there's no oxygen again

ooc;; so we have a lot of new members and i figured we could have a nice pack hunt with them! NEW MEMBERS ARE ENCOURAGED! Old members are good too! Set 07.04.11 out in Aza'real's Path. Late evening <333

Saul Stormbringer

Wolves had no problem with seeing in the dark and luckily the Luperci had not been robbed of this advantage. Sarkling green eyes that seemed more at peace than they had in the last stressful week surveyed the lanscape in th dying light. He had never come out this way before- towards the cliffy outcrops that overlooked bits of forest now growing fatter with prey animals. The relative warmth of spring had motivated the deer herds to drop their swollen bellies and bring new life into the lands. The air was often ripe with the bleating calls of newborn fawns and it had provided Saul was a good opportunity for a meet and great with the new members of the pack. He currently stood on the tallest of the cliffy outcrop overlooking the forest below. He could just spot a herd in a large clearing down below, within easy reach if the moved fast.

The man was feeling more at ease after his talk with Siku the day before. She'd found him in the garden and they's talked about Conor and Wretch and Nayru and a whole multitude of things. It was good for both of them to get things off their chest. He'd mentioned to the alabater female that he planned on holding this litte event today and invited her along. He wasnt sure what she'd said and had left it at an open invittion. He'd woken this morning with her once again curled against him, a regular nighttime occurance for the two best friends. It was more than that, but both of them were too young to realise it. Athough both classed as adults months ago, they really were quite naive.

Green eyes flashed as the stag of the herd flashed a warning with a complicated signal on white fluffy tail. It was either now or never when the erd thought the danger was down in the forest with them. Tipping earthly masked face upwards to reveal the creamy white neck and chest, Saul let forth a demanding howl. It would reach into all corners of Dahlia and let the newcomers know that their assistance was required. A small tack on to the message said that older members were welcome too. He hoped they would turn up- he had stressed that their acceptance into Dahlia was under the condition that they contrbute to making their pack healthier. Hunting was definitely makig it healthy again.

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Delilah had spent the last few days exploring her new home. The days were full of adventure, the nights a bit lonely, but she had made it to the southeast region. She had expected a nice, long sleep that night as she resorted to taking shelter under a tree, but instead the cool air had kept her awake. There was air, and the memory of Vespar. Now she rarely thought about him, her mind occupied with thoughts about the pack. During the night's silence she thought about him, and realized that she was scared. How could she look at something and not remember him? He had only passed away a month ago. Why didn't his memory hurt like it used to?

The howl came after some time. Delilah was all too eager to see some action, taking her mind off of her former mate. She grabbed her shortbow and a few of her thin sticks, thin white legs quickly starting to run, skimming over the ground as she made her way to the peak. She remembered being frustrated to tell Saul that she really had no talent when she had joined the pack. Since then she had been practifing her archery skills, using sharpened twigs as ammunition. She had improved slightly, but now was her chance to really let it show.

The smell of deer was apparent as she got closer. Feeling more energized than ever she had to force herself to stop when she saw Saul himself. She still felt a bit shy, but she managed to greet him audibly. "Hello, Saul. Rallying a hunt?" It was an obvious question, but she wanted to hear if he had a plan.

500+ Warning: RP Rusty. O_x

Dahlia de Mai was nothing like Ireland… or rather, Ireland was incomparable to Dahlia de Mai. Ireland in the present consisted of endless pastures, wildflowers, and rolling emerald hills. There was a multitude of different scenery to discover here from creamy shorelines to jagged cliffs to dense forests. Alae couldn't fathom how the scenery changed itself from one theme to the next, like walking straight into some sort of parallel universe. She never witnessed such lands full of resources and variety as Dahlia, and quite frankly was intrigued with this territory the most out of what seemed like hundreds she passed through. There was something about Dahlia that spoke of some distant place of refuge. Not entirely home yet, but a safe haven for the time being.

Agouti patterned ears lifted to the demanding howl of the Stormbringer that greeted and accepted her into Dahlia's embrace. It was the type of shrill melody that specifically called out to her presence among the many that were also new editions to the Dahlian ranks. Kael also heard the siren of the Stormbringer as well, swiftly twisting his head in the direction of the sound, and furrowing his feathers silently. A quick glance given to Alae, where his wide yellow eyes lingered without emotion or any telling sign. Alae looked straight back at him, and after a momentary pause in time, her muzzle threw itself in the direction of the call. The Sidhe had been merely exploring parts of Dahlia de Mai upon her arrival, although there was much for the newly Subordinate and the snowy owl to discover yet.

