We can murder then leave
1. Character Name: Nuki Rakezael
2. Character Birthdate (including year): December 13, 2007
3. Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci: Luperci Ortus
4. Species: Eurasian Wolf (canis lupus lupus)
5. Gender: Female
6. Currently played characters: Orin Takekuro, Scorpius D'Angelo
7. How you found 'Souls: Not required for returning or current members

Judging by that idiot boy these people raised, insinuating herself into the pack would be easy. Still, the butcher was not exactly sure why she had such a driving need to join them. She killed the boy, Denali, and nothing happened. The murder was glorious, and she collected not just one, but two trophies from the victim. It sated her thirst for blood and eased her tumultuous thoughts for a while, and her fears of the nearby pack coming for her were unfounded. The devil hurt the boy that day because she thought he had put her in danger. Thanks to the paranoia of a youth spent growing up in End World, Nuki assumed the moment the boy came running to her for help that his pack was not far behind and that they would come slay her just for being a loner. Little did she know that this was not typical procedure on this continent.

In a fit of anger she did the only thing she could fathom at the time; destroy the threat. And now Denali was no more. Yet the pack had not come after him; not that day because Denali had come out, nor had they come searching for the boy's killer. It was possible they didn't know he was dead yet, though surely the pack would be searching for him soon enough. The pack might have already retraced the child's steps but thanks to the snow and Nuki's prior experience with disposing of evidence they would find little to investigate initially. Nuki was certain to be nowhere near the murder site when the pack came searching, but for an inexplicable reason could not tear herself away from this territory completely. It would have been best just to get away from Crimson Dreams.

Instead of leaving, though, the stalker merely moved, shifting her position from the east side of Crimson Dreams to the west, far away from the place where she took the boy's life. She only intended to spend a couple more days there before moving on, but the day before she planned to head out a creeping sensation overcame her. Shelter...

She wasn't sure why she had this urge, but she knew it would not be wise to ignore it. Her survival instincts were rarely wrong. Her internal senses detected a danger that her conscious mind could not yet perceive. She spent half a day wondering if it was just paranoia that the pack was coming for her, but convinced herself otherwise as she had noticed no evidence of any search parties or witch hunts. No, this was something more, something deeper. She needed to heed her body's warning.

Finally decided, she made short work of locating a place, a secluded cave, to stow most of the items that she carried. It did not feel right carrying her every worldly possession into the accursed pack territory. Here she left two large packs and several pouches. She assessed her stock and took some items out of the packs, put others in, until she finally had in one pack the only things she would take with her to Crimson Dreams. Of course, the gory trophy she collected from the boy would have to stay behind... but another... She grinned as she packed the mask away, deep beneath her other possessions. At the last minute she traded out her bone knife and decided to take her bow with her instead; the knife had spilled Denali's blood and, though it had been meticulously cleaned, may still have traces of the boy on it. Her bow would be useful enough, and a little less suspicious.

Her final items decided, she slipped out of the cave and carefully puzzled a few rocks together in front of it to camouflage the entrance. Her things should be okay here, and snow would probably come soon and conceal that anyone had ever disturbed this ground.

Satisfied, Nuki turned from the cave and stalked towards the home of the thing she despised the most... The home of an organized pack... To the place that the dead boy told her was called Crimson Dreams...

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WC 689


When the howl reached her ears the woman sighed heavily. The last thing she wanted was to go out and talk to anyone she did not know, but she had no choice. Anu was ill, and was on strict orders from her daughter not to leave the warmth of the manor lest her sickness gain strength from the winter chill. As she rose from her seat next to Artemis' bed though a thought struck her: what if it was someone with news of Denali? Savina knew the chances of that were slim, but any small beacon of hope was enough for her to cling to desperately. She told Cambria that she would be back as soon as she could and then walked down the hall to her own room to grab her coat and scarf. Once she was bundled up, she swiftly exited the mansion and headed towards the east, in the direction of the call.

