Judgement Day

360 OOC: LOL well this will be an interesting post <3

He decided that today would be the day that he would let the two women know and do their punishments, though he was apprehensive about it, he knew it had to be done. With much time to think and one god hard slap Shawchert had come to his senses. He had to keep reminding himself though… that he was to be the leader and nothing else today… his small talk would be at a minimum as he oversaw their work… he kind of wished that Skye had taken up the task as she had suggested, but it was over, and he had said he should take it… which he needed to. his thoughts were straight now though. He found Orin first, telling her, his face a blank page, as he told her to meet him by the store across the street from Skye’s house, and he did the same to Sky, the same unreadable face. Then he moved to the said spot and waited. He had gotten everything ready for the women… he figured if they wanted to beat something senseless it might as well be some useless walls, and with luck he’d found some good useful hammers for such a task. This would be a long day… a very long day, but he kept telling himself, this needed to be done, and they broke the laws of the pack which he set down. Fighting was prohibited and if he was going to let it go this once the others would think it was only fair that they would be allowed to as well. He had a hammer of his own in his hands and was leaning on the wall, thinking, and going through the words that he would say to the two women. He had to keep reminding him this was all his fault and one of them might bring it up to say that or they wouldn’t, which he would suspect, neither of them were as childish in their right minds as they were the day they fought… at least he hoped they weren’t. The words were going through his head as he waited for the two women.

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+493 Dun dun duuunnnn...!

Sky hadn't expected Shawchert to actually show up at her house. As such, she was hesitant to answer the door when he did. The conversation was only a few words long, a quick few deadpanned lines to send her to the store across from Skye's place, and then the leader was gone to Orin's place. Simple as that. She'd worn a small, polite smile the entire time, and agreed without hesitation or questioning. Probably time to get her punishment out of the way. Why Skye wasn't the one doing it, she'd never know. Maybe Shawchert had something specific in mind?

She got dressed and headed out the door shortly after, only stopping to feed and water Casper, and to close him into the unused bedroom, where he'd be safe on the second floor. Locking her door, and sliding the key into her ahem, automatic pocket, girl was on her way to meet with Orin and Shawchert. She'd behave. She'd no reason to dislike Orin at this point. She'd made a promise to herself that she'd apologize and whatnot. Right? Right. Then she spotted Shawchert, and whatever face she had on was gone in an instant. Best pokerface.

"I see hammers!" With a grin, one that was secretly painted onto her face, Sky skipped towards him. She was dressed in a plain black t-shirt and some worn jeans, wraps covering her feet, except for the pads and toes. She was at least pretending to be in a social, happy mood, if only to save Shawchert some angst. "So Shawchert, are Orin and I going to be hammering stuff today?" If this was the punishment, she'd be more than happy to fight with someone again. Demolishing things was fun. It was a constructive way to get rid of one's anger and stress. Or rather, deconstructive. Heh.

She studied him carefully, with idle blue eyes. He still looked like he'd been through hell. The man she'd fallen in love with now wore a cold mask, and even though she smiled casually now, it broke her heart. She knew he was going through a tough time, and that she'd not made it any better. Whatever it was he had in store for her and Orin, she almost felt like she should've been the only one being punished... actually, she found the voice to say so, before Orin got there.

"Hey look, Shaw... you should've be calling Orin here. She didn't really do anything wrong." That smile faded, and she glanced away, to where Orin would be showing up soon. "I started the fight. It was stupid, and I owe you both apologies for it. Maybe you'd consider not punishing her, for me, since she was just defending herself." And in Sky's mind, she had been. The fight had been started completely by Sky, even if both girls were in the wrong. The hybrid didn't want Orin blaming her for the punishment, whatever it was going to be.

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OOC Sorry for making you guys wait! wc 874

Neither of them were as childish? Apparently the Capitano didn't know the Takekuro woman as well as he thought.

