Its a cold and broken Hallelujah

dated the second because the first is to odd for me lol.

Amaranth Catori

Amaranth had been nesting for days her home was clean and she had a spot for the birth. she hadn't spoken to her mother for a while but she knew deep down she would come if she called. She didn't know when they would come or how many would come but she wanted this now she had been lost days ago had a breakdown where she cried to herself. She took a deep breath and smiled to herself.

Alright back support against the wall cushions lined up so that she wouldn't be against the rock wall. Blankets lined the floor there and a stack of other blankets to clean the babies she had warm water over the fire so that it was needed that was all she could remember her mom saying she needed there was most likely stuff that she had forgotten. Shrugging she walked over to the fire it was warmer right here and she was feeling odd and uneasy.

Watching the flames she felt a small surge of water which startled her already uneasiness. the water wasn't much but caused her fear as she made her way to the door. Should she call for her mother and Niro? Who should she call for? Her mind was at a panic and she wasn't sure what to do. Opening the door she lifted her head letting out a call. She prayed that her mate mother and father would hear.

She help the door frame not knowing she had been in the beginning stages of labor for nearly a day now. She knew nothing of the process and nothing of the problems that wait. She held her stomach shallow pains were beginning but nothing the red head could not handle. She was strong and she knew there would be pain but she did hope that it wouldn't become to much for her. she wandered back towards the fire her hunger had disappeared as she looked at the food she had pulled out. She had been hungry she had wanted to eat. Now that the pain had begun she had lost her appetite.Mom please hurry She said to herself. She eased herself slowly to the floor not near the birthing area she had made but by the fire. It was so warm here. She just lay her face in he sand body warm by the fire.

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WC:300 OOC: Niro feels out of place ; ;


Niro knew the time was near and he didn’t go to far these days. If he went anywhere he stayed near the shore and ready to hurry back if there was any sign the pups were on their way. He wouldn’t miss this, no matter what. So when he heard the call for him and Amaranth’s parent’s Niro stopped what he was doing... which was fishing near the cave, and hurried home. He hadn’t caught anything, though he didn’t expect to. He just wanted to stay a little occupied. Inside he could see that he was the first to arrive. He could see she made a place to birth, but she wasn’t there, she was in fact laying near the fire, which was odd for her because she never liked the fire.

Are the puppies ok? what do you need me to do?

He asked, making sure he didn’t sound panicked. He didn’t want to get her in a frenzy, and if he was he knew she would be. How hard could this be? He thought. He had no experience in this field, so he wuld not know how it all worked. He really hoped her mother came as she promised, she would be needed. She’s had puppies before, so this would be cake walk for the older woman. Niro was nervous, and unsure still, and he didn’t know what to do, other than stand there and wait for Amaranth to tell him something. This was not his expert area, and it just made him feel even more confused and horrible that he didn’t know what to do for her. He would remember this experience because if they had more puppies in the future, which he hoped they would, he would know what to do.

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Table by Sie


Amaranth had found herself lost on the floor of there sea side home. Her mind wrapped in the comfort of warmth by the fire. Purple eyes just gazing into its dancing flames her mind on nothing but the dances that the flames produced.

The sounds of Niro entering the home brought unknown feelings to her. She wasn't just happy that he was here. Primal unknown instincts raised in her a low rumble emitted from her chest but she did not move. She was unsure about why it was that someone being here upset her so. She hoped it was merely primal instincts.

"I don't need anything actually I'm pretty ok." She said working past the feeling of uneasiness. Niro would never hurt her and she knew that why did her emotions play such games with her. Just wait for my mom I guess. She said as she smiled her mind trying to block the pain that she felt.

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PP okayed already. c: 300+

He had been far from pleased to hear that Amaranth was pregnant, and he had not handled himself in the most respectable way. It had been difficult for him to accept that she was already a mated woman, but to hear that she was going to have children when she was so young herself had triggered a very negative response from the dog mutt. Niro already had children with Vigilante's niece and now he was expecting a litter with the King's daughter, as well. He was, admittedly, ashamed at how badly he had reacted, but he was glad that he had not gone so far as to physically attack the Huntsman, but the King had been extremely unhappy. Amaranth was too young.