Taking off at the instant, Alae transformed into Secui during mid-stride. Whether or not Saul's howl was immediately urgent, it was enough for Alae to shift into Secui in order to reach the source of his howl in a shorter time span than in Optime. Kael lifted from his perch and took to the skies as well, or below as much canopy to dodge over, under, and around as he trailed after Alae. Her pace was effortless in Secui, as her unusually large paws were able to get her over the toughest of landscape to reach Saul and another member of Dahlia who Alae was unfamiliar with. The scent of prey long since caught her nostrils even before approaching Saul and the unknown member, and instantly her mind connected the howl with the aroma of prey in the air. Hunt.

Seeing as how the life of a rogue left her nearly lanky and bony, a well-sized meal had been hard to come by in quite some time. Coming to a comfortable distance and stop before Saul and the unknown female, her muzzle nodded to both of them. The female looked more like a wolfdog than wolf, as she was small and slender with a slight tinted brown in what would be her otherwise immaculate white fur. There was a small grin to surpass Alae's muzzle when grinning toward the female, and Alae then turned her attention to the Stormbringer. Kael entered the gathering, although he preferred to land and perch upon a high place in the area that was eye and earshot away from the wolves before. "Ready when you're ready to bring the storm on, Stormbringer." Alae mused with amusement in her voice, her grin broadening.

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ooc;; guess its just us two then- imma ignore Delilah's post!

Saul Stormbringer

Green eyes were beginning to water as dust particals gathered in the unblinking expanse. He didnt want to blink them away and lose the deer he had been tracking for the better part of his day. Tail swished softly back and forward whilst saliva threatened to spill over onto the floor. He was hungry, that much was pretty obvious. But he also knew he couldnt bring one of these deer down on his own. Even if only one of the other Dahlians came and joined him he knew that they could both work together and bring it down. Strategical mind moved through the trees, twisting this way and that in the effortless flight of imagination. The bloodlust threatened to tinge his green gaze as his imagination told him to bite down on the imaginary juglar. It would be so easy. If he wasnt on his own. Tawny pelt ruffled softly in the late evening breeze and he turned at th sounds of an approaching figure.

Saul couldnt help the answering grin that graced his muzzle as the tawny female approached. She was in her Secui form and Saul wondered if she'd been far away when she'd heard the summons. Still, she was here now and as she approached Saul cast a glance around for her companion. He thought he saw a flash of reflective eyes in the trees but he wasnt sure and left it. Cinnamon backed ears flashed forward at the irish womans words and the male gave a soft, quiet chuckle. Her play on words was amusing, especially since no-one had ever said anything like that before. Tail swished once behind him as he turned quielty back to the deer. It was beginning to wander, he could see from here,

"See the one down there, just beginning to wander away? We'll go for that one. Since it's just us, we'll have to ambush it. Normally I would have two or three wolves drive it into a bottleneck of two other wolves. But since its just us we'll have to modify it a bit. If you curve round it its left side and howl into the leaves to spook it into running, I'll hide in the thicket not far away. Once it breaks through the thicket it should be easy for you to come behind and grasp its hamstring while I go for the throat. Does that make sense?"

He asked, speaking constantly as his mind supplied him with images. It should work as long as the deer went the way Alae wished it to go. Green eyes sought the owl once more before he rolled his shoulders, waiting for the womans take on this.

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300+ I'll omit her previous post as well. ^^

With a few passing moments of the evening breeze sweeping through the area and gently brushing into the agouti patterns of her pelt, it appeared to be Alae was the only individual in the area to arrive at Saul's summons for a hunt. While the Sidhe was eager to meet and interact with more individuals from the Dahlian ranks, then again this wa an opportunity for herself to become more familiar with Saul from their previous encounter of when Saul first accepted her into the ranks of Dahlia. Of course Alae would be willing to work with Saul, for she had been grateful that he was trusting enough to accept the Sidhe and her owl companion into the ranks of Dahlia de Mai in the first place.

