You no see 'im ... Den 'e come!

I Speak this, I

dream this, and I 'think'


You "said this"

Anderung was wandering in the strange forest to the north of the Insieme, the pack that had been formed by Beppe’s parents. Just the thought of the fiery eyed male made her smile. He was a nice guy, albeit he knew little English, though she didn’t mind it all that much. Somehow she felt that Beppe might not have forgiven her for making him leave Icarus when the forest was on fire. ’Well, can’t do anything about that now, can I?’ She pondered over Beppe, the pack, and pretty much everything else that had been happening. Somehow, she just wanted to be alone right now. Rather shocking for someone that craved attention. Anderung was rather needy.

Meer hadn’t really noticed much that the forest had been thinning out, she was so trapped in her own thoughts. Quiet a long time had passed since she had left the pack’s territory, and the sky was beginning to turn orange and red. Her crimson ears perked and her nose twitched at the scent and sound of a stream, though, and she went towards it. She hadn’t realized how thirsty she had become during her long walk and was relieved when she spotted the flashing of light on water through the trees. Her amber pelt caught as she pushed through some tough vegetation and came up to the stream. Anderung’s violet eyes glanced this way and that and she paused to check the area. When she was satisfied that there was no one else about Meer lapped at the cool, clear water.

"Topic is a quote from Watership Down, sorry if this is a bit sudden, Tammi!"


Rawrtime is now!

I'm not for you, you're not for me;
I'll kill you first, you wait and see

Worthless, worthless, disgusting piece of TRASH! Hybrid snarled as he stalked through the Southern border of Inferni, moving quickly through the part where the claimed lands met the neutral forest. He paused for a moment, seething, snarling, gasping for air. He was disgusted with himself. Only a short time ago - an hour or two, perhaps? - he had let that child go. LET HIM GO! Hybrid's snarls grew in volume and ferocity as he stalked farther south, crashing through trees and plowing through the growth. He stopped again, sitting down once more. His chest heaved as he inhaled, taking in gulps of air. He had to get a hold of himself. No matter how despicable that child was, slipping away when he least expected it and using those foul tricks to do so, his behaviour right now was even worse. He might as well be a giant for all the noise he was making.

He inhaled slowly, trying to calm his racing heart. He was still in his Secui form, and it was beginning to itch. He used this form for extended periods of time, but it felt like it was burning now. He was burning up with the desire to hurt someone, truly hurt them, kill them, rip them to shreds. He stood up quickly and looked around, seeking out his next victim. He began to move again, but this time, advanced with more stealth, moving through the forest with the cunning and grace that came naturally to a coyote. Though this form was larger, he moved with a quick step, agile in all his forms.

He slowed as he approached the water's edge. He kept his distance, smirking quietly as he saw a wolf move to take a drink. He would have this girl's life. The blood dried on his claws and muzzle would soon be covered with fresh blood as he ripped into the girl's flesh and pulled out her insides. It would be a delicious feast.

Again, he moved quickly, circling around behind and moving forward, approaching directly from behind. At the last second, he added a burst of speed and jumped, twisting and moving so he would attack her from the side. He made no sound as he widened his jaws to take her neck between his teeth and her pelt beneath his claws.


I Speak this, I

dream this, and I 'think'


You "said this"

Anderung was enjoying the peaceful quiet of the stream and the forest. She was thinking about the old packs of the other packlands. ’That really wasn’t all that long ago.’ The female wondered if any of the old packs had survived. ’Hmm, there were four, I think. Storm, of course, Clouded Skies, or something like that, and another having something to do with shadows. Of course, Inferni-‘

Almost the same moment she thought of the coyote clan she heard something behind her and jerked to a side. Out of no-where a coyote had leaped at her from behind. How could she have been so stupid!? She yelped in pain as his teeth opened a wound on the side of her neck, just barely missing a hold. It worsened as a moment latter she felt his claws on her side, tearing, bleeding her. Anderung’s violet eyes rolled back slightly and her whites showed. The female tried to back up but only got a few paces before she froze.

The warm, sticky blood oozed down the side of her neck, turning her amber-cream pelt crimson and staining her cream legs. Was it a coyote, was it a wolf? A small whimper escaped her throat as she stood there next to the stream, one paw half raised as if someone had taken a picture of her, or that she was a statue, not a real living thing. All she could do was stare into this other canine’s eyes; eyes that were the color of her split blood. Eyes that reminded her of a being, a shadow in the back of her head, a wraith from her memory. Her father’s eyes had been tinted crimsion.



You can say that Anderung threw Hybrid off or leave it as him jumping off~ Whichever works for youuu.

I'm not for you, you're not for me;
I'll kill you first, you wait and see

It was beautiful. He moved so quickly that the female had little time to react, and when she did, it was pitiful. He felt his teeth dig into her neck, drawing blood as he bit down even harder. His claws, too, found their mark, digging through the girl's flesh and fur. The girl began to wimper; she was quite close to begging for mercy. Hybrid would have simply laughed at her if she did: she was worth nothing to him. All wolves were good for was killing, which he found to be a bit of a chore sometimes. Today, the great task of removing more wolves from this world brought him pleasure like it usually did. There was nothing like feasting on the delicacy that was the wolf's flesh. There was nothing like their screams and cries as they realized they were to die. When they realized they were dying.

