Quote:OOC: Location: At least a few miles southeast of Inferni and like two miles west from Musquodoboit Valley, so somewhere in the middle, still in Dampwoods and at least two days after Chasing Flight, and at least five days before Creeping slowly, it’s ok to be afraid. Time: early morning, around nine am. Weather:  Light snow with at least two inches of snow on the ground, light winds, and temperature is only chilly.

The she wolf stood, belly to the ground. The snow that rest beneath her began to melt slightly with the heat of her body. She crawled slowly and quietly amongst the frozen debris, her body slithering oddly, as she attempted to mimic that of a snake. She snaked her way up to a bush, her nose and eyes carefully finding their way to poke through to the other side of the greenery.

Gray wild eyes stared hungrily at the carcass in the center of a small clearing. She watched as a small horde of crows pecked and tugged on the dead animal. She studied, her stomach growling in protest of being treated so badly. Two days ago, she had eaten a rabbit, but only one. Now she sat crouched amongst the shrubbery, watching crows eat away at some poor elk that had fallen to winter’s fangs.

She slowly inched her way closer to the crows and their prey, her hind legs pushing beneath her body, they itched to leap forward and snap at the crows. Maybe, no, hopefully she would, when she leaped forward and her fangs danced amongst the black rain of feathers as she startled the dead eaters away, she would take one down.

She crept closer, and then sprang from her crouch position. The she wolf came to land in the horde of crows, startling them to take flight. She whiped around, her fangs snapped at the nearest black bird. Her fangs come down on a tender wing and she pulled the fighting crow beneath her weight. It crowed and kicked with its talons, but with a quick swipe of her fangs the black bird this timber wolf held between her fangs laid motionless.

She stood with the black bird nestled with in her jaw, and gazed up at the horde of black birds that flap wildly away from her. She smirked, dropped the crow she had caught at her feet and then lowered her head from the fluttering of black wings to feast upon her small winged prey. Once the crow she caught was devoured, her sight turned amongst the all ready eaten elk. She stared at the still edible meat, and fought over her decision.

If I eat it, I can go a while without hunting. She began, her mind talking with itself as her body began to move closer to the dead animal. Her head lowered, and her nose sniffed at the dead thing. Frozen amongst the snow, it seemed perfectly fine, so she ate, filling her stomach up with meat.

Once full, the young female walked away from the lightly snow covered dead thing, and walked toward a large towering pine. She rubbed her fur against it, turned thrice and then laid down amongst the snowy floor. Her eyes gazed off and watched as the carcass she just fed upon vanished beneath a level of snow making the animal’s body look like another mound upon the land.

The she wolf sighed, and placed her head upon her paws.

hope you don't mind me joining in ^^; Galilee is in her lupus form.

Now that Galilee had finally reached the fabled land in her mother and grandmother's stories, she felt a bit at a loss. The landscape here was much as it had been in the territories to the south, and there were woods and fields and scattered relics left by humankind. There were far more canines living in the area, which was a change. She could smell the scent signatures of at least a half-dozen different packs and ran across the trails left by several loners. The young Aika woman had only met a few characters so far, but then again, she hadn't been incredibly social for the last handspan of days, either.

Soon, Galilee realized, she would have to decide what to do with herself now that she was here. In some ways, she knew her grandmother had sent her here to continue her family's legacy, but as of right now she was not quite sure what that inheritance meant. Every time she thought too deeply an uncomfortable, gnawing sensation tugged at her gut and severely damaged her calm. So the dark black female ignored the big picture and the broad future, and lived completely in the day-to-day. She explored and she learned. She hunted, and ran, and began to meet new faces.

Today, Galilee began with an early-morning run, shaking the stiffness and weariness from her bones. It was a slow jog only, as the thick forest of the Dampwoods was a poor place to go dashing pell-mell through the undergrowth. Running was her favorite pastime, and her form was lean and lithe as a result of it. Many of her family members laughed at her running as a waste of time and energy, but Galilee, encouraged by her father, ran on.

A flock of crows startled up from somewhere nearby, their calls rude and raucous in the morning air. Galilee drew up in a halt and watched the birds wheel overhead, the heat from her lungs creating a small cloud with each breath. More aware of her immediate surroundings now, the grey-blue eyed lupine walked in the direction the birds had flown up from. A short while later, she came across an elk carcass half buried in the freshly falling snow and another wolf nearby, watching it. Nose working overtime at the scent of the meat, she asked the other, "Is this your kill?" Galilee could use a meal, but would not steal from another hunter, either.

