Light the Fire Within

OOC chatter goes here!

It was the middle of the day when Ookami's stomach began to rumble. He sighed, he was starving. He got up from under his maple tree and trotted into the forest. He perked his ears up, and sniffed the air. He didn't smell anything yet so he crouched down low and crawled across the forest floor. After about five minutes of crawling he finally smelt a deer. He listened carefully. It was to the right, he turned, scanning the area with his eyes. The smell was getting stronger. The buck came into view. He was walking along the path that Ookami was on. He darted off to the side, to hide in the brush. The deer must have seen something because he stopped quick. Ookami stayed still but the wolf wasn't convinced he turned around and began to run. Ookami growled and leaped onto the path. He sped up, right on the buck's heels. He slowed for a second, letting the deer get ahead, then jumped up. He landed on the deers back. He dug his claws into the tough flesh on the buck's back. He tore into the skin with his claws and then bit into the deer's neck. He slowed, bucking and jumping around in the air. Ookami jumped off of his back then rammed into his side. He toppled over, the buck's ankle bent the wrong way and Ookami heard a sickining snap. The deer cried out. He was in shock and Ookami took advantage of it. He whispered words under his breath, then snapped the deer's neck.

Ookami was proud of himself, taking down a full grown deer by himself. He put the deer's antler in his mouth and closed down with his powerful jaws, he began to drag the deer away. He sniffed the air and smelt a wolf that was brand new to Phoenix Valley, it was Temo. His stomach growled again, he stopped where he was and began to eat quickly, he didn't want to be dragging a deer around when he met the new wolf for a second time. He finished eating as the sceant grew closer. He sat next to the deer, ready to offer the wolf some food as soon as he became visible.

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Sorry, I take forever to write. I'm not very good at writing.

Temo Wolfe

Temo woke up bleary eyed with a big yawn. Noticing Jace had already woken up and, by the note she left in the snow, had gone off to explore. He stood up and shook the sleep and snow from his fur. He looked around, he didn't see anything except the faint trail of Jace's footprints in the snow showing the direction she had taken.

Sitting down onto his haunches, temo looked around him. A new day has dawned with him a member of a pack once again. He looked up at the sky seeing the puffy clouds. No sign of snow at the moment, but it was still very cold. A small shiver went through him as he wasn't used to cold temperatures like this as the climate was milder from where he came from. After a moment more, Temo decided that a good run to work the cold from his bones would be good. He left a note in the snow, under Jace's note, that he went off for a run and to explore. With that, he got up and shook out his fur once more, then took off running at a tangent to the direction Jace took.

The run found Temo near the top of a hill at a vantage point that he could survey a large chunk of the area. The chill gone, he spent some time basking in what little sun there was and contemplating his new life. Now in a pack with him a stranger to most. Will they like him? Will they decide later that he isn't good enough for their pack? Those and other thoughts raced through his head.

To get away from those thoughts, he ran down the hill and back into the forest. His head wasn't full of thoughts when he was running and it felt good to run and stretch the muscles. Panting, he skidded to a stop when his path crossed another wolf's trail. Although, not in his nature to seek out others, he thought he should introduce himself to everyone as a new pack member so they aren't trying to run him off. He followed the footprints, he realized the scent is from Ookami, the large golden wolf he already met. No matter, he thought, I'll wish him a good day.

The scent of blood from a fresh kill in his nostrils, Temo came around a bend in the trail to find Ookami sitting next to a partially eaten deer. Noticing no others, Temo realized that Ookami had taken down the deer by himself. Impressed by that, but not surprised given the larger size of the other wolf that dwarfed Temo probably by half again his weight, he guessed. After approaching to a respectable distance and nodding in respect, Temo said "Good day sir. How are you on this fine day?" Trying not to be rude and having read the story in the stirred up snow and dirt, he adds "Excellent job with your kill."


