Tell Me What You Want To Hear

postdated 1.9.2011!

Skye was walking to Shawchert's house, taking it slowly. She had first heard about everything after breaking up the fight between Orin and Sky. She hadn't even known, really...She knew about Orin and Shawchert, and that Sky had a crush on Shawchert, but she hadn't really known the magnitude that it would bring. Both girls had been beaten pretty badly by each other...and Bangle just stood and watched! She gave an angry huff as she thought of the coywolf, but quickly deflated in her anger as she remembered that he had an affliction; he was a male. She rolled her eyes to herself.

This wasn't about Bangle, however, it was about Shaw. How could the alpha have been so ridiculous! Making love to a girl that he didn't even want to become mates with! And then there was Sky; Skye knew now that the girl had visited Shawchert either before or after the fight, comforting him, but she didn't really know much else. All she knew was that Shawchert had to have a little bit of sense beaten into him, and Skye was the one to do it!

Well, she wouldn't really beat it into him - maybe just slap it in to him. A little bit. After all, even though Skye had no romantic desires for Shawchert, she couldn't deny that the Capitano was a handsome and desirable man, and that it made sense for others in the pack to want him as a mate. But he couldn't just go flaunting it around all over the place, being ridiculous and not having any sense about it! He had to be sensible!

Skye was a little ashamed, to be exact. She hadn't known what was going on until the fight with Sky and Orin. That was when she learned everything, from everyone else. She was ashamed that she hadn't known what was going on - in her own pack! She was turning out to be an awful co-leader...she couldn't believe it. And it was Shawchert, for God's sake, one of her best friends, the first friend she'd had in Souls! Shawchert, whom she'd built the pack together with! And she couldn't even keep up with what was happening with him! What did that make her?

Well, that would be no more. As she stood outside Shawchert's little hut, knocking on his door, she would be here for him and the pack as well. After all, after she slapped some sense into the boy, he would need some time to recuperate.

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wc: 439


WC: 319 +3 OOC: Really he needs a bit whack over the head!

Shawchert had a good long discussion with Sky, but it seemed to make even more mixed feelings go through him. She was so kind, and he had to do everything he could to keep his mind on what needed to be done or said, he felt… tainted, did Tsuki do this to him? That her denial of him or his expectations of her just drove him to be a tainted dishonorable wolf? He was sitting in his bed, one of the only pieces of furniture, except for a small love seat and a tiny dresser he’d scavenged from the house that had once stood before this one. His back was sitting to the wall and away from the door, his tail draped over the edge of the bed, he was in a depressive state, and he didn’t care right now what happened, he knew Skye was around handling some stuff, but he was falling apart.

A knock came to the door, and though his heart leapt, thinking it was possibly Orin, wondering what had happened to him, he did not move. He spoke instead. Maybe Orin would understand he had done something that he couldn’t take back, and that he was guilty for entirely.

Come in

He called out, a certain misery in his voice. He would stay on the bed, whoever it was knew how to open a door. He would acknowledge them when he got the courage to look at who it was… right now he was in his own little world of self pity, a sign that there was truly something wrong with him. He never thought about himself so much as he did in the last few days, it was sickening, and it made him feel even worse, he thought about Orin, she had seemed to take it as something so normal, at least with her letter she’d written him the day after.

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Skye's heart almost broke when she heard Shawchert's misery-laced voice call through the door. It was like he had lost the will to do anything, and those two words wrenched at her. She was used to seeing Shaw as a natural-born leader, someone who stood up for others and did things and took charge. But as she slowly opened the door to Shawchert's small house, she had never seen him like this.

He was sitting dejectedly in the corner of his bed, his tail hanging off the edge and his legs and arms in a heap in front of him. His ears were low and his tail was limp, just hanging there, like it no longer had the desire to be held high like a leader. She stood there for a moment, the anger whooshing out of her like the air out of a balloon, but then it just came back.

"Shaw, it's me," she said, closing the door behind her and stepping forward to sit next to Shawchert on the bed. He seemed so sad, and that made Skye feel sad as well, but she knew they both couldn't lead Cercatori d'Arte when they were sad and dejected and walking around like a puppy that was kicked too many times. They had to take charge - that was their job! And if Shaw couldn't take responsibility for his actions, he was never going to get through life. Sure, he did something bad, but he had to acknowledge it and move on, not sit on his bed all day moping like a wet mop.

So Skye gave him a sharp pinch on the arm to make him turn around, and she put both hands on her hips and gave him a stern look.

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WC: 265 OOC: <3

He was relieved that it was not Orin, though he wasn’t so sure he wanted to see Skye either, she was bound to know… especially the fight… so she was doubtless here to scold him. Tell him how much he did wrong, which he already knew, but there was nothing said, no extra words just silence. It was so silent though, it was as if she had left the confines of his home, but he could feel her standing right next to him, but she said nothing. After it seemed like he was going to explode in asking what she want, he felt a sharp pinch.


