A Hunt (Of Sorts)
I hope this is okay. She in St. Peppin's Vineyards. :3 That seemed the closest from the map I looked at.

What little sleep she had managed in the wood and stone den had been strained, unsurprisingly, but comfortable. When she'd first entered the raise in temperature had been a blessing but had unleashed a wave of exhaustion caused from days of little to no sleep. Moonglow had shaken ice and snow from her fur, at the entrance as her Mother, Nightsong, had always sternly commanded when they were pups, taken a few steps further in and to the right before slumping to the floor. She could faintly remember mumbling some form of gratitude before sleep closed it's jaws around her.

She'd woken alone, but that too was the norm. She had given the den only a passing glance before heading for the entrance. There had been some difficulty with the dead wood that blocked the way outside but she had managed in the end. The town had been, strange. The great hulking structures had been oddly frightening. She'd never been around things that were so obviously unnatural. So, feeling skittish and hunger weak, Moonglow had avoided any indication that other wolves were about. Breaking away from the strangeness had been soothing, she knew what to expect and how to act.

With the town comfortably behind her, the young wolf had dropped her nose to snow and began searching for anything edible. The cold air made this difficult, the ripe scent of rotting meat was rare in winter. Moonglow raised her head and scanned the horizon, spying a scattering of those wooden dens here and there. She dropped her nose again, grimly ignoring her aching stomach and the heavy feel of her body. She had gone maybe a quarter of a mile when a faint something made her pause.

The snow stung as she pushed it aside with her muzzle, trying to catch a clearing scent. Yes, there was something... Moonglow dug, hitting the cold earth quickly and scratching at it. Not long after she uncovered a burrow of sorts, not near deep enough for how cold the winter had been. Moonglow was panting heavily as she nosed and pawed at the opening she had created. It grew bigger reluctantly, revealing the dead body of a young badger. It had probably been it's first winter alone and had not been fully prepared when the blizzard hit.

It seemed to have frozen in it's sett, Moonglow dug her fangs into it's cold body and drug it into the open air. The body was hard but she didn't care and immediately set to worrying it with her teeth. The fierce desperation powering her actions meant Moonglow was soon scarfing down large chunks of badger. There were several moments when she was forced to pause because of her stomach's shocked heaving at the sudden influx of meat. When the badger was eaten, bones and all, Moonglow sniffed hopefully at the empty burrow for a few seconds before turning and trotting away.

ooc;; so sorry for the wait! <33

The chilling morning was refreshing on the young Theta's back as he moved out into the sunshine. In just six days he would move into the little cabin he had built for himself and begin a life in independancy. For now he had bunked with his family in his mentor's home, the grey man offering the wayward Stormbringer clan refuge after the snow storm just over a month ago. Saul was never really comfortable in Saluce's house and he spent a lot of time out here on his own. Ascher had gone missing in the snow storm, or so the eldest Stormbringer child assumed and he was deteremined to bring his family back together. He wouldnt allow them to drift apart as they had done. He'd searched for his brother but had been unable to find any traces of him. But he had found traces that they had new members. Saul had met Drusus the other day and wasnt sure what to think of the man. But he had brushed across another scent when patrolling the borders- a female scent. He hadnt wanted to intrude but the curiosity to see the newest member of their family was overwhelming to the almost year old man.

Swift white paws were fast over the snow as the male moved towards the Eastern borders. Nayru guarded the eastern border most often and Saul only briefed around St Pepins Vineyard and Flanders Field a few times a week. Of course it was most often that Conor found the lone animals wanting passage to their home, but Saul was getting better at moving around the borders. He approached Flanders Field from the side, coming towards the cliff instead of passing through the vineyard. When he found nothing there he moved forward, a fast trot that showed off his muscular physique. He was getting bigger, filling out and catching up with Gideon in terms of muscle. It was nice to feel the power in his limbs and the raw power in his movements that came from the mornings spent running.

