This Seems to be a Recurring Pattern...
Good luck with Mr. Grouchy-Pants -w-

Noss and Ralla had thankfully gotten away from Anathema all still on one piece, if not both shaken for it. They had resolved not to take another foot into the territory--ever--and that they would take the long way around the mountains if they had to in order to just get to the rendezvous point for the gypsy luperci. On the bright side, once they got back from the Moon Tribe and returned to Nova Scotia, that would be the end of it. No random trips home, no need to go anywhere but where their packs were.

On the bad side, Noss was lost again.

He and Ralla had accidentally encroached on a bear den on their way down--the cave having been very hidden and the scent muffled--and they had woken a sleeping bear from hibernation. Needless to say, the bear had not been the least bit happy to have mid-nap visitors. Sugar, their quarter horse, had been scared immediatly and had high-tailed it with Ralla running close behind. Noss had been so caught up in the moment of escaping the monster of a beast that he had run in the complete opposite direction. And so now he found himself in the middle of the dark woods, without any sense for where he was, and completely separated from his sister. Now, what was he supposed to do with that? He had gotten lost in a pack territory for moon's sake; how was he supposed to find one wolf in the huge expanse of unclaimed territory?

Warrior walks. "Warrior talks." Warrior thinks.

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SSWM: 352 lol thanks!

The black and white fey didn't have to travel far from the borders of Dahlia de Mai to be within the almost sunless depths of Ethereal Eclipse. The flower pack had successfully claim a portion of the shadowy forest for themselves and Nayru often wandered this section of the pack land when free time permitted, the gloom seemed to console the girl when her thoughts just wouldn't quit coming. Her wanderings would, at times, take her out past the boundaries Conor marked as their home territory and Nayru allowed her aimless feet to wander where they would, hardly paying any heed to where she ended up. It was never too far from Dahlia de Mai, these rare excursions, and it was easy enough to follow her own trail home. Even if she did not have her scent to track back, the girl had an unfailing sense of direction. From any of the surrounding territories she knew where all the other packs lay, especially Dahlia de Mai, and she could just turn herself towards home. Getting lost had never been a worry of her's.

It was on one such excursion that she came across the massive brute, quite suddenly for she had not come up behind him. There had been no trail leading her to him, and the wind was not in her favor that day to forewarn her of his presence. Yet like the deft spy that she was, Nayru was aware of him before she made herself voluntarily known. Her footsteps were soft and almost soundless, her slim body well distributed even on only two feet, and she took care not to brush up against anything to cause the telling sounds of rustling branches or snapping twigs. For a moment she surveyed him, before approaching, and when she did approach her steps were slow, her gaze steady and her light, airy and sweet. "Hello there sir. Excuse my intrusion, I am Nayru, of Dahlia de Mai." She bowed her head in deference to him and then lifted her head, crimson eyes calculating his every detail but her face placid and pleasant.
table by kahilli
Yeah, I'm ashamed I'm taking so long to reply these days -.-

True, he had not been fully aware of anyone around him as he struggled to find his bearings, but Noss was not completely unaware that there was someone watching him. For all his years alive, warrior training had pounded into him that sense of knowing the presence of others; even those who strained to hide themselves. And although he could not pinpoint the location of the stalker, he at the very least knew to be on guard. Not even the scents that surrounded him--most of them muted by the snow and strong coniferous pines which fogged most other scents--gave him a lead to his watcher's standing point. But he didn't need to find her, because she revealed herself. At first he was wary--hackles half-raised in warning that he was battle-trained, stance wide and prepared--as he, too, began the practiced viewing of a maybe-opponent-maybe-passerby. She was a dual-colored female with surprisingly striking crimson eyes--the term 'striking' having been used a lot, lately, as he found Nova Scotia to be filled with all things exotic--and he almost relaxed with her submissive posture, almost convinced that she would be of no harm to him with the way she spoke and the way she presented herself.

But then she said Dahlia de Mai.

