take only what you need from it
Dated January 2.

Geneva Stockholm had much to do within the next few hours. The Savant busied herself primarily by patrolling the borders of Phoenix Valley. She was grateful to find that there had been little disturbance, and she had yet to run into anyone during her midday patrol. She had hoped to see her son, Pripyat, because she knew that he spent much of his time on the outskirts of the Valley pack’s territories, but she had not come across her blue-eyed boy. She supposed that she would probably see him at the ranch in the evening or the next morning, and she was content with that for the time being, although she missed him very much.

Tomorrow would be a strange day for her. The lime green eyed wolfess reflected on the significance of the day yet to come. It would be a day of remembrance, and a day of recalling death. Geneva had seen enough death to keep her from desiring to experience it ever again. Memories of her deceased family weighed upon her mind, but not as heavily as they usually did. She was able to glean some happiness from their memory today, as she dwelt on the good times instead of the bitterness of their endings.

The Savant was in the mood to be in the company of others today. But she could be patient and wait. The quiet wolfess knew that she would see most of her Phoenix Valley brethren tomorrow, since it would be she who would call the pack gathering to order. Jefferson had entrusted this day of celebration with her, and she was determined not to let him down. During her time in the pack, she had quietly noted many of the celebrations that were important to Phoenix Valley and passed them by quietly. This would technically be the first time she would actively participate and have a big hand in doing so.

As the light gray female continued her turn around the borders, she considered where she might want the pack meeting to be held. Typically, Phoenix Valley meetings were held within close proximity of the ranch, where she lived, but that did not seem appropriate to her. She briefly considered Raven Beacon, the lighthouse where she had raised her son for the first few months of his life, but then quickly dismissed the idea. That place was sacred to her, and she was not yet ready to share it with others. She pondered this matter more, following the path of the borders more by habit than by thought at that point.


WC 426

table © Alaine
ooc: Here you go. SSWM: 532

Sepirah was known well for making her way outside of the pack lands more often than actually staying in the pack lands themselves. She had almost explored everyone region of the Inferni pack and it was growing rather boring. She wanted to have the thrill of finding something new whenever she explored again. She figured the only way to do this would be to once again venture outside of the pack lands. The dark princess had to admit that the exploration journeys she had been taking would help her get a feel of the area so she knew where to go if she ever had to deliver any information from Inferni to another pack. There were only a few places that the jackal had yet to visit. She hadn’t been to any of the western packs besides the one where she met Erza. She pretty much had a good idea of the whole eastern side, except for one pack. She heard that this pack and Inferni were not exactly on good terms either, but better than they were with Dahlia de Mai. She wondered if she would be able to venture over there and try to meet one of the leaders to see if they would be able to work out some better relations. The dark girl was actually rather excited about her plan. So far she hadn’t had much luck with the other packs and if she wanted to eventually earn the co-rank of Orator, she would have to start meeting up with leaders and discussing the news of them with Inferni. The last thing they needed was another war. She was trying to prevent such a result. So far she thought she was doing a good job. The only thing she was worried about what that the members of Inferni would notice her being gone most of the time and wondered if something was up.

Sepirah yawned as she woke up and looked to the snow covering the earth outside her home. She stetched out her limbs before she wrapped her scarf around her neck and began to head out into the cold. She shivered for a moment but then began to run. The dark princess found that running made her body warm up; therefore, making the cold weather beating against her fur a good thing. It wasn’t long before the jackal had made her way to the borders and began to admire the skulls. She always did this and found no reason of why she should stop. She then leapt over the line before heading over towards the Phoenix Valley borders. She had never been here before and wondered what it would be like. The dark girl paced along as she flicked her tail. She could smell the borders even though the snow was covering up part of the scent. She walked along the borders, hoping she would eventually just run into someone. The dark girl stretched out her limbs before catching the scent of someone nearby. She looked among the insides of the borders and could have sworn she saw something gray pass by. She was curious and called out to the figure. ”Hello? Is someone there?”

Speak think walk


The Savant was trapped within the drain of her thoughts, barely paying attention the outside, physical world. She was very concerned about how to make Day of the Dead special for her pack mates. Despite her growing confidence, Geneva still battled with insecurity on a regular basis. It seemed to be part of her genetic make up. She had always second guessed herself, and ascending into the upper echelon of Phoenix Valley had done little to put her fears to rest. She was always afraid of falling short of her own expectations and lettings others down.

