Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!
Going to post with Farore first then you can post with Giddy James poo. WC 768

The snow had been coming down for days and for days Nayru had been stuck in the glass green house, only able to watch as the snow piled up higher and higher above her head. It was a strange situation indeed, to watch slowly as she was being buried alive and unable to do very much about it. On the first day when Nayru awoke the snow had been coming down, but there had been no reason to worry about it. It was winter after all, and snow was expected, and the girl had gone back to sleep to wait out the storm, planning to emerge and go about her day as soon as the flurry was over. Upon the second awakening Nayru was slowly growing alarmed. The snow had not ceased, as she had expected, and was actually coming down even heavier. Already outside the snow was piled high against her green house and when she went to push open the door she found that the door was frozen shut and barricaded with several feet of snow, heavy and wet and holding her in tight quite effectively.

Push as she might the door wouldn’t open and for a long time Nayru considered her situation. She would be warm and safe in the green house, but unable to reach the others. Locked up in the green house at the eastern end of the pack lands, the girl wondered how the others were faring. Were they all safe inside or had some gotten stuck out in the blizzard? Were any of them trapped in like she was herself? Was there anyone in desperate need of help? The thoughts came down heavy like the snow, blinding her as effectively as the nearly solid wall of frozen water prevented her from seeing more than a few inches out of all her hundreds of windows. No other thoughts except anxiety for the others could be brought into focus, even when she realized she could reach them and worrying was a waste of her energies.

The day dragged on and turned into another, though without the sunlight Nayru was losing track of time. Again and again she tried the door, for by the hour she was growing more convinced her help would be needed outside the green house, but try as she might the door didn’t budge. And when Nayru took a large rock to one of the glass panes she found the thick glass too strong to break. Escape was ever impossible, though the patch work girl tried again and again. That no one came to rescue her did not even cross her mind, for she felt a failure. She should be out there, helping them, and for the first time in her life the Lehrer felt truly useless.

Sleep found her again, for there was little else to do but worry and fret, and the white lady came in her dream. “You won’t be letting yourself out. They will have to dig you out.” Nayru woke with a start and the anxiety was too much to handle. Had the dream been a dream or had it truly been the white lady again? Nayru couldn’t tell the difference when her own mind was tormenting her or if it was the ghostly woman. Rushing at the door she stopped, for although the snow obscured her vision through the frosted and steamy glass, someone was out there. Someone was outside her door, digging at the snow. The white lady. Nayru pushed against the door, and then heard the sound of moaning glass above her too late.

A few of the glass panels on the roof, those right above the door were growing too weary from holding up snow that wouldn’t stop. They shifted in their place, grew hairline cracks that widened and snapped with the freezing air, and the large heavy glass came tumbling down. Right below them Nayru stood and it was too late to move. Upon colliding with her head the glass broke into even more pieces, heavy and sharp, tearing long and wide gashes in the skin of the two toned woman. The blood came quickly and from many different wounds. A large one in her head, along her cheek, her back where a large piece of glass had torn a gash many inches long. Yet Nayru was barely conscious for any of it, the heavy glass having hit her head first and she lay unconscious as the red liquid of her body spread and soaked into the piles of snow that had come down with the sections of her roof.


Whooo. Finally posted with Rore. Sorry for the wait James!

Long before the snow had started Farore had found Dahlia de Mai. It hadn't been hard locating the infamous pack, partly following the words of her father and partly blind faith. When she came upon the northern shoreline and successfully avoided the coyote clan, the next pack should have been Dahlia de Mai. And it was, although Farore asked no one for confirmation. She simply knew. Just as she knew that her sister was there. Lining the borders of the pack was the girl's scent, just as Farore remembered it. Although she hadn't realized that she remembered it at all, unable to recall it at will weeks before when she tried. Yet as soon as it hit her nostrils she knew who had been marking the borders. And furthermore the scent was strongest at the eastern end, and less diluted by the scents of other Dahlians. Nayru was in there, somewhere, but for how easy it had been to locate her, actually seeing her proved impossible.