For some reason the fact that whoever it was was in the east instead of the west of the Dreaming territory made her hope of hearing news of her son drop. Why she could not say, but something told her that Denali had fled to the west. That was always the direction she traveled when she made her short trips to try and find him. When a figure came into sight upon the borders near McNamara's Landing the Consul did her best to quiet these thoughts though, and also did her best to try and appear strong and in charge. Despite her best efforts though, there was still that undeniable hollowness to her eyes. There were things about this woman that immediately put her a bit on edge, but even now Savina was not one to be intimidated. "These are the lands of Crimson Dreams and I am the alpha here. What is it that you want?" This was the first stranger to come upon their borders and seek an audience in some time.

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WC 682 - I intend to spree this but keep writing longer posts by accident. LOL

Crimson eyes scanned the snow crusted lands before her as she approached the claimed territories, and as she neared the borders the veins beneath her skin felt as though they were writhing with night-crawlers. Before crossing into the territory she took a moment to steady herself. It was not fear that unsettled her so, rather her deep disgust for packs that made her stomach lurch. But she could not have that, she needed a clear mind and a cooperative body in order to execute this deception.

Once her nerves were properly soothed she continued on, suddenly as solid as a rock, and breached the borders of Crimson Dreams. She was not long over the borders before she tilted her head back and sang a beckoning howl. The pack needed to know she was here, she could hardly gain their trust if she were to sneak up on them, or simply be discovered somewhere in the middle of their territory.

The call was haunting, something like a ghostly memory. She had done this before and was well prepared to do this again; faked obedience to a group in order for survival. Still, what was it that she was so certain that she needed saving from? What was this invisible force driving her to seek solace within this pack? What could be so damn important that her instinct told her it would be better to immerse herself into a pack just days after murdering one of their own ranks? Time would tell. Patience, Nuki, patience.

Some peculiar monolith stood before her, rusted metallic skin consumed by ice and snow. End World was full of sights like these with little nature and wilderness, so seeing something like this here was a strange sight indeed. Her eyes traced the lines of the plane wreck, the broken wings, the smashed cockpit. Boxes were evidence that this place was once ripe with provisions, but now anything of use was surely gone. Still, she took note of this place. The scrap metal here might prove useful in making some new weapon... or trap.

Not long after her summoning howl someone from the pack emerged. Black, shadowed pelt stood out in stark contrast to the blinding white snow. For a place as large as she deduced this territory to be, this was not a displeasing response time. She dropped her hands to her side as the woman approached, careful not to so much as blink wrong during this first, crucial meeting.

“A pleasure to meet you, Lady Alpha,” she spoke, her tone as soft and respectful as she could muster. Her eyes met Savina's only long enough to register that strange human intent for friendship and conversation, but flicked away from time to time. The aversion of her eyes was usually not lost on any alpha. It was a primeval form of communication, a technique much older and more powerful than their language now. I am beneath you. You are my superior. It registered, among other things.

With a shift of her shoulder but little more than a twitch of her arm, Nuki's bow slid from its perch and fell to the snow. She wanted Savina to know that even though she carried a weapon there was no intent to use it now. If the alpha wanted to, she could reach out and take the bow, or stomp and snap it there. The quiver and arrows remained on Nuki's back, however, but it would have been awkward and difficult to shoulder it off the way it was slung around her backpack.

“My name is Nuki Rakezael. I just arrived on this continent a couple weeks ago and I am now seeking a place to call home. No wolf is complete without a pack. I would like to appeal to you, Lady Alpha, may this wayward wolf take rank among your people?” Yes, it was formal, but alphas usually liked that. Even those that preferred a casual relationship with their people (though Nuki had only known of one such wolf) like the explicit satisfaction of being immediately conceded to.

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Lulzzz X3

Even though her initial gut-reaction to this strange female was one of caution, the actions of the other were quick to contradict whatever ill notions she might have. It was enough for Savina to relax to an extent, but there was still a soft voice in the back of her head telling her to watch this one carefully. There was no defiance though, in fact this woman seemed more well-versed in the manners of these encounters than even some of her own current members had been upon her meeting them. Savina did prefer to keep casual and friendly relationships with her packmates, but these first meetings were different. There was a code of conduct to be observed and the Consul had always taken it seriously, nearly sacrosanct.