Orin wasn't her usual perky self when Shawchert came to her door. In times past she would playfully chastise him for knocking and drill it into him that he was welcome to walk inside whenever he so desired. But after the fight with Sky, Orin had locked herself in her bookstore, barricading the doors and sealing herself up from the outside world. She knew some of the pack had witnessed the fight and now her business was the talk of the town... or so she suspected. Although she loved a good story and a bit of drama, she much preferred it when it was fantasy, or at least not about her. What did the pack think? What did they have to say about it? She didn't want to know, but she couldn't keep herself from imagining. Maybe they would forget about it soon enough, but not until after Orin threw a warranted fit over the ordeal.

The small wolfess had had an astounding revelation while warring with the Katruk girl. Although she fought that day for herself and for Shawchert, she realized in that key moment that she did not love Shawchert. Well, did not love him the way Sky clearly did. And for that she despised Sky all the more, because she knew she would let her first lover go, and should he so choose she would be freeing him into the arms of this... crazy bitch. Yet still, if anyone understood that love made you do crazy things, it should be Orin. What with her obsession with books and most certainly plays, especially certain Shakespeare classics like Romeo and Juliet.

Hmm... Juliet is a pretty name...

Still, Orin was stubborn by nature. Despite her difficult youth she had grown up being handed just about anything she could ask for. Her brother would have torn out his eyes for his sister and though she knew this deep down, she did not always realize the gravity of his devotion. He bore the weight and burden while she was allowed to protect her mind from the harsh reality of their childhood in books and fantasy. She did not mean to be ungrateful, and every day she knew she had Niro to thank for her survival, but she had also grown accustomed to this catering to her own needs. She was giving to others... but if her desires were crossed, she was apt to throw a hissy over it. Every fiber of her being planned to now.

She knew Shawchert had felt the same way she did when he failed to show up at her bookstore the night of the fight... the night after their evening together. She had felt a pang of sadness and loss but it was not the devastating heartache that a denied love would have delivered. That night she had accepted reality – that she and Shawchert were not in love, were not meant to be. Her logical mind could accept that... but lets face it, her logical mind was not her dominant side.

Orin had removed the blockade from her doors by the time Shawchert had decided to summon her and Sky for their mutual punishment for the fight, and so he met with no resistance when he arrived at her bookstore. She greeted him with indifference, and merely nodded at his summons. She waited in her bookstore for a minute, steeling herself. She did not know what was worse – facing Shawchert and receiving her punishment before they could talk, or having to be anywhere within sixty feet of Sky.

I shouldn't hate her. If I had read about her I would have rooted for her. But all her rationalizing wouldn't change a thing. After all, she didn't hate Sky, she just didn't want to let anyone off the hook too soon.

After ample time passed, she slipped out of her store and headed over to the building Shawchert indicated. Sky was already there, and she could not help the electricity that jolted her heart at the sight of the woman who attacked her. It was not quite fear and it was not quite hate... but it certainly was not a burst of joy at the sight of the woman, either.

She approached the two in silence, her golden eyes scanning the building and materials before them. She glanced at Shawchert, considered ignoring Sky completely, then finally gave a simple, curt, diplomatic nod to the woman. She was about to make a comment about not turning your back if Sky had a hammer, but managed to bite that one back at least. That would probably be hazardous to her health. She stared blankly at the materials for a minute before looking at Shawchert again. The next thing she said came out brisk, deadpan, and as though there was no business more important than the question, “Did you happen to bring my shawl with you?”

Yes. The question was a reminder to the both of them of the night she and Shawchert spent together, yet it was also a question that neither of them could blame or accuse her over either.

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WC: 428 OOC: Any problems with this PP let me know!!

Shaw had to keep reminding himself that this was a punishment not a getaway, so even as he saw Sky come first, she’d been the closest one to the old store after all… He had to keep the rush of butterflies in the pit of his stomach. He had to make things out professionally today. Her suggestion that Orin should be let off the hook made him understand Sky more, but he knew he couldn’t.

I’m afraid not, you both fought when you knew better… you both need to understand how badly this hurts the pack…

He said, his heart wrenching at the sound of his voice as he said this… yeah listen to yourself, and take your advice… this was his punishment too. And then Orin came, and he watched her as she moved in closer, and nodded stiffly to Sky… yes a long day indeed, he reminded himself. He question took him off guard… and he shook his head, feeling that there had been subtlety to this question.