A feminine voice cut her thoughts like a knife going through hot butter. Shaking her head slightly, the wolfess with olive colored eyes peered over the banks of snow. Through the seemingly endless landscape of white, Geneva’s attention was finally riveted by a much darker form. The light gray Savant immediately ventured toward it, formulating her own reply as she neared the dark hued female. ”I am Geneva Stockholm, the Savant of Phoenix Valley. Who are you?” Her reply echoed out across the borders, hushed like winter wind through a copse of trees. The woman had a slight build, and her voice was always gentle, hushed like a whisper.

Geneva finally stood before her, making a note of the strange red marking on her maw. Was it dye? Was it genetic? The chronically curious female wanted to ask, but border etiquette dictated otherwise. She supposed she might be within her rights to ask as the subleader of these lands, but Geneva always tried to be polite. She believed that respect was a two way street and would not pull rank unless she felt it absolutely necessary. Because she had no sense of smell, she had to rely on her other senses to gain information about this female. She could already tell that she was a great deal younger than herself, and by her body language, she did not seem like a potential joiner.

”Are you from a different pack?” Geneva asked finally, curiosity evident in her whisper-like voice. It did not bother Geneva at all that the representative of another pack might come calling at Phoenix Valley borders. On the contrary, Geneva welcomed them, as long as their intent was pure. She would not tolerate shows of aggression at the figurative doorway of her home. But this female did not seem to offer violence, something which the wolfess was grateful for. The memory of Brennt bubbled up in her mind for a second. Geneva was a slight wolfess, and would honestly be no match for even a yearling within a fight. Her son, only seven months old, already had almost already outgrown the short, lithe wolfess. She was built delicately, but she would do whatever it took to defend her home. ”I cannot make use of scents,” Geneva explained, deciding that it would do no harm to admit this. Discourse would have to be the way to go here. The Savant hoped to gain some information. She remembered her meeting with a Crimson Dreams representative, Aro Marino, and that had gone well. Geneva supported strengthening the ties between packs and clans, and hopefully this meeting would provide this opportunity.


WC 535

table © Alaine
ooc: sorry for the wait. SSWM: 462

Sepirah watched as the gray figure began to come towards her. It was a female wolf and a very nice looking one too. She could tell from the way that she was moving that she seemed to be a bit intimidated by her. The dark princess shook her head for the moment. She couldn’t help that her fur was of a darker hue and didn’t like to think of it as an insult. The one thing she didn’t get is why she would be so scared about her black pelt, but as she came closer, seemed more interested in the orange and red hues on her muzzle. Perhaps this would be her chance to explain about her and her family, just to clear up the whole thing and make it so that the wolf was more comfortable. ”I am from the Lykoi family. Some of my family members carry this color muzzle, like my grandmother. She has one that is similar to mine.” The jackal then stretched out her limbs and looked back up to the female. She hadn’t forgotten about her question about identifying herself. She just wanted to clear up the ‘issue’ with her fur color.

Sepirah waited on her answer again seeing as the gray wolf had a couple more questions she wanted to get out. She nodded and then flicked her tail. First and for most, it was best to introduce herself so that she would be able to be addressed by her name. She didn’t want to seem like a smart ass, but she wanted to mimic the way that the wolf had introduced herself so that she could sound a bit more formal. ”I am Sepirah Lykoi, the Caelum of Inferni.” The dark princess then even gave a small bow to the wolf, just in case she was one of the leaders of this pack. She had no idea if she was or not, seeing as she didn’t know the meanings of the ranks, but she knew that she was not a leader, at least not yet. She was still trying. The jackal then addressed her other question. ”I am from the Inferni pack. It’s up to the north of here next to Dahlia de Mai.” She paused and wondered if she should also mention why she was even here. She nodded to herself and then looked back to the wolf. ”I came here not only to see this pack, but I heard that your pack and mine were not exactly on good terms. I wanted to find out why.” If this really was one of the leaders, then she was sure that she would be able to tell the dark girl why their packs were not in the greatest of terms.

Speak think walk


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