And so I return...
She came up on the new lands of what was called Shadowed Sun. She could smell that it was claimed by Pilot; the wolf that used to help run Storm Pack. Now that she was a loner again, she wished perhaps she could be accepted into his pack again. Stepping up to the borders, she let out a howl calling for one of the Alphas. Her blackened pelt glittered in the sun light as the sun peeked from behind the clouds lighting her up in a spot light like scene. As she silenced her howl, she stood and awaited for the arrival of the male while still depressed about the loss of her home.
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Pilot had still yet to explore every bit of Shadowed Sun, but he had it on his mind to see all of their lands by the end of the day. After initially claiming the lands, Pilot had been too tired to continue his exploring that night. Instead, he had marked out a spot where he would build his new den and had made a little progress. He still had to finish it up, but he wasn’t particularly in a hurry. The days seemed to be getting nicer and daylight lasted longer – he had plenty of time to take care of everything.

When he heard the call, he knew it was a familiar voice. His lip pulled back in a grin and the small lip piercing glinted in the light. Kyuubi. He knew it was her. "Good morning!" He called out, spotting the black wolf just as he came down the sloping hill. "I’m glad to see you’re one of the many to have escaped the fire. Can I help you with something?" He grinned, gently crossing his arms across his chest.

She bore a grin as she could see Pilot coming down and shouting out a good morning. Shifting to her mid form, she stood up and waved. Good morning Pilot! I too am glad I have escaped the fire, as well as you! she shouted back as she sat down cross legged. I wish to join your pack if you would let me. I would like to continue to be a worthy follower of yours. she said as she bowed a little and chuckled. She was in a good mood today, and she was glad of it.
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Normally Pilot would have been a bit weary and kept a cautious eye, but Kyuubi was a familiar face and had just come back to Storm before the fire had brutally claimed their lands. It was refreshing to see another familiar face had made it out okay, and today the smile on his lips refused to fade away. He pushed the stray hair out of his eyes before he responded, "It’s good to see you again. This here is Shadowed Sun, a new pack that Tayui Aston from Jaded Shadows and I have decided to start together."

"Normally I would ask you about your skills, but seeing as how I recently accepted you into Storm, I’m sure we would be all set just to skip that."
He secretly hoped that others would find their way to Halcyon and want to join their pack. "Shadowed Sun is a scholars pack – our main focus on learning and teaching others. If you’d like to join, I would be happy to accept you as a Periokoi."

Grinning, she wagged her tail out of excitement. I would be more than happy to return to the pack I wish to be so loyal to. she said with a happy bark. Her grin could not be removed as she sat there in the morning light with the sun beginning to warm her up. She shook her pelt free of the dirt that was hidden down beneath it as she sat there. So two packs that become one? What an interesting idea. And a clever one at that too. Her tail continued to swish back and forth as she awaited for Pilots reply.
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Hoorah, welcome to Shadowed Sun!

He was thrilled to see that she was still interested and his face clearly showed it. "Well then, welcome to Shadowed Sun, Kyuubi. I really hope you find it to become your home." And really, he hoped that for all of its members, even himself. Pilot still knew in the back of his mind that this place was quite home to him yet, even if he had begun to dig a place to sleep. The lands were still a bit too new for him to feel completely comfortable there. "Let’s head back in," he suggested, turning so that she could follow him into Shadowed Sun.

Giving a bow to the male, she smiled. She was back home where she had belonged. And she was rather happy about it. It had been so long since she had seen her lands, and now it was time for her to return. As her blackened pelt bounced, she took in all of the scents she had missed. Every rock, every tree, and ever sight she took in. She had missed it so. She could see the damage from the distance as she looked behind her from the fire. She turned around and sat down. I didn't think it caused that much damage. she said as a tear dripped from her eye out of the devastation of the fire.

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