Joining- By Fortuna's Will
Character Name: Delilah Grace
Character Birthdate (including year): December 5, 2008
Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci: Luperci
Species: 50% Italian wolf, 50% Siberian Husky
Gender: Female
Currently played characters: N/A
How you found 'Souls: Google

Delilah was nothing less than a tomboy. The white wolfdog was nearing the borders of a pack, and instead of thinking about how she looked she was fiddling with a shortbow. About a month ago she had traded a sack of rabbits for the new weapon, though she lacked the actual arrows for and skill needed to use it. Now as she approached the borders of Dahlia de Mai, she was trying to figure out a way to hold it that didn't look clunky or awkward. She should have waited, but no, Delilah Grace needed to have a weapon when she joined a pack.

It was later in the evening, almost sunset. The air was crisp and cool. Praise the gods, spring was coming; when Delilah had been younger she had rejected her mother's beliefs, but now she found herself thanking the Roman godess of luck, Fortuna, for bringing her to Souls. It was a heaven after what she had been through, losing her mate. She couldn't live alone.

Delilah eventually grabbed the shortbow by the string. She had reached the borders of Dahlia de Mai. Glancing around, she realized nobody was there, so she let out a single howl: I'm here to join.

ooc;; hello and welcome to 'Souls! I hope you have a wonderful time here! If you have any questions whatso ever, please feel free to PM me or Kris (Nayru). Apologies for the angsty post, DdM is in turmoil at the moment!

Conor was gone. The shining light of Dahlia de Mai, the one to lead them out of the death and destruction brought about by his own father had gone. He'd left in what appeared to be a hurry and Nayru had stepped up to the mark to fill his place. Of course, it could not quell the harsh kernel of anger that had appeared to lodge itself deep in the peaceful mans stomach. The father figure that he'd always looked up to, the man who had literally been a dad to him had upped and left. Abandoned them all just like his real father had done. And Ascher and Shiloh were missing too. There was really nothing Saul could do about that- at a year old in wolf years the Stormbringer brood were considered adults and well able to look after themselves. It was Saul's need to have his family together again that told him to search for them.

He had realised that now Nayru was Alpha, he would have to petition to her to become the Apothecary. It helped that he had sorted the awful stitches out of her head and cleaned the blunt wound from the greenhouse' roof collapsing in on her. Saul hadnt seen the black and white female for a few days up until she had delivered the bad news and Saul had been just a little too numb with shock to do much about anything. He'd returned home to check on the almost-broken Wretch who had taken up residence in one of the spare rooms he had to offer. Though it wasnt much, there was a bed for her and it was clean. And he was doing everything he could to heal her. Siku had been as shocked as he had to find out the cinnamon and gold male had upped and left and appeared to have shared the timber mans silence that evening.

It was the day after and though the shock was still fresh and the pain raw, Saul had made his mind up to be a supporting pillar for Nayru. She needed strong and loyal members to make sure the pack didnt fall into complete ruin. He'd spent the morning in his usual routine, racing around Dahlia to expel the energy. He'd also spent this time gathering various herbs that would stop the pain the little puppy was almost certainly feeling. He'd managed to collect enough to last a few days and had made a salve for her jaw as well as getting her to swallow a few painful gulps of broth he'd made for her to eat. He knew she wouldnt be able to eat meat for a long time and had made a broth from very soft rabbit meat that she could have every few hours. He's managed to push the bone back in and wrap it tightly, but he knew there was more to do to it to make sure it healed properly.

It was almost sunset now and Saul sat out by Oberons Spring, his cabin to his back. He wasnt too sure where Siku was but he had managed to give Wretch something to go to sleep. So he had a few hours before she would wake again and make some sort of squeek in pain. He felt so sorry for her, washed ashore broken almost beyound repair. It was mostly a peaceful night, the air a little crisp and a threat of a cold morning made him shiver. Cinnamon backed ears perked forward and caught the lone howl that came from the borders. He usually would have left it to Conor, content to look after Wretch's sleeping body. But he wasnt here anymore and Nayru was at the eastern borders as thats where she lived. He gave a smile, standing and stretching long arms over his head. Though usually preferring his lupus form, healing demanding opposable thumbs.

It took him less than ten minutes to find the caller. He hadnt been very far from the borders anyway- he'd strategically placed his cabin close to the borders and the spring to suit his needs. Green eyes saw a smaller wolf, perhaps part dog in her. Bluey-green eyes appeared heavy and griefstricken, although he wasnt going to pry into her personal life. Taking a deep breath he took in the not-quite pure wolf blood, as well as gender and other such information that told him she wasnt a threat.

"As I'm sure you're aware, these are the borders of Dahlia de Mai. How may I help you?"

Her howl had said clearly that she wanted to join, but his perfectionist nature told him that he needed to follow his own protocol. This was just his routine and he was going to stick to it.

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OOC: Thanks again for the welcome!

Delilah was soon greeted by a grey-brown optime wolf. He looked younger than her, which came as a bit of a surprise. She couldn't help it; she had expected to see an adult, likely older than herself. Surely someone this young couldn't be leadership?

She hid her surprise well, instinct telling her not to look into his bright green eyes, and to keep her tail and ears lowered. He confirmed that she was at the borders and asked how he could help; typical questions, she supposed. She was trying her best to make sure she wasn't a threat, although she would also have to be sure she didn't look weak.

