flint and ignition.


It was not that he disliked Jefferson, no, the old coot was all right. Phoenix Valley was a wonderful place, full of life and spark; surely the Great Mother had blessed it and blessed it well, and with careful eyes maintained its brilliance to return every spring just as it had this one. How disappointed Razekiel had been when he realized such a brilliant place had been waiting so near to where he had called his home for so long. Inferni he knew to reek of death and blood and betrayal, and yet neighboring it was a place like Phoenix Valley, with its sprightly members and blowable dandelions and crystal-clear Mirror Lakes and...

Ah, but where was he? In his airheaded idiocy the coyote had wandered far from "home," if he could yet call it such a thing. Still his head spun — and what a wonderful spinning it was! — thanks to the magic stick between his teeth. Over its sweet, musty smell he breathed in the afternoon air, the noonday sun, the blossoms! How had such beauty lay so near, yet gone completely unnoticed? Still, it was nothing like the land of the north — nothing could compare to the ocean air there or the breeze at the peak of Halcyon Mountain.

Razekiel danced a little in step, wiggling his hips and cooing some sort of tone-deaf love melody — "naa naa naaaa, I love you, naa naa naaaa, sing with the blue birds" — as he went along. Unashamed and unrestrained, the prince had returned to 'Souls just as he was now: high as a kite. In fact, it had taken him days to realize he had even ended up there again in the first place, and as he whirled and weaved barefoot to the tune in his head along whatever-pack-this-was's borders, he giggled maniacally knowing he probably wouldn't remember this, either.

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Everything had fallen into place.

The grapes in the vineyards were plumping. Not all the land had cleared and cleaned yet, but they had done enough to begin with. There were enough grapes growing to produce many bottles of wine in the fall. And the other plants Dahlia de Mai were slowly starting to cultivate were also thriving. Nayru's greenhouse was bursting with color and plants, and there was no lack of help in helping her sort them, study them and discern the uses. The knowledge on foliage and flora within the pack was growing and Nayru couldn't be more pleased.

Everyone seemed willing enough to come together and do what they could to help rebuild Dahlia de Mai. Or most. Nayru missed a few faces, but she knew their hearts too were still in the right place. For this reason among others she did not mind when she found that no one had marked the borders that morning. The pale stones dotted the land, right where Conor had left them and Nayru walked along the boundary, now and then leaving little traces of herself to let the others know. She was here. Nayru was almost always here. This was home. That is what the scent said.

When the man stumbling quite near to the boundaries was discovered in the distance Nayru grew very still, nose twitching. The regal lady kept her usual calm, serene aura to her, ready to slink up like a ghost upon the near trespasser and inquire to his nearness before he realize anyone had been watching him. With one deep breath Nayru willfully slowed her breathing and heart beat as she proceeded to go into a tracking mind set. The stealthy lady came quite close before the face was recognizable and suddenly all her monk like calm vanished. The tiny two feet that had silently been bringer her close broke into a run, and when she skid to a stop in front of grinning fool the woman felt more a child than she ever had. "Razekiel? Razekiel is that you?"

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He knew there was something familiar in the scent between the blossoms and the magical smoke of the stick between his teeth, but perhaps it was that stick that denied him the ability to think harder about it; something about this place, this air freed his spirit to the wind, the coy walking with comfort in his step, as if nothing could threaten him in such a place. What brought such security? Perhaps it was just spring bursting to life or the knowledge he was still alive and breathing, yet another day!

But no, he realized moments later, that was not the reason for his sense of familiarity. His name thrown in the air, Razekiel perked dark ears and dampened his humming to a near-whisper. She rushed up to him, and as she drew near he recognized her, his smile only widening with pleasure; how she had grown! Nayru was not the little pup he remembered to be, now blessed with beauty by the Great Mother. She strolled with charisma in her step, and with a knowing grin the coyote matched the lingering, familiar scent to she.

"We-he-hell, if it isn't my little freedom fighter!" Razekiel beamed with a fatherly pride to see the child so well grown after such short time. She skidded to a stop before him, but before she could manage to stop moving, the lanky coyote gathered the two-tone girl, now woman, in his arms for a tight and loving embrace. "You have grown so tall, Miss Liberty, look at you!" He stepped back, holding her shoulders as he airily looked her up and down. "You're as lovely as the sun in spring, man, still decked out with that fire in your eyes! The Great Mother smiles on you with her best!"

He burst into hearty, excited laughter, then straightened his rose glasses and grinned as always. "It's real bitchin' to see you, man! You regular this joint or something?"