The tense atmosphere of the hunt was felt even by the snowy owl perched in the tree, and gleaming down upon the two as Kael usually did, the owl would obviously have no part in assisting the hunt with them. Merely watching, it was in Kael's observations to study the hunt techniques of canines, and possibly relish in some leftover scraps Alae would provide him for later. Admitting to herself she was slightly rusty in Secui, it didn't stop her adrenaline from beginning to seep into her veins, giving her that wonderful instinctive high of making a kill. Amid her amusement, the situation turned serious as sky blue eyes floated from Saul to the deer in the distance. It began moving away from them at a steady pace, and her ears flexed forward to catch the plan Saul had in mind for bringing it down. Several solid nods were added to show she understood his plan, which was fairly a simple one to do.

After Saul was through explaining his place, Alae had no choice but to agree. "Sounds like it could be done quickly if we both keep low and stalking. I'm better from the rear in Secui anyway, so I've got confidence you'll make a quick job of bringing it down from the front." Snapping at the hamstrings might prove to be a little dangerous for Alae, since deer was capable enough to wound a canine if their hooves kicked hard enough to their assailant from behind. Alae had hunted many times before, however, and while she was no top-notch expert on the dynamics, she could manage well with bringing something down. Feeling her fur tingle and her muscles quiver, she was ready. "Ready? I'll start sneaking off now…" Alae whispered, not wanting to wait another second. The deer was beginning to progressively wander out of range.

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ooc;; guess its just us two then- imma ignore Delilah's post!

Saul Stormbringer

He was going to have to move faster than Alae to get in front of her to lay the trap. Both of them were behind the deer and Saul needed to be in front of ther quarry so that Alae had someone to drive the deer in to. It was a good job he had a slight obsession with running, and running fast. Cinnamon backed ears flashed forward and he glanced at Alae as she confirmed his plan and spoke of stealth. They would be fine as long as they stayed downwind and to the bushes. Though the deer had wandered away from its herd, it was still a fair closeness to the main bulk and could run back amoung them easily if it scented anything untoward. Instead of answering Saul nodded and watched as she split away from him. Taking a deep breath Saul moved with fast flashing paws.

The cliffside they had been standing on quickly descended into forest and greenery and it took the agouti male just a few short moments to get under the cover of foliage. He moved so quickly, pushing himself further and faster than he usually did. He had no idea where Alae was but he would have to trust his new pack member to be there for him. He also had no idea whether Kael was going to be joining in with this hunt. But his mind was in the hunt now and he shut his thoughts off. Feeling the rough ground beneath his paws and the sharp intake of breath as he filled his lungs and exhaled once more, filled and exhaled. The wild glory of simpy running almost allowed him to completely lock off of the deer's scent. But the rustle of the hooves against the ground made him pause.

His mouth watered softly and he slowed to a silent walk. Moving towards a tightly packed area of trees that might just serve as a bottle neck for the deer to become trapped in.Saul stopped, refraining from panting to give away his position. He moved silently into a bush, settling in a laying position deep down in the hedge. He would hear as soon as Alae caught the deer and would be able to launch himself out and into the delicious meat he sought. For now, he settled in the bush without making a sound.

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Feeling the joints of her bones creak as her limbs attempted to keep her figure low and stealth to the ground, her out of practice in hunting of Secui was beginning to let up for her as the Sidhe placed herself in the mindset of the hunt with a more focused nature. Her paws moved with an amble speed, making sure to keep low enough in order for the wind to pass behind her instead of in the direction of their victim. Most of the foliage Alae weaved through didn't snag upon her pelt as easily as she assumed it would, for it was fairly simple to lace through the thick vegetation of the area (and with her size and feminine streamlined figure, it was even more simple to pass through even the most thick of fauna). While the snowy owl of hers was certainly a companion of direction and assistance, Kael decided to sit this hunt out on a perch. He had not yet coordinated in an actual hunt with Alae with assisting her, and so if anything watched with personal amusement from his stance upon a branch as the two canines honed in on their target.

Creeping within adequate distance of their victim, Alae could feel the guard hairs along her spine lengthen and rise. Her heart and adrenaline picked up considerable speed, as the approach sent a delightful rush of hunger and instinct through her veins. Her saliva was already beginning to collect a film of such at the corners of her mouth, threatening to drip from her tongue, but Alae even kept her own panting hushed away as she moved closer. It was until there was a bush that was the barrier blocking Alae from the deer before her. She could sense and feel the apprehension wafting off the deer in strong invisible waves, indicating the deer had a sense something was going on in this area, and was teetering on joining the rest of its herd for safety. That decision would be all too late for it, however, as from her veiled position Alae let a rumble of an audible growl thunder in her throat. It was nothing like a sharp howl, but it was loud enough (and threatening) for the deer to hear. It was enough for the deer to bolt in the direction that Alae intended it to go, and that was in the direction of Saul.