The day was coming soon, Ayita had told him, and they were both waiting with a mixture of nerves and excitement, though the King had calmed down a great deal. He was happy that Amaranth was happy, and he would love his grandchildren, even if they were not related by blood. When the call sounded and Ayita told him it was time, the secui male set off with his mate, his destination the seaside cave. He was nervous and excited, but he was worried, as well. He and Ayita had lost one of their own and he did not want that for Amaranth and Niro. It would be too taxing for them, he thought.

As they arrived together, the King remaind quiet, allowing Ayita to do what she needed to do. He glanced to Niro, his expression a mixture of apprehension and apology. He had not meant to react so poorly; he hoped Niro did not think badly of him now. Hopefully Niro understood. They were family, even more so now that the puppies were here.

Ayita had been slightly in the dog house per say when her mate and the step father to her daughter found out she was pregnant. He had not been angry with her just annoyed that she had not said anything to her. For once her daughter had told her instead of her stepfather she figured the girl had told him she always ran to him.

Ayita had been reviewing what she knew her daughter had refused to have Alaine there to help her. She for once wanted her mother and Ayita refused to say no she wanted to rebond with her baby girl. She was sitting with Vigilante when she overheard the howl. She looked at her mate and smiled saying something to him as she grabbed things she had packed to go. She shifted forms as she looked at her mate as both of them head out the door.

Ayitas heart pumped fast as she thought about her dead pup and how she had almost lost mara. Her baby girls and it made her want to cry. She prayed for a safe delivery of pups. Before entering the home she changed forms joining he mate and son inlaw. Her small family was growing and she was happy to see it growing. She was stunned to see Amaranth curled up by the fire lightly whimpering. She wondered how long she had been like this and how she was feeling.

Ayita went over to her daughter and kneeled down only to hear her daughter lightly snarl at her. “Amaranth its mommy I promised I would be here.” She said as she laid her hand on her daughter’s stomach. “How are you? What are you feeling dear?” She asked lightly.


Amaranth was content warm by the fire and she had all but forgotten her fear of the flames that enticed her so now. She felt scared and worried she was going to be a good mom but was niro ready for this? Was she truly ready for this. She laid there waiting for the sounds of her parents she hoped that they would come her mom had promised.

“I’m scared.”
She whispered before hearing her father walk into there home. She was truly scared she could smell her father in the room and it brought comfort to her then the scent of her mother . It made her uneasy to have her mother come so close. She snarled lightly as her mother spoke. Her mind changed as her smothers gentle voice over came her. The girl was reverting in the middle of labor she felt like a helpless child.

“Mom I’m scared I don’t think I can do this. Make it stop please mom.”
She said curling into her. “Mom I feel icky.” She said as she cringed. The contractions were starting slowly and building. She wasn’t ready she wasn’t.

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WC: 254 OOC: Crappy Niro post ; ;

Niro was nervous, so nervous, he didnt’ know what to do, though Amaranth told him there wasn’t anything that he could do, he felt useless.When Vigilante entered his home though, he felt a little unnerved, not because the man was there, but he remembered their last talk, but it seemed that Vigil had calmed down, and Niro would not remind the man that he was mad at Niro for all this, he was here to comfort his mate in this ordeal. He did feel relieved that Ayita had come, though he heard the growl from his mate. He sat by her side, taking her hand into his. He wouldn’t mind if she pushed it away, but he hoped it would comfort her in any way. It was not good to stress the puppies he knew that, but she spoke and told her mother she was scared. He couldn’t imagine how scared she was because he was scared for her. What if something happened, what if she and the puppies passed on some how? Niro had heard stories of that happening. How a mother would deliver but both would die in some tragic happening. Niro stayed quiet. He was not going to provoke anything out of his mate or his parent in laws. He was here as comfort. Or Amaranth’s anger outlet. Anything to make her comfortable. Niro reminded himself, it wasn’t he wh was having the pups, and he needed to take part in it. He wanted to be there for her.