Green eyes moved swiftly over the vineyard, trying desperately to be optimistic about the summer coming. He was determined to cultivate the plants to health again and produce something from them. However the stench of badger and frozen meat were coming to him and Saul wondered what on earth was going on. Stealthily moving towards the sound of feeding, green eyes saw a wolf he did not recognise. Similar in coat colour to himself she was tucking into the dead badger like she hadn't eaten in a while. He was reminded of his return to Dahlia- starved and exhausted. Simpathy for the female overtook him and he backed off to show he meant no harm to her or threat to her kill... Or scavenge.

I'm sure we could find something around here with a heartbeat that would be better than dead badger...

Saul commented softly, not wanting to startle the female but unwilling not to meet her. The little socialite on the move once more.

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:3 I didn't mind the wait at all. <3

The unexpected voice caused Moonglow to startle, shying away even as she turned to face the potential threat with fangs bared. Her fear was obvious from the low crouch she settled into, the better to protect her vulnerable stomach, tail tucked tight between her legs and ears pressed firmly back.

Moonglow had been set upon by other animals when scavenging many times, so the response was all but instinctive now. It took a moment to connect this stranger wolf to the pack she was now guest to. She was reluctant to move from her defensive position, however. The male was large and very powerful looking; if she stood she'd present a larger target and make it far easier for the other to flip her over and expose her soft underbelly to his teeth. Moonglow knew it didn't matter, she was weak and would be easy prey regardless.

A nervous shiver lifted the fur along her spine slightly as she eased out of her hostile baring and into a more apologetic one; her recent meal feeling stone heavy in her stomach. Avoiding the male's eyes, she couldn't be sure of his rank and she was in no condition to offend anyone, Moonglow whined softly in wordless apology.

It took a second of careful thought to gather the meaning behind the words that had so badly startled her. Was he offering to help her hunt? Why would he want to help her? Did he want something in return, perhaps? She decided to begin with introductions before thinking on his possible offer. "I am Moonglow." She offered, voice still rough but not near as bad as it had been before her rest. "Alpha Conor gave me permission to hunt this land." Being taken as a trespasser would be extremely unfortunate, though Moonglow very much doubted he thought of her as such; his words had been too causal.

Moonglow hesitated on accepting the offer she was fairly sure he'd been making. She'd only ever hunted with her siblings, even then it had been more a matter of flushing several small prey and going after them separately. She had not really intended to go after anything living, though red meat would give her the most strength. Moonglow also knew that a large part of her didn't want to get stronger. That part wanted to grow weaker, to eventually stop thinking, to stop feeling and mourning. Would it be so bad, really, to be still and quiet forever.

She pushed such thoughts to the corner of her mind before speaking again. "Do you know where any live prey might be?" She asked when her darker thoughts were under better control. "I'd be happy to share in anything I bring down in thanks."

ooc;; <33

Her response was just as he had expected. She started at his voice, whole body whipping round to face the oncoming attacker she had imagined in her mind. Crouched low with her vital areas covered and protected, her teeth flashed in warning. It was simple wolf instincts and Saul was pleased that they were so strong in the female. Although naturally he might have been offended by the defensive show, he had long since schooled himself to be offended by wolves natural behaviour. He thought that sometimes the wolves forgot their true origins and let themselves be ruled by the emotions far too much. Often when a wild animal came to live in the civility and the relativly human-based packs in Nova Scotia, most of the wolves in the pack were offended by the wild animals basic instincts. Saul was more appreciative however and understood that the female had survived out in the wild on her own due to these keen and sharp instincts. It was good to see that she still held them- she didnt know anyone in this pack other than Conor.