He said almost childishly looking at his co leader with a frown and rubbed his arm a little, it hurt from where his skin was squeeze, but he felt worse looking at the young woman’s face before his. He could see the disappointment in her face.

I deserve every berating insult you can give me…

He said continuing to rub his arm, waiting for what she had to say, knowing no good could come from it. He had taken advantage of Orin, though it was one of those heat of the moment things from what Sky had said, it still… it was wrong of him. To mate with someone was a special thing that he thought should be for mated couples, he’d not even told her he loved her much less ask her to be his mate, so now he was a scoundrel. A dirty greasy no go wolf. He didn’t deserve his position… and he knew it…

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wc: 319

Skye smirked when the leader gave out a yelp and started to rub on his arm. He gave her such a miserable look that she almost patted him on the back and told him it was okay - but he had to have some sense knocked into him! He wasn't a baby anymore, waiting to be coddled. He had to man up, but at the same time, control his...manhood. She rolled her eyes when he told her, quite dejectedly, that he deserved every berating insult that she was going to give to him - which wasn't any. Much.

"I have two things to say," she said, her tail swishing against the bedsheets. "First, something you probably already know and are beating yourself up for, so I won't go into too much depth with it. I know you and Orin are friends, but you have to...well...control your manhood," she said, voicing her thoughts just moments before. "I know it was the heat of the moment, and all that, but honestly, Shaw!" She rolled her eyes, exasperated. She didn't have much experience in that field - but now that Bangle and her were mates...she shook her head free of that idea, still almost not daring to believe that her and Bangle were mates. Of course, that would have to wait now - now it was about Shaw's dumb little depression.

"Second," she said more sternly, "you know what you did was bad, but now you have to stop feeling sorry for yourself. You're a leader, not a wet mop, so act like a leader, instead of...a wet mop!" Man, Skye was bad at pep talks. She continued anyway. "If you don't get yourself together soon, I'm going to have to slap some sense into your silly self."

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377 +3 OOC: What a baby

Shawchert couldn’t help but scowl at her first point… of course he knew all this… he’d always been so careful before, he didn’t know how someone that had such an effect on him and he was not interested in her in such a way. So those word were not needed in his mind. His scowl didn’t leave his face though.

I know, I made a mistake, I don’t know what came over me! I was, GHA I don’t know! I don’t know anything anymore!

His last few words came as a scream, he didn’t, he felt weak, so weak if he couldn’t control his own body, his own thoughts… He knew what he’d thought that day and it made him feel all the worse, he remembered every sound motion, anything that was said, he couldn’t get it out of his head. No matter how wonderful that night had been with Orin, it had been a mistake. A huge stinking big pile of a mistake. The next point she gave him seemed to go through one ear and out the other, though he knew he was the leader… he had to keep his head on, but right now it was not screwed tightly enough and was on the verge of just rolling off his shoulders and across the floor right now… Self pity was not Shaw’s forte. He shook his head.

I know but… just… Everything…

His words jumbled up, it wasn’t just Orin that had been weighing on his mind it had been Sky as well, she had pretty much admitted to her love for him, and though he cared deeply for her, he was in absolutely no state to think about them being together, and why would she want him now, after everything that had happened, sure she said that it was just something that happened. He looked at Skye, her disappointing face, how he wished he hadn’t started this whole thing in the first place, he should not have gone back for the Japanese woman, then maybe he’d have kept his own manhood in check, and he wouldn’t have lain with Orin, maybe then there may have been a better chance of the two to be together… though he wasn’t sure about such a feat.

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Shawchert scowled at Skye, and she had to suppress pulling her own lips down into a frown as well. Her eyebrows knitted together, however, as the large, hulking wolf spoke in confused, mumbled words, eventually screaming at the end.

Skye pinned her ears against her skull and her tail lowered slightly - she had never seen Shawchert lose it like that, and it was extremely unnerving - even a bit scary. Her tail wanted to crawl between her legs, but she remembered what she was here for - to snap Shawchert out of his almost drunken stupor, not to cower like a baby because an eight-foot tall wolf was crying and screaming like a two-month-old. Her ears bounced back up and her tail raised almost as soon as they went down, and she gave him an even sterner look, about to speak. Before she could, however, Shawchert mumbled more words about not knowing, and about everything. Skye pursued her lips and sighed a bit. She hadn't wanted to, but...

She raised her hand and gave Shawchert a sharp slap on the cheek with enough force to turn his head.