Immediatly his hackles raised fully and his hands stretched out to extend and show his claws at full length, his back hunching to appear more dominant as his irises narrowed to slits; a customary warning to any who wished the performer harm. The memories from his encounter with the pack were not pleasant; he had effectively pissed off a pup who he had begrudgingly labeled as his equal and been banished by the leader under pain of death. This female in front of him fit the bill in the age description that he had come to associate the pack with, but her demeanor oddly didn't match his idea of them. Nonetheless, what with his obliviousness to his first trespass--that having been by mistake due to hunger and a chase that took him farther than expected--he was not past thinking that he had trespassed again and that he was breaking his word, which he valued exponentially more than most things and was on par with that little detail about his life. The female in front of him could either be harmless--she could be out of her packlands and he would still be safe in all aspects--or she could be the weight that tipped the scale of his safety.

"Where are we?" he asked carefully, precisely, and demanding. No need to attack her should he find himself in their lands. If he was...he could only hope to run in the opposite direction before that pup leader caught wind of him. Attacking her would do no good, since he held no grudge against her, and it would probably only make his sentence more painful than what was promised. And if they weren't in the Dahlia lands at all...he could at the very least keep his head; that was always a bonus. As it was, the mere mention of the pack had his nerves frayed, adding to the slowly unravelling tapestry that had already had the first string tugged by that bear surprise.

Warrior walks. "Warrior talks." Warrior thinks.

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aww don't worry about it! SSWM: 520

Nayru did not miss even the most subtle of signs that others gave off, it was part of what made her such a good tracker, such a good warrior to be. Yet nothing was subtle about the signs this man gave off as his hackles rose at the mere mention of Dahlia de Mai. Two options presented themselves. The first one was to quickly reach for the dagger strapped to her ankle and quickly end this transgression with either his life or her own. Although the black and white female was perhaps more inexperienced in the art of battle than the battle worn male before her, she knew herself to be quicker than such bulky built males and from practicing with Saluce she had a good idea on how to go about getting the upper hand. It wasn't a sure thing, there was a good chance she would fail, but there was also a chance she would come out the victor. It could have gone either way. Of course his fighting style could be different than anything she was use to putting her at a great disadvantage and a pacifist at heart she only wished to shed blood, at least the blood of other canines, with good reason. There was no good reason here.

Nayru took the second, safer and more desirable option and upon recognizing his hostility she took a step back, lowering her head further although her trained eyes and ears were taking in his every action. Even though the fairy girl remained seemingly placid her muscles were tense and ready to react in whatever way necessary if the man should decide to make a move against her. Her soft voice came again, more humble than necessary as was her nature. "I mean you no harm nor disrespect, sir." Ruby eyes met his once more, only for a moment before turning away as to not offend the stranger further. What did he hold again her pack? Was it only the poor reputation that followed them because of the Inferni conflict? Yet instinct told her it could not be just this, his reaction indicated something more, as if some personal offense had been played against him. Yet to Nayru this man was a blank slate, she knew of no evils he had committed, no reason to act against him and the young warrior did not wish to upset the man further.

His question surprised her, though she took no offense to his demanding tone. Where are we? He didn't know? He was lost? How could anyone be lost, especially one that seemed so experienced. Especially knowing that he must have been near to here before to have found Dahlia de Mai once before. And how ironic that here he was, so close to the lands that invoked such aggression from him. Very slowly and carefully she answered the man, her submissive posture never faltering. "You are in Ethereal Eclipse. The forest south of Dahlia de Mai." Nayru waited, ready to spring to the side, draw her dagger, or hopefully stay put, depending on how the male processed this information.

table by kahilli

He saw her ready posture and prepared himself for the worst. It never came. Instead, he was impressed that a wolf from the Dahlia territory actually prostrated herself before him. Had he been more concerned with his rank, as he had been when he first arrived in Nova Scotia, he would've seen this as proper. But since he was slowly coming to the realization that he was no longer a chief-to-be--unofficially, although it would be official soon enough--it didn't please or bother him as much as it once would've. His form relaxed as the female told him that she meant him no harm, lowering his picket fence straight fur and curling his lip back over his teeth. Still, his eyes kept their powerful glow, even as the defensive and menacing aura dispersed.

