You Are What You Love

706 Do you mind if this is dated something after Dec 28 and before Jan 1?

Nothing was permanent, it was a universal truth that Nayru had come to understand. Just as the water froze and melted and transformed every year and the river tore at the banks and molded and changed the river banks, everything and everyone was constantly shifting. People especially were constantly creating themselves anew and being molded by those around them, whether the changes were noticeable or so subtle that one could be fooled into a false sense of permanence. "I'll love you forever" never meant "I love you forever", it only meant "I love you for as long as I am able" or "I love you until my feelings for you change". Nayru knew this, despite not knowing love, and she also knew that she was helpless to change the fact. It was merely the way of the world.

The issues laid heavy on her heart that day, as she strolled the river banks of the stream leading out from Oberon's Spring and into the ocean. Already Dahlia de Mai had changed so drastically since the time she had arrived, and only now had she noticed. Her core group of Dahlians had stayed constant, Gideon, Bris, Conor and Saluce, but they were not so stable it seemed. Conor and Bris had brought into the world another soul. Eclipse was growing at an alarming rate, as puppies were prone to do, and Nayru was amazed to see the changes that took place day by day. Eclipse's body was not permanent by any means. Saluce could come and go on a whim it seemed, and though he had returned shortly after their bitter encounter what was to keep him from leaving again? Only his word that he wouldn't, and as Nayru knew, words meant little. Saluce couldn't stay forever, none of them could. If their own paws didn't take them away, death would someday. Perhaps the most terrifying thought for the fae was that Dahlia de Mai itself wasn't permanent. It was only as stable as its members, and as living beings none of them were as stable as they thought.

Yet it wasn't Dahlia de Mai that clouded her thoughts as step after step brought the tiny framed female along the stream. Gideon was. Gideon and his feelings and thoughts were also in a constant flux and lately Nayru had trouble understanding him as wholly as she had in the past. Idly slim fingers fondled the crimson amulet that hung from the delicate chain around her neck. A gift from the boy, and she didn't know quite why but whenever she touched the charm she thought of him and was happy. He had never made her anything but happy in the past, but the feelings she felt now were new. Strange. Nayru too was vulnerable to the natural flow of the universe and the natural evolution of her body, mind and spirit. To pin point when these changes had occurred was impossible, it had been one of those subtle changes that she had overlooked. Taken their friendship for something permanent, incapable of changing. She had been foolish.

Without realizing how long she had been walking Nayru reached the shore, the ocean before her and the stream pumping it's fresh water into the salty liquid. Crimson eyes swept the beach, the water, the sky. It didn't look the same as it had the day before and the knowledge of such changes caused a pang in her heart. When she could walk no father without resorting to swimming the two toned girl turned about and walked back in the other direction, her mind once more lost with the images of others. It was a rare event for her to let herself be so fully absorbed in her own thoughts that she forgot her surroundings. Never did she allow herself the luxury when she was outside of the pack lands, and even within Dahlia de Mai most of her musings went along with her over vigilante habits. Every scent and sound was detected by the girl, she never let herself be caught unaware but for today. Perhaps she couldn't help it. Even the most structured of canines lost themselves at times, nothing was permanent, nothing was certain, not was completely reliable.

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Table by Meghann!


572 words. No problem! Big Grin

In a way, she hoped winter would be there forever. It kept people indoors, staying cozy and warm, talking to one another for the sake of talking. The house that she lived in, though it was crowded, still kept her brothers close, her aunt and her daughter, and Conor. Though she wasn't quite sure how he fit in there, he did. And he was family. Presently, Shiloh gingerly stepped over blankets of snow, which disguised her white fur fairly well. She was happy to see that fresh snow was clean, and nothing but frozen water, and it merely covered the dirty part of the world. That was another wonderful thing about wintertime.

But soon, she knew, her brothers would be leaving their house in Wolfville, to start their own life, and build their new houses soon. Sue, they'd still be in Dahlia where she could visit them.. but it felt as if they wre all drifting apart again. Just when they all got back together. A sigh emitted from her perfect white muzzle, hugging her coat close to her as she meandered over small rocks by a lake. She paused to look at the river, seeing where the ice slowly ate the banks, threatening to stop the flow of water completely. But still, that ice-laden river gushed forth and kept on flowing despite the odds.