"I warned you," she said in a low tone, returning her hands to her hips once more. "You need to cut this out. It's not like you raped Orin or anything, and it's not like things like this don't happen every day. They do. And you just need to get over yourself, Shaw, because you're the leader of a pack who needs you." She gazed at the leader, the first friend she had made in Souls, the first person who had comforted her after she felt that she was truly alone in the world and softened. She didn't want to say these words, but she didn't know anything else to say to the man - she had to get him to stop cowering, she had to save him from himself, and he was doing a pretty lousy job of it. Someone had to do it, and it seemed like Skye was the one who did.

"And they're not going to lead themselves," she finished softly. "Time to be strong again, Shaw."

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wc: 367


386 +3 OOC: <3

Everything seemed to get even more topsy-turvy when he felt the harsh sting of her slap, if he had no fur he was sure that the noise would have reached all the way to Thornbury. He clenched his jaw, about to lash out when she started yelling at him, and every single word she said was true. No he had not raped her, which lightened his own heart. Even though she seemed interested in him still and he was avoiding her, he did not do something so bad as that… and then her words of being a leader… He needed to be strong again, though he felt like curling up, he could feel himself coming back, and looking at Skye now, he knew exactly why he’d picked her for his co-leader.

You are right, I need to talk to her, to tell her…

She had been so innocent and yet, he had been tempted by her too. Orin was different from the others in so many ways and he knew convincing her they were not meant to be together would be hard. That was his first step at least.

I need to talk to Sky too… She and Orin had fought, I think that my first step is to give them a proper punishment…

As well as a punishment for myself,’ he thought knowing full well he had not broken any laws, but he was not going to just sit there and think that he had not been the cause for this whole mess in the first place… because he was and he needed to fix things, not just with Orin, but with Sky too.

I did not really ask for this…

He said, thinking mostly on Sky’s own confession to him, about her falling in love with him when she only wanted to have a simple life of singing. He had no clue he spoke out loud, nor that Skye would be listening, he was in deep thought, his senses seemed to be coming back to him full force. He had to be a strong leader, lead the pack that wasn’t going to lead itself. He had to be strong. Those words kept repeating over and over in his head, he would not forget these words as they were no in the voice of his own best friend.

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<3 !

Skye was delighted to see that her attempt at persuading Shawchert to take the lead again was working. He had admitted that she was right, and decided to talk to 'her' - her was Orin, she supposed. Skye agreed silently that telling Orin would be better than hiding from her - she remembered those two months where Bangle had hidden from her, and the confusion and pain it had brought before they had admitted their love for each other. It had worked out okay in the end, but if Bangle had spoken to her to begin with, it'd have been better than the two long, dragging months of confusion. She listened intently as he sighed and said that they would both need punishment.

"I've been thinking about that," she said, remembering the day before when she had spoke to Sky and thought of an idea. "Cercatori d'Arte is acquiring horses very fast - maybe Orin and Sky could help me make the shop across from my house into a stable for the horses? It's vacant, and just the right size. That way, Sky and Orin can make something useful for the pack and work together." Skye had been proud of her idea when she'd thought of it - it'd solve the problem of Jack in her living room and cleaning all those freaking horse poops everywhere (she imagined that Mars was having the same problem with his own beautiful horse) and it'd hopefully bond Orin and Sky together, sealing the wounds that the fight had caused. Sky had expressed that she was sorry, and Skye was sure that the usually happy Orin would be delighted to help the pack out as well as accept Sky's apology. The Secondo Capitano hoped it would work out that way, at least.

She then heard Shawchert say something softly that wasn't meant for her to hear - but her large ears picked it up anyway. She gently rest a hand on the Capitano's arm, giving her comfort - she knew he didn't mean it to happen. It was just the way life was.

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wc: 361


WC:172 OOC: <3

It seemed as though nothing happened as she spoke about the punishment of the women who fought in the town. He listened nodding, he knew Sky had some expertise in building, but he wasn’t sure how good of an idea it was to put both women to worth with hammers an nails.

It is a good idea, but do we really want them to be at such close proximity with sharp objects?

He asked slowly. This was a good idea and it would help out the pack a little bit too. He knew that, especially knowing that the horse that Skye had was being kept in her own house. So he would hear what she had to say about his comment before really deciding what to do. He knew that both of the females that had fought had strong wills, and were quite stubborn. Especially Orin, as he’d seen her pretty much come face to face with a skunk but still wanted to go in the house that was now her home.

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Skye couldn't help it - she laughed at Shawchert's comment about having Orin and Sky close together with sharp objects. "It'll be alright," she said reassuringly. "I'll be watching them at all times - and you may not have seen it, but I can be dangerous if I want to," she said half-jokingly, referring to her defending either of the girls if they decided to become angry at each other again or start attacking each other. She shook her head slightly, unnerved still that something like that had happened in her little pack - blood, spilled on their grounds for the first time. She wondered if Orin, who was the historian, would record that. Probably not - she was now holed up in her house like Sky and Shawchert had...before Skye talked to them both. Perhaps she would try and help Orin, too; her packmates couldn't stay in there forever.