As soon as she realised that Saul had stayed a good distance away to pose no threat to her food and his posture, while still dominant with his tail and ears hiked high enough to show that he was third highest in the pack, was friendly and open. Eyes wide open, a small smie twinging the corners of his mouth so that he looked both non-threatening and open towards conversation and a friendly meeting. Saul was generally a happy young man and this meeting should be no different. She came up from her protective crouch, ears perking forward as a small whine of apology escaped her. It was correct for her to both apologise and avert her gaze from him and Saul was both glad and a little put out by this show. Most of the wolves in Dahlia didnt show submission anymore and though still young the male was still a little concerned about it. She spoke then, offering her name and the permission she clung to that Conor had allowed her to hunt here. He inclined his head in a means to accept what she was saying before he spoke.

"I am Saul Stormbringer, Theta of Dahlia de Mai. I have no problem with you being here- I can smell Conor on you and I am sure you would not be in the heart of Dahlia without permission. I apologise for startling you Moonglow."

Saul offered in return, the ritualistic exchange of words that came through as both warm but decidedly formal. The young male wasnt too sure how to act around the new female but decided he would be both frienly and open, but with small amounts of reserved quietness that were fast becoming a common trait in the man. He glanced down at the half devoured, half frozen badger as the female spoke again and the male cast a thought to where they might find some live prey that wasnt safe in hibernation. He knew there were a few small herds of deer roaming around in the winter- unable to leave Nova Scotia due to the large mountain range that blocked them all off into the outreach. He wasnt too sure if there were any around Dahlia at the moment, but he was sure they would find something.

"I have an idea where we might find a few deer. And we shall bring it down together and share it? How does that sound?"

He asked, both asserting his authority whilst still making it clear that he was friendly and she had a say in the matter. He waited patiently for her reply, mentally going through where they might go in order to find some red meat.

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Am I too much in my character's head? I could try and tone it down if it's making things difficult for you. :3

Moonglow took in a careful breath of his scent. He smelled healthy; of warm fur and a mottle of others, his pack mates most likely. Though his words were friendly she still took careful stock of his posture before deciding that, barring unusual circumstances, he was not hostile.

At his introduction and, surprising, apology, Moonglow eased her tail until it hung in an easy line behind her, lifted her head until it was a touch below his, an easy feat given his size and relaxed her ears. She strove to look at ease and, given that she had been alone for long months that most often felt like years or forever, the young wolf felt she did a fair job of it.

In her own way Moonglow starved for company, for someone she could share herself with and have them tell her it was okay. That hating her family for leaving her didn't make her a bad person and missing them so intently that it sometimes felt like she were bleeding out wasn't strange. She wanted at least a small portion of the connection she'd lost when her family was ripped apart so intently that her bones ached with it.

As much as she wanted it, however, Moonglow wasn't sure she'd ever trust anyone enough ever again. She'd knew her father had been sick and what happened wasn't really his fault but the puppy in her didn't understand that. Her parents had always seemed more than just wolves, they were like pillars of strength that held up the sky. She had loved and trusted them blindly because they were life as well as protection. A part of herself blamed them for everything. They should have been strong enough to protect them even from each other.

When Saul spoke again, interrupting her thoughts with talk of deer, Moonglow glanced up at him. She felt disgusting, like a layer of slime had seeped out of body to coat her fur. She was faintly surprised that he couldn't see it. If he could he wouldn't have wanted to be near her, let alone hunt with her. The young female felt nauseous at the thought of anyone seeing how twisted she was inside.

Thankfully she had truth to offer as to why she couldn't hunt with him. "I'm sorry, Theta, but I don't think I'm capable of hunting with you." Two strong wolves could bring down a deer together but with one and a half, she was certainly not at full strength, it would be far more difficult if not impossible.

