Building piece by piece

OOC: <3

Shawchert was happy with the foundation of his new home, and he was quite happy with the logs that he’d gathered, and stripped as well. Though this was not a single wolf’s job, he didn’t want to pester the other pack members into helping him build the house. He’d already formed the frame of the house, he was happy with it. He did it all by himself, the nails he’d found in the town he and Skye had found, scavenged from an old shop. The hammer, same shop, and the wood, he carved up himself, it had taken him days, but he had finished that, now it was time to build up. The day was cold, but Shawchert was actually sweating a little, his little home was coming together, piece by piece. He lifted up a piece of log he’d shaped out for the floor of his home. It was perfect. He didn’t mind the soft dirt under his feet, but if he could keep from being too cold, he would and the floor would make it less cold. He started with that, feeling that would help him out more. He started hammering the boards in place, the sound of it shooting through the forest. He hummed as he worked. He was going to make the best home. He’d add on to it, make a basement in the summer, do what he needed that would simplify his life.

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OOC: Image © Jacoby, Coding © Sie; Hope you don't mind me snagging this to use as the 4th thread prompt; 391 words

Izaak was out and about once more. Once again he had traveled away from Inferni. He had nothing else to do but to wander aimlessly. Or at least that is how he saw it. Sure, he had a rank but he didn't actually qualify for what it meant. He couldn't fight, didn't have a real interest in it or anything, and he lacked the attention span to actually be taught. Honestly he didn't fit anywhere among the ranks and so he had taken to aimless wandering instead. But then again that is what he had always done. It was the freedom that being in Canada gave him. He didn't have to sit around inside all of the time any longer. He was free to walk away on his own f he chose to do so. And quite often he chose to do so.

Once again he was wandering through the area where he had gotten Blitzen from and of course the reindeer was right at his side again. "Erinnern Sie sich an diesem Ort Blitzen?" As always he was talking to the reindeer as if it could actually speak back. Of course that had never stopped before and that certainly wasn't about to stop him now. Why should it? He used to carry on whole conversations with himself before he had gotten Blitzen to talk to instead. So it was just natural to him. At least he had a name to fill in where before he would just speak out loud and answer himself. So yes, Blitzen at least had him not answering himself. At least not out loud. Instead he allowed silence to linger as if the albino animal had added in an answer instead.

"Was machst du?" He asked the wolf that was doing whatever he was doing. He had no idea that he was trespassing now. The other times that he had come through the area it had been unclaimed so he had no idea that it had changed. Though he did find it odd that this large male was building some sort of structure in a place where others traveled through. In the place around where Izaak had first come across Blitzen. Izaak came over closer and knelt down to look at what the other was doing though the loud sound had Blitzen hanging back a bit.

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OOC: Last reply for the night <3 sorry it is short, i'll do better next time around ^^

Shaw was normally a rather calm and quite a happy wolf, a stranger’s voice in the middle of his lands made him bristle, he turned his eye to the boy that stood near him to see what he was doing. Shawchert, normally thinking about how intimidating he was and making himself less so, stood to full height and looked down at the coyote, his eyes bore down on him.

What are you doing here? You don’t belong here, you are trespassing.

He stated, the hammer in one hand was being clutched tightly, though Shaw knew how to use a sword he wasn’t about to use the hammer on the boy unless he had a really really good explanation for being inside his borders. He was very protective of his lands, though he knew they use to be a traveling place between packs, but his scent as well as the whole packs scent had already settled in the borders, the biggest of indications that the area was now claimed. The coyote must not have a sense of smell then, Shawchert concluded, to be this far into Cercatori… and not know he was now in claimed lands. Either that or really dumb Shawchert told himself, but soon made his mind wander somewhere else, he did not judge anyone based on looks or even a first encounter…

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OOC: Image © Jacoby, Coding © Sie; It is fine hun, no worries. Thanks for letting me use it for the prompt; 311 words

There wasn't a fence or stakes marking out the territory as it did around Inferni so he had ignored the scents, figuring it as those that has passed through. But in the case of AniWaya not even a fence had stopped him. There had never been anyone to convince him to respect boundaries and so he didn't really know what he was doing was wrong because he had never been told so before. Because of his age and clear lack of knowledge none had ever thought to reprimand him and had remained rather lenient with him. There were a lot of basic things that everyone knew of and took for granted yet he knew nothing about him. Actually it was quite amazing that he had made it to be almost a year old with all of the survival skills that he lacked.

