Time flies when you're having fun

Ooc: Occurs a day and a bit after their meeting with Cowslip

Jace sniffed at the strange hard substance beneath her paws, it smelt vile, tainted and unnatural. She looked up at the sky and thought to herself 'What odd creatures humans must have been, how did they put up with all these horrible smells.' Although they didn't know it, she and Temo had arrived in the abandoned town of Halifax. The strange human dens filled Jace with a sense of foreboding and she knew she would rather sleep in the outside exposed to the elements than in one of those caged in traps. She turned and looked at Temo, who looked less afraid of the houses and human things,

"What do you think of it? Do you think there's anything on the other-side of here? or should we go back to the forest?" Fear of the unknown made her hunker down slightly, a small whimper forced its way up her throat. She had never seen so much human stuff in once place before, it was terrifying.


Jace "talks", 'thinks', and walks.


Table by Kaena Lykoi <3

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Temo Wolfe

Temo padded silently next to Jace as they approached the abandoned city. Stopping when she did to sniff at the hard and unyielding substance that the wind hadn't let get completely covered by soil. The broken windows looking like empty eye sockets staring back at them, his eyes wander to the tall and empty buildings further into the center of the town. His first time seeing the old human dwellings, but remembering the pictures he looked at in the books his birth pack had saved from the ravages of time.

Looking over at Jace when she talked to him. Seeing in her eyes that she was a bit afraid of the massive endeavors of the humans. Moving slightly so his shoulder presses up against hers, he studies the buildings and skeletons of the vehicles scattered between them, his eyes returning to the skyscrapers in the near distance. "There is an end to this on the far side, but we don't need to go through. There is nothing for me in there and I would feel better, too, if we stayed to the forest and went around."


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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Jace bumped her head against Temo's for comfort, the overwhelming loneliness had died mostly since they had traveled together.

"There is an end to this on the far side, but we don't need to go through. There is nothing for me in there and I would feel better, too, if we stayed to the forest and went around." She nodded her head at his statement, her limbs shaking with her desire to leave this horrid place. She looked up at the rapidly darkening sky, night was approaching and so was a storm,

"Maybe we should find shelter for tonight or at least until the storm blows over, I don't like the look of those clouds. It could end up in a fire if lightning decides to strike." Apprehension colored her voice and her expression. She had been witness to a few forest fires in her life and they had not been pleasant to escape. She retreated a few steps back towards the section of forest they had come from, her ears pressed flat against her head and her fur sticking up on end.


Jace "talks", 'thinks', and walks.


Table by Kaena Lykoi <3

.jace-mountains .ooc {font-style:italic; }
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Temo Wolfe

Looking at the sky, watching the clouds begin to pile up as it starts to get dark. Temo turns to Jace as she speaks and he could hear the apprehension in her voice and see it in her eyes. "Yes, shelter is a good idea."Temo turns in front of her forcing her to turn away from the city and they head back into the woods.

Back in the forest, out of sight of the empty windows that stared at them, they stop at a small stream for a drink before searching for shelter from the impending storm. As they work their way through and around the trees, he spies a couple of rabbits and before they new it, became dinner. They continue the search as big drops of rain begin to spatter the ground and them. They arrive at a large evergreen tree with a spot big enough for both between the roots.

Just as the rain turns into a heavy downpour they settle down under the tree, their backs to the roots and the branches hanging over them swaying in the breeze. Together, Jace and Temo quietly enjoy a rabbit dinner with the tree sheltering them from the wind and rain as day gives way to night.


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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Jace turned as Temo herded her back into the forest, she was still pensive about the upcoming storm and it showed in the way she held her body. Although she felt a little better after they moved away from the oppressive unnaturalness and strangeness of the human town.

She loped after him through the forest, soon they left the human place behind a ways . She startled as he suddenly disappeared off into the brush but soon relaxed again when he returned with two delicious looking young rabbits for them to share. She gratefully took one in her jaws and again loped after him as they searched for somewhere to settle for the night, the heavens soon opened up and began showering them with rain just as they found a suitable spot.

Slinking under the shelter of the evergreen tree, she shook off the water that had collected on her fur and wriggled in next to Temo in the small space to enjoy the meal. When the thunder crashed she cowered some but not as much as she would've done had she been alone. Eventually the day's adventure pulled her into a light sleep as the night wore on


Jace "talks", 'thinks', and walks.


Table by Kaena Lykoi <3

.jace-mountains .ooc {font-style:italic; }
.jace-mountains p {padding:0px 20px 5px 20px; margin:0px; text-indent:35px;}
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Temo Wolfe

After enjoying a much needed meal and his stomach satisfied for the moment. Temo stares out into the inky blackness of the rain, listening to the hiss the rain produced on the trees, sleep slowly overtaking him. Suddenly being woken up as the lightening playing across the sky momentarily lights up the trees and the thunder slowly rolls after the lightening.