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Quote: OOC~ Don't mind at all. Actually nice to have someone else join her here. Smile

The approach of the other she wolf did not immediately set her into a frenzy. She was perfectly comfortable resting there beneath her pine tree. This she wolf sighed, ears held back in an agitated gesture. She snorted, “No.” Was all this light colored wolf would say, but she did raise her head up to gaze upon the other female with wild like gray orbs.

She huffed, adjusted her body to make her rest more comfortable, and then watched the other female. “If you are hungry, eat from it. I do not care,” She said. The other female seemed harmless enough; Deirdre could see no signs amongst this other’s features to indicate a threat. Therefore, she sighed and placed her head back upon her paws. She seemed aloof, bored almost, her stoic persona shining brightly about her.

From her rested position, she eyed the other, “I stole it from those scavengers.” She stated calmly, detaching herself emotionally from this conversation. “It isn’t mine to govern…”

Again, she had built around her a barrier. Throughout her time in these lands, this other was the second being she had seen. However, she did not much care, at that moment with her loneliness being interrupted, she would attempt to push aside others and keep herself in her loneliness. Just like the other wolf she had met, this one that had entered into the small clearing, would most likely be a companion of the moment.

Clear gray disks danced upon the other’s features. She watched the currents of the female’s movements and studied her for any indication that the other she wolf would turn against her. This one, Deirdre could tell was slightly different. She could not place it, but the female was not completely wolf. Was she of the Luperci? She wondered upon this as she stayed resting beneath her pine tree, eyes never weaving from the lupus before her.
Jace was a silent deadly hunter. She stalked through the lands with her folded ears high and her sensitive nose low. She had not scented the god damned hated Lucifer anywhere nearby so she had decided it was safe to leave the Phoenix Valley territories to go exploring. She had only seen a small portion of the dampwoods on her travel through it. Damaged and complete folded audits swiveled constantly searching her surrounding for sound of food of foe. She looked to the sky as a sudden explosion of crow calls made her jump but she simply ignored it as carried on her way. Her tan tipped white tail wagged happily in the air behind her, the doggish patchwork looking female was content to simply wander through the woods and occasionally come across some evidence of the human's past.

She thought the humans were fascinating, the things they built and invented while they often smelt bad and looked disgraceful they were, more often than not, completely extraordinary. Up ahead Jace spied a scrawny looking rabbit digging in the snow and searching for sustenance. Her stomach reminded her that she hadn't eaten in a few hours, she dropped to the floor just as the rabbit looked in her direction, the stupid mammal did not realise it was being watched and went back to its diggings. Jace crept closer to the long eared meal when suddenly the rabbit bolted and she charged after it as it zig-zagged away from her.

She chased the rabbit, her wolf and dog heritage demanding that she chased the thing that ran from her. The rabbit did not keep its lead and soon she was catching up to it. The rabbit disappeared under some bushes as she crashed through them into a sort of clearing, she came down hard upon the smaller animal, her paws slamming onto its back and snapping its spine. Her teeth pierced its neck and severed its main arteries and windpipe, it was dead within seconds. She shook it in her jaws for several seconds before noticing that she had suddenly gained company and dropped the rabbit from her jaws,

Jace looked over to the two females whose lives she had so ungraciously barged into,

"Hello... "


OOC: hope ya don't mind me barging in!

Silyva had been truging thru this snow all day it seemed. Oh how she hated the snow. Made her blak pelt stand out like a sorr thumb. There was no sneekyness in this winter wonder land for her. Luck little white colored wolves. They match perfectly in this weather. Turning to see her Rina racing across the top of the snow. The little Marten being as light as she was had no problem not drowning in the snow. As much as she loved watching her beloved pet play she was a tiny bit jelous of the fact that the little creature was so care free. Silyva made sure she was always feed and had plenty of water and loving. "Luck little brat." She called towards the creature who was hopping around like an idoit. "I hope you find real soft snow and sink!" Letting a tiny laugh excape when Rina turned to give her a dirty look. Some times she could sware that Rina understood her.

As they ambled on for a bit longer, she was forced to stop when Rina turned and hissed at her. What is her problem? Brat.. It was obvious that she wanted Silyva to stop, but for what? Either way, she would play along with her little pets games. Flatening down on the snow, she laid there and watched her animal lurk towards some unseen prey. Rina kept herself low to the ground. Making a sort of tunnel, as she went towards their dinner. Crawling above and under the snow she made her way. Silent as she could be.