I’m afraid not, now I brought you here for two reasons… first we need a stable. For the horses that we are have been getting… and second for you to understand the severity that you have brought the pack into. Look at this building right now it represents our friendship.. not just yours but the three of ours. Right now it is worn… and full of doubts. When we are finished with it, it will be whole, and I want this to be the way we feel in the time that comes. Now stand next to each other please.

He indicated both of them to move closer to one another as he put the hammer he held down and picked up some rope.

Hold out your hands… please.

He indicated which hand which should should hold out, and then began tying the two together.
We are a pack… We work as a whole, which means we work together and we live together…If you to so much as squabble, I will make another tie until you two are nose to nose. I expect you to WORK TOGETHER.

He knew how hard this would be, but with teamwork, things would get done, and the punishment was for one day, he wouldn’t be surprised if they were taking out the wall and nothing more.

We are not destroying this place, but rebuilding just remember that, but first we need to take down the walls in order to get things together.

He said, feeling satisfied with his speech, waiting for any disagreements.

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+422 Twitch. Twitch.

Oh, had Sky said she was okay with Orin? Well, up until the girl arrived, she was. The moment she heard Orin's disgusting voice, however... Sweet smile returned, strained but somehow hiding the resentment she felt. She'd taken Shawchert's denial of her suggestion in stride, all of a sudden. Maybe it was that cocky air around Orin, or maybe it was that Shawchert seemed to be leading up to something. Stand? Beside that!?

With a twitching tail, Sky obeyed, keeping her pokerface on like a pro. She didn't even glance at Orin, and held out her arm as told. Then he tied them together, and poor Orin and Shawchert both would feel the sudden change in Sky's pelt as the fur on her shoulders and neck stood on end. The flick of her ears told of a timer starting in the back of her mind. How long it was before she snapped was completely up to Orin now.

Silently, she was considering the many things she could do to her leader and love interest in his sleep. Murder? No, that would be taking things too far. She wanted his kids someday, right? That meant he needed to be alive for that... mostly, anyway. Scarring? Yeah, that could work. Alphas with scars were hot. Then again, she didn't want him to be any more attractive than he was now. That might be pushing it.

Sapphire... no, icey eyes seemed to be burning holes through Shawchert's skull, even though she still held a neutral face otherwise. She held her tongue until the man finished speaking, then smiled a sickly sweet smile. "Question~"

She forced a grin, though it was more of a grimace. "I'd hate to be responsible for anything getting broken, like bones or skulls." Lie. "Do we get any safety equipment, since you're taking away out reflexes for this job?" She forced their arms up, showing his work at him with a dangerous gleam in her eyes.

Shawchert, I swear to god, if she says one thing about you and her, I'll rip her throat out before you have a chance to blink. You're off the deep end with this, boy. I'm starting to reconsider just how much waiting is worth it for you... Finally, she turned her gaze to Orin, sneer still there, though very unintentional. "I'd hate for miss Orin to wind up hurt. Afterall, she's such a valued pack member." Teeth flashed in a grin, one that wasn't as bad as before, but still dangerous.

Tik, tok, tik, tok....

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OOC OMFG! Shaw, that is like the best idea ever! I just went on in chat about how rad that punishment is. hahahaaa! wc 1021

What?! Wait! No! Hold the phone! Stop the presses! This was absolutely, positively, one-hundred percent not going to happen! Orin would pack her bags and head out of Cercatori tonight and she'd be damned if anyone was going to stop her... oh crap, Shawchert was too fast.

She really didn't listen when Shawchert answered her question about the shawl. Yes, she did want it back but it was honestly the least of her worries right now. Like Sky and Shawchert both, Orin's thoughts were racing and though she looked, listened, and spoke, only about half of anything that was happening was registering. By the time she realized what was about to happen it was already too late.