The Italian fey had seen the bow, but as it had not been in the other's hands at her arrival she had taken it as no threat, assuming it was meant for hunting. However she took the gesture as it was meant to be taken, as another show of submission and fealty, a show of good faith. The Dreaming leader listened as this tan woman, Nuki, spoke of her desire to join the pack and spoke briefly of her origins in these lands. "A pleasure to meet you Nuki, I am Savina Marino. We are accepting of newcomers, however, what is it that you can provide us with in return?" It was a question that was always asked, but was even more crucial in the depth of winter's hold. Everyone had to contribute for the pack to survive. The Marino matriarch was interested to hear where Nuki hailed from, but that could wait until the after formalities were taken care of.

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WC 309

Nuki nodded to Savina, understanding the importance of the question she posed. Luckily she was not short on things she could offer this pack, but she also would not want to give herself away completely. “I am a craftswoman, I have some skill fashioning blades and other rudimentary weapons,” her skill far surpassed how she spoke of it, but she did not want this woman to know that it was her hobby... nay, her obsession to sit and invent and implement new methods of weaponry and traps.

“I could provide the pack with weapons for safety, battle, or hunting, as well as can tutor any young pupils that desire to learn the craft. I am also an experienced archer,” she gestured towards her bow. “Sometimes it is difficult to take down prey in the grip of winter. Muscles are cold and even with four paws we can be slow in the loose snow. I can guarantee greater success from pack hunts with an archer in the party.” She nodded and added. “If you have any other archers in the pack, we would make a good team. Not only would it increase the ratio for successful hunts, but if an animal is immobilized or even killed by the arrows, you will have less hunting related injuries to worry about.”

It was a tough bargaining chip, and in the throes of winter would be plenty for most alphas. Still, she surveyed Savina's reaction to see if the alpha approved of what she heard. If the pack already had several archers she would have to conceive a new bargaining strategy. Still, as it was, she could impart knowledge upon the pack, fashion weapons (and by association, fashion tools), and hunt. What more could she ask for? Well, we'll see, Nuki thought to herself as she awaited Savina's decision.

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At the first mention of her being a craftswoman the leader's ears perked a bit, but when the words "blade" and "weapon" were used it made that feeling of distrust and unease rise back up in her chest. Savina knew that blades could be useful objects and weapons were fine, so long as they were held in responsible hands, but the implements still made the sable fey nervous. Especially so when there were so many young ones in the pack that could easily hurt themselves if those things were easily accessible. The Consul did not interrupt though, not wanting to be rude and desiring to hear the rest of what Nuki had to say. She could voice her concerns soon enough, after the other woman had given a full account of her skills.

When she spoke of archery though, and how it made particularly winter hunting more easy, Savina was quite intrigued. Though there was a pang of sorrow with her interest. Denali had wished to learn such things. How to hunt in his optime form. She had promised to take him to AniWaya so he could learn. If only he were here now, he could learn from this woman. "We must be careful with blades here, for there are many pups in the pack, but your ability to hunt with your bow is very promising. No one here uses such an instrument, and of course any help to bring more food in in the winter safely is quite welcome." That whisper of suspicion was still in her mind, but she had nothing to ground it on, and so she continued, "You would be a welcome addition to Crimson Dreams Nuki. You will start as a Plebeian and may move up in the ranks as you prove yourself to us." Her words were accented with a wan smile.

Even though she knew the chances were slim, the mother could not help but ask, "Since you were traveling to reach here, I don't suppose you ran across a boy who was on his own, with a coat made up of browns? His name is Denali." There was a small glimmer of hope in her eyes, but it was as weak as candlelight in the wind, just waiting to be extinguished.

