Bro Love

OOC here!

J'adore panted as he waited behind the large tree. Leon was fast, but his brother was nowhere near as fast as the light footed tan male. Analise was playing near the cabin which gave the brothers the perfect chance to be children again. The night they had returned to the cabin, Analise was sent to bed, and the males conversed. J'adore had learnt more about his other siblings, his sister Isla and his brother Arena. The brothers had moved onto a more friendly and playful relationship.

J'adore could hear Leon's heavy footfalls padding closer. He almost giggled as he bathed in his glory. The Austral Patriarch's black rimmed ears flicked towards the sounds and his coal black nose sniffed the air for his brothers scent. His back pressed against the tree as he tried to keep ell hidden.

'Llllleeeeooooonnnn! he teased, a playful grin spreading across his maw, 'Where are you nino?' He giggled softly, dark locks falling over his eyes, His bandana was wrapped around his wrist, he couldn't be bothered to keep his locks up when he was having a good time. 'Venir a buscarme hermanito!' he shouted clasping his hands over his mouth for added volume.

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Damn. His brother was fast, very fast. León breathed fast and deep as she leant over with his hands on his knees. Out of his litter siblings he had been the fastest one of the three of them but now he found himself flagging seriously behind. He caught his breath for a few seconds and then began forwards again following his older brother's scent. The taunting voice came from the surrounding trees and León grinned, laughing along with J'adore as his giggling León found hilarious and silly. The tri colored male wove in and out of the trees circling around in hopes that J'adore was hiding behind one of the trees he was near, he called out to his brother with his laughter clear in his voice,

"I am coming for you mi hermano. I will find you wherever you hide, you cannot hide from me." He began to jog back and forth now, his footsteps echoing off the trees and forest that surrounded him making it impossible for someone to pinpoint exactly where he was. J'adore's scent was getting stronger so he was getting closer to his brother. Now that he was closer León called out again, intending to find where his sibling was from the direction his voice came from,

"Where are you my brother, you know that I am coming." He sniggered to himself, enjoying their game thoroughly. It had been a long time since he had been able to play in this way without so many cares. Analise she was too young for him to let out of his sight unless he knew exactly where she was like today she was playing back in J'adore's home. The younger Austral male tooth a deep breath and looked around himself, determined to find his surprisingly elusive brother

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J'adore, now up tree, chuckled softly. He was way faster than his taller, broader brother. Long legs had been shaped for running, powerful muscles always eager to power forward. He sat in a crouching position, on top of a thick branch a few metres up, waiting for his unsuspecting brother to appear up it. His plan was to jump down and tackle Leon. He didn't posses as much strength as his younger sibling, but surprise would be on his side.

J'adore sighed, 'Hermano! You really need some practice'. He enjoyed taunting his sibling, Leon was able to take it as a light brotherly jab even though the game had only started a short while back. A sly grin crept onto the fire tenders maw, 'Tell me, dear brother, how do you intend to catch the horses if you can't even catch me?' J'adore himself could easily catch 'Quera, he himself as fast as a bullet from the barrel, just to mount the stallion he would set him out at canter and jump onto his back at a great speed.

All this waiting was getting boring. J'adore's legs were starting to go numb, luckily he was not playing chase any more, just hide and seek.

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ong fail post -.- muse death

León was getting closer to J'adore's hiding place for his voice was getting louder and his scent stronger, the lupine man looking upwards to the trees now because the voice was coming from upwards as well as from away from him. He laughed at his brother's taunting words

"They only run from you hermano because you lumber towards them like a great beast, I on the other paw am as gentle and soft as a breeze and they respect that." He was now passing right under the tree that J'adore was stood in and as the chocolate and earth colored beast looked up into the tree just as at least 150 pounds of wolf leaped from the branch onto him

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OOC- OC Leon told J'adore there was trouble in Spain.

Still up the tree, J'adore giggled, 'They do not run from me, brother. At least most of them. 'Quera is just a trouble maker'. As the younger Spaniard looked up, he launched himself from the tree's safety. He death rolled on his brother, pulling him down to the ground. This was where his brother was sure to win, J'adore was never the strongest, speed had much more suited the tan male. His long legs and thin body were perfectly shaped to reduce drag. Whichever way you looked J'adore was the essence of speed.

As his brother got the upper hand, flicking him off, J'adore rolled back onto the damp ground. Standing up to his full height, he brushed the mess from his golden coat and smiled. 'You know brother, I think you will do well here'. This was a true statment. His face turned into a gravitas stare and the whole atmosphere changed. He remembered what Leon had said about the trouble back in Santander, though the male had no idea of the full extent and probably never would seeing as his mother wasn't here and Leon had left before the strife had really started. 'What happened at home with Madre?'

His laugh that built in his throat suddenly exited his maw in a great rush of breath as his brother's body crushed him into the earthy leaf littered floor. He rolled in the vegetation, trying to pin J'adore down on his back his strength making up for his slower speediness, although one would not guess from his structure that he held the strength in his muscles that he did. The rage of a wise youth snaked through his veins, and the Elan Soquili liked the feel of it flowing around his body. His heart however was mostly dead from the prospective of mate love, he knew that he would never take another female in all the rest of his years to mate although carnal happenings may occur, the knowledge that he would spend the rest of his life alone weighed heavily on the male's shoulders.