He let out an audible sigh of relief when she stated that they were not in the Dahlia territory itself, but south of it. Good thing too; he had been heading north, so if this wolfess had not stopped him, he would've probably overstepped the boundaries again and really would've been a dead man. What would he tell Strel then? That would be breaking two promises; he would never let himself rest in the afterlife if he did that. Rubbing the back of his head with the other hand firmly on a hip, Noss scrambled for something to say. The only thing that seemed right, at the moment was an apology. "Sorry," he said in his gruff voice, looking away from the female. "Thought I was back in your territory. I'll believe you." Somewhat. After his first experience, Noss would be a fool to fully trust any Dahlian on sight or first impression in any way, shape, or form again. "Ethereal Eclipse, huh?" He looked around the dead yet still oddly dense forest--the tangling tree branches, the evergreens, the rocks, the lack of light--and vaguely remembered Ralla telling him that that was indeed the name of the forest. Hopefully she was still in the forest's vicinity, although he didn't know just how far and wide the territory expanded. With his tracking skills...the chances of finding her were getting slimmer and slimmer. He could've howled and waited for her to come, but since he then knew that he was so close to Dahlia's borders, he didn't want to alert a patrol party and have him discovered. No, that wouldn't do at all. "I'm trying to get somewhere. Could you point me in the direction of Cour des Miracles...?" Logic dictated that if Ralla couldn't find him and he couldn't find her, the common point of meeting would be the Cours territory. Nevermind that even if he got started on his way there, he'd probably get lost on the way...

Warrior walks. "Warrior talks." Warrior thinks.

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sorry for the wait Rachel!

The rough apology surprised her, though it did not show in the slightest. That the man, so course in his manners, offered up any regret in his dealings with her was pleasing. Despite what others told her, she knew that everyone had good in them and that the reason disharmony ever arose was usually out of misunderstandings. So well trained a warrior as she was, it was strange she preferred to deal with upset in such a passive and peace loving way, but it was this that made her so dangerous as well. No one expected anything but compassion and submission from the tiny fairy female. Just as she gave the nameless man at his apology. A low dip of her head, a slight smile, as if to say “don’t worry about it, you are in the right.”

Her ears perked as he further admitted that he was lost. Not only did he not know where he was, he wasn’t sure where the place he wished to be was. There was some humor in this, though Nayru only displayed a quiet acceptance of this man’s predicament. With an easy, soft and yielding voice she answered the man. "Cours des Miracles is further south, quite a bit though. You had almost made it into Dahlian lands." Did he had a mental map at all of the lands that these packs lived in, or did he wander from place to place never mentally marking them? It was strange to think anyone could live like that, for even though Nayru had only been outside of Cours des Miracles, she knew where they were in relation to the pack. It was simply second nature to her now. "I could walk with you a ways, if you’d like." Cherry eyes lifted, her head tilted, wondering how the gruff man would take such an offer from a woman he clearly had little interest or trust in.

table by kahilli

Sneak-derp >.> Also; I give you pp power over Noss in here for some actions. I'm a little scarce for the moment, and I can't make super-frequent posts involving every physical action >.> I leave it to your discretion :3

The female turned very submissive, making Noss almost rethink his thoughts on the Dahlian lands. At the very least this new wolf had some sort of respect for him. As per his own code, for those who showed him respect, he was obligated to do the same. His posture relaxed, and, knowing how close he was to her territory, after all, he discarded all threatening or dominant postures that he had held. Of course he would still be wary--the female was smart, as he saw that she was the same--but no imminent danger was near, now that she had moon blessedly been there to prevent him from making another mistake.