Table by Nuki

As he had expected, his mate moved to be by their daughter's side, and Niro was there, as well. The King did not wish to crowd the expectant mother when she was already so obviously stressed. It pained him to see her in such a state, but he knew that there was little he could do. Hopefully his presence would help to ease her worries, but he would not move as close as Ayita and Niro were. He did not wish to crowd her. Instead, the dog mutt sat against the wall of the cave, jade eyes watching the three wolves. Vigilante did not look away, but he did not speak or move closer, either.

This was not what he ever would have wished for Amaranth. She was too young to become a mother, hardly more than a puppy herself. It had bothered him to know that she had taken a mate at such a young and tender age. Now, though, he realized that he was about to become a grandfather. He would not be related to this puppy by blood, as Amaranth was not born of his own, but she was more his daughter than she had ever been Leroy's. Despite his worries and concerns for her, he was feeling a bit excited about the puppies, as well.

Ayita sat there by her daughter as she talked to her. She smiled softly. "I can't make it stop love but I can be here and help you through it." She said as she watched her daughter whine an be fussy. Amaranth fell silent and ayita just sat there watching her and calming her.

Ayita looked around the room noting how much her daughter had done. For once in her life she had listened to her mother. Amaranth was becoming more uneasy beside her and she could tell. She stood up and looked at her daughter "come on dear you can't have your babies by the fire."

Holding her hand out she could only give a smile reassuring her. The weight of her daughter wasn't something the woman couldn't handle. She smiled hobbling over to the birthing area. She looked at Niro and Vigi. "Niro Dear please come sit right beside her." Ayita said as she helped Amaranth sit down. "Love could you help me with blankets and anything else if I need it?" She asked.

occgoodnessss So next post Jiva the first born alive next post two still borns

Amaranth was comfortable and content by the fire her mother sitting there rubbing her back gently and she had Niro close by. Amaranth looked up at her mate and gave a faint smile. So here she was a first time mother and panicking and scared. She tried to just lay there and stay calm.

her mother spoke to her and all she could think about was laying down and not thinking about anything. Her mother urged her holding her hand out. She knew it was unsafe to have them here but it was so nice here by the fire. "alright" She said almost unheard she just didn't want to stand. Her mother helped her. Her mother was her cruch her guiding star and she was thankful.

Amaranth leaned on her mother slightly feeling content and safe in her hands. She knew everything would be alright. She would have sweet and beautiful little babies and that made her happier. Amaranth was happy her mother was here helping her she sat on the blankets and leaned against the padded wall. She held on to her mothers hand as she spoke to her father and mate. She looked at her mom who looked down at her. "Everything will be ok right? I'm so scared mom." Her mother just smiled she at ease.

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WC:231 OOC: puppy coming!!

Niro was quiet as he listened to Ayita talk to her daughter. He could do nothing for Amaranth right now but be by her, he watched as mother and daughter moved to the nest his mate had made, and Ayita beckoned him over there. He moved quickly to be beside his mate, taking her hand into his own, and kissing it. His eyes wide with worry, in hopes this all went well and there would be no complications. He looked over at the king who was possibly still mad at Niro still blaming him. Looking down at his mate he could now understand why Vigil would be angry. He bent his head over her, watching her breaths, the strain she gave with contractions, the pain in her face, and he wished it was he who could be having these pups so she wouldn’t have to feel the pain of it all. He couldn’t though, and she was having them, and they were coming now. He was here for support and to help in what way he could.

“It’s ok sweetheart, everything will be just fine.”

Niro said quietly. Hoping to sooth her, make her feel better, he head it was good to try to calm a female in labor, but how could one do that? No one gave an instruction manual on that part at all!!!

Table by Nuki
Ayita looked at her mate and smiled she was so happy to see that her small family would grow in a matter of time. She looked at her daughter and bent down to whisper in her ear. Kissing the girls forehead she smiled. “You will be ok.” She said one last time. She looked at Niro with a smile. She knew they were young but she could help but be happy with the fact that he was not leaving her side.