He let go of J'adore and the golden black male climbed to his feet, brushing the first from his pelt as though he was of aristocracy, León followed suit in getting to his feet although he left his fur be, the months of traveling had hardened him against the elements. He smiled at the Otlvna Gata, pride of his hermano's opinion coming through. Then the white gaze facing upon him turned serious and all traces of play and fun left the younger man's demeanor. J'adore wanted to talk about the trouble with that gang, and León's gaze turned to angry stone, his white eyes reflecting his rage.

The younger man took to pacing back and forth as he answered the question,

"I caught them trying to take her, the gang of wolves from Italy. They said she was promised to someone, I cannot remember who but I do not believe them. Madre would have told us if there was such a danger. Several times they tried to start fights with Padre that would have ended in his incapacitation but myself, Arena and Isla always managed to intervene..." The earth and chocolate male stopped his pacing to look at his brother and then resumed it again. "I left to get Analise away from that, I did not want her involved." The Austral man would never regret removing his daughter from that situation, it had been the best decision, Ayanette and Jandro had both agreed, their granddaughter's life was more important.

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OOC here!

J'adore nodded glumly, 'Madre would never tell me about Italy, she said it was irrelevant. She lied'. The male was irrtated at his mother secretive ways, whenever he had asked 'What was it like in Italy?' she would reply simply, 'What Italy is and isn't is irrlevant. Spain is what metters now'. The golden male scowled at himself, this was not his Madre's fault.

'You were wise to get Analise away, do you suppose Arena and Isla went too?' J'adore asked, praising his younger brother's action. 'This tempts me ever so much to visit home again, 'tis a shame the journey would take to long'. J'adore would never leave the safety of Nova Scotia again he supposed, unless it was to visit the nearby ports or something.

J'adore put a hand to his brother shoulder, 'Since I am the Patriarch of the Austral family now, in Nova Scotia at least, this makes you my Second in Command, if any thing should happen to me...' he didn't need to finish, his brother knew what he was going to say.

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Te brother looked glumly too, and nodded at his hermano, "Madre was always secretive, even with myself and the others but.. i do not know. Maybe she got sick of keeping secrets." He watched as J'adore scowled to himself and wished he knew what his brother was thinking, wished sometimes he knew what his daughter was thinking too. His life would be made infinitely easier if he could read the minds of others. The earth and chocolate man rubbed at his face with a paw, still not stopping his pacing backwards and forwards along the grass and leaf litter.

"What else could I do? A young pup would have stood no chance against trained thugs. As for my brother and sister, of them I do not know. They were still at home when I set off and it seemed like they intended to remain for some time." J'adore's hope of returning to Santander was not returned by the younger man, he had no wish to return to the place of his birth, the memories of it were too overwhelming and too fresh, his mate was not even a year deceased and he had put himself as far away from her burial site as possible.

He stopped pacing as J'adore put a hand on his shoulder and looked up, the matching gazes of white meeting. He nodded, none of them needed to finish that question and hopefully it would not for a long long time, many years into the future. Then suddenly,

"My mate was Italian... I met her up there while I was searching..." The brown man's voice cracked slightly and wavered. He realised he had never cried for his lost mate, at the time of her death he had been too busy trying to make sure that his daughter did not die from starvation. Then after that too busy looking after her, his thoughts always revolved around Analise and the white eyed man would not have it any other way. Though now while she was safe and he could worry less for her, a small trickled down his cheek as he looked away from his brother and up through the trees to the sky.

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OCC: J'adore's pissed and Leon will probably slap him.


J'adore nodded again, 'I would have gotten sick too. Harto de esos hijos de puta italiano!' J'adore scowled. 'What did Padre do?' J'adore questioned, 'I doubt a man such as himself stood back and let those... those... coños!' His whole body shook with anger. If anything he wanted to assure the man he looked up to since birth had at least attempted to prevent the Italian's from bringing any harm to the port community. J'adore now thought that if the luperci around the port in Santander had lived in more of a pack setting, things would be different, though a more logical part of his mind said that it wouldn't.

J'adore refocused, 'No, no I don't suppose she would have, fiesty as she is'. Although his comment had meant to be a light hearted jibe, it brought no smile to the male's maw. His eyes stayed down until pulled up by his kinsmen's comment, the elder Spaniard scoffed, 'Lets just hope she wasn't anything to do with those idiots'. His words were subtly spat out, his current disfavour toward Italians was sure to wear out soon enough.

OOC: since i have no knowledge of languages, just pretend that León's second sentance was mainly spanish, german and italian. Big Grin

León's white eyes flared up in anger at his brother's last comment, the idea and thought put forwards that his beloved mate had been involved with those men had his fur bristling and rage filling up his entire body, the word that left the earth and chocolate man's maw was shouted so loudly that a flock of birds nearby took flight in fright of its loudness,

"NIEN!!!!" The word echoed with the force of which it was tossed out into the word of sound. The younger Austral man took a menacing step forwards towards his brother, a deep violent growl leaving his throat. Where had once been a calm and docile man was now replaced with some hellish demon who's hackles were raised and teeth bared.

"Nien! You do NOT speak of her like that, not EVER! Kailypso was an angel and would no more hurt me than she would kill her own mother." The sentence was harshly spoken and a mixture of Spanish, German and Italian since the man could not focus enough to choose one language to speak in. Abruptly the Spaniard man turned and strode away from his brother, his anger projected in his body language and stiff legged gate. He would fight to protect his mate's honor even if she was dead, which was why he now moved away from J'adore in case the male said something else that had León attacking him.

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