The deer was unsure where the growl originated from, but like all prey, it didn't matter as long as it was running away from the sound as fast as it could. As soon as the deer made a dash for it, Alae sprung out of the bushes like a bulldozer, but ran with it instead of after it. It was like a race, but one where Alae would gain the advantage to get ahead, curve around, and then grasp its hamstrings in a surprise attack. The details of twigs and other sharp plants didn't phase her as she kept her eye on the prize before her. Her muscles burned with the fuel and the rustiness of running in her Secui form, but it didn't stop her from stalling as she trailed after the deer with as much speed as she could muster.

It was easy for the deer to clear obstacles, while Alae thrashed right through it, unstoppable. Once the thicket was passed, Alae gained the slight advantage of getting ahead, to where she would make a sharp curve, and suddenly was behind the deer within an inch. Her jaws snapped, fangs biting upon the tender hamstrings and whatever of the deer's hind legs she could grasp. There was risk of getting bucked in the face, but her fangs grazed over one fragile ankle, to which the lithe limb was captured in that moment, nearly shattered by strong jaws. It caused a falter in the run of the deer, bleating out as it knew it was caught up and was only a matter of time before Saul would come in the front.

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ooc;; guess its just us two then- imma ignore Delilah's post!

Saul Stormbringer

He didnt exactly like being in the bushes, but the grumble in his stomach told him to wait. He had a wife and kids to feed, figuratively. Siku was his best friend and Wretch was the injured puppy in his care. She seemed only comfortable speaking to him and Saul was fine with that. Despite neither of the females living with him being pure blood related, Saul saw them as family. And they needed food just as much as he did. Green eyes were perhaps the only thing visible in the darkness of the bush. However, cinnamon backed ears perked as they heard a far off growl. Growls, howls, snarls, they all carried far in the wilderness and Saul took this as his signal to get ready. He wasnt aware of Alae's strange driving techniques, to get in front of the animal before doubling back to catch it. However, he could see now, the animal moving towards the thicket. He lay at the other side of the thicket, and anything could go wrong at this stage. The thicket was large and the animal could stray from the path Alae was driving it towards. He knew, however, that the deer's mind was in a panic and it would not think to move sideways when it was already on a straight path.

Green eyes almost glowed as he saw the larger form of Alae open her jaws and clamp onto the hamstring of the animal. It bleated, back arching as it thought about bucking. Of course, the female compensated this by crushing its ankle. This was his cue. He burst from the bush, front paws coming together and a determined look on his face. He moved like lightening, well muscled body simply answering the commands his brain sent to them. His body quivered as it hit the floor and he moved forward so quickly, the deer hadnt even begun to bleat at the pain of having its ankle crushed. He didnt hesitate as he took to the air again, front paws connecting with the animals chest before he opened his mouth.

Hot blood filled his mouth as he clamped round the animals jugular. His jaw locked and there was no way he was going to move from his prey now. Strong jaws crushed the animals windpipe, cutting off the bleats and struggles it was sending to try and alert the rest of the pack. Usually there were more wolves to surrond the creature and bring it down, but today it was just him and Alae. The animal collapsed to the floor, the last few minutes of life witnessed through glassy amber orbs. He still didnt let go, shaking his head roughly from side to side in a typical dog-like manner.

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Hunting was considered a sacred and very fulfilling act to the Sidhe, for it tapped into the instinct of the inner wolf of the ancient wolves before the time of the virus infected canines and also strengthened the bonds of those in which it took place with. As placid and serene as Alae was on the surface, she could feel her inner wolf burning with the desire for bloodshed and the hunt. Feeling the trickle of the metallic taste of blood on her tongue sent her senses in a frenzy. As soon as her jaws seized the fragile ankle of the deer, Saul was already in the front, exploding his presence from his concealment and sinking his jaws into the jugular of life from the deer. The death was instant and quick, the deer not giving another bleat of pain before it fell limp. Instantly the body fell weak, giving into the captive jaws of its predators, but falling victim to the destruction of its jugular.