Farore fled from the pack after the initial shock and joy of actually finding Nayru's location. If she left her own scent behind and Nayru found it, Farore never knew. Deep into Ethereal Eclipse the girl hid, from her own sister and the imagined reunion between the two. Would Nayru be pleased? Possibly. But there was also the possibility that she wouldn't be. Worse than an angry reaction would have been an indifferent. If that was so, than the whole journey would have been for nothing. Farore couldn't stand the thought, it was easier to live on the edge of a dream. Feeling successful at finding her sister and still living in the imaginary reunion, Farore found herself unable to experience the reality.

Yet it had started to snow, and it hadn't stopped. The first day Farore wandered in the blizzard, north towards Dahlia de Mai, as she liked to linger near to the pack. Yet when the snow did not stop instead of turning south and returning to her temporary home, she sought shelter close to the Dahlian borders. And when it did not stop the next morning and the world was just a wall of white she entered into the pack's borders. No one stopped her, they had all probably sought shelter, and it would have been easy to excuse her "mistake" on account of the snow. She left long trails looping through the eastern edges of the pack land, trails that were quickly swallowed by snow that filled in her footprints almost as quickly as she made them.

It was only when she came to the tall stone wall that she paused. The frozen water that coated everything made tracking anything or anyone so much more difficult, but clinging to the stone wall was distinctly her sister's scent. Farore's heart began to hammer at this discovery and she wasted many hours circling the stone wall, ending only at her own footprints many times as she contemplated just how one might get inside. By the time she found the handle that opened the stone wall, many hours later and after passing the tunnel that was covered completely by snow, her limbs (now in Optime) were numb and her finger tips tingled unnaturally. The snow clung to her coat and she looked more like a spotless creature than the flawed and marked woman she really was.

Once she pushed her way into the garden it did not take long to discover the greenhouse. Her only stumble had been tripping over the rocks that lined the koi pond, but frozen and covered in snow as it was Farore was unaware of the frozen fish many feet beneath her own body. The steamed windows of the strange structure made her think something alive was inside, and upon closer inspection amethyst eyes saw the outline of the woman inside. With desperation the girl began to claw and dig at the snow blocking the doorway, finding her method inefficient but the only means she had. It was only after the loud crash that the door finally pulled free from its frozen frame and Farore saw the spotted woman, more red than white or black now, laying on the ground.

Kneeling down the iced woman touched the body, fingers trembling but her own cold forgotten. At first the body seemed a lost cause, but the numbness was only her own and after a moment Farore knew Nayru to be warm and breathing. Letting out a sigh she cradled the familiar but all too strange and grown head in her lap, a blank and useless mind, mentally recording this as the reunion she had anticipated, dreamed of and feared for so long.

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He is irrational when it comes to her >_> <3

He had been walking through the blizzard for what felt like days; everything looked the same to his eyes. Perhaps he had been walking around in circles...the male lifted his head to look about again before putting it back down, shielding his eyes against the icy winds that swept over the layers of snow already on the ground. Gideon had no way to know if Nayru was in the house in the garden or not, but he was determined to find out one way or another.

There were a few tracks that led up to the walls of the garden, a good sign; they had not yet been filled in completely with snow. Someone must have been there recently! He followed them in, keeping his head low against the wind until he got through into the place. Once he was inside he found the winds to have lessened slightly, thought the snow seemed to have built up here worse than many places outside.

A crashing sound caught the attention of the Jager, his eyes widening as he neared Nayru's greenhouse. The door was flung wide open. A horrific sight met his eyes as he approached the house. A foreign wolf crouched over a very familiar form...blood soaking the ground around them both. He gasped, paws taking him forward, instinct taking over. "YOU GET OFF OF HER. GET OFF!" Had the stranger come here to pillage the place for food and gotten into a fight with Nayru?!

Gideon's hackles raised as he rushed at them, aiming to try and push the foreign wolf away from his friend. Nayru looked bad; her eyes were closed as if she was sleeping. She wasn't...dead was she? Fear sparked anger in the young male almost immediately. "YOU DON'T BELONG HERE. YOU GET THE HELL OUT NOW."

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Table by Alli!

Aww Giddy is cute.