Ayita began to sort through thing and some of the things she brought. A knife though most of the time the cord severed itself she wanted something clean to take care of then her claws. She moved back over to her daughter and smiled as she placed a towel down and a blanket of her thighs. Not that Niro or Vigi had ever seen a woman before she just found it much easier if she didn’t have Amaranth panicking.

Ayita smiled as she soaked a cloth in water and placed it on her daughter’s forehead. She smiled “Alright hunny your looking good are you ready?” She asked. Amaranth shook her head no as Ayita just smiled. “Yes you can do it Niro and your father and I are here.” She said as she placed another cloth in the water.

Ayita smiled “Amaranth with the next contraction push.” She said. Her daughter nodded lightly as she obeyed her mother. The small little pup slowly emerged with each push. Ayita smiled placing a hand on him and easing it out as she looked at him. Cutting the cord she wiped him off. “My he is beautiful” She said. As she stopped herself. “I mean, My he is beautiful.” She said in English this time. Placing him in a dry blanket she placed him on amaranths chest.



Amaranth Sat against the cold wall as she was glad that there were pillows and blankets behind her. She looked at Niro and smiled. She was in pain and wished that her mom knew more about healing. The woman could have done more then just be here she could have helped with the pain. Her mother whispered in her ear. The fear was slowly subsiding and she was feeling more at ease.

She looked at Niro. “What will we name them have we ever thought of that?” She asked as she winced. Another wave had hit her and it had been hours since this whole thing started. She had gone from cold and needing the fire to burning up from the heat. She looked at him. “You name them, you didn’t get the chance with your girls.” She said.
She leaned her head back and counted in her mind. She snarled lightly as her mother touched her forehead. It had caught her off guard and caused her to react. She opened her eyes to see a blanket placed across her legs and her mother helping her adjust them. “I’m not ready to push.” She said. Her mother had an answer for everything. Apparently she was ready and everyone was here to support her.

Amaranth looked into her mother’s eyes as she took a breath and with the next contraction she pushed. Stopping her mother erged her on with another push. Ayita’s face lit up and Amaranth knew that it had to be good. Finally the first pup was out and her mother tended to it before handing it to her. She smiled holding the child. Her mother spoke in French forgetting that on her and amaranth spoke it. She smiled “I agree mother look at him. Right now the coloration that would appear in a little bit was hard to notice. She hoped he would look like his father hiding his mother’s tainted blood. But this happiness would only be short lived.

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The dark-masked dog King whined inaudibly, watching the way that Ayita tended to her daughter in this time of pain for her. The pain that accompanied was the yin to the yang that was birth, he knew. Vigilante sat ready and alert, waiting for the instructions he knew were to come, and so they did. A brief nod was given in response to Ayita's request that he help her with the towels, but she did not seem to need his help as she settled Amaranth down. The large mutt stepped closer, eager to be nearer and to be able to help if he was needed.

Though he had been angry with Niro when the Huntsman had told him of Amaranth's pregnancy, he could see now that the man was going to be there for his daughter. He was not going to leave her alone to care for these puppies. As the process began, he could feel his nervousness building, and he nearly yelped with excitement and relief when the first puppy came. Jade eyes looked over the puppy immediately, pride swelling. This was not his grandson by blood, but he had more right to the title than Amaranth's birth father did. Vigilante smiled proudly. This was his grandson.


Everything happened so fast for Niro, the wolf had barely any time to think. He was just there, he held his mates hand as her mother spoke for her to start pushing, which meant... the puppies were coming. And soon without any effort on his part, and way too much on amaranth’s their first born came out. Slimy and strange looking, but the most beautiful sight Niro had ever seen as he watched Ayita put him in a blanket and gave him to Amaranth. He remembered she’d said something about names, and he wasn’t sure what to name, blinking he smiled at the little thing, his son. His and Amaranths’ son.