She looked at Shaw; she had never seen him lose control, never seen him like that before. She was immensley glad that he was back to the way he was before - a strong leader, and a thoughtful and caring person. Not the screaming man who had scared her just moments earlier. She wondered for a second what would have happened with him if no one had ever came and woke him from his stupor - would he still be in his house a few days from now? A week? Two weeks? A month? She stopped thinking about it. She didn't want to dwell on the past - the past was the past, no matter how strange and weird. Life moved on, and so did the leader of the pack. And although Skye wasn't the leader of the pack, she was glad that the real leader was here. She thought of the idea with the stables, but she needed Shawchert by her side - not as a mate, but as a leader - and a friend.

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WC: 190 OOC:WHEEE almost ready to close me think?

He listened to her and shook his head, he didn’t want her to do all of his job for him, especially when he would deserve the punishment of watching the two of them.

No… I think I can do that… I need to let them know that I am leader in any case, besides, you have better things to do I’m sure.

He said sternly, he felt that she didn’t need to put herself into the middle of all this, and he turned her way and gave her a friendly hug. One of thanks.

Thanks a lot, without you, or your help, I don’t think this pack would stay together.

He said, he felt this to be true. If she hadn’t even suggested the pack itself, he wouldn’t have gotten the initiative to start it, though she seemed happy to not be the main leader, she did all the things that a leader needed to do, and she had been there for him and so far it was a rough ride, especially as winter had fast approached and deep down he knew they had not gotten fully ready for it.

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wc: 219 agg short ;;

"You're welcome," the creamy-white colored girl said, hugging Shawchert back. She was glad that she wasn't the main leader - that'd be too much responsibility for her. She wouldn't know what to do. She'd probably end up telling all the pack members to just do whatever they wanted and if they had a problem, go to Shaw. She laughed a bit inside her head about that - yeah, Shawchert was definitely a better leader. But she'd always be there for him if he needed it again, and she'd try to refrain from telling the whole pack to just do whatever they wanted.

She then pulled away from the Alpha and looked at him with a mischievous glint in her eye. "And you're right," she said, making her way for the door. "I do have other things to do - like being with my new mate, Bangle!" She dropped the news like a bomb with a giggle, her hand resting on the doorknob. She couldn't resist - it was just too much for her to keep all to herself. Besides, it was a big thing in her life! A mate! She never would have thought that was coming when she first made her way into Souls.

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Shawchert couldn’t have a better co leader and he knew it, though he was distracted when she pulled away and told him she did have better things to do… it took him a minute to realize what she had said, for one he didn’t think she would actually… AGREE with him, and another thing… MATE?

Wait… what??? Mate!? Who!?

Was all that he could say to this, he was dumbfounded and the whole punishment ideas were pushed to the back of his head to figure out who this mate might possibly be… he didn’t think that many of the males were around Skye much, but she had her own thing and so did he, so he was wondering, well it couldn’t be Bao… he seemed too much like a loner and distanced himself, what about Bangle? Well he didn’t see them around each other much lately, he knew they were friends but it had seemed for /a few weeks they had a falling out of sorts. What about Jensen? He was so new, he didn’t think that Sky would go for him. He even went as far as to letting his nose work, though the scents that were in his own hut were… slightly overpowering Skye’s.

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Skye grinned in devilish satisfaction as Shawchert's shock registered on his face. Hah! That was a funny bomb to drop on him without any warning! She watched him squirm a little, trying to figure out who it was - she even saw him sniffing, to her disbelief, trying to find the scent of who on earth her new mate was on her fur, perhaps - and then she started laughing.

"Bangle's my new mate!" she said, letting a girlish grin rest on her face. She did love telling people that Bangle was her mate - the pair was so unexpected, so unusual, so improbable...and yet, it had happened. The day before, Bangle had asked Skye if she would have his heart, and she had said yes - she had said yes, and they were mates. Everyone thought it was most unusual, if not cute - but that didn't faze Skye at all. To her, it was like they could never have been any other way.

She wondered what the leader would say - oh, Shawchert might have relationship troubles, and Skye would help him out all she could, but he was so funny when he was confused like that! She would have to do it again sometime...

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wc: 205

OOC: possibly that we could end this? :3 that would be 1 down for both of us… though we wouldn’t have anything together /cry

He was shocked when she said the name, not only because they made the STRANGEST pair, but the fact he now understood she had said it the first time, but the word mate had just overpowered him that he didn’t register. Bangle!

Well he better take good care of you then. Can’t have you hurting to cause I can’t hit girls.

He smiled slightly at the little joke. He knew Bangle was a good man for all of his strangeness and how he normally estranged himself from the rest of the pack most of the time. It could definitely work out, though he knew that Skye was the one that would have to work hard at keeping Bangle around. He doubted she had to work too hard.

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Table by Sunny

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