She was a child again in her unconsciousness, naïve, innocent and unfamiliar with the places and people of her adult self. Gideon, her tall, dark Gideon, did not exist in this world. Nor did Conor nor Bris nor Saluce. Nayru was afraid to kill in this place, as if she had never taken another's life before. Comprehending the power, to revoke or grant life, was too much for the gentle hearted girl in her dream world. When surrounding a rabbit with her two sisters they did not jump at it, did not uncover fangs, did not even imagine doing so. Instead they named the terrified thing Frank. And when poor Frank did escape they did not pursue, but fell down upon the warm, sun-soaked ground in a big pile: legs intertwining and heads resting on sides and butts and tails all over the place. And Nayru knew complete happiness then.

Then the white their mother called to them, but she wasn't exactly their mother. The eyes too dark, navy instead of cerulean, and the soft grey specks that trailed up their mother's legs was missing. Nayru did not recognize the white lady for what or who she was, because this was before the white lady, and the other pups scrambled for their mother. The scuffle of their moving bodies began to break up the dream and soon it was not Farore and Din above her but Gideon and Farore. Ruby eyes slid open, just barely, squinting at the two struggling creature that towered over her and letting out a little gasp, for she was sure she was still dreaming. Lips parted as if to speak, but the effort was too much and the bleeding woman slipped into unconsciousness once more.


Short posts are short!

All too sudden the eerie silence was shattered as a dark figure rushed her. So preoccupied with Nayru's condition she hadn't heard the heavy paws on the packed snow, smelt the unfamiliar scent on the frigid air or even imagined that perhaps someone might come looking for her sister. Out of nowhere came the man flying at her, screaming something or other and Farore could only put up one arm to ward off the onslaught. The other arm still cradled the injured head in her lap, afraid to shift it in the slightest, her hand covering the wound as best as she could to slow the bleeding. Yet as much as she wished not to jostle the woman unconscious in her lap, she could help but tense and nearly jump up, and she couldn't control her voice which rose to meet his in volume and strength.

"GET AWAY FROM US." And then lips pulled back to flash pearly white fangs, unaccustomed to battle or defense but ready none the less. "DON'T YOU TOUCH MY SISTER." And between the shouts and struggle she heard the sound from her lap and she paused her struggle, allowing the male to take control if he persisted. Yet she could not fight just then, as amethyst eyes saw the open ruby irises for the first time in what seemed like forever. Farore melted and the battle left her, reasoning and understanding slowly coming back. This male must be a pack member, must be someone Nayru knows, but she forgot him and turned to her sister. "Nayru? Nayru? Wake up! Please!"

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-finally posts- It's been a while. <3

He had been walking through the blizzard for what felt like days; everything looked the same to his eyes. Perhaps he had been walking around in circles...the male lifted his head to look about again before putting it back down, shielding his eyes against the icy winds that swept over the layers of snow already on the ground. Gideon had no way to know if Nayru was in the house in the garden or not, but he was determined to find out one way or another.

"Sister?" Had Nayru ever mentioned having a sister? The stranger could easily be lying to him. Gideon stared back at her, mistrust shining through, easily readable on his expressive face. He wasn't sure what to say to her or what to do, his eyes flicking between Nayru and her supposed sister. "She's my best friend"

He tried to explain this to her as he made his decision, kneeling down next to the two. "What happened? I thought you were hurting her..or in here stealing something. What's wrong with her?" Gideon's voice had turned quiet now as Nayru's eyes opened. "Nay...It's me, Gideon. I'm here. And this wolf, too."

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Table by Alli!


Gonna just use Farore here. Please PP Nayru moving a bit as Farore "fixes" her. ha. XD

In Character

Best Friend. Farore resented this, as Din and herself were Nayru's best friends surely. The time apart shouldn't devalue their relationship. Or had it? The white woman with ink tipped tail and toes didn't have the time to ponder over this. Nayru was in trouble and whoever this man was, he was here now and at least he was no longer shouting at her. She regarded him carefully, her stare set hard as he knelt down beside her sister but her face and voice softened as she saw the genuine concern in his face. His questions came to her, but she could only shrug and give her name as he spoke. This wolf too. "Farore." That was it. Nayru was bleeding when she arrived, and the glass from the ceiling had already fallen in. She knew as much as he did really.

