Why am I so different?
backdated to 26th

Makhesthai was hiding inside Kaena's cave again. The dream from the early morning had finally made itself known to his consciousness and now he was terrified. The young scarred pup was hiding in one of the corners, he was still in his optime form from the his transformation earlier, unwilling to risk the same pain over again to shift back to the form he was most comfortable in. His breathing harsh and shallow, punctuated by short sobs, his sense of happiness with his new form was fugacious now it was associated with his mother in his mind, for it had followed the dream, now it was ruined.

Small tears dripped from his eyes as the voices of his dead brothers and sister rolled around his mind, taunting him and baiting him, clawing at his sanity until he was reduced to a quivering wreck of a pup. His one mutilated ear swiveled frantically as though trying to determine where a noise was coming from. His blue eyes peered out of the darkness, wide and scared. Dream filled every nerve in his body and he could sense the impending doom almost as if it were a palatable thing.

Word Count :: 327 Herp. XD

The silver-shaded coyote was hardly bothered by the cold. Her coat was thick enough to afford her skin protection from most of it, though her joints were acutely aware of the frigid temperatures of the world in the early hours of the morning. This late at night, however, she had the entire day to move and warm her body up, and so she did not feel the stiff achiness she generally did in the morning. Hunting was, of course, made more difficult by the snow, but the hybrid woman had been lucky today -- the retreating tide at the coast had trapped a rather large fish in a tide pool, which Kaena had easily captured. Her age might have made hunting a more selective process, concentrating on old and sick animals better than she had in her youth, but fishing was hardly affected.

The large fish held in one hand by the tail, the hybrid woman made her way to the cave, swinging the animal slightly as she walked. It was hardly long enough to strike the floor, but there was enough meat to sustain both her and Makhesthai. The coyote woman refused to grow lax in her duties of caring for the youth -- no matter how tired her body became, the idea that she not only cared for herself but a smaller life kept her moving. The cave area was quiet as always in the winter, little sign of life aside from the many pawprinted pathways cutting through the snow. They had worn away most of the snow in many parts of this well-trafficked area, but the white stuff still clung to the earth everywhere else, growing icy and hard after just a day or so.

The soft sound of whimpers drew the hybrid woman's attention, and she hesitated in the entrance to her cave, her yellow-golden eye peering into the darkness. She stepped forward, unable to see at first, and asked the darkness. “Maki?”

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A shadow appeared in the entrance, blinded out by the light behind it so that the features of it were indistinguishable and the already terrified pup cringed against the wall in his chosen corner, his blue eyes filling with desperate panic. He could hear her voice now, ringing in his ears even his missing one so loud it was. "Come back here you little brat or you'll be so very sorry." His breath left his body in a rush through clenched teeth that chattered together as he shook. From out of the face that his mind constructed onto the shadow that stood in the entrance, deep blood red eyes loomed at him, wicked and cruel as they mocked his terror and fed on his fear.

Then his eyes caught another red on the figure, it sat upon her breast over there her heart should be, an eight pointed star greeted his gaze and as his orbs adjusted to the lighting her features began to morph onto the outline. Monochrome fur sat behind that red star, a muzzle splashed with henna hues, black ears with one tip missing, a body as scarred by her life as his own was, and her single golden-yellow eye that held more love and caring for him than hers had ever done. Then her voice floated towards him with the step forwards along with a scent for the name, "Maki?"

A fresh round of tears welled up in his sapphire gaze and he raised himself on his new lanky, legs, stumbling forwards on them towards the light so fast that he tripped over his own feet and landed on the floor. Makhesthai pushed himself back onto the barely controllable limbs with his hands and staggered towards the scarred hybrid who mothered him more than his biological one had done, his words leaving his mouth in an only just understandable rush as he gripped onto the fur of her legs,

"Shecoming,shecomingforMaki,ElDiablo,shecomesforme." The hysteria within him reaching a new level as the panic refused to loosen its grip.

Word Count → 328

the sun will never shine on this cold dead heart of mine

Maki had been through a lot, she knew this -- the silver-shaded hybrid had listened to him whimper and toss in his sleep, and she wondered what nightmares chased him through his mind at night. Sometimes, she had wandered into the small alcove and lie down next to him, curling close until he quieted again. The coppery child crouched in the corner, his body strangely shaped. Her remaining yellow eye narrowed, and she took two more quick steps forward, throwing the fish carelessly on the rock shelf along the side wall of her cave.

He stumbled forward in the same instant, splaying forward on his ungainly long Optime legs. The coyote marveled at this, for a moment too struck by his shifting at his age to comprehend that he was upset beyond upset. Of all the children she had raised, none had begun turning form this early. And then she realized he was upset, his words caught her ears, and she was leaning down next to him and holding him, her silvery arms wrapped around his thin and impossibly small form. She squeezed and held Makhesthai, drawing him back and forth sever so slightly and stroking his Optime mane, still amazed by its very existence.

“Maki, Maki,” she crooned, her usually raspy and cold voice motherly and soothing. Caring for the young was her métier -- one could almost say it was a calling, if one that had occurred incredibly late in life -- and she had cradled children through the night"s darkness before. “No one can hurt you. No one is coming, and even if they were, I would protect you,” she said, trying to reassure the boy. She would shed blood to protect him, blood or not -- he was her charge, her son blood be damned. He carried her name and he would carry it always. Her fingers drew lightly along the boy's shaggy hair, and she nuzzled him, still holding him close.

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