Shawchert delved into a speech much along the lines of what Orin expected. She wanted to listen intently and nod at every important point, showing her understanding and rushing herself back to Shawchert's good side, but she could force herself to do no such thing. It was so fake, and unlike Sky she could not force anything like that from herself right now. She knew if she opened her mouth it would be for the worst, so she kept it shut. That stubborn rage percolated inside of her and for part of the speech she cast her eyes aside, not even looking Shawchert in the face. She was beginning to project her anger onto him and if she looked at him now she was likely to say something she would regret even more than she would if she said the wrong thing to Sky right now.

He told them to stand together. Fine, whatever. Just keep an eye on that lunatic, Shawchert, because she's likely to tackle people out of nowhere. Okay, arms out, hands up. Got it. Whatever. Symbolism. Read it a thousand times in every play and novel ever written. Okay, rope. Yeah okay, the ties that bind packs together and all that jazz... Then Orin felt the rope drape around her arm.

Her eyes widened and she jerked her gaze from the board she was so intently studying to the roped that now lashed the two together. Reflexively, she jerked back but it was too late to get her arm out of the bindings. She did not struggle any more than that, but turned a deadly glare toward Shawchert. If looks could kill... Well, if looks could kill they wouldn't be in this situation, because Sky and Orin would have killed each other the day of the fight. But... figuratively... Shawchert would have been killed, resurrected, and killed again by both women if that were the case.

Laser like golden eyes flashed at Sky and then back to Shawchert. This was crap! She didn't even do anything. Was Shawchert really trying to teach her about pack unity? She was the one who was there to comfort the mourning alpha when he was alone and in a time of need! No one else was there for him. No one had tuned in to his feelings and tried to ease the pain his loss had dealt. She had spent one innocent night with him trying to help him. Hell, she didn't even seduce him. They were both as willing and wanting as the other, and it just happened. Orin had no way of knowing before that that Sky was in love with Shawchert. She barely even knew Sky! The only other time she had even seen the woman was at the bonfire celebration she started. It's not like she did something to intentionally hurt the woman. And then Sky just went berserk mode on her without warning! Orin never would have antagonized the woman if she had not begun slinging wild accusations and venomous threats at her.

And then Sky tackled her. Even though she had just heard the words '...if you to so much as squabble, I will make another tie...' she could not bite her tongue on this. “What the hell was I supposed to do? Lay there like a chew toy until Lassie here wore herself out?” She snorted in disgust and anger. Her outrage wasn't even at Sky anymore. In fact, she barely noticed her animosity toward the pecan colored wolfess buried beneath her ire towards Shawchert right now.

“Don't get me wrong, I'm all for this unity thing and yeah, I had some words of my own to say too. But shouldn't the punishment fit the crime?” She didn't even care about having to help with the stable. In fact, it might even be a little fun getting to bang and bash things, and the repair work she had done on the bookstore as well as the lighthouse in Cour des Miracles had been a little thrilling. The pack needed a stable, and it would certainly benefit her friend Mars; at least his black sheep would not have to roam around anymore. It was the humiliation of being roped to Sky as though her actions had been just as opprobrious as Sky's that horrified her the most.

Her ears twitched and she shot a spiteful glare at Sky as she spoke the sickening words. What was she thinking? She wasn't fooling anybody. That sounded like a thread to me,” she said, jerking her gaze back to Shawchert. She did not sound afraid, more like a child telling on a disobedient sibling. Sky was trying to antagonize her, she knew it. Especially with her comment, 'Afterall, she's such a valued pack member.'

“At least I contribute,” she muttered back and turned away from Sky. What did Sky do for the pack anyway other than start trouble? At least Orin had been sharing her knowledge, training the other pack members including Shawchert, and had begun to keep record of the pack's history. She had even begun the greatest celebration the pack had known in its young life. “What has she ever done for Cercatori but caused problems?”

“Shawchert, the next tutoring session we have I'm going to make you read a little story called The Lottery.”

After all... It wasn't fair.

It wasn't right.

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+3 OOC: you dun it now!

