The Silent Whisper

Back dated to May 12, if that’s okay?
WC: 523

Twilight was beginning to fall. The near-summer skies were already fading to a dusky lime as the sun was swallowed by the western horizon. But the Dampwoods were already dark, the thick canopy welcoming the tenebrous tendrils into the body of shadow that was simply Darkness. A single body stirred then, seemingly a part of that tenebrous entity. While the lands had not yet accepted the foreign woman, the Darkness did, for Darkness was always the same regardless of the land. Darkness was a constant, the original entity that required nothing, for it was simply nothingness. Having been sired by a soul quite exceptionally filled with such dark nothingness, the Korean soul melded well. The tenebrous tendrils clung to her fur, whispering silent nothings to her. The lunar orbs that shone with an eerie brightness was the only power that pushed away the Dark—yet the Dark was still curious of her.

TaeKyung preferred the darker hours of the day. Her eyes’ sensitivity to light caused her to linger in the darker places of these lands. It was in the Darkness that those lunar orbs perceived best, the strange mutation enhancing her vision in the night. Having risen from her sleep, the black female stretched, her muscles remembering their prior toil in the ocean and shrugging away the soreness. Tonight was a new night, and once she had fed, the martial wolf would explore the lands, training when the unknown became monotonous, as it often did. Her lean, muscled frame traveled easily through the darkness, her near-silent steps marked only by the soft whispers of the shadowed foliage. Black claws occasionally tore the earth with a strange, merciless nature. The soul of this woman was darker than it should have been, but the darkness was not corrupt but simply...dark. Like a moonless night.

The tenebrous wolf paused. Black auds raised above her head like the horns of some Eastern dragon, she listened to the soft interruption—it was what she had been looking for. Instantly her posture changed, dark crania lowering and ears swiveling as she moved slowly forth. Then the scent came to her searching maw and the hungering jaws parted in a mirthless and simply satisfied smile. Unhurriedly, the shadowy femme shifted the larger, four-legged shape, a prime shape for hunting larger game. Having shifted, and now occupying a larger space, the nighttime huntress continued, surprisingly quiet for her size. Ahead, a deer grazed yet unknowing of the predator that sought to slay it. The black wolf paused, the lunar orbs assessing distance, her posture adjusting imperceptibly.

She sprang. The black fae shot through the space between them with such speed that, even as the deer attempted to turn and flee, the full force and weight fell upon the prey. Powerful jaws, already parted to taste the flesh, closed down upon the soft throat. Blood flooded upon her tongue. Her body shuddered with a near carnal delight as she felt the life leave between her deadly teeth. Relieved that she had found meat to fill her stomach so easily. Silently, with soft growls of delight, the black secui began to feast.

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Table & Coding © Hickey; That should be fine; 361 words


No doubt that Janos was probably worried. He wouldn't doubt that the other was out looking for him. After all bastion was usually back by the time that it started to grow dark. Of course he hadn't made it this time. That was quite simply because he had gotten lost in the trees. He hadn't realized that he had traveled quite as far as he had and now he was uncertain of which way to go in order to get back. He found himself wishing that his puppy was there in order to make things all better. If his puppy was there then he wouldn't be wandering around lost like he was. No, instead he could just cling to the other and let Janos worry about which way to go while he was just along for the ride. Of course he was out here all alone.

Or that is what he had thought. He thought that he was trapped within the darkness entirely by himself but that couldn't be so when the scent of blood wafted through the air. Someone else, or something else, had to be around because he certainly wasn't bleeding. With that small sense of renewed hope he made to track down the source. He followed his nose in order to walk towards the fresh kill. And of course that served to remind him that he hadn't eaten for awhile. Janos was the one that typically did the hunting and well Janos wasn't around to feed him.

The feminine looking male, made even more so by the cute little panties that he was wearing to cover himself, whined as he watched the other eat while he had nothing. His arms became wrapped around his belly, looking very much like a lost and starving child given his short stature. His tongue slipped out to lick hungrily at his lips before he whined once again. His gaze was pinned directly upon the dead deer and had pretty much ignored the female that was making a meal of it. "Mine?" He whispered out the words quietly and freed one arm from around his abdomen in order to point at the carcass.


Scroll over Korean dialogue for translation.

The freshly dead was the first solid meal the Korean hybrid had been able to eat in several days. The black fae required a greater amount of sustenance than those who did not train as often and as thoroughly as she, and there was a marginal amount of release felt as the hot, thick blood flowed into her jaws and filled her stomach. The hungering jaws parted, allowing the carcass to fall upon the earth, now damp with the newly-taken life. Strong, white teeth grasped and tore at the pelt, skinning the carcass and exposing the hot, raw flesh. She felt the strength of the deer filling her as she feasted, and she was glad that she had found this meal before her body metabolized her own muscles for energy. No. Now the black femme devoured another life, stealing its strength to further her own existence. After the meal, she would have enough energy to practice her passion, that martial art from her homeland that required no weapon save for one’s own body and strength.

For the sounds of her own growling and for her currently weakened state, the approach of the male wolf went unnoticed. The black auricles swiveled back at the softly voiced word. She paused, lifting the bloodied jaws from her meal as the dark liquid oozed from her teeth. White orbs found the other, the empty intensity of those calm orbs unmoved by what she saw. ‘Mine.’ That single word the Korean could understand. But with understanding did not come warmth. Something hostile flickered within those eerily bright eyes. “Why?” was all the soft alto voice could say. Her lack of command over the English language was, at times, a hindrance. But it was nothing a little sparring couldn’t handle. “미안하지만, 이건 내꺼다, 이 쌍놈아.” The voice was quiet, contemplative.