And then she offered him guidance. Mentally he sighed in relief, his pride having been saved from asking such a thing from the pack he had so despised--and still did. But the offer was too good to pass up, especially with his limited amount of time. Weighing the options--his pride, getting to Cours, time, everything--...he couldn't let it go. Nodding again, he said, "If you would," in his gruff grumble. He would never say 'please' in this kind of situation, was he to thank this wolfess? For guiding him to a pack and leading him to his sister, he had owed Strel a boon--the resulting circumstances had been...unpredicted. But what was he to do for the pied female? Obviously, to the other, Noss was just a gruff wolf tumbling along with little to no directional sense. What had prompted her, exactly, to offer assistance to a man like him?

Warrior walks. "Warrior talks." Warrior thinks.

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To her surprise the man accepted her offer with the simple words If you would. And that was all he said, so she merely nodded silent assent and set off south bound, relying on her memory to steer herself and her companion in the correct direction. As she walked she allowed silence to come between them, strangers that they were there wasn't much to speak of. Especially considering how weary and almost hostile he had been initially. Why she was helping might have been beyond some, yet Nayru knew no reason not to. Although her main purpose was always to serve Dahlia and those who lived there, her efforts were not wasted on others. All beings were essentially of the same universal energy, and to further anyone else's journey would ultimately in some manner or another further her own.

They covered distance quickly, her pace was quick and purposeful, as she felt the man had no interest in lingering. He seemed especially weary of Dahlia, so she suppose in one way or another she was doing both Dahlia and him a favor by speeding him away from her home lands. As the borders of Dahlia de Mai fell behind them further and further she decided it was fine to ask a question, because she had a right to question and know why she was doing just what she was doing. Turning to him without breaking stride she spoke, her soft voice floating behind her as she moved forward. "What's in Cours des Miracles?"

table by kahilli
*sighs* I hate school and all its trappings; may the building burn to the ground -.- Sorry for the shortness >.>

Following the female was easier said than done. Her black and white pelt sometimes blurred into the scenery, although Noss was used to following such wolves, having grown up in a snowy land with a snow-pelted sister and mother. The silence was gracious, giving him time to at the very least thank the moon for giving him a guide away from the accursed lands. But, of course, the lack of conversation could not last forever, given that his guide was female. And to answer that prejudice, he could say without general emotion that yes, he did not view most women in a very positive light.

He frowned at the question, though, but decided to answer. "A very willful tailor," he replied with brusque affection, a smirk quirking at his mouth. It was true in all aspects, he supposed, but there were more descriptions he could use but just cared not to, feeling like it would be exposing a weakness. "Tell me, what is your pack about?" Noss could not deny that he was at the very least curious about the pack, the ones he dubbed enemies. 'Know thy enemy well,' was never an idiom gone amiss.

Warrior walks. "Warrior talks." Warrior thinks.

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Blee, no problem. I need to close up some older threads though. I am so bogged down right now so I'm gonna wrap this up! thanks for RPing with me! 306.

Nayru could sense his discomfort in her questioning, but she did not mind his agitation as he answered her anyway. Although the girl did not know what a tailor was exactly she had a vague sense. Some sort of craftsmen. Well, that was a good enough reason to seek out a specific pack, she supposed. Part of her had wished the male followed her close had said he was seeking shelter. A home. No pack scent clung to his skin and how could anyone be so happy to be an aimless wanderer? She had been once and she had been happy, but now she was in Dahlia de Mai and could not imagine it any other way. Which was, perhaps, why his next question surprised her slightly. What did he mean by that? What was her pack about? What kind of answer was he looking for?

"What any other pack is about, I suppose." Home. Family. Happiness. Friends. Comfort and security. "We wish to exist in the best way we know how." It really was that simple. And with that she let silence fall between them again, deciding she preferred it that way. He did not seem to want to divulge information to her so freely, and she sensed that he was prying into perhaps a subject that she did not wish to disclose either. Silence was best for both of them and eventually she would be unnecessary to him anyway. After some time she slowed and turned to him, her ruby eyes void of kindness or harshness, simply taking him in and reflecting whatever emotion he gave to her. "We aren't too far now. Stay straight in this direction and soon you'll hit their borders." And with these simple instructions she bowed her head low and turned tail, heading back the way she had come.

table by kahilli

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