He knew there wouldn’t be as much cooperation as he had hoped, and he had to keep telling himself to stay calm. He was quiet the whole time that Sky was trying to egg Orin on… and Orin was acting like a pup. He has a very long fuse but right now it was starting to run short. He listened to Orin’s complaint’s. Shaw knew that she felt this was not fair, and brought up some good points as to why, but she forgot she goaded Sky, and fought back, and most likely not just in self defense. He did not know the full extent of the whole fight, he’d only go?t what had been seen by witnesses…


He yelled… his eyes burning like a fire, his fuse was nearly done with…

This isn’t about who contributes to the pack, it is that one of MY rules has been broken, I do not care who started it, who ended it, or who provoked who. It was a fight, and I will not put up with it so if you think that you are too good for such a punishment then you can leave now because I am not having my pack not work together no matter if they are friends or not.

Normally Shawchert was not a very scary wolf, but now he was at his full height, looking at both of them with angry eyes, letting them know that he was not happy with the childish way they were acting. They were adults, this was what they get for what they did. If they could not work together it was best that they left now. He had worked hard to get this pack started, and though he’d made a mistake he was willing to fix it, unlike these two who were squabbling all over again. He was not a happy wolf.

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Sky wasn't happy. She snapped her gaze, more like a glare, over to Orin, who was rattling on about how useless and guilty Sky was. Each comment rose the hairs on the back of the hybrid's neck more and more, and by the time she was finished, Sky was simply standing there, stiff and snarling silently. It wasn't until Shawchert snapped and lectured them that she backed down.

He yelled 'enough' and she recoiled, vision back on him, tail curling a bit between her legs and ears snapping back against her skull. He was puffed up angry, and Sky easily noticed the difference, making a mental note not to piss him off again. She looked much like a child with her hand in the cookie jar, caught so, when he'd finished. No sound came from her for the longest moment.

Then with a soft voice, timid even, she found something to say. "...Yes.. sir, sorry sir." She averted her gaze and tilted her head down, away from the two of them. With a deep sigh, she straightened after a moment and looked over at Orin. "Let's just get this over with. I have a med kit to restock back home." The mention of it brought her ears to perk, and this time she fully addressed the white girl beside her.

"Reminds me, Orin... I did a number on your back during the fight. Did you get it looked at?" She was being civil. Her words were restrained, kept away from any tones of gloating or mocking. She didn't want to set her off again... at least, not whilst Shawchert was watching the two with such a frightening expression and short fuse. "If you're still hurting, you shouldn't be working too much. You could just pass me things or something."

Those words were laced with something... concern, mostly. Sky hadn't forgotten the fear in Orin's eyes at the previous mention of being pregnant. The possibility was still very real, and construction work wasn't something luperci should be doing, even in the early weeks. Of course, Sky didn't know anything of her own pregnancy yet, more concerned in Shawchert's children's well being for now. If Orin caught on, she'd know the statement was more about her possible pregnancy than a few scratches on her back.

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WC 685

If anyone was watching they certainly viewed an interesting sight. Somewhat comical, somewhat wholly frightening. Two small Luperci women lashed together (hey, it was some men's fantasies come true, even!) and the great hulking Shawchert looming over the tiny, elfish women. It made the normally gentle Shawchert look like some terrible brute, and the two miniature women appeared even smaller in his shadow.

Orin's reaction was much the same as Sky's. The moment Shawchert roared his warning her flapping jaw silenced and her ears dropped back, disappearing among the tangle of fading pink dreadlocks on her head. Finally she wasn't thinking about Sky, or the fight, or the night before the fight. She was just looking up at her alpha's angered expression, courage diminished to that of a pup's.

Part of her wanted to snap back a snotty retort. To kick and scream and rebel, that spirited streak in her did not like this one bit. She was not a leader, but not a highly submissive wolf either, and part of her bit back against Shawchert's power. But she could not deny the instinct, even if Shawchert wasn't so frightening as he cast the women in shadow. After a second, her voice died out before it could reverberate from her throat, and her eyes fell from his face to the ground. Properly cowed, she muttered back in a deadpan voice, “Yes, alpha.”