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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Haha, it's all good.! -wordcount-204-

Ookami shivered a bit as a cold wind blew by him. He looked down at the deer, he hated to think that it may go to waste, but he was full and would not be able to eat anymore. Maybe he could bury it in the snow, the cold would keep the deer fresh. He shrugged, if someone didn't come along that was hungry then he would do that. He looked around as the scent of Temo grew closer. He licked his lips, ridding them of blood and perked his ears. His tail thumped on the ground, the sound muffled by the snow on the ground.

Temo finally came into view. He was following Ookami's footsteps and he smiled, Already trying to meet everyone. He gave a light and low chuckle. Ookami smiled at Temo as he drew closer. He dipped his head in respect, "I am quite good. And how about you?" Ookami smiled at the compliment that came after Temo's greeting, "Why thank you. Would you like to eat some? I am full and I would hate for the meat to go to waste." Ookami smiled, scooting back a little, giving Temo some room to approach the deer shoudl he want some.

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Temo Wolfe

Temo nodded a little, "Good. I'm doing ok, except..." Temo glances at the northern sky as his voice trailed off. After a moment, he looked back to Ookami and with a quieter voice, "I just have an uneasy feeling...." he let his voice trail off again as a cold gust of wind swirled around them as if to punctuate Temo's uneasiness.

As if to change the subject and that nothing was bothering him, Temo looked at the deer, back to his normal voice, "No, I had my fill yesterday. But," Temo looked back to Ookami, "We could bundle it up and take it back to the main pack. There may be some that hadn't had a chance for a hunt." Remembering his birth pack used to do this for those that were otherwise unable to go on a hunt.


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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Ookami listened to Temo's greeting, he glanced up at the sky, "Yes, A storm is coming." He still looked at the sky, noting the green tint that the clouds held. He shivered slightly at the cold wind that circled them.

He nodded, "Okay. That sounds good," He smiled, Temo's idea was probably better than just burying it in the snow to save for himself. Ookami didn't want to be selfish and he would probably forget that he had even burried it and a bear would get to it before he could. Ookami looked at the sky once more, he sighed, "I really hope this storm will not be a big one. I don't want to be stuck inside for ever." He cocked his head, "Actually I would probably out patrolling, and I don't like the cold all that much." He laughed.

Temo Wolfe

Temo sighed. "Yes, the cold. Does seem to get pretty cold here. More so than I'm used to." Temo looked over the carcass and amid the noises of his bones shifting, and reforming, Temo changed into his optime form to facilitate dressing out the carcass.

After a few stretches to settle the muscles and bones, he began working on the carcass. Temo stripped the hide off and laid it upon the ground fur side down. With practiced ease, he pulled the meat off the bones and laid it on the hide. Done, he pulls some sinew from the bones and uses it to tie the hide around the meat in a neat package with a carrying handle for hand or jaw.

"There, all finished." Temo said while he cleaned the blood and specks of meat from his paws and fur. "All's that is left is burying the bones." Temo did a couple more stretches, his body not used to this form any more due to disuse during the months of wondering prior to his arrival to this area.


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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OOC chatter goes here!

Ookami watched him tend to the deer. He watched carefully, he probably would not be able to do that as a wolf, but what was to stop him from trying? He smiled when he was finished, "Interesting..." He chuckled a bit, "Your old pack taught you to do this?" He wondered what his past pack did when there was left over meat... Probably store it away to leave for the Alpha whenever he had the slightest bit of hunger. He grew angry at this thought and tried his best to push it away. A small bit of this thought wallowed in his mind..

"Do you think the storm will be big?" He thought that it may not be very big but according to Jace she beilived that it would be bigger. She said that she had a sense of weather and things, and so he believed her.

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Temo Wolfe

"Yes," Temo answered, "The whole pack is taught this. In the winter, it freezes and stored for during storms and when prey is scarce." Temo notices a flash of, anger?, in Ookami's eyes and turns to the carcass. He looked up at the sky and studied it while pondering the question. "There will be a storm, but as to how bad, I don't know...," His voice trailed off.

He shifted to his secui form and started digging a hole to bury the remains in. Easier to dig in the frozen ground in his secui form, the bones and offal was soon gone from sight. after using snow to clean his paws, Temo shifted back to his lupis form and vigorously shakes his fur out and settle his bones and muscles back into place.


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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