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OOC Whoo! Back in the swing of things! WC 347

Nuki offered a wan nod as Savina mentioned pups in the pack. Crimson eyes took on a grave, marble quality as she reflected on the importance of keeping weapons away from the curious eyes of babes. “I understand. I would be more than happy to stow my weapons in a safe place, far from where young hands can reach or young minds can puzzle, when they are not needed. I only need to know of where I might stay to keep them.” There was a half question written in her reassurance. It was most likely that Savina would tell her about the packs common dwelling, for this was the typical first step of moving into a pack land.

Now that the brunt of the formalities were over, she bent and retrieved her bow, slinging the item back over her shoulder as she raised up. “Thank you for the opportunity, Lady Alpha. The chance you have given me today is not lost on me.” A small smile pressed onto her muzzle. Aye, the words were not completely insincere, for Savina was opening up a great opportunity for the wolfess. Unfortunately, she would not be using it as anyone in Crimson Dreams would hope.

The smile mutated into a moment of concentration, though, when Savina pressed her on the matter of the missing child. She thought for a moment before shaking her head, the gravity of Savina's question reflected in Nuki's visage. “I'm sorry, I haven't seen such a boy. I just came from the west,” she gestured over her shoulder. “I did meet a young rogue on my way... at least I assumed he was a rogue... but it was brief, and he did not match that description. He was a tall fellow, early in seasons, probably two years old, tops? Dark sooty colored coat. Had a disgusting grin, if you ask me. The kind of bloke you don't trust to guard your rubbish.” Her brows arched with worry. “Are you awaiting a young emissary? Or has the boy gone missing from here?”

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Sorry for the wait! DX Wrap this up? 300+

It was a relief to see that Nuki clearly understood the need to keep dangerous objects away from children. There had been problems with such things in the past, and from a very unexpected quarter. Savina did her best not to think on that awful day though, even if it were one she would never forget. The Consul nodded her head, picking up on the other woman's implied question. "There is a large manor to the east that most of the pack stays in. There are still a good number of vacant rooms, so you will be free to claim one as your own. You can put all your possessions there. I can show where it is." There might even be a bureau in one of the unclaimed rooms that could be used to place her things safely in. The alpha didn't know off the top of her head, but arrangements could always be made.

A small smile came to her own face as Nuki offered her thanks for acceptance. It was the most the Italian fey could muster at the moment. "You are welcome, and you may call me Savina." Now that Nuki was officially a part of Crimson Dreams there was no more need for such formalities. No one else in the pack went around calling her "Alpha" or "Lady". It was a kind and respectful gesture, but it was no longer prudent in the Marino matron's eyes.

The new Dreaming thought for a moment on her question, but the inevitable negative answer came. Savina nodded solemnly, only half-hearing the description of the soul that the Rakezael femme had come across. She didn't care about who else the woman had met, only if she had seen her missing son. Emerald gems looked back up to the rubies when she asked more about the boy in question. "He is my son. My adopted son. He ran away in the night, blaming himself for something that was no one's fault. I would have searched for him more, but my daughter fell and she has not woken up since..." Savina had to stop talking, and it took all her strength to rein in the tears that threatened to come and wet her eyes. She would not cry, not in front of someone she barely knew.

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OOC I agree, endpost! =D

The Alpha was skilled at holding her emotions at bay, yet no one could speak of missing or injured children without the listener suspecting some amount of hurt. Nuki's eyes shifted away for a moment in respect before she shook her head gently and said, in a somber tone, “These are grave times then, indeed. I'm sorry to hear about our pack's misfortune. I would be more than happy to lend any of my talents to help find the missing child. If we're lucky then he is just like any boy and got lost chasing his tail. There is always hope. Unfortunately I have no skills to help your daughter.”

After a moment of silence, she faced the direction of the manor, nodding to a prior mention Savina had made. “I would appreciate being shown the manor, then I can work on settling into a room and you can return to your family and duties, Savina.”

She waited for the alpha to lead off and then paced beside her to see this place. It was her new home... but for how long?

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