within the same ranking he would be if he ever joined the clan. Daisuke didn't join Inferni for his own reasons, the punk finding the large claiming of lands to be one of the most horrible ideas invented. Daisuke's tail wagged lightly, smile still on pierced maw. You're a beautiful creature, sir. the words in the form of a compliment had passed his lips as he finally was able to really see the man. He was a particular pattern that he had not seen too much of, if at all. And scars would make his appearance better, a tongue would run over lips as he had seen those scars on that body, and he just wished to trace them with his fingers. He wouldn't be allowed to though, because something was happening...

Daisuke Speaks

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Hey, Jacoby! Mel invited me here. I'm going away on vacation, so I'll make a post and you two can NPC Hybrid being his cranky old self for the rest of the thread. 8D And if I get back and this thread is still going, I'll definitely reply again!

Hybrid had never thought he would encounter this wolf again. Not after he and Mason had chased him out of Inferni for a first time. Who was stupid enough to tresspass on Inferni's territory not once, but twice? Clearly, the answer to this question stood before him.

Hybrid had followed Gabriel to the southernmost river, watching quietly from behind. Hybrid had not felt any compelling reason to do so: he simply made the decision to follow the Aquila, and so, he did. Now, from his slightly elevated perch, he could see it had been a good decision. The wolf poked at Gabriel with a stick only for the hybrid to leap out of the undergrowth, fangs bared. Hybrid had to fight the urge to immediately rush to his leader's rescue; he had to plan this well or it would just be a scrappy mess.

When the yellow wolf drawled something about how "beautiful" Gabriel was, it was the last straw. No wolf had the right to tresspass on Inferni's territory smelling like pot and saying such things to their leader. Hybrid didn't even understand why the wolf had said it: just that he had.

The yellow wolf was in his Optime form and Hybrid, as always, was in his Secui form. Old reliable, he would probably say. However, this was not to Hybrid's disadvantage: he had fought -- and won -- a fight in the same way. The other fight had been against an untrained female, while this fight would be with Gabriel against a particularly hulk-like wolf. It would certainly be a challenge; but Hybrid was prepared.

He tried to sneak up from behind and launched himself at the wolf. He sought to bite the wolf's calves and sever the muscle -- or, at least make him bleed a little. Whatever the outcome, it would satisfy Hybrid. As long as there was blood.


Gabriel is in his lupus form, J.

His teeth close around and broke off part of the branch. The Aquila had overshot his target and circled wide, staring down at the sunny coat of the stranger. Despite his state, the boy had his wits about him (at least, his body did) and was on his feet quickly. Not enough time for another attack. The wolf giggled. It was a noise that did not only offend Gabriel, but infuriate him. Yet he held his position and waited, studying the way the wolf moved. He was fast. He was jumpy. He had fought before, and knew his strength was in that speed. Good. Gabriel had trained with coyotes much faster than himself, much faster than any other wolf.

The boy mocked him again, wagged his tail, told him he was beautiful. A deep and terrible noise began to rise within Gabriel’s chest. It was met by a silent reign of terror coming from behind the wolf. Hybrid rushed at the stranger, as Gabriel would have expected, and this was enough for him. With a roar the smaller (though much heavier) hybrid rushed at the stranger’s armed hand. This would be no different then Andre.

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J talks: danke <3

Maybe god wanted me to be
N O T H I N G S P E C I A L.

Oceanic eyes were on the coy-wolf (though he looked more wolf, and Daisuke could barely tell the difference) as the male stood there in his lupus form. He spoke no words. Just snarled. Daisuke's smile did not falter, and he still danced on his two feet. Right, left, right, left, one leg would pop up, and the other down. Daisuke saw no danger within this situation. The showing of teeth did tell him in his mind to be submissive, instinctively bred into him, but the other part of his mind was telling him(the more dominate part of his mind) was telling him that he was perfectly fine and that this was a game, no matter how serious to man in front of him was. He also had the extra chemicals flowing in his brain that made everything less serious as well. Where he was quick with reacting to the lupus male, he had not noticed that there was another being behind him, waiting in the brush for him to make a move. Daisuke would only dance there, and when the man rushed at him, his ears caught the movement before his eyes were able to move back to see what it was, and before his eyes were able to catch the sight of the being who would charge at him, he'd feel his left foot being clutched within the jaws of another. A surprised and short yelp escaped Daisuke's maw, but it was not a pained yelp, just a surprised one. While eyes were working on identifying what was going on with his leg, he had almost missed the form of the other man rushing towards him.