The smooth, foreign features of the black wolf’s face contorted into a challenge. She had worked hard, and she had worked equally hard for the kill she had made today. Perhaps, when she was done here, the male could have the scraps she would leave behind. But now, she was unwilling to share her kill with this wolf. He was not her guest, nor was she his. There was no diplomacy required in this situation, and the taekwondo warrior was eager to allow her body to fight, even though the wolf’s shape fought differently than the optime shape. The secui form was large and had its advantages. Ears pressed foreward and tail raised, the black, white-eyed fae was ready to defend her meal. “No,” the Korean-accented voice growled through her exposed teeth. “Eess mah-ee pood-deu.” Hackles rose like dangerous thorns, and although her coat was not as thick as the wolves here, the change in her posturing was quite clear. A thunderous snarl that came not from the throat but from her gut, exploded into the silence—기압, a true warrior’s challenge. She did not attack first, however, although an eerily empty sneer played across her parted jaws.

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Table & Coding © Hickey; I fail and this is late, damn life issues; 370 words


Why? The question caused the small male to look away from the captured meal and forced him to look at the female instead. He wasn't certain exactly what she meant with her question but he found himself considering the proper answer. Of course he only came up with the single one. "Hungry." It was the only one that appeared to make sense in this situation. He wanted some because he was hungry just as she was eating because she was hungry. He didn't seek food out of boredom or depression. He only wanted food when he was hungry and that was it. Did she differ from him? Did she know of others who wanted food when they weren't hungry?

Whatever was said next was lost on him. He didn't speak any other languages. It could even be wondered if he had a firm grasp on the one that he did speak. After all he had only spoken single words rather than complete sentences. It wasn't that he couldn't do it but that he simply chose not to do so unless a certain purpose called for it. And well, rituals were the only thing that caused one to be articulate. The young male simply didn't see a reason to apply it to everyday communications as well. Why use a lot of words were the same thing could be conveyed in simpler and smaller phrases?

While the words were lost on him the change in composure wasn't. He simply had no clue what caused the sudden aggression. He also had no idea how to react to it. Bastion couldn't defend himself and fight, that was why he had Janos. Except Janos wasn't here to take care of things for him. Eventually he just let out whine. He glanced between the claimed meal to the female before he whined again. He couldn't fight and knew better than to risk it so he just backed away. What was there for him to do but to leave? He wasn't about to get into a scuffle over something some else had slobbered on and it wasn't like they seemed to understand each other anyways. So really there was no option left but to make a retreat.


Completely understandable! Sorry for the quality! OnO!!
WC: 528

The vicious growls came quietly through those parte jaws, the hostile sound naturally upon her breathing. The white orbs shone in the dark, almost intensified by her ferocity. When he spoke, the even, rhythmic growls were cut off curtly, as if she were laughing. “Hung-geu-ree?” the alto dirge repeated, the Korean accent thick upon her tongue. The answer to her question seemed to amused that black fae. Why would his hunger matter to her? “그레, 나도 hung-geu-ree지,” she sneered, mostly to herself. Indeed, she was hungry, and perhaps he was hungrier. But she was not willing to share or give up her food. Unlike the stranger before her, she was not protected by a pack within these lands. “Noh. Ah-ee huhn-teu, eet. Noh huhn-teu, noh eet.” She was a lone wolf, and, fending for herself, she felt the keen claws of survival upon her neck. Her culture may have promoted the idea of ‘our house’ and ‘our parents,’ but here, in a culture that did not seem to breed such a thing, as a loner on her own, the black female was unwilling to allow her culture to precede the lupine instinct. And so her hackles were raised and her bloodied, white teeth were bared at this stranger in pure, sanguine hostility.

His posture had changed, however, in response to her posturing and her challenge, and so the hostility was stilled for a moment as the lunar eyes beheld him in silent contemplation. “알았어,” she sighed at length, more interested for once in her meal than the prospect of a fight ahead. “Ah-ee pee-nish-i, yoo eet.” And that was final, emphasized by a flick of her black tail. She promptly turned her back on him, returning to her meal. The Korean martial artist seemed unconcerned. The hungering jaws were allowed to partake in their sanguine meal, made all the sweeter by the threat of it being usurped from her still lingering. But she was more in need of the meal than this male. She wondered why his pack was not feeding him. Was his pack inefficient? Perhaps it was a dysfunctional pack from which he hailed. Whatever the case, when she was done, he could have the scraps. That’s what scavengers deserved. Scraps. She was a hunter. She earned every meal.

She did not know how long she had taken, nor did it matter. But when the black, white-eyed secui had finished her meal, she moved aside. There was still a few scraps of meat, a few organs too. But she had taken the delicacies—the liver, the eyes, the tongue. The majority of the flesh was gone, but there was still much to scavenge. She took a large femur with her, settling down to chew at the rich marrow. Content and full, the warrior set to digesting before she would return to her practicing. The white orbs turned to the stranger. “Yehs,” the alto voice almost commented. “Yoo eet nah-oo,” she said, almost invitingly. And although she turned her jaws to the bone, the eyes still lingered with their strange emptiness upon the stranger. Now that she had sated her starvation, she was able to contemplate the presence of this pack-wolf.

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