there's a drumming noise inside my head

Word Count → 379

Look what I made for you! Big Grin A thread! Yay! <3 Also, I've not given a ton of thought to how this thread will go. So. That's exciting. Big Grin

After she had parted from Ouija, she felt the need for something else. The desire to return to Inferni now was not there. Instead, she still needed to travel. There was a very nice piece of land to the near southeast that she'd never explored. Sage knew it to be home to a pack of wolves, but she knew little about them. From all accounts outside Inferni, they were peaceful. But Infernians wanted nothing to do with the Valley dwellers. She wondered why.

So she made her way there, traveling on horseback over several neutral lands before the vague markers reached her nostrils. Here, she would slow. She did not want to trespass, only to observe, gather clues. What was the reason that Inferni had a shady past with them? In the stories, it had been unclear. Maybe now, she could learn for herself.

As she meandered slowly, cautiously through the trees, a familiar scent stunned her nose. The delicious, musky smell of marijuana was always distinguishable. There was something else, too, but she couldn't recognize it. Curious, she took a hasty puff of the lit joint in her mouth and ushered Lennon on.

Soon, the sounds of music hit her ears. Guitar strings and a lullaby; something that she once deemed a quality of home. Large ears rose high atop her skull, wavering in the breeze to pick up each note that she could decipher. Songbirds joined in on the melodies, and she stared around, awestruck. With a wave of unsure recollection, her heart flew to her throat and she froze, forcing Lennon to a halt. Sage's rust-splashed nose wrinkled, her brows furrowing as she neared. It couldn't be.

Disbelief still rang boldly in her mind, even as something so simply known presented itself to her. A tent. Simple, unremarkable. In the middle of this forest. Could it be anything else? Briefly her thoughts flashed to that silver boy, Gael; but this was different.

Dismounting and letting Lennon rummage around, she took several steps towards the small tent, the strong scent of marijuana emanating from it. Holding her joint between two fingers, she called out tentatively, still staying a few yards away. "Hello?" came her voice, almost timid voice. She hoped she'd be heard over the music.

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Ahh I'm here!

While up lost in the mountains and waiting out the February snowstorm in a hollowed cave, Razekiel had served as entertainment of sorts for the Quebecois pack that had also been passing through at the time of the blizzard. He and their group waited out the storm in the safety of the cave, spending days trading stories and nights singing and laughing around the campfire, accompanied as always by Razekiel, a smoking joint and his acoustic guitar. Despite the cold, they had a grand time, and the coyote was hardly against following them back to their french homeland in the west.

He'd stupidly either lost or forgotten the guitar in the mountains (no surprise, as he was buried in marijuana at the time), and the Aube de Musique folks had been kind enough to gift him with a new one. Unlike the old acoustic, which had been brown and plain, the one he'd been gifted had been recently refurbished by the music-centered francophones; buried in instruments, one of the pack's artisans had painted the guitar a bright magenta. Upon giving it to Razekiel, the pack had decorated it in painted flowers and radical colors, and beads and charms dangled from every opportunity. He loved the thing like a child, though not quite like his children, and nicknamed her Thyme.

In between the jingling of chimes, the strumming of his fingers at her strings, and the lofty, hazy lullaby that drifted from his throat, dark ears picked on a foreign voice from outside. In certainly no hurry, Razekiel finished the chorus and allowed the chords to ring to the air. Only then did he breathe deeply from the joint between his teeth and delicately set the guitar aside. "All right, all right," he called, though amusement lingered in his surrendering tone. "Don't get your wig all flipped, man; if I'm botherin' you, I'll flake off, I'll..."

Straightening himself up as he ducked from the tent, straw eyes finally fell upon her: "Mm?" After a beat, they widened some, and the joint tipped and fell from his teeth and to the ground. Hazy grin stretched across his face and he laughed, voice raising in surprise and excitement. "Dear Mother, you're too kind! My little Sage, my big girl — ahahaha, I'm freakin' out, man — hello! Hello!" He opened his arms to her as an invitation for an embrace, and in his warm eyes lingered pride and love like never before.

image © Sean R @ Flickr ; table by lin
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Word Count → 356


Sage came closer to the tent, and her dull gaze sharpened. The singing voice was too familiar; even over the notes of the instrument and the chirps of their avian fellows. The tan girl hung back, though. She wanted to be certain. Drawing the herb to her lips, she craned her head to and fro to try to get a better look into the tent, but to no avail.

Finally, after some strange murmurs of complaint surely not directed towards her, he emerged. And just like that, Daddy was back; and just as she'd remembered him! Closing a small palm over her mouth, she gasped, taking a shaky step forward; she couldn't believe it. Her handsomely bejeweled father took a moment through his rosy glasses to be sure of what he saw. Then, together, they broke into a pair of smiles so wide one might wonder how they could still see.