Daisuke, for the moment did not worry about the familiar man that was attached to his leg, because he was about to have another problem, so he swung the rest of the branch he had towards the rushing black saddled man. The secui man on his leg though had been determined to yank his leg out from under him. The other would pull and tug at his leg and Daisuke had no choice but to let go of the branch. He let out a frustrated grumble as he pulled his leg towards him, and he had taken a fist and smashed the heavily scarred man in the face several times to get him off his foot. Once he was successful with that, Daisuke had jumped back, away from the two men and he looked at the two men. A smile formed on his lips. Tag is only fun when there's one person who's it, you know. the man spoke, a childish grin on his face as he stood there for a moment. I never caught any names, Mine is Daisuke, nice to meet both of ya. he spoke and gave a wink. His foot was bleeding, leaving a trail of blood under his foot as he backed up against a tree trunk. A smile was on his face still as he gave a quick glance towards the branch that was above him in the tree. If he was lucky, that would be his escape, if escape was necessary.


303. Hurrah! Thanks for waiting for me. Smile

Success! The word and meaning echoed through Hybrid’s mind as his teeth closed in on his target and his victim yelped in pain. Hybrid twisted, trying to deepen his hold on the wolf and tear more wounds in the short time he had. The yellow wolf was momentarily distracted by Gabriel now rushing at him and dropped the branch. Again, it seemed as things were going well. Without his weapon, the familiar intruder was without a means of defending himself. While the Optime form was certainly agile, fighting in it required a weapon if you wanted to extend your reach. Without his branch, his reach was diminished and the wolf only had his hands.

The taste of blood was thick in Hybrid’s mouth now, but the wolf was determined to put up a fight. Hybrid loosened his grip, about to refocus his attack, when he felt the wolf’s hand come down on his head. He wolf had clubbed him! Shocked, Hybrid felt himself stumble in a slight daze. He tried to regain his focus and snarled, dropping lower and baring his fangs at his attacker. He did not want to be anywhere within reach of the yellow wolf's fists! He followed up his last small movement and tried to bite the hand and grab a hold of it in his teeth.

The intruder retreated and Hybrid followed. He began to speak and glanced away for a moment. Hybrid stalked after him, following his movements with his eyes. He was not sure why the wolf had glanced above him, but it did not really matter. Hybrid dove to one side and attacked the wolf again, this time using his powerful back legs to push himself to his feet and lash out with his forelegs in an attempt to hold and bite the wolf again.


The wolf was disarmed. Gabriel tossed the branch away with one shake of his head. He couldn’t believe the boy was still talking, still trying to reason with people who clearly didn’t want him there. A deep rumble continued to rise in his throat, for Gabriel did not doubt that the stranger was mad. So few came to Inferni for any reason outside of bloodshed. This doubt had caused him to attack, to read defense as a means for violence, and Gabriel had allowed it to pass. He didn’t need to reason with them.

Hybrid seemed to echo these thoughts, rushing in once more. Without waiting to see if the impact took, the sable-brushed Aquila lowered his head and charged. There was a false rush to the side, and then Gabriel leapt towards the arm. Ivory teeth snapped in a scissor bite inherited from his dog ancestors, intending not to hold but to cut and tear and rend.

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OOC: tell me if i need to change anything

The heavily scarred 'yote had become familiar in the eyes of Daisuke, his memory finally bringing up the meeting with the younger, Mason boy in the territory when Daisuke found himself here for the first time. A smile was on his face. I remember you. Still looking as handsome as ever if I do say so myself. the golden man spoke to the red-eyed beast. The golden man's tail wagged lightly as his back pressed against the tree trunk. Clawed hands touched the bark behind him before the scarred 'yote rushed at Daisuke yet again. Daisuke figured that this was the best time to get out of the way, so his hands shot up to that branch he was looking at before, hands gripped the bark as strong biceps would aim to lift himself off of the ground. He was lifted to say the least, and he kicked out at the scarred man as he went to pull his legs up and out of the way.

