[P] Ticket to Doom or Destiny

Word Count → 401
OOC: Located between Inferni and Anathema.

It was about an hour past midnight, and Darkness couldn't have been more active. Donning his four-legged form, as he found it easier to move around in, he had set out on the task of scaling the infamous Halcyon Mountain. He had started that morning and by now he was exhausted, but pure adrenaline kept him awake. He stood at the very top of the massive hill, and below him the outstretched forest was a sight to behold. Dark clouds covered the moon, but as a lupus he found it easier to see through the darkness. Now he was regretting not just using optime.

It was at times like this that he wondered why on earth he had decided to travel to this area. For as long as he could remember Darkness was deathly afraid of heights. He might have tried to face his fear at one point, but he had obviously failed, for he stood frozen atop the hill, staring down with wide eyes. Could it get any worse? He was in a completely unfamiliar territory, staring down at a land miles straight down from where he stood. The mountain may have been more of a hill than a cliff, but Darkness could almost feel the ground falling down from beneath his paws, giving way into nothing and dragging him down with it. It just wasn't natural for any canine to be so high up.

He could have stood there for a long time, likely collapsing from exhaustion after another hour or so, but instead he heard an odd fluttering noise in his ear. Startled, he started swatting the air, trying to send away the little moth that had flew right past his ear for a split second. He heard the rush of wind his paw caused, which made him even more frantic, and he began to jump around, twisting his head to snap at something that wasn't there.

Then he just so happened to approach a small rock lodged deep in the ground. Then he just so happened to trip over the rock. With a yelp, he toppled over and thumped onto his right side, his right shoulder smashing into the satchel around his neck. There was a shattering noise from within, but Darkness didn't care. His head was spinning. Oh, what a great start to entering this new territory. At this point, maybe he should consider going back....

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Word Count → 300+ :: Sorry I didn't het to this sooner, I had jury duty.

A loud yelp caused Layla to jump. She had been admiring the view below the hill with inspired blue eyes. Not anymore. She had climbed this hill to see as far as she could see. Layla knew that she would live here for a very long time, if not for the rest of her life. As such, she had wanted to get a better picture or her new world. Yet it seems that fate had different ideas in mind. The dyed white fae turned to the direction of the loud noise and immediately shifted. Her body changed and mutated to become bipedal. "HELLO! ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" she yelled out to the hill, black hands cupping around her mouth.

Layla started jogging, looking for whoever made that sound. She hoped they were alright. If not, Layla had set up camp for the past few days in a cave nearby. She could take him or her or it there. Didn't she have any precautions? Any thoughts of stranger danger? Nope, Layla honestly just wanted to help. Her tail stuck out straight behind her as she searched. It had seemed like she walked around to the hill's back, or front depending how one looked at it, before she caught a scent. It was a male wolf; that was all she needed to know.

Following her nose helped her immensely and soon Layla's searching blue eyes caught a glimpse of dark fur and she ran to it. Tail curled up, Layla bent over the dark wolf's face, hands on her knees as she huffed. Her ears were perked forward with concern. "Hey, are you okay?" she asked. "You look like you need some help." Looking the male up and down quickly, she determined he wasn't going to bleed to death. With half a smile, Layla offered him a delicate black hand. Her tail swished lazily behind her.

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Word Count → 337
OOC: S'okay.

His head was still spinning and he didn't catch someone's call. He had been being stupid again, all right, going frantic over something that wasn't there. And it was yet another mistake he would never learn from. That was Darkness, usually always doing something stupid but never learning from any of it. He didn't care; as long as he survived each encounter without any major injuries, it only meant that he would have more little adventures along the way.

When his vision finally focused he saw someone looking down at him, a female wolf with dyed fur. He was no stranger to dye. Maybe he could offer her some as thanks, though he wasn't sure if he had red, white, black, or any of the colors on her fur.

She spoke to him, and he managed a reply. "I'm good..." He slowly started to get to his paws, though had to stand still for a moment, let the world spin around again. Then he was standing straight and turning to look at his 'rescuer'. At least he hadn't been knocked out cold, and while he felt sore it didn't feel like he was bleeding anywhere. Still, he wasn't just going to leave when she had at least cared enough to come over and help; he had run into a few wolves who would just walk away from a situation like this. Besides, if she was nice enough, he might be able to make a friend. "Thanks."