By this time Silyva had noticed what she was stalking. There were two smaller white rabbits in the snow a head of them. Another good example of why white creatures are good at hiding in white places.. But she couldn't be too judge menal. Black creatures like herself where great at night when the moon was hidden. Breaking her stream of thought she also started to make her way towards their meal.

As Rina got close enough to make the pounce, Silyva got ready to go after the one who would get away. Or so it would think. Rina crept only a little closer then went for the kill. Bounding out of her snowy hiding place, she landed on top of one of the bunnies. Latching on with all the little fellas might, she rode the creature to its death. Silyva did the same, launching herself into action as soon as her pet did. She watched as the frighten rabbit hopped stright towards the woods to hide it's self. Unknowing that she was right on its trail.

Just before the clearing ended Silyva made her kill. Snatching it up of the ground and pearcing its heart with her fangs. Then turning to be sure Rina had done the same. By the looks of it they both had their meal..

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Quote:OOC~ Yeah, I don't mind. Smile Well here is the post order: Jace, Silyva, Deirdre, Galilee. (if Galilee doesn't post in three days or in a week, then Jace you can go next. I sent her a message, so hopefully she'll reply soon. If not, well we'll just take our time in here. lol

The first female to enter her presence soon vanished amongst the backdrop when a second came thundering through the bushes and into the clearing. Gray orbs gazed mildly interested in the direction of the second female entering the clearing. With a clash and a scene, Deirdre lifted the sides of her maw in a smirk. She watched this second fae kill her prey and then take it into her mouth only to drop it upon the ground when she had noticed that she was no longer alone. The other female spoke and Deirdre only sat.

“Don’t stop on our account,” the she wolf stated lazily returning her head to her paws.

She returned her attention to the snowfall that grew amongst them. She sighed, her ears twitched to the sound of more interfering creatures. She sighed again and mumbled to herself, her mind clinking with thoughts as her eyes gazed toward the two female wolves within the clearing. Well my day is sure going to be interesting, she told herself. Her head lifting from her paws to once more study the other wolf that had entered the clearing. She sighed again, “You may as well eat your prey here. Sit, enjoy.”
OOC: sorry, im trying to get myself out of as many threads as i can >< i have too many already

Jace looked the two females over whilst remaining where she was, the dead rabbit slowly bleeding out by her paws. They were like two opposites, one dark and one light, the irony was not lost on Jace who grinned internally. The white female put her head on her paws and told Jace not to stop just for them. Jace shook her body to set her fur straight and get rid of the snow. As much as she would like to stay with her new acquaintances he knew that both Temo and Falgar would be looking for her as she had promised to meet them soon,

"My apologies, I cannot stay and eat with you, I have to return to my pack, have duties to attend to but it was nice meeting you. And if you're ever looking for a pack then Phoenix Valley is just up over that hill." She nodded her head in the direction that the Valley laid. She calculated that it would take her roughly 15 to 20 minutes to get back to the Ranch where she had said to meet up. She looked up at the slowly rising sun and guessed it to be roughly midway through the morning, she turned back to the two fae,

"I hope to see you around sometime, goodbye." With that she bent down and gripped the rabbit within her jaws and picked it up before taking off in the direction that she had pointed the Valley to the two women.
Quote:OOC: That’s ok. I’m going to end it here anyway. This thread started a long time ago, and it seems kind of dead. So I’m going to end it. Silyva, Galilee, I apologize not giving more time in waiting, but I have a strong feeling that this thread is going to stay slightly dead. I thank you all for joining, and I hope to Roleplay once again with all of you. If you wish to RP with Deirdre just send me a PM. Thanks.  Smile

The lightly colored she wolf huffed, and snorted the cold air making her breath visible. She sighed and stood, stretching to allow her muscles to relax from any tension she may have gained. She eyed the female wolf that had entered the clearing, but did not reply to her words. She only stood and watched as she left.

With the female gone, her ears began to twitch as she concentrated on listening for the sounds she had heard earlier, but she did not hear anything. She exhaled again and turned her attention to the female who had first approached her.

“You are welcomed to the corpse,” she told her taking a step forward. “I’ll be going now anyway,” She said gazing intently upon the other wolf. She did not say anything after that, she only smirked and began to walk forward away from the other female.

She was unsure of where she would be going, but it was time for her to move on. She did not look back when she left the clearing, and when she was completely sure that she was no longer in the range of the other female she took off. Her feet pulled her across the earth, and took her upon a new path.

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