"I think it was the roof. We need to stop the bleeding though."The woman stood, much taller than her tiny sister and looked about the room, then wearily up at the glass ceiling. Would any more panels succumb to the weight of the snow building up above them? She couldn't worry about that either. Hastily she spotted some twine. That it was wrapped around a plant, holding up the stem so that the weight of the flower did not break the stalk, was irrelevant. Farore ripped the thread from the plant and brought it back to her sister's side. Then, kneeling down she unsheathed the dagger strapped to her sister's ankle. Why did Nayru have this? It didn't matter. "I'm going to stitch up her head. Hold her down in case she wakes up and thrashes." Farore didn't want to admit she didn't know what she was doing as she fingered the skin around Nayru's wound. Clutching the sharp dagger she took both the point of the blade and the thread her in hand and brought it up to Nayru's head, taking a deep breath before she began.

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ok :3

Just because he considered Nayru to be his best friend, it didn't mean that the girl considered him to be the same. He had always assumed it was so, but family fell into a high category as well. He hoped he hadn't offended the wolf with what he had said, one ear flicking back as he thought to himself. Saul, Shiloh, and Ascher were his best friends too...but they were family. Same for Conor, Bris, and little Eclipse. Layla was another very close friend.

"This is a dangerous place for us to stay during the storm, then. At least out in these open parts...Once she's stable, we should move so we're underneath something that would block the glass if it falls again." He said. Gideon gritted his teeth and held onto Nayru as tightly as he could without hurting her, watching Farore do her work. "Why did you come back now?" He asked. "She never talked about her family much."

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Table by Alli!



Clumsy fingers worked as she listened half halfheartedly to the male holding down her sister. The blade of the knife was sharp and the twine rough, but somehow Farore managed to tied together the two flaps of skin that had previous been torn apart. At his words her heart sank, Nayru hadn't talked about her family much? Had she forgotten them due to such an early separation? Or had her two toned sibling willfully forgotten them? An ear flicked as she tried to compose an answer that would satisfy both Nayru's friend and herself. "Someone had to come looking for her eventually."And silently she thought to herself "someone has to bring her home." Wherever home was at the moment.

Dark violet eyes inspected the other wounds as closely as she could. They wouldn't need her crude medical skills, if the poor stitching she had done could be called a skill. But still they bled and Farore worried about the amount of red liquid pooling about her sister's body. Her eyes darted about but didn't see any cloth to hold to the wound, but spotted the small dog house in the corner of the greenhouse. It was probably better in there than out in the storm, and if any more glass fell the wood above their heads would take the impact. "Can you carry her into there?" It hardly looked as if there was enough room for one of them, let alone all three, but there weren't any other options.

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Close soon? :3

"Eventually? She's been here for a while...since before I joined, as a pup. You guys took this long to decide to look for her?" He asked. Gideon wasn't angry by any means, just puzzled. There were always circumstances that could keep family members apart, but it was hard for him to imagine losing a sibling and not going to look for them. Perhaps they had...or perhaps Nayru just hadn't wanted to be found.

"I can stand outside. Yeah..I'll carry her." He lifted Nayru's smaller body easily with his arms, limbs strong from months of fishing up sharks and big ocean fish. He carried her to the area Farore had specified and set her down, scooting her into the doghouse. "I hope she wakes up soon." All they could do was wait, most likely. Wait for her to awaken...wait for this storm to finally end.

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Table by Alli!


Farore looked to the male who questioned her. How could she really explain why it had taken so long? Conor had seemed confused as well, even after Farore had laid out all she knew about the situation that had prevented her from seeking out her own sister. It seemed that it served only as an excuse, but if they could have seen the look of terror on her mother’s face as the very notion of coming to Dahlia de Mai… Yet Farore only shrugged and followed the male as he lifted her sister into the dog house, climbing in after and scooting them as close to the corner of it as possible, to make room for the bulky male if he decided waiting outside wasn’t an option after all.

Nayru felt her sense of gravity and balance shift as strong arms picked her up, moved her and set her down once more. Her breathe came evenly, and soon she could feel the pain throbbing in her head. Eyes flutter open to find the white face with black stains hovering above her, and yet she knew that this woman… Farore… was not the only one there and it was not her name that she mumbled the best she could in her half-awake stage. “…Gideon?” Nayru did not even realize how her sister cringed at the name that was not her own.


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