Shaking his head quickly for a moment, he kept looking at the female, his tail starting to swish back and forth as a friendly smile crossed his face. "So what's your name?" He was already acting as if he had never fallen down in the first place, even though his right shoulder was still a bit sore and he was leaning slightly on his left side. Again, it didn't matter. If he was just a little more careful going down the mountain, there was nothing a little vigorous walking couldn't fix.

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Word Count → 300+ :: ---

The dark male assured her that he was okay and stood by himself. One corner of her lips dipped down for a brief moment and lowered her unnoticed hand and tail. She was smiling by the time she stood fully to face him. After he regained his balance, he thanked her. "Oh, it's not that big a deal, I just overreacted," she brushed it off, looking away. The smirk on her features was a clear sign she was trying to be humble. Modesty was something she tried and failed at many times.

Layla's blue eyes blinked when she looked back to see a smiling male with a slow wag to his tail. Seeing such friendliness had caused her black tipped white tail to rise and swing lazily. Normally she was the hopeful and friendly one, but now she was rivaled. If he was hoping to make a friend, he didn't have to do much more than trip over a stone. "I'm Layla, a loner in the lands of Nova Scotia. What about yourself?" the female returned, smiling widely at him with her pretty ivory teeth.

It wasn't until then that she noticed that the male before her was leaning on his left side. It wasn't major, just a slight tilt. "Are you sure you are okay? It sounded like quite the fall, you could have twisted an ankle," she asked, concern in her eyes. Why she cared, she didn't know, but she always did. She was a dog with a large heart that was unused to abuse. "I do have a camp set up close by if you're not okay. I don’t have much food, but I could see what I could do?" Layla shrugged. It was true, she didn’t hunt often but Layla had been smart enough to learn how to dry her meat into jerky which had preserved it.

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Word Count → 248
OOC: Sorry for the delay.

Darkness, as usual, was all too ready to introduce himself when asked; he wondered why he hadn't done so sooner, starting to forget about the rock incident already. "I'm Darkness, another loner. Nice to meet you, Layla." She was returning the immediate friendliness, which made his tail start wagging faster; when he got himself in situations like this, others rarely gave him a second thought, and when they got to know him they would run for some strange reason. But here was Layla, returning the sociable greeting that he was giving her. There was never a problem with making a new friend.

The change of subject unsettled him slightly. He had been ready to start a nice, long, casual conversation, and now the attention was back on his slip. Had it really sounded that bad? His yelp had likely made it seem like he was falling into a pit of pointed rocks, but his shoulder only felt sore, that was all. He didn't need hospitality at the moment. He wasn't going to stay around the area for long at this rate, so why bother staying in a camp?

"Thanks, but I'm fine," Darkness replied, trying to stand straight. Pain shot up his shoulder, but there was absolutely nothing that a bit of pressure couldn't fix. Heck, he had survived a falling wooden plank - or so he thought - without any major head injuries, so a little trip over a rock and slightly down a mountain was nothing.<style>
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Word Count → 300+ :: ---

Layla was quite enjoying this dark male she felt simpatico towards. The two were quite similar in their eagerly friendliness. He was quite appealing, relatively simpatico. "It's good to meet you too, Darkness. It was getting quite silent on my own," Layla said, offering him a warm smile. His tail wagged faster; he looked almost like an excited pup. Not that it was a bad thing, it was quite cute. Layla was on the cusp of being a pup herself; being barely older than 14 months. She doubted the male was as foreboding as his name. In fact, it might just be for his dark black coat.

Layla's camp was quite temporary, really. A few stones in a semi circle with her backpack in the center under a cavernous ceiling. It was just a place to cook a quick meal and sleep. Everything she needed and owned was in that dungy bag. Darkness reassured her that he was fine. "Okay, if you're sure. I could start a fire and everything," Layla shrugged. Truth was, the female was quite proud of her survival skills and wouldn't mind a bit showing them off. Plus, a warm fire didn’t sound half bad on a cool night like this when there were still patches of snow scattering the ground. But, Layla could tell he was quite proud himself and wanted to be a male.