Like the river, the Dawnbringer female kept on walking, following the flow of water. A cold gust of wind ruffled her up, however, leading her to push her nose down inside the coat as well. Cream colored ears twitched back on her head in slight irritation - she had gotten her hair the way she wanted it today. Now Shi knew she'd have to fix it again once she stopped to rest. One ear flicked forward, and the young damsel thought she caught the sounds of the ocean, and made a beeline in that direction. The ocean always reminded her of her father, and how he told Shiloh to follow the sounds of the ocean home. It wasn't too far a trip from Inferni to Dahlia, though she smiled when she remembered that he sent scouts to look after her. His one and only princess. If only he'd come and visit her, and all her brothers for that matter. They could finally be a real family once more.

Shiloh nearly uttered a squeak when the river cut into sand, and headed straight for the ocean. Brushing past a tree limb, her cerulean-colored eyes sparkled at the sight of the large expanse of water. It wasn't the ideal scene of a beach on a warm, sunny day, however. Snow still found its way here, and nearly consumed everything in sparkling white. Shi shivered some, not even wanting to imagine how cold the ocean was during this season. It had already been frosty enough in the air, but in the water... forget about it.

"Huh?" She lyrically muttered under her breath, side-glancing at someone walking nearby, almost heading in her direction. Her nose immediately caught the scent of Dahlia on this approaching female, and Shiloh relaxed some. Still, she wasn't sure who this pack member was, though Shiloh thought she caught the sight of ruby red eyes. 'It couldn't be... could it?' Her mind questioned, as she watched the other female. "Hello there! Ex-cuse me" She said, trying not to let chattering get in the way of her speech.

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Head lower she moved up the stream, back towards the springs. Her thoughts had turned to Melee and Range, who were growing quickly. Whenever she saw them it seemed they had sprouted since the last time, double sometimes in size and certainly intelligence. Gideon had been doing a great job with them, and Nayru couldn’t help but be proud of both him and the pups he raised, although why she should be proud of any accomplishment not her own she wasn't sure. So immersed with these thoughts that although she heard the footfalls she did not think to look up, although subconsciously she knew a new scent was suddenly on the wind she did not think to look up. It was only when the voice broke through her own inner monologue did she consider looking up.

Head snapped up and ruby eyes were quick to discover the figure of a light coated girl before her. The small short, black patched girl inhaled sharply, to analyze the scents that clung to the fur of the other. Smiling, Nayru knew who the other was right away, although she did not look familiar to the fairy girl. Saul had looked familiar, or almost familiar, and Nayru thought back to the last time she had seen all of Gideon's siblings. Before Drey had taken them off to who knew where, she had only been glad then that Gideon had decided to stay as he was the only pup she bonded with. It seemed so long ago she scarcely remembered Drey coming to Dahlia de Mai at all, she couldn't recall the face of Ascher either. Gideon had told her that Ascher and Shiloh too had returned, but she had yet to run into either of them.

"Hello there." Her voice was soft, barely louder than the sound of the running stream beside them. The girl was hardly as big as her brother Gideon had grown to be, but even so few were as short or slender as Nayru, who still seemed to retain a lot of her innocence as well as smallness despite being fully grown finally. For a long moment she only regarded Shiloh, trying to remember all Gideon had told her, but there really was nothing to give the pixie any idea of the being Shiloh really was. He had only told her that she had returned, and that now all the siblings were together again. Considering Saul and Gideon's dispositions Shiloh was likely to be kind and polite, but one could never be certain.

Would Shiloh know who she was? Nayru didn't know how well Gideon and his sister got along, how much they spoke, or why Gideon would have any reason to talk of Nayru. Bris might mention the girl, or even Conor, but so like a ghost Nayru was she imagined that when she was not with them they hardly noticed, they probably did not speak of her. This was fine, she preferred it to be so, but she also wondered if ever her scent clung to the Victorian home when she visited. She wondered if anyone she didn't know of, knew of her. Lowering her head respectfully to the girl, Nayru's melodic voice offered and introduction "My name's Nayru." And she waited for the introduction of the other.