Daisuke went to pull the rest of him up into the tree, but the sluggish reaction was a little bit too slow for the second being that would charge at him, who ended up getting the tip of his golden tail fully in the grip of his mouth. Daisuke pulled away. Between the male's teeth, he heard and felt the crunch of the tiny bones in his tail that had given him an adrenaline rush that shivered through his body. He couldn't help but let a manic giggle pass his lips as the pain shot through his body and turned into pleasure. A shiver ran up his spine, and all the man could do was pull away from the other man. He kicked out as he pulled his body up towards the tree, his clawed feet kicking in air and then tree bark as he climbed up the tree. The popping of his tail bones and the ripping of flesh bothered him none, the man didn't really even notice that the whole tip of his ripped from his possession. He felt it, because obviously, there was the sudden pressure release on his tail and he was able to crawl into the tree. He would look down at the two and he took his tail into his hand. He looked at his bloodied tail and giggled. Either I'm getting slow or you two are really fast. the man commented, a smile still on his face.

Daisuke quickly moved onto one of the higher branches and sat down on it, looking down at the two on the ground. Quick Question. The man would tell the two. How far North does Inferni go now? bloodied tail wagged gently as blood dripped from the end of it as he sat where he was in the tree. When they would follow, he would make sure to jump back on the ground and start running 'skipping' towards the river where his home was located.

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Hybrid stumbled forward as he lashed out, trying to attack the other creature. Unfortunately, the wolf pulled himself in to the tree as Hybrid launched himself at him, and Hybrid reeled as he tried to catch his balance. His claws dug in to the tree as he tried to regain his balance and not fall over: being upright was certainly difficult. While his Secui form afforded him the luxury of going four- or two-legged, he certainly preferred the latter. In contrast, this wolf, though a little out of his right mind, seemed to be faring much better on two legs. Despite this setback, Gabriel was still able to claim some of the wolf’s tail: there were little bits of yellow fur tainted with the colour of blood now scattered around the scene of the battle.

The wolf spoke, but like the other times, he was not really saying much. While it had been the wolf’s words that enraged Hybrid initially, he could now see that this wolf was rambling on about something, but not saying a whole lot.

Once he regained his balance, Hybrid snapped at the wolf and tried to swat at the yellow bits of fur he could see hiding in the tree. His depth perception was still a little off from when the wolf had hit him in the head, but the tree couldn’t have been all that tall. After all, the wolf had managed to get up there; how tall could it be?

But soon enough, the wolf had relocated to a higher branch and was saying something – again, but this time about Inferni. Hybrid replied with a snarl, refusing to dignify the fool’s question with an answer.


He gripped down on something and held. It was a wolfish thing to do. Gabriel sometimes hated the fact that he was still instinctively a wolf, even though he had done everything in his power to forget that. Yet his grip remained iron against the flesh and he was rewarded with a terrible ripping sound. Once before he had heard something like it, and the noise startled him so badly his mouth opened almost immediately. The damage was done. At his feet lay a cross-section of the wolf’s tail, as cleanly taken as if it was the head of a flower. It not only horrified Gabriel he had done such a thing, but it sickened him too—his own brother had been ripped apart by a wolf, and here he was, doing the same.

Then another voice (he did not immediately recognize it as such, but it was his mother’s) spoke to him. An eye for an eye, it said. Gabriel’s face darkened and he understood that this was the truth. He had done only what was owed to him. It did not matter the wolf who had killed Baneesh was dead. All that mattered was that this wolf had given the blood the boy had lost. Some of it, at least. There was always a need for more. Gabriel’s pile of bodies would perhaps never be complete.

The idiot wolf kept speaking. Hybrid looked too infuriated to even hear him. Gabriel bared his teeth. “As far as the skulls,” he warned. “Now you best get down from there before another patrol comes along. There won’t be enough for all of us then.”

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