That was all fine and dandy by her. Layla was wolf enough to withstand the weather and resume what she had been doing. "Well, would you at least care to join me? I found an amazing view. It overlooks a forest and I think I can see the sea from there, though it's really dark and hard to tell. But the view is beautiful," Layla rambled. She believed Darkness would take up her offer. He seemed as though he didn't have a friend in the world and his birthday wish was to have just one friend. A friend, Layla would be more than happy to be.

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Word Count → 323

Darkness was ecstatic to have finally found someone who was going to equally friendly back to him. What more, she had to agree with him that it got quite lonely on one's own. That was the reason he was always talking to himself; he wasn't the type who loved to hear his own voice, but he wanted someone to speak with and as a loner he was usually the only one around. His smile grew wider and his tail wagged faster. He really did look like an overexcited puppy whose parents had just bought home a big, juicy caribou.

The idea of joining Layla in her camp sounded appealing, but there was no doubt that she would notice the big bruise on his shoulder at some point because of the way he moved. He was capable of taking care of himself. He had no problem with trusting Layla - being as naive as he was, he would take shelter with an assassin on a warm and sunny day - but he really was capable of taking care of himself.

He became extremely grateful that he didn't take up the offer. Layla's next sentence suggested that her camp was somewhere high on the mountain. Instantly his tail topped wagging, and for once his smile faltered a bit. His two greatest fears in life were the supernatural - though he claimed not to remember why - and heights. He had nothing against Layla, but he would not spend the night at the top of the mountain. He wasn't even considering it a possibility.

"S-Sorry, I'm fine on my own," he repeated, shaking his head politely. Realizing he sounded somewhat rude, rejecting her offers twice in a row, he added quickly, "Not that I don't trust you or anything, mind you." He had a lot of reasons not to trust her, since she wasn't much more than a total stranger at this point. "Just... I'm good."

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Word Count → 200+ :: Sorry for shortness. I ran out of things to write about -.-

Layla face showed her confusion. All she could manage for a moment was, "Uhm..." She just wanted to go back to her previous spot before Darkness caught her attention. He didn’t want to join where she had been sitting peacefully, he didn't want to visit her camp. What did he want to do? Or maybe she wasn't the only one who had gotten lost in the conversation. "I didn't think that was why, but... are you sure? It's not my camp, it's just over there. The view is nice," She clarified, pointing in the direction she had ran to get to him. It was also less windy and she had her own butt-print flattened in the grass, which might have vanished by now. That depended on how well she had broken the blades.

The moon was high and Layla really wanted to just sit down. Biting her lip with a gleaming ivory canine, two sides debated across her features. Should she insist or bend the wing and stay? She didn't want to be rude and she certainly didn’t want to stop this lovely chat. It had been a long time since she last had company. She feared insanity and shunned the sun and its fabled mind-frying capabilities. "Please?" she asked. Layla had decided to beg first and if nothing came of it, sigh and walk away.

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Word Count → 242
This is really short and really cruddy; you're not the only one.
Wrap this up after another round or so? We can just assume Darkness spent the night if you'd like.

Layla must have been pretty desperate to have to say "please". Darkness had to admit, he certainly sympathized; he knew all to well what it felt like to wish that he had someone on his lone travels, especially on nights like this. He knew that, even if he declined the offer for good, he'd still need somewhere to stay for the night, and since he hardly knew the territory this was an offer that was too good to pass up. He would have to figure out a way to ignore his fear of heights and fall asleep - if that was possible for him - even if he had to keep his eyes closed with sap... or something along those lines that wouldn't sting so much.

With a small sigh, still feeling a bit reluctant to accept because of his fear of heights, he managed a somewhat quiet reply. At times like this, he was still glad that he had someone to talk to, but not quite a fan of the awkward moments that were scattered throughout most conversations. It wasn't like he could come up with something to say when there was a nice and very tempting offer hanging in the air. "Okay, then... but if you don't mind, I won't be paying much attention to 'the view'...." He glanced absent-mindedly in the direction she had pointed to. Why did she have to make camp on the side of the mountain?

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Word Count → ---+ :: Yeah, you can reply something about where her camp is, my next post could be oh, it's that way. and after that we can end and say he spent the night. If you're interested, have another thread when they awake, or she can remember he left before she awoke.