"I am-" She paused trying to find a way to put this politely. "-not at my full strength from many days travel and scarce food. I would just slow you down." Moonglow offered as friendly an expression as she could manage. "Thank you for the offer but any hunt with a wolf in my state would likely end in failure."

ooc;; oh no, its fine dear! I apologise if my post doesnt match yours! <33

The female seemed satisfied that he wasnt going to attack her and relaxed, ears perking up and tail swishing behind her in a smooth attempt to untuck it from under her belly. She raised her head, although making sure it was under his. She seemed to understand pack dynamics and despite just having joined Dahlia de Mai, she appeared adjusted. Saul was never one to demand respect, he was an all round nice person and didnt want to force people to do something they didnt want to do. Of course, it was always easier when they did it of their own accord. Tail swinging happily behind him, Saul made sure to keep himself light and friendly. She was nervous, it was obvious. But then again, who wouldnt be in a situation like this. He had made his request and it seemed the female was mulling it over in her mind.

It took Saul back to thinking about Siku and the recent move they were both about to make. They were friends, good friends but definitely just friends at the moment. She was going to come and live with him in the cabin he had built. He was nervous about this and wondered if he'd made the right choice. He'd built the house for solitude and wondered if Siku would ruin it. But he knew it was the right thing to do and it would be fun to live with her. She was lively and fun and Saul could always use distraction in his life. Else he would be over-ruled by the obsessive running that had taken over most of his mornings. Her voice snapped him back to earth and Saul allowed himself to hear exactly what she was saying, ears perked forward and swivelling back at random intervals to catch all the sounds she was making. He was shocked by her rejection and a confused expression crossed his face. He was about to ask her why when she came up with a comment that explained it all.

"Then it is all the more reason for me to hunt for you. I may not be able to bring down a deer on my own but im sure I could flush out a few bunnies for you? Red meat it so much better for you. Please let me help you..."

He wasnt going to leave this area until the female in front of him had eaten a proper meal. He cast his thoughts back to the Hibernal festival when he had brought a fawn to the feast. He was capable of bringing down a small deer, but the summers fawns were growing quickly now and he didnt think there would be any small enough to get on his own. Rabbit would do fine though, if Moonglow would allow him to help her.

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He was persistent she realized, feeling faintly trapped. From what little she knew of him, the way he spoke and acted towards her, Saul was a wolf that cared. He probably wouldn't leave until she had eaten something more than frozen badger. Moonglow's stomach gave a lurch at the thought of fresh meat, violent enough that she wasn't sure if it indicated hunger or disgust.

She wasn't sure how she was supposed to feel about the situation she was in. Such personally directed concern felt strange and faintly irritating, like a mouthful of fur. Worse, it implied some small empathy; the first faint stirrings of a connection however small. Such a thing could cause a problem were her life to be... unexpectedly cut short. At this first, truly conscious, acknowledgment that she could willfully allow her life to fade; to push for it even, Moonglow felt herself go still.

She had thought of death before, of course, longed for it even but had never thought to act on that longing. She thought death would come during the quiet times; when she made herself small and still as memories and nightmares prowled at the edges of her mind with teeth bared. Hunger could never touch her then, every time Moonglow came back to the pain of forgotten hunger and the burn of ignored thirst; she wondered if one day she just wouldn't wake at all.

The thought of taking control, of throwing her family into the nothingness of death made the young female prickle with something like longing. Why should she carry their memory? Why would it matter if no one knew that Winterwind hated snow or that Moonshadow loved the smell of sun-warmed daises? No one but her would ever know that Lightstrike loved playing chase on warm evenings with his pups and mate or that Nightsong would always let them howl with her until they collapsed into giddy giggles. Maybe it would be best if they were just forgotten, if the joy and sweetness and horror was never known. Maybe...

Wind ruffled her fur, cold and crisp, gently bringing Moonglow back to now. Thoughts and vague plans sank to glimmer jewel bright beneath the surface. Meanwhile, Moonglow gave Saul a polite sideways glance and flicked her ear thoughtfully. The only sign of her less than healthy thoughts was in the glitter of her golden eyes, which could be easily mistaken for interested consideration of his very generous offer to hunt for her.