Still moving at an immense speed, it was like Alae practically shoved the deer right into Saul, and Saul counter shoved it right back to her; feeling the petite blow of their prey as it was caught between them. While her simple snap of jaws upon its ankle was enough to have it stumble right into Saul, her grip was still iron cast upon its ankle, although the real desecration was Saul's grip upon its neck, to which he began to violently gash his head back and forth to make sure his razor fangs cut deep enough into the neck and severed any more veins to provide oxygen and blood to the brain. Alae let him have his opportunity at this, feeling the urge to do the same and rip the limb right from the socket as is, but controlled the savage inner wolf within her; it would be an unnecessary thing for her to do anyway. With her grip on its ankle, she could feel its pulse of life rapidly, but then instantly faded away once Saul went in for the kill.

Pupils wide and dilated, her breath bellowed from her nostrils and the sides of her jaws. A few seconds of keeping a tight grip on the last twitch of the deer's legs for a certainty that it was brought down, Alae released her grip and backed away some. Her jaw was tight, as well as her muscles instantly fatigued from breaking out in such a quick stride that she had to sit back and take a break for a minute to calm herself. Her nerves were still frayed and wild, keeping her enlarged eyes upon Saul's hold while her tongue slid out in a pant. She could still taste some remnants of blood that she was able to obtain, and licked at her leathery lips eagerly, the cavern of her mouth dripping in hunger. She would not make a move, however, until Saul's word came. This was his set up for a hunt after all, and it was his first word and move thereafter.

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ooc;; <33!

Saul Stormbringer

The prey was jostled between the two of them, Alae's momentum thrusting it forward while his own speed pushed it back towards her. Ironic when they should have been pulling it away from one another, not pushing it in each others direction. With his jaws tight around its jugular, razor sharp fangs slicing through the muscle and veins around the animals neck, it didnt have a chance to bleat. With its precious life blood pouring into his mouth, making it almost impossible for him to talk and fairly difficult to breath. Much like Alae, his breath came in pants through his nose and the side of his mouth. And just like that, the deer was on the floor, dead. Green eyes flashed as Alae backed off. It was the natural order of things- while Saul was not the Beta wolf, he was the second ranked wolf in the pack.

"Alae, join me."

He spoke briefly and shortly towards her, the hunger in his gut making it difficult to articulate that she was more than welcome to rip into their kill. As it was, Saul released the animals jugular and made his way to the animals stomach. He ripped into it, spilling guts and stomach everywhere. They were discarded- the male had no desire to eat half digested grass and berries. Instead he dug deep into the animals inside, emerging with the liver and kidneys. Satsfied for the moment that he had his share of life-giving organs he moved towards the animals shoulder. Gripping roughly and peeling away still hot muscle mass from the shoulder that would have caused some serious pain when the animal was alive, he pulled the thick slab of meat to the side. This was for Wretch. He would collect another good piece of meat for Siku as well, and the rest would be left for the pack. With a second glance towards Alae, he dug into the meat around the ribs.

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-BORAT VOICE- GREATSUCCESS. 8D Good point to end? <3 514

As her presence was suddenly intestable to the first move of Saul before her based on rank and seniority within Dahlia, the Stormbringer didn't delay her gratification for very long for their prize they brought down with their shared effort. The feverishness of the hunt dribbled from her jaws and the adrenaline gave her a rush of pure feral euphoria as Alae didn't think twice when Saul made the verbal recognition to come join him. With the innards spilling across her paws as if the two of them earned a meal of royalty in front of them, her nose and tip of muzzle disappeared in the opening Saul tore open to reach for the muscular meat lining the lower abdomen of the deer. The Sidhe devoured her share like a starving juvenile, ingesting as much as she could before leaving whatever other remnants to the rest of the pack to feast upon. Most of the meat swallowed, some of it was still in large chunks. Her light azure eyes with her pupils still wide would shift over to Saul occasionally; looking for any tell-tale signs she was taking too much or invading too closely upon his own share. Luperci were more reasonable animals in the wild, but their instincts still held a firm grip on their behavior during hunts.

There was always more room to devour more of the kill (bones and all), but Alae felt herself as satiated with what she could grab as her own, and there was still the pack needed to be fed. There were a couple more small slivers Alae pulled off (for the sake of Kael wanting to eat it, though she wasn't sure if deer was really the owl's fancy), before mentally convincing herself she was done. Backing away from the half eaten carcass, her muzzle was stained in light pink and shades of crimson as her tongue eagerly lapped away at the metallic aftertaste still surrounding her lips. Her adrenaline also progressively slowed, bringing herself back down away from a heightened state of delirium from the hunt, but the after effects were clearly still seen in her eyes. Noting the portions that Saul rationed off to the side for some individuals of his choice, Alae licked her lips once more before speaking. "We did well. Faster than I thought it'd be." The Sidhe spoke, a grin brandishing itself across her stained agouti muzzle. Their hunt was swiftly and efficiently executed, and Alae looked forward to coordinating more hunts with Saul if they were as easy as this one.