She was quiet for another minute before finally turning her eyes to Sky – the woman was speaking to her. So many thoughts – anger, humiliation, betrayal – were surging through her just then that she thought she might miss Sky's words completely and begin another bickering match, but she quickly tuned herself in and concentrated on the Katruk woman. After a silence that lasted just a little too long to be comfortable, she jerked her head in a halting shake. “No, I have not had them tended to yet.” She said, her voice just as resigned as her expression. “In fact...” she started, paused, considered, swallowed her pride, then continued, “...they itch and burn. They... probably need to be looked at.”

She did not want to admit defeat by asking Sky for help, though the reality of it was that she needed to some time... and the sidelong glance she stole at Shawchert told her she needed to do so fast... so she worded it as a heavy hint. Besides, it did help a little that Sky, in that veiled way, just offered to do the brunt of the work. Of course, Orin was so wrapped up inside that she did not decipher the full meaning of Sky's own little hint. The notion of her being pregnant was so preposterous. She had been genuinely concerned during the fight, in that moment when she paused and appealed to Sky's maternal nature, ending the skirmish. She had walked off stiffly back to her bookstore that day, freaked out beyond all belief, boarded herself up in her home, and then promptly talked herself out of the silly thought. Now it wasn't on her mind at all, and she thought the way she had been feeling was just because of the distress of it all, and perhaps her scratches were more infected than she had thought.

There was a smile... just a little smile... that beamed inside the Takekuro girl. She did not show it on her face or present it to Sky or Shawchert, but she did feel sly as she nodded and accepted Sky's offer. “Okay. That sounds fair.” And with that, she took a step forward – outstretching her arm so she did not yank Sky off balance – and grabbed a hammer.

Turning back to Sky, she paused for just a moment, trying to block the Captain's view for a second. Secretively, she pointed at Sky, gestured to the hammer, and then jerked her head slightly towards Shawchert - who loomed behind her - with a cocked eyebrow, as if to suggest, You... hammer... that guy.

Yes. Despite her angst, the puckish woman just made a joke.

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+3 OOC:

Well that was over with… his anger was still there but as both women submitted Shaw finally was able to calm down, he was quiet, regaining what composure he did have. His warning seemed to get them right in the head and he watched as the two finally cooperated, and he couldn’t help but sigh in relief, he hoped they would agree to stay, he didn’t want to kick anyone out, and thank goodness he didn’t have to do that … at least not today. He turned to open the door so he did not see Orin’s little gesture, and if he had what would happen? Well no one would know. He moved in the house motioning the two girls to come in.

This part is the best, and is probably all we may get to today…

he pointed to the wall that was closest to them.

We are going to knock down the walls. This will be a stable for the horses so we need as much room as we can make. You don’t have to worry about being neat, we want this whole house to turn into one big room but do not touch this,

He moved over to where he was sure was part of the structure’s support and tapped it with a knuckle.

and over here.

He moved to the other side. And did the same with another of what he was sure was a support beam. He was sure they didn’t want the house to fall on them… that wouldn’t teach them much of anything, especially buried under rubble.

Everything else is free game. So lets get to it.

He said moving out of the way, he would get to working himself but first he had to make sure that his pack mates behaved and did what they were suppose to.

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Sky idly kept her gaze on Orin, rather uncaring towards her tone and smile. She'd guessed that Orin would accept the offer, pregnant or not, just to be lazy really. Sky would've done the same thing. It had surprised her a bit that she mentioned having her back looked at, and she made a mental note of doing so once Shawchert untied them. Speaking of which, boy started talking again, and with perked ears, girl turned her gaze to him, to listen. Her sapphire eyes followed him as he moved about, showing off the support beams. It wasn't much of a lesson to her, as she knew that much about demolishing walls at least. He finished off with a 'lets get to it' and she glanced down at her arm, tied to the contrastingly white fur of Orin's own. This was bound to be difficult.

"Is the whole arm thing really a good idea, Sir?" Oh, ouch. Clearly she hadn't forgiven him yet, using a stinging sort of formality as any right-minded female could; brain ninjas, all of them. Especially Sky. "I get that you want us to learn to work together and whatnot, but this might be pushing it a bit too far. It's not safe. Weilding hammers and such with only one hand for demo seems like a slow, stupid idea, if you ask me."