“He is beautiful, but I don’t know very many names my dear, I would not mind if you named him or any of the other pups.”

He said in a hushed voice, mesmirised by the tiny pudgy nose, and the large forehead, and the closed eyes, and the seeking mouth. He was perfect. Niro wished he could live this momen forever.

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Table by Sie
Amaranth looked at her mother and her mate then to her father. Her tired body ached as she held her son. Her son was perfect he was beautiful. ”We will name him after they all come.” She said with a smiled. She wasn’t sure what to name him. Would he be the first and only boy or would there be girls.
She looked at him looking to suckle she smiled. That would most likely be easier if she was in lupus form but if she shifted she would rick harming the pups. She sat there holding him to her chest as she was happy with the small amount of time that she had to rest.
Looking at Niro she handed him the unnamed child it had been nearly forty five minutes since he was born when her body began forceful contractions. The ones for the past few minutes had been not as intense. She looked at her mother who just smiled.
She was sick of that smile she wished she’d make all the pain stop. She looked at Niro giving a light whimper in pain. She closed her eyes as she listened to her mother’s voice. ”Push dear” Her mother said as she tried. Her body just seemed so tired and so weak now. She had to though this would never end if she couldn’t push the pup out.
Her mind was stressing over this. Her son safe in his father’s arms and another pup on the way. Amaranth cried and snarled through the pain as she pushed the small bundles out. Her body now so tired and weak not even knowing that the two that had seemed to come after another in an instant were not alive. Her mother said nothing as Amaranths head leaned against the wall.
Ayita smiled looking at her mate she was so happy to see her daughter like this. They would be so close for the first time ever mother and daughter able to be together. Her bright blue eyes cast on her daughter who finally had a moment to rest. She was happy to hear that she would wait to name the child. The boy would have a wonderful name and he would be raised with love.
Ayita had time to clean her hands and relax as she allowed time to just slide by. She could not rush birth there was no way. Humans were able to but if they were to do that Amaranth would die. There were no such medical things in this world now. She was glad to just have basic things.
Amaranths contractions were coming in stronger again and ayita was glad. She wanted her daughter to have her happy little family. ”Push dear” She said lightly as she saw the strain on her daughters face. She knew this was hard on her and she hoped that the remaining pup or pups were healthy and fine like the little boy. She tried to keep her daughter going as she stopped the strain on her young body must just be to much.
Finally Amaranth was able to listen to her mother and she pushed. Blue eyes cast on the task at hand. She grabbed a towel and help ease on out as a second began to emerge. She was stunned to see the two so close. What shocked her more to see how identical they looked at this point almost like twins. She gently rubbed the puppies trying to get them to breath but she could tell that both were never going to breath. Right now she wished that she had taught Amaranth only one language not both because she could say what she didn’t want to say.
Blue eyes filled with sorrow as She looked at Niro and Amaranth who was resting. Then she looked at her mate and the love of her life. Taking the blanket she wrapped the two girls lightly. ”they’re still born.” She said looking at Niro. Her hands shook as she picked up the gently wrapped girls. ”I’m so sorry.” She turne to look at Vigi they had lost one little girl, but they were older and Amaranth was young and had issues no to have this she wasn’t sure the girl could take it.


Niro couldn’t help but feel strange as the tiny little pup was handed to him. He was so small, so tiny, so fragile! He could hold the little thing in one palm! He cradled the pup; securing him in the nook of his arm and took Amaranth’s hand in the other. As another contraction came her mother told her to push, Niro could see his mate was weak already, and now she had ot push more...he felt useless and soon the room came deathly quiet and then he saw two more pups in Ayita’s hands but it seemed she was determined, that something was utterly wrong and Ayita’s words confirmed it.... Niro choked back a cry, and held the little pup instinctively closer to him as though what happened to the two pups in Ayita’s hands would travel to the little boy in his own, he went to hug Amaranth, not yet sure how her reaction would be, they lost two... two pups that could have been just as full of life as this little one....

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Table by Meghann!


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