Feeling Jace cower a little from the thunder, he lays his head across her neck in hopes she will feel safe from the storm. Closing his eyes, sleep comes again to him despite the storm lightening up his eyelids and thunder playing through his ears from time to time as the storm passes over them and continues further away, slowly fading in the distance while they slumbered.


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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As she slept Jace automatically shuddered when the thunder rolled and the lightning crashed. Stopping only once Temo has laid his head over her neck. The storm continued on over and passed them until it ran out of sufficient energy to survive.

Jace woke up to birds singing, and to the heavy weight of Temo's head resting on her neck. She laid there for a few minutes and savored the feeling of having a companion with her, then slowly she wriggled out from under him, so as not to disturb him and stretched in the morning light. She felt like shifting again for the first time in almost a year. She concentrated on the place inside her where the change came from and pulled its power.

Her shift to Secui form took longer than it ever had done before because she had not shifted in a long long time. 30 minutes later she stood in Secui form, and looked up at the sky, her pants labored as though she had been running flat out for miles and miles. In her Secui form she had put on 57 pounds, her fur had thickened to almost immense proportions around her body. Her partially curled over ears twitched and swiveled picking up the sounds of the forest and she slowly regained her breath.

The shift to Optime took half the time the first shift did and she pushed herself from four paws on the ground to two and rotated her head on her shoulders, several cracks announced her spine repositioning itself, she had gained a further 36 pounds during her shift to optime although she was still very small. The top part of her optime mane was separated into lots of small plaits, each plait held in by a small rawhide tie and an antler bead at the end. She shook her head and the small beads clacked against each other, the wind catching and tugging a few of the plaits.

She looked the same in all of her forms; black muzzle leading onto a white face and ears with tan circles around her eyes and on the tips of her ears that had never fully straightened and curled over slightly. From the back of her neck to the beginning of her tail was a dark brown saddle that morphed into light grey on her sides before darkening as it traveled down her legs into a dark grey on her paws. Her throat, chest, belly and abdomen were a pure snow white as well as the majority of her tail apart from a small tan tip right at the end. Her left eye was a piercing blue while her right was a dark whiskey amber. Her two necklaces hung from her neck; one that belonged to her and the other her dead twin sister.


Jace "talks", 'thinks', and walks.


Table by Kaena Lykoi <3

.jace-mountains .ooc {font-style:italic; }
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Temo Wolfe

Although thunderstorms don't bother him a lot, he was feeling safer and better having someone with him. A quiet sigh as he slowly drifted off to sleep laying next to Jace having his head draped over her neck. Partially waking up up but not opening his eyes when he felt her wriggle out from under his head.

Remaining quiet and half asleep as he listens to the morning songs that nature sings via the birds, wind, and other forest denizens as they scurried through their worlds looking for breakfast. His ear swivels in Jace's direction when he hears her spine crack. He opens an eye a crack to see her in her optime form.

Watching her through partially closed lids, an odd feeling flows through him. A feeling that he had felt from time to time recently. Rolling onto his side and stretching his legs out one way and nose the other, his spine and other joints cracking. He pauses with his eyes closed as his stomach growls it's emptiness at him and he ponders the possibility of hunting down some breakfast.


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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She smoothed her fur down somewhat nervously with her paws and set her braids straight. She picked up the feather hanging from one of the necklaces and stared at it sadly for a few seconds, remembering her lost twin. She thrusts the thoughts away, not willing to think about them just yet. She turned around and focused her gaze on the assumed to be, still sleeping Temo. A small, slightly evil grin crossed her muzzle.

She lowered the front of her body down onto her forepaws, her tail wagged furiously behind her in excitement, and begins to stalk towards his prone form. She froze as he seemed to wake up but realizing he was still half asleep she crouched down in the grass, wriggling her hindquarters and then she suddenly pounced on him yelling,



Jace "talks", 'thinks', and walks.


Table by Kaena Lykoi <3

.jace-mountains .ooc {font-style:italic; }
.jace-mountains p {padding:0px 20px 5px 20px; margin:0px; text-indent:35px;}
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Temo Wolfe

As his muscles stretch and joints pop while he stretched out, bringing a slight smile to his muzzle as he enjoyed the feelings that stretching brings. Breathing in deeply the cold, damp morning air and smelling the moldy loam of the forest mixed in the air.

His eyes snapped open as he felt a sudden change in the air, but it was too late. Just as he heard "Dog Pile!" in Jace's voice, a furry mass lands on top of him. The "OOF!" that escapes his lips getting smothered by the furball attacking him. Growling at his attacker, he rolls and taking Jace with him, and rolls them both through the leaves.