To point out the truth behind her words, she held up her tied arm, forcing Orin's arm up as well, then moved it about a bit in a wave. "Not much room to move about. If something falls, we both get hurt, and then who's going to look after two disabled wolves rather than just one?" She chewed on her lip as she let Orin move her arm around then, simply going slack once more, then glanced up to Shawchert agian. "I'm not trying to get out of the punishment or anything, but maybe if you untied us, we'd get more work done faster. This is just an invite for a fight; adds more stress to the situation rather than helping."

Her matter-of-fact tone was meant as a sort of subtle rebellion against the alpha, pointing out the facts and cons of the situation, in hopes of getting her arm back, and making the job just that much easier. He'd said something about this 'part being the best' and Sky saw no 'best' in it, tied to the girl she'd taken her claws to not long ago. Admittedly, yes, she agreed that it was a good punishment for such an act, but the wisedom behind the idea was lacking. Why risk more injury in punishment for injury? Made no sense to the wolfdog.

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wc 391

Aparantly Sky had not noticed her little joke so Orin let it fall flat and unreceived. It did not matter. Sky was soon again trying to show Shawchert the error of his ways, and Orin stood silently beside her as she did so. Sky had a point, Orin would agree. However, it is not as though the entire building was dilapidated and they ran the risk of giant overhead beams falling on them or anything. As much as she, too, wanted out of the humiliation of being lashed to this infidel, she hoped Sky's appeal would fall on deaf ears. If Shawchert gave in now it would be like admitting a weakness in his leadership, and further highlight the rift in his pack that. It would demonstrate that he could not uphold his punishments and diminish his word through the entire pack... but mostly, what Orin was worried about, was that it would show that Sky had some bit of power over their leader.

“The more we stand here whining about it the less we get done.” Rather than being snippy or angry she just sounded frustrated. It was a 'let's just get this over with' tone. After their arms went slack again Orin glanced down at their hands and back up to the doorway.

“I'm just getting this over with,” she said flatly and stepped toward the door, towing Sky along with her unless the woman dug her heels in protest.

Her golden eyes scanned the interior of the building Shawchert selected to be the future stable. She could see how this place would convert nicely, and suddenly the minute amount of carpentry skill the woman had came into play. Her tone seemed to cheer up... but only a little bit. “As fun as it would be to just start smashing stuff, if we're careful with that wall over there then I think we can reuse those same boards for constructing a stall or two. Same with this one, see the boards under that exposed plaster?” As she talked she gestured casually with the same hand that was tied to Sky's, jerking the woman's arm with each wave. It seemed casually innocent though. If there was one thing Orin was good at, it was letting learning something new act as a balm to soothe the soul's aches.

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+3 OOC: You guys are awesome, and shaw’s threatening? OH NO!!!!

Shawchert listened to what Sky had to say. He’d love to just let them both off the hook, but that wasn’t how he imagined himself working, especially when he was punishing someone. Wolves would think of him weak, even in such a small punishment as this. With that there would be more challenges against his authority. He couldn’t have that.

I’m not expecting you two to get the whole wall done today… and to be… well precise about things, so it isn’t like you couldn’t take your time about it. If there is no work done I’m sure you two will understand when I find interest in letting you find a new pack.

He knew his words were harsh. He wouldn’t just let them get the better of him. He felt his pack had good morals and reasons for things as this. Mostly due to the fact he did not like violence himself. He stared at Sky’s challenge. He hated having to say these words, and honestly hoped that neither of them would even think about leaving the pack because they were being punished for something… He looked at Orin as she moved and spoke. She was in the right mind for this, and he was glad she took charge of the two, and moved in to give him a few pointers. Shaw nodded and smiled. She was really a learned wolf.

I gather you got these ideas from your books right? In any case you are right. We can easily convert them like that.

He said turning to Sky to see what she would say about this. He knew she had experience in working with these things. They had made her fireplace together. He was interested in seeing what she had to say. He was sure they would start working as they went along. He wanted to help but he’d do the rest that they wouldn’t be able finish at the end of the day.

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