The boy tilted his head in slight confusion. Why didn't he belong? He had been through here multiple times before. "Ich fand Blitzen in der Nähe. Wir waren zu Besuch." He explained, having stuck to German since the other had made no mention that he couldn't understand him. It was the language that he used with Blitzen anyways. And thinking of the reindeer had him pointing out the creature that remained just a bit behind him. "Dies ist Bltizen." He had introduced his companion but had failed to introduce himself. It was a thought that had just slipped his mind.

"Was ist das?" He asked, pointing to the hammer in Shawchert's hand. "Was tut sie?" He continued to question the other. It seemed that he had quickly and easily forgotten that he wasn't allowed. But then again his attention easily flitted from one thing to the next. After all he had forgotten about the reindeer behind him in favor of whatever it was that Shawchert had in his hand.

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OOC: <3

Shawchert was struck with german… he knew it was german for he’d heard it before, though he understood none of it. He frowned though, as the boy turned to the animal behind him… a reindeer… it was a beautiful thing, though it looked more like food to Shawchert, but it must have been a pet. He stood there for a second.

Do you understand English? I don’t understand that language.

Shawchert said bluntly. He wasn’t sure about this canine in front of him, but it seemed that he was lacking something that Shawchert couldn’t understand, though he still thought the boy trespassing, and he was at least going to be the one to tell him, at least if he could understand what he was saying. It seemed that way for the boy looked confused, but his track of mind had been all over as he spoke then pointed to his deer, then looked and pointed at Shawchert’s hammer. Shaw was quite the confused canine himself.

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OOC: Image © Jacoby, Coding © Sie; 380 words

When he was questioned the coyote child nodded his head. "I unerstans." Though he didn't speak it all that well. There were just words he couldn't quite get his tongue around because of his accent. He could at least understand and speak it to a degree, as long as grammar and exact pronunciation wasn't taken into account. Those there he didn't do so well but he tried at least. He tried to make himself understood. That was all anyone could really expect or ask of him, wasn't it? At least the language barrier wasn't completely there. It just took some picking apart of his English to have it understood.

"I says I fines Blitzen heres and we visits." He began translating what he had said before, trying to make it so that the other understood him. "Dis Blitzen." Once again he pointed to the reindeer and introduced him once again. And of course after that he just had to point to the hammer once again. "Was dat? Was do?" And with that he had pretty much translated all that he had spoken before. It wasn't the very best of translation job but it was what he could manage. It wasn't like anyone had ever sat down with him to correct him But then again with his accent, not to mention the way his attention skipped, that would be a hard task to even undertake.

"Blitzen likes berries." Finally, it was one statement that should be easily understood for it had come out correctly. "Yous knows weres berries ares? Cause Blitzen likes dem an we fines heres before but I no fines agains and we looks but no fines." Of course that victory was short lived as he continued to speak. Somewhere in these trees there had been a berry bush from which the berries had been gathered and used to lure Blitzen back to Inferni with him. Izaak had already been on a trip for them before and couldn't find them, then again he hadn't been the one to find them the first time so he really had no idea where to look. Still, he wanted to find some to give to Blitzen as a treat for being such a good boy and following without having to be asked to.