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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She laughed in a high pitched voice as her quarry rolled over, taking her lithe form with him. She growled in play and chewed on an ear, pawing at his flanks. She wriggled around, trying to pin his squirming body underneath her toned thighs in a strange game of 'king of the hill'. She tugged his ear before letting go and grabbing onto a hind leg and dragging him a short ways through the leaf litter

"Give up, you know you're not gunna win" Her still puppyish voice squealed in her early perceived triumph


Jace "talks", 'thinks', and walks.


Table by Kaena Lykoi <3

.jace-mountains .ooc {font-style:italic; }
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Temo Wolfe

Finding it difficult to growl as he hears Jace laugh, he continues to growl but with a bit of wolfish laugh in it. He switches between chewing on her arms, neck, or ears as they roll around in the leaves and dirt. His paws pushing at her body as he squirms around keeping from getting pinned.

Taking a few deep breaths when she grabs his hind leg and drags him across the forest floor. With laughter in his voice, he barks "NEVER!". Then using her grip for leverage, pulling the leg she's holding into himself and getting himself closer to her, he curls and twists his body, hooking his front paws on her legs, pinning them to his chest as she trips from the sudden inability to walk.


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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She giggled as she fell to the floor, and twisted around as she tumbled over herself, trying to nip at his exposed onyx colored flanks. She pulled one leg from his grip and wriggled around trying to free the second one before she gave up and attacked him with her tongue. She licked at any part she could reach while using excessive drool and mussing his fur up the wrong way and making sure to get the insides of his ears.


Jace "talks", 'thinks', and walks.


Table by Kaena Lykoi <3

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Temo Wolfe

Temo laughed while Jace tumbled over herself. He squirmed around to keep her from biting his flanks as tears of laughter dripped from his eyes. suddenly he gave her a dirty look as she licked against the grain of his fur and broke out laughing more. When she licked inside his ear, he suddenly stops for half second then shook his head and slapped her muzzle with his ears.


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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She bared her teeth and growled playfully as his ears slapped her muzzle and snapped at them, timing her jaws shutting to be too slow to do any damage. She nosed him over onto his side and stood up, shaking her fur she watched with interest as dirt and bits of leaves were shaken free, her tail wagging to and fro. She laughed and looked down as her stomach rumbled before looking back at Temo,

"How abouts we see if we can scrounge up something to eat?" Her tongue lolled out of her mouth as she panted quietly.


Jace "talks", 'thinks', and walks.


Table by Kaena Lykoi <3

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Temo Wolfe

Laid on his side after being nosed over, Temo closed his eyes and panted softly. As a hopeful ray of sunshine creeped through the clouds and trees to illuminate them, he rolled onto his back and let the sun warm his belly. His tail lazily wagged back and fourth in the dirt. When Jace spoke to him about getting some food, he cracked an eye open and looked at her and pondered for a moment and soaked up more sun. Then, when his stomach signaled it's vote on the matter, he says "Sure."

With that, Temo rolls over and jumps up, then vigorously shakes his fur out creating a cloud of dust, leaves and other forest floor detritus around him. As the dust settled, he asked Jace "What shall we find for a meal today?"


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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She laughed as Temo rolled onto his back to soak up the sun like some kind of strange plant. She closed her eyes momentarily, basking in the sun herself, warming up for the day ahead. She wondered what trials would await them now they had reached Souls and if they would settle or remain wanderers forever. She looked over at Temo thoughtfully but with little expression on her face before grinning as his tail began wagging.

"You're such a puppy", she sneezed as dust from his fur invaded her sensitive nose and thought about his question as to the contents of their meal. She shrugged her shoulders, her ears rotating upon her head,

"Whichever leaps from its bonds to life and into my stomach the fastest."


Jace "talks", 'thinks', and walks.


Table by Kaena Lykoi <3

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Temo Wolfe

He was about to say something to her "puppy" comment when the dust he stirred up caused him to go into a sneezing fit. The sneezes over, he shook his head and paused to make sure the sneezing was over. He glanced at a few parts of the woods, then looked at jace, "I guess the next question is: which direction shall we go?"


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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She sniggered at his sneezing fit and then considered his question,

"Hmmm, well, we came from that direction, She nodded in the direction they had come from "So if we keep going that way, then we can search for food and see if theres anything up there.


Jace "talks", 'thinks', and walks.


Table by Kaena Lykoi <3

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Temo Wolfe

He looked one way, then the other and pondered for a second. "Sounds good." Temo turned and walked into the forest in the specified direction. As they proceeded into the forest together, his nose tested the air for possible pray that would do better digesting in their stomachs than running around the forest.


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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