Looking at what remains of the deer were left, a moment of silent befell them before she spoke. "Should we haul it off back to Wolfville, or let the pack discover the remains here?" Being she was one of the newer members of Dahlia and wasn't too familiar with the customs that were had, Alae wasn't sure if the rest of Dahlia would come to smell and find it, or if they preferred to have it brought back to Wolfville to be eaten in a more civilized manner.

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ooc;; yesyes! was very nice threading with you, shall make another one soon <33!

Saul Stormbringer

He'd torn food away for Siku and Wretch, life-giving meat that he would have to soften for the pup first since her jaw still wasnt one hundred percent. He would have to wrap them up to keep them moist and just a little warm until he could get them back to the cabin. But now it was his turn to eat. He blocked Alae out, not noticing her worried expression that she was taking too much or getting too close. Saul was a mostly civilised wolf and he wasnt concerned that Alae was encrouching on his food. He already knew she wouldnt get too close and risk a snap in the face. Not that Saul would give it to her, but natural wolf instinct told her not to come too close. He caught her tearing strips for Kael and he smiled softly. She obviously cared about him.

He was full now, his stomach swollen softly. He glanced up at the female that looked so similar to him. He needed to wipe his mouth and paws clean. She congratulated their hunt and Saul agreed with a soft nod of his head. They had worked well together and he was certain that when Alae was promoted into a hunting based rank she would do well. And he was certain she would move swiftly up their ranks. He glanced over at the carcass as she spoke. With a shake of his head he shifted into his two legged form. Rubbing a hand over his face to attempt cleaning it, he gave a sigh.

"I'll take it back to Wolfville and make sure someone eats. It was good hunting with you Alae, we should do it again sometime."

His warm honey voice came through and he glanced down at her. With a deep breath he picked the carcass up, throwing it over his shoulder. He scooped up the large pieces of meat he had torn away for his family, but he felt a stab of guilt as he though about Gideon. He hadnt seen his brother in a while and it wasnt his responsibilty to feed him. Still, he hadnt even thought about his brother. With a smile he turned towards the cliff face they had come down, ready to feed at least some of the pack.


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Samesies! <3 I'll go ahead and archive. ^^ 367

As much as natural instinct guided their underlying actions and subconscious, Saul wasn't anyone to have a pecksniffian attitude when it came to having high morals of someone who was a tyrant and wanted the entire kill for himself (like most male elders of her birth clan were), and so Alae appreciated this sort of new world thinking to come from him. Tearing away what she could that would be digestible enough for Kael to savor, the Sidhe reached her point where enough was enough. The taste upon her tongue and the smell of fresh flesh made her taste buds and stomach long for more, but there was a pack to feed, and no room to be selfish.

Shifting to his Optime form, Alae gave a shake of her agouti pelt before mimicking action of shifting into her own. Rising instantly to her two feet like a sprout growing rapidly, it felt almost welcome to shift back into Optime like she usually walked around in. Her muzzle was still stained with the pink and red tint, as her tongue eagerly licked away the remnants of aftertaste that lingered. During that moment of shifting Saul mentioned hauling it back to Wolfville, guaranteeing a pack member would be bond to eat the remains. Expressing gratitude in hunting, there was a pleasant grin to be worn across her muzzle. Seeing as Saul picked it up and was willing to bring it back to Wolfville himself, Alae determined the young Stormbringer wouldn't need any further assistance. "Alright. Same to you Saul, whenever the urge comes… you know who to call." The Sidhe replied, her grin broadening.

"Until next time." Alae said in final greeting, watching as Saul progressed toward Wolfville with their kill. Picking up the slivers of meat she collected in her grasp and heading back uphill to where she would find Kael, both the wolves and a little snowy owl would enjoy the success of a hunt on this day. Eagerly pecking at a strip that Alae held out to Kael while he fluttered down from the tree and rode on her shoulder back to their abode, they made their ways back into the depths of Dahlia de Mai.

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