"Thank you very much for the offer." Moonglow tilted her ears and flicked her tail in a single wag, portraying 'pleased and happy' with her body language. "I accept, Theta." Moonglow added with another subtle shift to show thanks in body as well as in words.

ooc;; sorry sweets if this doesnt match! <33

The stench of the dead badger was just beginning to reach him. It was mid morning and though the spring sun was certainly not enough to make meat go bad, it was just hot enough to melt a few of the frozen ice particles within the meat. Releasing the stench of dead animal and slightly decaying flesh was turning the mans stomach over and he wasnt enjoying it on his tongue very much. Still, his request was out there and the female who looked at least partially similar to him was taking her sweet time deliberating about it. Perhaps she was having some kind of internal struggle with herself that recquired her silence for a moment or something similar. Either way Saul was pleased to let her have the time to think his request over so that she knew she made the right decsion.

He cast his mind around to animals and prey that he thought might be around at these times. Winter's grip had certainly lessened and the weak sun and threatening rain clouds were a telltale sign that spring was just up ahead. Animals would be coming out of their winter dens for the intake of food before breeding season in late spring and early summer. Most rabbit would be pretty skinny around here but he knew where a few of their warrens were. Whether skinny or not they would suffice for a proper meal for the skinny looking female. He decided to head to Berwick for this- in the summer and autumn the rabbits were known to have taken over the old town, crisscrossing the broken roads as though humans had never inhabited it. Having made up his mind where they would go to hunt Saul allowed green eyes to watch the female, relieved when she spoke once more. He breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

"Excellent. Are you okay to walk with me to Berwick? Its just one of the two towns in Dahlia de Mai and rabbits often come out to play on the streets."

Saul asked, standing once more and stretching his legs out for the short but agile race he was about to commence in. He was reminded forcefully of his first successful rabbit hunt with Conor- the alpha watching as Saul chased the doe around tbe streets for his meal. He was a much more accomplished hunter now and was sure he could find something out there for her to eat. Indicating that she should follow he moved towards Berwick, hoping she was following.

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:3 It's okay. <3 It's been lovely role-playing with you~

As the male stretched Moonglow shifted, testing her legs. They held up feeling no more weak then before and rather stronger than this morning. She could go on until she was physically unable but, in this case, she thought she'd be fine for a walk to Berwick. Her gaze shifted to what little remained of the badger while he was distracted. It felt a shame to waste a perfectly good meal, after all, one never did know when another meal was going to present itself. Though, she supposed, in this case she did know where her next meal would come. Still...

When Saul moved away, motioning her to follow, Moonglow shifted towards the carcass. She was getting the impression that in this pack eating dead meat was something done only if absolutely necessary. At least, the Theta seemed quite keen on finding her red meat to eat as apposed to letting her finish what she had. Moonglow wondered at it, fresh meat was better, yes, but meat was meat. Throwing a golden glance at Saul's retreating back, Moonglow snatched up her badger and, with a few crunches, ate the rest. Feeling better now that it would not go to waste, Moonglow turned to trot after Saul.

She hadn't met many Dahlia de Mai wolves during her stay in their territory but from what she'd seen they were a kind pack. Even wolves in top ranking positions had been open and friendly to her. This must be a land rich with prey to be so welcoming to a guest in their land. She was frankly more used to the lone hunters she'd seen in the wilds. She'd been chased from her meal and from their own many times. There had been something in their eyes, in the gleam of their fangs that had set her last memory of father reverberating. She never slept well after such meetings.