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Nayru had never considered that the man might not recognize her. Even in his perpetual haze the memory of the young girl returned to him and Nayru was pleased and almost giddy to hear the pet names she had been called before. That he scooped her up in his arms would have been strange for any other being, even Gideon was not so open and warm with her. Yet Nayru did not shy away but let herself fall completely into the embrace, finding the smell of earth and smoke to be enjoyable and comforting. When he put her at arm's length to inspect what the past year had done to her, she smiled up at him in a way she did not with the others who had an investment in her growth. With them she was always reserved, quiet: a thoughtful ghost among the living. With Razekiel it was so easy to be one of the living herself.

"And you look very much the same Razekiel." Her near silent voice was filled with affection and warmth, although she slowly regained some of her normal cool composure as she straightened herself. More and more the girl was becoming comfortable with touching and being touched by others. Nayru knew now that no one stayed around forever, and it was best to love them while you could. Part of her wished she had been closer to Conor, but the thought did not stick in her mind for very long. Razekiel was here and it was better to focus on him, who existed now before her, than ghosts that were long gone. The girl smiled her slow, shy smile then, replaced from the larger grin that had appeared at the surprise sighting of the former Inferni man.

"I run this joint." Her words came loosely, less structured than normally, but she laughed her light laugh as she spoke. Leadership seemed to come comfortably enough under her, and Nayru had never been happier with the pack, except for the shadows that seemed to lurk still. As if they couldn’t shake Conor, and even Haku no matter how hard they tried. "What about you? Have you been in Inferni all this time?" She had never gone to look for him, as he had warned her not to. Only once had she come close to breaching their borders, and it had only been for a mere moment before she turned her back on the unhappy lands again.

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God I love Raz.

Time had been kind to him. Razekiel was getting on in years, he knew, but the aches and pains of old age had yet to touch him in the least; he knew it was most likely because he spent nearly all waking hours with marijuana smoking at his lips, but the drug was considered medicinal anyway, wasn't it? Being free from aches and pains thanks to the drug was his due reward for spreading such peace and love in the Great Mother's name; the coy knew she smiled down on him with pride.

But Nayru, she had been much further blessed by the dear Mother. She was a young woman now, an adult. She had surely come to know true love and true hate, had seen racism and the evils of the world firsthand. He did not know that she had succumbed to such evils as well; the male could not tell, but at first glance she only older than her child-self, now a thousand times prettier, a thousand times stronger. She admitted he had not changed and he grinned, taking her hand and spinning her in place, chuckling lightly to himself as he did so.

"A leader! You're like the heat, man!" he exclaimed, bursting into airy but jovial laughter. "Far out, Miss Liberty, totally righteous! The fox meets the fuzz, man! Right on!" He spun her again and caught her in his arms once more as she rounded, squeezing her tightly before plucking a flower from his dreadlocks and placing it gently in her hair. "I beat feet a long time ago, man. Got real screwed up during a big snowstorm, ended out out west real confused-like and hung out with some wicked Frenchies, you dig? C'uhtates bonns, my chair!" A giggle, and for a moment he gurgled more of the language with a poor tongue to himself.

"Anyway, I trucked back here 'couple weeks ago, been chillin' with that ol' sadsack Jefferson ever since." An innocent smile. "Dyin' to go back up north, though. Totally golden, man, you should see it!"

image © Sean R @ Flickr ; table by lin
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Nayru smiled warmly as he praised her accomplishment, if it was that, smiling freely as she spun in his arms. Only a few short months had Dahlia de Mai been under the control of the girl, but it seemed more flourishing now that it ever had been. The girls mind reeled back to her recent conversation with Saluce. Perhaps not all of the Dahlians agreed with her more passive methods, but overwhelmingly she had only had positive feedback since her rise to the throne. Whether such tactics would prove beneficial remained to be seen and Nayru wasn't sure how long it would take to convince the naysayers. Yet she had no intention of returning to the more aggressive and warlike ways of earlier Dahlians. In that respect, whether she knew so or not, Nayru took after her mother.

"You joined Phoenix Valley?" Finally she came to a standstill, fingering the flower he had placed in her hair. The information was unexpected but not all together surprising. The scent was clinging to his coat, but that could simply mean he had been hanging around there the past few days. To become a member of one of the other packs? And turn away from Inferni? Yet Nayru only grinned at the man, happy that the kind coyote was integrating with what Nayru knew to be a pack mostly made up of wolves and wolf hybrids. Not everyone who came out of Inferni seemed to cling to their hostilities toward their canine cousins, even as instilled upon them as it was at young ages. Yet it seemed perhaps Razekiel was just floating, from here to there, and he spoke of floating further out. Up north. "What's up north?" Besides Inferni and the mountains, Nayru had no desire to cross again the mountain she had climbed in order to reach Dahlia de Mai.