"My name is Delilah Grace," she began. Her words came out softly; despite her tomboyish nature she felt shy when around strangers. She managed to make her speech loud enough to hear clearly, but just barely. She swore that she would have to work on that; it would be difficult to proprly interact with future packmates if she could barely talk above a whisper. "I was hoping to join your pack."
Apologies, no table for you as I'm posting from my phone! <333

Bright emerald eyes shone brightly despite the inner turmoil that was threatening to overtake his body. In all truths it had felt like a personal betrayal to him and also that Conor had knocked out the pillar of what Dahlia de Mai was. There would never be a circumstance that Saul would leave his pack, but his mind couldn't quite wrap around the fact that he man was gone. And he hadn't yet realised that Dahlia was what they made it- it did not depend on a single wolf to make it what it was. Saul would get there in time, but for now he felt bitter and betrayed. He couldn't project this however and fell back on his safety net of reserved calm. He had probably picked up this defense mechanism from Conor himself, but the male was depending on it right now. The pale female in front of him had no idea about the sudden leave of the autumn hued ex-alpha and she wouldn't be used as a frustration bag. Green eyes watched her submissive posture and Saul ticked off his mental checklist. Cinnamon backed ears perked forward as she moved to answer his question.

A pleasure to meet you Deliliah. My name is Saul Stormbringer and I am the Lehrer of Dahlia de Mai.

He added, just to make sure that she knew he was a high ranking wolf. Most were surprised by his youth, until he mentioned this. And now Conor was gone, it appeared the tri-coloured male was second highest ranked wolf. Not that he really care about where he stood in Dahlia. Cinnamon ears twitched forward as she repeated her request already conveyed in her howl. Saul allowed a friendly smile to grace his lips and his typical timber tail swung once behind him. He couldn't just accept her without knowing anything about her, Nayru would be mad. And he might potentially danger the pups if he did so. Not that he thought the was dangerous but he had to make sure.

Before I can accept you into Dahlia, I need to know a little bit about you. Tell me where you came from and how you ended up here?

He asked, voice soft. He was more than aware that most loners who turned up on the borders were alone not through choice. Hardly any of them had living relatives and they sought a new family amoung the red-striped borders. There was no harm in that of course, but it was a shame in most cases.
The wolf said that his name was Saul Stormbringer, Dahlia de Mai's "Lehrer". Delilah wasn't completely certain what a Lehrer was, but by the sound of it, it was a high rank. If this is the case, she thought, Saul must be an exceptional wolf. The realization made her further humble. She also realized that it was unlikely to be greeted by a weak-ranked wolf.

Before she could feel too embarassed, Saul asked her where she had come from. It was a bit of a painful subject, but if she was vague there was no reason to find it hard to talk about it. Besides, it wasn't like she was lying, just leaving out some major details.

"I was born into a good family," she began, "but we were seperated when an enemy of my mother attacked. I trateled for a while and decided I should make my life worth something. I want to join you so I can help you." It was as vague as she could get without mentioning Vespar. His memory was too fresh. She wasn't going to bring him up, not to a near-stranger.

ooc;; apologies for the wait eary! a few more rounds and she'll be titled up and accepted!

Green eyes thought he saw a flash of pain in the white wolfdogs expression but it was gone too quick for him to really analyse it. Saul gave a soft smile of encouragement as she collected her thoughts. His own past was a little jumbled and it would take a moment for him to really collect everything together to give a concise account of where he'd come from and how he'd ended up here. Fortunately he'd passed out from exhaustion and hunger on the borders and his Aunt Bris had found him- he hadnt needed to explain what had happened to him. Of course, Aunt Bris knew where he'd come from and everything, but not why he'd turned up at Dahlia nearly starved to death and unable to keep his eyes open. This female obviously had no family here to take her in, no questions asked. So he had to ask them for the sake of the pack and for his own curiosity.

Of course, he wasnt expecting the vague details he'd got. It was enough of a story for Saul to believe, she had been with a loving family and a rival had attacked. It was simple and easy to remember. Perhaps a little too easy. But Saul let it slide, allowing her the benefit of the doubt. If there was something in her past too painful to speak about to a stranger, then so be it. His next question might be a little easier for her to answer, if his asking about her past was too painful or anything of the sort. Saul allowed a soft tail wag to lighten the mood as he continued.

"I'm sorry about your family Delilah... I don't mean to move on so swiftly, but there's not much point in standing around. What can you contribute to Dahlia? What skills do you have that will make you an assett to this pack? We appear to be in need of them!"

He tried not to mention the direness of the life in Dahlia at the moment. With fewer numbers there were less people to patrol the borders and to hunt. He hoped that they would be able to build themselves back up, hoped they would be as great as they used to be again.

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Despite the fact that it hurt, Delilah knew there was another reason why she rarely spoke about her past: pity. She didn't want pity. She was a strong wolfdog, and she could fend for herself. Who said she needed a family? The idea of rejecting company reminded her what she was doing. She was joining a pack so she didn't have to live alone. Still, she could have companionship without pity....

Shoving away the thoughts, Delilah turned her attention back to the question. "I'm trying to learn how to use a shortbow," she answered, holding up the weapon. "And I know a good technique for hunting in pairs. I also know how to read a little...." Reading wasn't quite a valuable skill to Delilah and she spent more time experimenting with her shortbow, but she knew that some canines couldn't read at all so it didn't hurt to bring it up.

Hunting technique wasn't exactly a skill. She couldn't read well. She could barely use a shortbow. Delilah had only given three half-skills. Maybe she should have perfected the shortbow or learned to read entire books before she had come to the borders. It was too late now. Well, at least now she had a better chance to learn... if she was accepted. She couldn't wait to cross the border to enter a new home....
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