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+3 OOC: <3

Izaak was not the animal Shawchert expected him to be, he thought he’d retaliate if he understood the language, but it seemed that the coyote was merely … well naïve, though Shawchert thought he’d have to explain the reason he ws upset. He looked at the reindeer as he was introduced and that they were visiting, then he changed the subject once again pointing at the hammer in Shawchert’s hand, Shawchert blinked. Before he could even answer, he was again asked another question. Shawchert didn’t understand this animal and in a way he felt very sorry for him. He’d asked about berries, well berries weren’t in season, he frowned, well it seemed there were berry bushes around, though he was no horticulturist.

I’m afraid the berries are out of season, and they aren’t growing anymore this year.

He answered then held his hammer to show the young male.

This is a hammer, it is used to pound nails in wood so that it stays up. See?

Shaw took a nail, put it to the piece he was working on and started banging it lightly till it was in enough that he didn’t have to hold it and hit it a few times so the nail would sink in.

see? And it helps hold the wood in place where it should be.

He said, then he took a deep breath, he had told himself he’d make sure the coyote boy would know that he was trespassing, and that it was quite frowned upon.

You have come to a place that was recently claimed I’m afraid, the scent on the border is there to keep others away unless invited in.

Could he be less than a year old? Shawchert wasn’t sure but he was treating the boy as though he were a youngling, and he had the tone that the boy had done something wrong.

Next time you come, your nose should tell you if the place you want to go to is claimed, if you want a visit, give a howl, it’s polite that way.

He hoped he wasn’t talking to a wall, he didn’t like wasting words. He felt it was prudent to teach him about such things because he knew here were wolves who wouldn’t be so lenient. The naïve boy would have to learn before he was actually attacked. He did feel better even though the boy hadn’t reacted yet, but he wasn’t going to chase him out in any case.

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OOC: Image © Jacoby, Coding © Sie; 509 words

Even though he was given an explanation for why he couldn't find the elusive berries it still didn't help him much. "What outs season means?" It was a phrase that he had never heard of before. So because of that he wasn't sure exactly what he was being told. But the other half he understood and had even given a nod to say that he had understood. "Noes mores berries?" At least that is what he was understand the other to have told him. Or so he believed. At least now he knew that he couldn't find the treat for Blitzen that he had been looking for. And that understanding had him glancing back to the reindeer to speak to his companion. "Es tut mir leid, nicht mehr Beeren." He reached back to rub the animal on the head as he apologized to him.

"Hammer? Nails? Woods?" He mimicked the words that had been used. He was trying to learn. He was trying to commit it all to memory. But still it was a lot to take in all at once. Though once he was shown he started to understand a bit more. When Shawchert had moved to start hammering the coyote child had moved closer in order to see just what he was doing. "Hammer hits nails an nails sticks in woods?" At least that is what appeared to be happening. He reached out a hand to grab the nail that Shawchert had just hammered in and tugged on it but found that it wouldn't come out. "Hows dat happens?" He questioned with a tilt of his head. He had saw it happening but still didn't understand how it was possible.

He was less than a year, even if it was just by a few days. Still it wasn't like he could make up for what he didn't know no matter how old he was. He had never been told before so there was no way that he could know. But that didn't mean that he couldn't be held accountable for his actions. He had to learn some way after all. "I noes louds comes heres noes mores?" The question was timidly placed into the air. The boy had dropped his gaze to stare at the ground. That eager to know and learn mood had quickly started to slip away with the thought that he wasn't wanted. It made him wish Sascha was around. At least his brother/cousin wanted him. When his mother or sisters wanted nothing to do with him he could count on his brother. Silent tears slipped down his cheeks as he wrapped his arms around himself. "I sorries." He apologized, his voice having broken as he did so. When Blitzen noticed the sudden mood shift the reindeer stepped closer to the coyote and nudged its nose against the boy's arm. It was a simple action that had it having requested to be petted. It was an action that Izaak had always taken great pleasure in before, always having remarked how soft Blitzen's nose was.

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+2 OOC: Shaw feels bad for Izaak!!!

It seemed the boy was much more naïve then Shaw had thought. He felt he’d have to treat the young yellow wolf hybrid like a child, which didn’t feel right to him, but it seemed that way.