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I started putting hover-over translations for his hippie talk. LOL

For those around him to recognize he had not met the same Inferni-born results as his brothers and sisters had was increasingly important to the peace-loving hippie. Though Razekiel proudly called himself a Lykoi and cherished his mother and family as greatly as he did Mother Nature and Father Sea, the male strove to differentiate himself from the reputation his family had created. He not only disagreed with their mindless slaughtering tendencies, but he outwardly argued against it; after all, the hippie had been seen picketing the second Dahlian war when it had been raging in a year past. He smiled with comfort knowing not only that Nayru saw in him something different than Inferni and Lykoi breeding, but that she led Dahlia with a peaceful charisma, one much different than the surely now-deceased Haku Soul, that wretched wolf that had raped his mother...

But Razekiel would not dawdle on such thoughts.

"Didn't mean to, man, but I'm not beatin' feet from it yet, so I'm guessin' the place is real cherry-like, you know?" He chuckled to himself, finally releasing the alphaess from his grip, then tapped at the frames of his glasses. "It's not just the rose-tinted peepers, little Liberty; the whole shack's pretty bomb. The Great Mother's got a real kindness for the old man and his Valley folk. You've been there, yeah? Flowers and sea and sky everywhere, man; totally choice location, fox, and the badass is a real gas, too. Little on the cranky side, but he'll come 'round, y'know?" Another burst of laughter and puff at the joint between his teeth.

"But yeah, it's like a dandelion to a rose compared with the north, man, you've got to see it," he sighed dreamily, shoulders raising in a dazed passion. "Between the mountains and the sea, my Nayru; the Great Mother's calling me back. She wants me to bring everyone, man. A place like that deserves everyone, man, especially you."

He took a whiff of the marijuana, then pulled the joint from his lips and blew smoke circles into the air thoughtfully. A moment, then his straw-hued eyes lit up and he glanced back at her excitedly. "Hey! What say you come back with me, little Liberty?! You an' me and everyone we know, man! The Mother would just love someone like you!"

image © Sean R @ Flickr ; table by lin
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The old hippie talked on and Nayru smiled at his enthusiasm. From what she knew of Jefferson the man's description was accurate, if a bit colorful, and she nodded. Yes, the gruff was a cranky creature but his heart was in the right place. Nayru could tell by how he had conducted himself he cared greatly about his own pack, and she admired the man for how long he had been leading Phoenix Valley. Long before she had ever stepped up to the plate in Dahlia de Mai. So easily it seemed a land could change leadership, that he had clung on for this long said something about him. Nayru nodded when he asked if she had ever been there, but all she could say in response to the mouthful Razekiel gave her was "Jefferson is great."

And the two toned girl continued to listen, trying to visualize whatever it was that captivated the peace loving fool so, but Nayru didn't know what she was trying to imagine. Mountains, sea, sky? Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to go have a look, because when the day was done she would be coming back here. Even with all of Razekiel's flowery descriptions, Dahlia de Mai was home and those who lived there looked up to her. Even if the Great Mother wanted her elsewhere, here she was and here she would remain.

"It sounds lovely Raz, though a little hard for me to imagine." Nayru watched as the smoke danced from his lips and she poked a finger herself at the rings he made. Was it simply the lull of the weed that had him so jazzed, or was there really something more to that place? "You'll have to show me."

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Razekiel found himself pleased that she knew of Jefferson and was familiar with the Valley; she would be able to find and visit him as he could her, at least until his plan of action could be set in motion. The coyote hated to think they would be separated again, and despite his urging she did not seem ready to move. In the end, it was understandable: Nayru was caught up in the foundations of Dahlia de Mai, which had existed for quite some time. To simply up and leave would be not only reckless and irresponsible, but likewise dangerous for the members she'd be leaving behind without a necessarily suitable replacement.

If only she could see the wonders he spoke of — her decision would be made in an instant. That blessed land, the favorite of the Great Mother, was simply irresistible. To imagine raising children in such a place, surrounded by lush flora and fauna, the rush of Father Sea, the peaks of the mountains — his heart swelled at such a concept! If only Nayru could see the potential, the possibilities!

"Perfectly understandable, chick, perfectly understandable," he beamed, filtering great bursts of smoke through his teeth in sheer enthusiasm. Her lack of excitement only confirmed his worries that she did not share in his dreams, but that was no matter. She was open to seeing the place, and that was all that mattered. There would be no going back, not after seeing the sun set from one of Halcyon's greatest peaks. He would sway her yet; they would not be separated again, that little two-toned freedom girl and he.

"Yes, yes, I will show you," Razekiel gurgled, "you'll see it all with your own peepers, man, you'll love it! Imagine it, freedom girl — you an' me, beautiful place, lots of people. It's perfect, you'll see."

image © Sean R @ Flickr ; table by lin
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