Layla's features perked up. "Really? Yay! It's just this way," Layla cheered, already leading the way. There was a big misunderstanding here. She was just wanting to sit down where she had been sitting, not return to her camp. Her camp was down the mountain in a cave. When he had declined that offer twice, she had compromised for this one.

Hopping over the underbrush and retracing her steps, she eventually came to her original spot she was at before meeting Darkness. Her tail paused in its wagging as she sat down in the grass clearing. She patted the ground at her side. "Come sit by me," she said. "How's the view?" she asked. The full moon cast its cool heavenly glow upon the wilderness below.

A blurry portion could be recognized as a forest and a bright twinkling in the fair distance must have been a body of water. Bare patches of silver were also observed, obviously plains. And one hell of an endless night sky covered it in its dark embrace. "I heard that place is called Nova Scotia. It is where I plan on heading." Layla knitted her eyebrows, thinking of something completely off topic. Her blue eyes gazed at her temporary companion. "So why were you named Darkness?" she asked.

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Word Count → 314
Either ending sounds good to me. Maybe wrap it up with your post or shortly after it?

He had apparently excited her by agreeing to go to her "camp" with her, although she seemed to miss his "I won't be paying attention to the view" part completely. He followed her over to the grass clearing on the hillside, and he had to force himself to sit down and not go rigid when she, once again, bought up just how high they were. Maybe she hadn't guessed this by now, but he absolutely hated heights; he answered her question with a small nod.

Having focused his attention on Layla, he was grateful for the talk she was starting. It would help take his mind off the fact that, if they were sitting on the edge of a steep cliff and some tremendously strong wind came along, he would fall to his inevitable death. "I'm heading down there, too. Just another new area to explore, y'know?"

Her question was unexpected. Had Darkness been a more irritable wolf he would have responded with a sharp retort, but he wasn't and was left thinking for a moment. Why had he given himself that name? He was an amnesiac as far as he was concerned; that had to be part of the reason. Either that, or because of the slightly odd idea that he had gotten knocked out some time during the night, the first thing he had seen was darkness, and he had decided to name himself that. He explained with the former reason. "Not sure. Maybe because it describes what I think of when I try to remember where I came from."

This could have been a sensitive moment thanks to the wording of his answer, but as usual he had no desire for sympathy. Instead he went on to return a question. "This is where you're sleeping tonight?" He didn't know many wolves who really enjoyed sleeping directly under the sky at night.

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Word Count → 400+ :: Sorry for the slight pp, I wrapped it up finally x.x

Darkness had followed her to the spot she had found. It took a minute for her to realize, however, that after they sat down, he had not looked once at the view. Suit yourself, she thought in her mind but was polite enough to not say. Instead she moved conversation along. The male seemed to enjoy discussion and Layla was more than happy enough to partake. "I'm just looking for a home." she said. "I don't care to be alone. It's a depressing existence for me, I guess." This was all quite true, though Layla wasn't just going to pounce the first pack she saw. Oh no, she was going to wait it out for that perfect picture she had in her mind to be satisfied.

Layla's question about the reasoning of his name gave her more than what she felt she wanted to know. What to say to that? I'm sorry you have amnesia, but hey! At least you haven't forgotten me!? The female really was only expecting a nifty little story to add to her mental story book on the lives of true wolves. Before she could say or do anything but nod, he switched the subject. "What? Oh no, I set up camp in a dry cave down the hill." Layla corrected him. Then things started to connect. "Wait you... oh! Well come with me then!"

The femme grew bold and gently grabbed Darkness by his wrist. She stood and directed him on a deer path. It didn't take long for them to reach where she had camped. There was a novice-made fire pit with a wood pile as well as a blanket and a bag. Releasing his wrist, she said, "I'm sorry I don't have much. Go ahead and pick a spot to sit anywhere and I'll start a small fire." Soon enough, a small fire was heating the cave and Layla was offering her guest a slab of deer jerky. "Take it, it's a good late night snack!" she said.

The pair didn't stay up very long. The fire was warm enough that blankets weren't needed. Both had fallen asleep there, but in the late morning when Layla awoke, Darkness was already gone. She was dazed about this and thought about it all that day. The only piece of evidence she had that he really did exist was the extra missing jerky in her bag.

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