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Table by Meghann!


441 words.

She pulled the leather coat tighter around her form, one arm gripping the top of the slightly open coat while the other took to arranging her creamy locks of hair once more. It was always something with Shiloh, and no matter where she was, even a hair out of place just wasn't acceptable. Even if she was by herself, at all times Shi felt like she had to look her best. So despite chattering teeth and fur bristling on end from the cold, she had to look good despite feeling like an icicle.

A pair of ruby red eyes met her own cerulean gaze. For a moment the Dawnbringer female wondered if it was the same female Gideon talked to her about, back at their celebration into adulthood.. or maybe it was coincidence. Shiloh's off-white hued ears nearly strained to hear the girl usher out a greeting, as it was barely above a whisper. The pristine female could hardly hear anything past her chattering fangs, though she tried to bite it back. She winced momentarily as she did just that, but instead she bit her tongue.

The black and white female that began to approach her smelled of the pack she belonged to, and instantly Shiloh was curious. There was a small group of wolves that seemed to hang around her family, and Shi was slowly getting to know each of them that weren't directly tied to her lineage. Never had she met Nayru before, though, but the closer and closer this fellow pack member got, the more Shiloh began to wonder. She was also rather curious, due to her nature, as to why the ruby eyed female was out strolling alongside the beach. It didn't seem like any casual stroll, either, but Shi had time to figure that out later.

And as her suspicions grew, they all came crashing down when the stranger gave her name. Cerulean eyes widened, looking like the sea itself surrounded by soft white. "So you're.. you--" Her voice cracked, still shaky from the frost that surrounded them. Darn fur was useless, it just wasn't able to keep her warm enough. Somehow, she felt connected to Nayru, though this was their first meeting, and bravely Shiloh stepped up to the other and gave her a brief hug. Any friend of Giddy's was a friend of hers.. unless they were physically filthy. As the pristine female stepped back, she gave a soft smile. "I'm Shiloh, though I'm sure you've already heard about me." Her voice came with a but-you-knew-that-already tone, as if everyone in Dahlia had already acknowledged her. "My brother Gideon spoke about you, briefly."

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Nayru smiled gently as recognition seemed to flood Shiloh. That they both shared an important person between them seemed to be established and Nayru was glad to have that out of the way. It seemed then that Gideon had spoken about her, though the creamy colored lady added that it had only been a brief mention. And yet the mention was enough to cause Shiloh to pull Nayru in, embracing her, and Nayru returned the greeting warmly and sincerely, although she was confounded at the emotions such kindness caused in her. So rarely did she initiate contact with others, or did others initiate contact with her, the sensation as still unfamiliar though not unpleasant. It seemed as natural as when Bris embraced her, and though Nayru did not share quite the same bond with both woman she could see how one day they might. Without her own family, Gideon and Bris had sucked Nayru into theirs, and that now included Gideon’s other siblings. It seemed only right and normal to care for them as she did the ebony boy and his aunt.

"How great to finally meet you." She pulled back to regard the younger woman, the sweet but timid smile still pulling back her lips. Gideon’s sister was clothed in a way Nayru never was, but so had Tsukiko and the girl no longer found it strange. They were closer now and Nayru noted that the girl seemed cold, and if Nayru focused on her own temperature she found it less than ideal, but was able to ignore it as soon as she moved her mind away from it. "I’m sorry it’s taken so long for our paths to cross, I am often at my home on the eastern borders." And that meant seeing most of the Dahlians less, for so many of them seemed to congregate in Wolfville and the surround area. Yet she was not resentful of the fact when she spoke, only matter of fact, for she loved her home and even her solitude to some extent.

"Gideon was so pleased when you all returned." Gideon seemed a safe subject, and one they commonly shared, as Nayru searched for words to speak, a common ground. What besides their family and friends did they share, if anything? "With Melee and Range, and now Bris’ daughter, it seems your family keeps increasing. Are you staying with Conor and all the others, or did you find yourself a home a little less crowded?"

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Table by Meghann!


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