pretend i'm not real
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Impulse control wasn’t one of his strongest attributes. It was sheer luck that he hadn’t torn out his own beating heart just to see what would happen. It wasn’t as though he’d die, he knew. He was immortal. His flesh was rotting away and his bones showed through the skin, but he would not, could not die, no matter how hard he tried. He inhaled sulfuric fumes and he exhaled maggots and darkened, viscous muck. His eyes were hollow sockets and his lips a jackal grin, exposing elongated canines. The she-yote cared for him at his command, for he couldn’t bother to care for himself. Immortals didn’t need to eat and maintain as lowly, unworthy mortals. It had been a long, long time since he’d felt hunger or thirst. He ate and drank out of habit, not necessity.

Another might gaze on him and see only a frightful, skeletal beast, but Samael saw himself in a far different light. He remained the ethereal child of his youth, with a face carved by the hands of angels. Once, he’d truly been beautiful. Once, he’d been fine-boned and elegant, but that was a long, long time ago. He was withered now. Scars knotted across his flesh, marring him. Introspect was through a filthy, broken mirror showing only what he wanted to see. He crept along the coast, dreaming of her, and dreaming of the Angel, though he dared not step too close to the skull and pike border just ahead. No, he turned away, heading back along the sea, trudging through the snow and slicing his worn, weathered pad on a shard of ice.

Pain was subjective. He felt nothing.


OoC: Mind if I join?

He stank of death, his eyes glazed over with madness. His paw was bloodied was sharp ice, but he did not care. He stared blankly, lost in some fantasy, ignorant of his needs and how he appeared to others. From where Rewdeynetya had come, some might have said he had wandered around in the desert too long; the rows of dunes and lack of water could drive a beast mad. But no, it appeared that his ailment had settled in his mind for a while.

Her lip curled upwards in disgust. It wouldn't be long before the winter claimed his body and soul, the frozen earth taking in his body when it thawed. The snow would cover him in a respectful sheet, and he would be nothing more. She watched, ever careful, from her hiding spot further back. The smell of coyote was strong in the air, and she was uncomfortable from being so close to a pack's lands. Despite his apparent insanity, the creature looked carefully at the spiked border, weighing his options. In that clouded gaze, Rewdeynetya could see understanding and judgment. He was lucky to still have that much.

When he moved away, still lost in his own world, she followed. It was unlike Rewdeynetya, but she wondered if she could con something off of the sickly loner. It wasn't likely someone was waiting for him; common sense and practise dictated the leaving behind of sick pack members. (At least, that was a lifestyle the jackal-wolf was familiar with.) Perhaps she could play into his dreaming mind, his sickly reality, and he might lead her to some food or weapons. With her current stroke of luck, she hadn't been finding much, and had been forced to abandon Cheval Island after a particularly severe snowstorm. The winter was too harsh to be living on the fringe, and out of need, she had been driven closer to the claimed territories. If Rewdeynetya was to survive, she had to even out the competition.

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OOC: Hope you two don't mind me joining too. Sepirah would love to see her Daddy again. WC: 307

Sepirah had been out of the pack more often than not so much that she even wondered how she was staying so high in the ranks. Quite honestly she couldn’t care so long as she was proving her worth to the leaders of the pack. The dark princess could feel the breeze of the winter retreating as spring would be here soon. So many things would come back with that warm season. Perhaps once her grandmother recovered from the snowstorm and she got some of the other family members together, they could go out and do something together. She paused as she crossed the Inferni borders, taking a moment to look at the skulls as she always found herself doing. The jackal bowed her head towards them and then was on her way.

Sepirah felt like a free spirit running loose in the lands. She wondered if there were others out at this time like she was. She placed her nose to the air as she wandered around. The dark princess paused when she thought she smelled something familiar. She padded along wondering what it was. It smelled like family. Was there another Inferni member out here as well? Perhaps this would be prefect to practice her scouting. She was sure that would help her out in the ranks. The jackal slinked around until she found the one she smelled. She froze as she looked over the male’s body. She could see his dark colors and evil eyes. She knew who this was now. She did not notice the other wolf and even if she did her focus was only on the male before her. She stood tall behind him and spoke. ”Hello father. I didn’t expect you to be here. What’s the occasion?” She flicked the tip of her tail as she waited for an answer.

Sepirah ”talks”, walks, and thinks.

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Table by Kemo

OOC: I know you don't know me, but this was interesting...

The little girl was wandering through the strange land, occasionally tripping on a stone or stick cast loose in the middle of nowhere. She tried to stay as unnoticed as possible, which wasn't difficult seeing as she was so tiny. Suddenly she stopped, seeing a strange, skeletal male, his flesh rotting on his gaunt form, his bones visible through the hundreds of blemishes. He scared her, that was for sure. And she was sure he noticed her too, and was scared stiff, even if he didn't really care what a little pup like her was up to. She froze, sniffing the air, smelling blood and rotting meat, her bright green eyes following his every move. He was old, but that didn't dull the sensation of feat that coursed through her as she examined those yellowed canines. Was that blood dripping off of them? Better not to ask, she decided, as she padded silently along, staying a safe distance away from the unknown beast only yards away from her.

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A devil wasn’t meant to have emotions or mortal afflictions. These had destroyed him. He wasn’t able to handle such ridiculous things. He breathed death—his stench the odor of an open grave. Creatures watched him. Like the jackals they were, prowling in the distance, they stalked him like carrion crows, seeking signs of weakness. He would never admit weakness. He would never falter or slow, leaving them to devour his vacant flesh. He would burn.

He wasn’t fit to be devoured like some lowly beast, granting his soul and spirit to ravenous creatures, but he would become ash, returning to hell where he belonged. He’d never just lie down and die. They couldn’t have his heart or brain. Jaws clicked together, inhaling the frigid wind, finding Sepirah behind him. She spoke out, greeting him. “Damnation,” he laughed wickedly, turning his head, peering at her. “Don’t you taste the flames of hellfire?”


OoC: n/a

He spoke in madness, his eyes close to being wild. Almost raspy to her, betraying his weakness, the mongrel spoke of hellfire. Damnation? Rewdeynetya was disgusted. Had he lived in her Egypt, with its civil wars and constant back-stabbing among the packs, he wouldn't have survived a day. Had there not been more Luperci around — their smells filled the area like a fog — she would have dealt with him already.

And he was a father, too. Rewdeynetya could have laughed, but her long muzzle kept shut. Compared to the sickly, scarred, tawny mess that was her sire, she was dark, a blood-like splash on her muzzle. Her body was of no particular type, seemingly shaped from a multitude of breeds that ran in her parentage. She seemed to be greying out, her eyes almost the colour of her father's — at least, to Rewdeynetya, it appeared so. Her voice was kindly, accented...Egyptian?!

Rewdeynetya suppressed a growl. Until now, not one member of her homeland had she come across, the she-hybrid believing that she was alone. Her name was infamous, stained with treason from her turncoat beliefs and practises. If someone was familiar with her, then her existence could be put at risk. Maybe the mutt's madness had somehow been caused by her — the various Luperci along the Nile had done much to get the jump on their competition. Rewdeynetya had once been proud to be responsible for that, but now, she was just afraid.

She pulled back into the woods slowly, never taking her eyes off the conversing pair. She'd see where the conversation would head; after that, she'd either spring or flee, depending on how close the fellow Egyptian remained. That dark-skinned girl seemed quite fond of her insane father, and Rewdeynetya didn't want to interrupt the family reunion. There was more than one way to thin a pack, so to speak.

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