Hybrid dug in deeper, pulling his teeth out a bit so he could lodge them in further and jerk his head, hopefully to send pieces of her muscle and skin flying. He clawed at her, trying to make more blood flow from the new wounds, to inflict as much pain as was possible. After a few moments, he pulled back, twisting around and jumped off the girl, regarding her from a safe distance away. "Disgusting FILTH!" he roared at her and began to circle her, watching, moving, but not striking. That was what she would expect him to do. He would let her soak in her wounds for a few moments before attacking again.


I Speak this, I

dream this, and I 'think'


You "said this"


The pain. She couldn’t remember anything hurting so much. This was just a bad dream. A nightmare. It had to be, this couldn’t really be happening. Tears and a sob escaped her as pain ripped through her body again, reminding her of the painful truth. She was going to die here, no one would come to her aid. Blood was turning the dirt and dust around her paws into mud.

When the pain stopped for a moment she was relived. Anderung just wanted it to stop. She was aware faintly of the dark shape stalking around her. His voice made her head snap up, eyes wide. She gave a gurgling cry and sank into the blood-mud around her feet. She knew now. Her father had found her, he was going to punish her for running away from the pack. She closed her eyes and began to shake. ”Don’t hurt me daddy, it’s not my fault. I was a good girl, I swear, it wasn’t me daddy. Please oh, please. I swear it, I swear. No, daddy, no.” Tears mixed with the dark crimson and stained her fur that was spiked in random areas. She whimpered and shook so more, looking up at the blurry creature before her.

"This probably isn't going to last much longer. Two more posts or so?"


I'm not for you, you're not for me;
I'll kill you first, you wait and see

Hybrid recoiled, disgusted that she had begun to speak. She did not even know where she was now, calling him her father. That was the most outrageous thing he had ever heard - him, a father? That would require for him to sleep with a female, and the thought alone was enough to make him want to tear out his intestines and strangle himself to death. "Shut up!" he roared. He moved quickly and leapt at her, intending to dislodge her from her place, from where she was rooted to the ground. He would remove her from this world, too, for she did not deserve to live. He was the judge and the executioner, using his ill-gotten talent to wipe the world clean.

Soon, the world might be a sanctuary, free of the constant plague of wolves and the like. No one would seek heaven, for a world without wolves would be a perfect place. A world without their idiocy and arrogance, where the coyotes would take their rightful place as supreme. This female would serve as one of the many sacrifices.


I Speak this, I

dream this, and I 'think'


You "said this"


Anderung was knocked on her side, the wolf yelling at her. Or maybe he was a coyote? She didn’t know and she didn’t care. Tears were running down her face and sobbed escaped her maw as she lay on the blood-soaked ground where she had landed. Why get up? What was the point of continuing in this cruel world? They all blamed her for things that were beyond her control. It wasn’t her fault that her mother had died, even though she had felt like it was when she was just a pup, especially with her father treating her like he had.

Meer suddenly stopped crying. ’Would they even notice if I died?’ Her violet eyes looked up at the coyote, though she didn’t move her head. Because of where she had landed, her stomach was exposed to him and she was laying on her side. She was beyond crying now, she felt no sadness. She hardly felt the pain anymore. Anderung’s eyes looked up at the male, and she no longer saw her father, nor did she see a snarling coyote. What Anderung saw was what every man that comes to terms with the fact he is going to die sees. She saw something like an angel; someone who was bringing her deliverance from this cruel world. The amber colored wolf looked into the red eyes of the coyote, and acceptance was in her eyes. She knew that she had to die for him, even if she didn’t understand why. Anderung gave him the look at the deer gives to the wolf, the zebra to the lion, the lion to the hunter. Her death would serve some purpose, and for that she was grateful.

'I give you my breath,
my life,
the silence.'

Quote from Watership Down by Ricard Adams

"You now have purmission to kill her, this got pretty deep at the end. Somehow, I just had to give her a somewhat noble death, if you understand what I mean."

I totally understand ;] Sorry for the wait, I didn't notice you'd replied! D:

I'm not for you, you're not for me;
I'll kill you first, you wait and see

She was crying. Of all things, now she was fucking crying, weeping like some pathetic child. Hybrid snarled, aggravated to have come across such a weak creature. But it was his duty, for this creature, this disgusting being had nothing to offer the world. Typical of her gender, she did nothing to save herself from her own impending destruction. Hybrid might have played with her a little longer, killed her in a way that might be a little kinder, but for all her blunders, such mercy would not be given. She deserved no mercy, nor any pity. She deserved a long, painful death. And that was what she was going to get.

He rolled his eyes as she stopped crying, feeling empty and hollow as he approached her. All the joy and glee of killing this being was rolling around in the pit of his stomach, but now, it had quieted. He had a task to do. He leaned over her, snorting as her eyes widened and a sense of peace seemed to descend over her. He snapped at her side and began to drag his teeth through her fur, spitting it out every so often. He bit down into her flesh and yanked, doing this over and over. He continued to dig his teeth and claws in, drag them, and then jerk them out, leaving gaping holes in her side. He moved to her stomach, ripping her open with his teeth and pulling her insides out. She was dying, and it was a glorious thing.

He said nothing as he worked, remaining calm and silent as the life faded from her eyes. He had nothing to say, for his anger had slowly melted into a calm, serene sort of hatred. He surveyed his work once he was finished, blood covering the grass and surrounding area, insides scattered about. He raised his leg and marked the tree her body was resting on. This was now one of the first markers of Inferni's territory in this new land.


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