Here everything seemed gentler somehow. Her heart clenched at the thought of leaving, to going back into the wilds, but at the same time she shied from the notion of staying, of truly joining this pack. Moonglow pushed such heavy thoughts aside and focused only on following Saul. There would be time enough for thinking at some later hour. Too much time she imagined.

ooc;; apologies- the lack of a computer at home is crippling! <33

She looked like she didnt want to come with him as he moved away and Saul paused to turn back and encourage her. But it seemed she just had an issue with leaving the badger corpse behind, for in one swift movement she ripped it apart and swallowed it. Just slightly disturbed by the swiftness she had swallowed the dead flesh in caused a shiver to race up his spine. He turned and motioned for her to follow, happy that he could hear pattering footsteps behind him. That was a good sign at least. A soft huff escaped him as they headed north towards Berwick, hoping that the rabbits were out to play today. It was a chilly day and the sun was having a hard time staying in its peak. But he wasnt too concerned with that- all wolves had excellent night vision. It was just easier for them to hunt in the daytime, and eat in the daytime as well.

Making sure Moonglow was out of sight when they reached the small town, Saul crouched behind one of the destroyed buildings. Unlike Wolfville, Berwick's buildings had been in complete disrepair long before the snow storm. Green eyes were wide, taking in all the light he could to catch the movement of a fluffy tail bouncing up and down. Saul had watched rabbits before and when an enemy made itself known the rabbits scattered. The snowy white on their tails acted like a warning system to the rest of its family, flashing every time it jumped forwards. Clever little things, but tricky to catch. With a nod given to Moonglow Saul stalked forward.

Green gaze caught the sight of one flash of the rabbits tail. It hadnt seen or smelt him and therefore he was at a better advantage. Creeping forward so slowly that he made no sound and barely rustled the air around him took great patience. Still, it wasnt quite enough for him to have a perfect stalk. Rabbits a little further away saw the wolf ascending onto their family member and turned to run. The flash of white to his prey's vision startled it and it ran. A deep growl rumbled in the Theta's throat as he took off. It was a short chase, strong limbs twisting him this way and that as his sharp fangs pierced the rabbits neck. He'd only managed to catch the animal by the scruff of it neck and he proceeded to shake the rabbit back and forth. When it stopped squealing Saul knew that it was dead. Proud of his swift kill, Saul trotted back towards Moonglow, kill held high. He dropped it at her paws, tail swinging back and forth.

"That should be better than dead badger..."

He announced with a proud smile. He was getting better, that much could be said.

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That's quite alright. :3 I thought we were done. Big Grin Awesome to know it isn't so.

When Saul increased his speed Moonglow decreased her own. She continued following in his footsteps but slowed to a halt when the ruined remains of a town came into view.

The female sank onto her haunches and watched the Theta stalk a rabbit, glad the wind was blowing her scent away from the hunt. She admired his form, feeling strangely disconnected and oddly content. The bad feeling were still there but they were like the surface of a pond on a windless day.

When the Theta caught one of the rabbits Moonglow rose to her feet ears perked. The little beast's death shriek caused something inside her to jolted with something that felt very like pleasure. The young female blinked, bemused, before she shook herself and dismissed the feeling. She must be even hungrier than she realized.

When Saul began trotting towards her, head and tail high, she crouched submissively as he dropped the dead rabbit at her paws. After his quip, she tilted her ears in agreement but didn't speak. There was a beat in which Moonglow didn't move, watching the male carefully.

When he made no move to take a share as was his right nor any other threatening gesture she eased forward slightly, stretched out her neck and nuzzled his chin in proper submissive thanks.

Moonglow then immediately redirected her attention to the food before her. She nudged the limp, still warm body onto it's back and, with one swift toss of her head, ripped open it's stomach. With the complete focus of one who knew starvation well, she began gulping down the sweet, still warm organs.

She made a pleased rumble in her chest, ears swiveling with ground in wariness even as she crunched through the brittle ribs and nudged into the chest cavity to snap up the blood-rich heart.

The best parts eaten Moonglow began to rip chunks from the rabbit and swallowing. Finally, when there was nothing left but some fur and a few bone shards Moonglow fastidiously licked the excess blood from her muzzle.

"It was wonderful." Moonglow said in that carefully polite way of hers before wagging her tail a few times.

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