Out of season means… well there are four seasons, and once one season ends another begins and like your berries they only grow in one of the four seasons, or even two, but they will not grow until that season comes around again.

He wondered if the boy knew about the seasons yet or if he was having trouble understanding what they were, but he’d be able to set him straight. As the boy watched and repeated his words he could tell that he was still confused. He tugged on the nail that Shaw had set in the wood. It seemed the boy the epiphany of a puppy. He still had the mind of a puppy, it seemed strange to Shaw but puppies could be taught as well.

yes it hits the nail and sticks to the wood, it’s just the way things are, if you push on something hard enough it’s gotta go somewhere.

This was why he was not a teacher. He didn’t do such a good job. At the boys reaction to Shaw’s scolding tore at his heart, he wanted to turn around and say that he could come as he pleased, but what if the boy ran into a much more hostile situation.

You are a nice boy, but people are territorial, if you come into their lands, when you smell a pack, they will be very unhappy, you can be welcome here with permission. All you have to do is howl to ask for permission.

He said. His heart twinging, as he heard the apology come out of the boys mouth, it was as though he were the bad guy now, he didn’t want to be.

It’s ok you just made a mistake, you are welcome to stay, maybe you can try your hand at hammering? Just need to be careful not to hit your fingers or it will hurt.

He said, smiling warmly at the boy who was so naïve that he could pass easily as a few month old puppy if not for his size and stature.

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OOC: Image © Jacoby, Coding © Sie; Already talked to you about ending this so I will let you decide what to do, whether you want to add a reply or just archive; 576 words

The boy was uneducated. His mother was too busy worrying about her own desires to bother trying to teach him anything. The only visitors that came were those that were there to give his mother their attention. He was either kept inside of the one roomed shack where they lived in Germany and wasn't allowed out to explore. Or the times that he was sent out, or just ran to get away from his mother's temper, he wasn't allowed to wander too far away from the place where they stayed. He had to always remain within eyesight of the shack so he didn't have much in the way of worldly experience. He didn't know anything about scent markers. Sure, he could smell and all but he didn't know how to decipher the scent of someone having just passed through an area as opposed to someone living within an area. Actually he only knew Inferni's borders because they were clearly marked with the stakes and skulls.

He didn't exactly get the whole seasons lesson. He didn't know how to determine the difference in seasons. "It wah hots an nows it colds." That was about as much knowledge as he had on seasons. Just the differences in temperatures were all that he knew. He didn't realize that these had any relations to actual seasons though. All he knew was that it had been warmer than it was now when he had found Blizten. Just as he had no idea that Blitzen had gotten separated from a migratory herd. There were so many basics that everyone took for granted that he had no idea about.

And it being Izaak didn't make it any easier. He lacked the basics of knowledge so he had to be taught all of that before being explained the answer to his questions. It was only the kindness, or perhaps pity, of others that he had survived this long. His mother certainly had never cared, not unless he was servicing her appropriately. That was the only time that she cared that he was around. Other than that he went ignored and had learned to entertain himself.

His hands raised up to rub fists against his eyes in order to clear away the tears. The more that he ended up clearing away then the more that slipped down onto his cheeks. Once he grew upset it was hard to bring him out of that downward spiral. But it wasn't like he grew too upset too often either. "I sorries..." Again he was apologizing as he sniffled. His eyes had become trained upon the ground. Not even the offer to allow him to help could change his mood. The only thing he knew was that he was a bad boy and he was hated. Or that was how his mind processed it. "I sorries... I go ways." He sounded utterly heartbroken as he spoke, like his whole world was ending.

He turned and reached over for the reindeer to give him a gentle pat on the side of the neck. "Komm Blitzen, müssen wir gehen." He spoke to the reindeer as he led the way back in the direction that they had come from. Not only could he not find the berries for Blitzen he had learned that they weren't allowed through the area where the caribou had originally migrated through, not allowed in the area where it had gotten lost from the rest of its herd.

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