"Oh, Daddy!" she called as she rushed forward, throwing her arms around him in a tight embrace as she leaned into his. "Daddy...where have you been for so long?!" she gasped excitedly, her entire body shaking with a wide array of emotions. Creamy hands fell firmly to his shoulders as she leaned back, getting a full look at his face through hazy eyes. Though it had been a couple of years, Sage still recognized the youth in his eyes and face; hopefully he still held on to that, as she did. He even still dressed similarly. How had she not found him?

"I've been looking for you for so long...! China and Clover have, too. Is this where you've been the whole time?" Sage stared around in amazement, golden eyes wide and curious for the place that her father called his home, even if it was temporary. As she turned her gaze back to him, she frowned, speaking softly. "We were afraid you were dead, Daddy..."

Her head fell against his chest, dark brown waves obstructing her vision. Through the layers of cloth, she could just barely feel his heartbeat. Closing her eyes, she clung tightly to him. She had to know he was real.

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Naturally, in the father's eyes, to be reunited with his eldest daughter was greater than finding his old acoustic guitar any number of thousands of times; though the coyote had been particularly absent from his daughters' and son's lives, it was never with true purpose. Razekiel wished nothing more than to remain united with them indefinitely, but the male had always doubted they would take him back. Something — he was not sure what — told him that at least one of his child was wary of Storm Lily's fate and Razekiel's relation to it, though the coyote never allowed himself to dwindle on the thought. The brief moments he had seen each of his daughters, they had each been reformed of sorts; peace-loving individuals like himself, who seemed to have forgotten what might have taken place back in Juniper, or perhaps released Razekiel of any consequent crime. He thanked the Mother and the stars — surely the kids would have understood had Razekiel needed to explain what happened that night, surely they would, but the male much preferred not having to mention a thing.

She rushed into his arms, and gratefully the father held her close, heart swelling with pride and joy and pounding within his chest as if it might burst from sheer excitement. "I'm sorry, princess," he gurgled, burying his face in her hair, in her neck, breathing in the girl as if to concrete in his mind she was really there, that she had absolved him of anything he could have committed, that she still loved him and really had feared his disappearance or death.

"No, man, I've been up, down, all around, man, ahahaha," the male chuckled, squeezing her tight and lifting her to spin them both around in ecstasy. "The mountains, the plains, the valleys, man, I even lived with the French! Parlays-vux fran-sis, mah chair? Oh, my little buttercup, you should have seen it! To think, if you had just been with me! It is my fault, man, my bad!" He squeezed her tighter, and after a moment released her with his hands at her shoulders, looking her up and down as if to make sure she was still in one piece, to make sure she was not the illusion he was fearing her to be.

She leaned up against him a moment later, and with a smile his embrace returned to her calmly. "I am long from dead, man; I'm up and groovin' like you've never seen, buttercup. You have been chillin' with your sisters then, yeah? Inferni? You're all up in the 'Ferni reek, little girl, it's crazy!" A burst of laughter, hearty enough to shake her as he held her close. "You've been cherry, yeah? Healthy? Takin' care of yourself, yeah?"

image © beautyredefined @ Twitter ; table by lin
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Word Count → 402


Although she hadn't truly repressed them, Sage kept the memories of her father's accusation tucked away. She had faced those dark thoughts recently enough when Micah had stumbled into Inferni, but forced her thoughts quickly elsewhere. She couldn't believe that her father had been a murderer; and if he had once, he surely wasn't now, right? The Lykoi girl refused to believe that he was anything less than a perfect idol. As his familiar, comforting voice blanketed her ears, she breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

Daddy revealed that he hadn't just been here, but everywhere, and Sage's golden eyes widened with envy. She often missed her life of travel. Though she did plenty within these lands, it wasn't quite the same. No, not the same at all.

He lifted her and together they spun; regardless of the fading high from her discarded joint, Sage felt amazing, wonderful, and ecstatic like she hadn't in months. Razekiel attempted to speak a language that was foreign to her, and with a beaming grin, she gently raised her brows. "Daddy, I don't speak French; you know that! You make it sound so lovely..."

Taking in a heavy, deep breath of his scent, she relaxed fully in his embrace. As her father laughed, so did she, unable to contain the explosion of happy emotion she felt. "Oh, yes; I'm quite well. Inferni has treated me wonderfully, Daddy; they've even made me their Optio!" She beamed, still quite unable to fathom herself leading others; though it really did suit her quite well. "China and Clover must be traveling more lately; since the snowstorm, I've seen less and less of them... I'm afraid China may have lost her way, though, Daddy. Maybe even Clover, too..." As she revealed these concerns, her ears lowered against her dark waves; it hurt her heart to think that her sisters had so little faith left. After all, look what her own faith and hope had brought her!

"Have you seen Micah? He's somewhere nearby; we had a picnic with him a few months ago, but I don't know where he's settled..." Sage's gaze wandered as a small songbird flew down from the treetops and perched properly on top of her Daddy's tent. Dark ears sprang alert again, and she giggled softly as the bird offered a single chirp. "Daddy, you've got a visitor. I think he liked your singing!"

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Razekiel simply beamed at his daughter's words, pride once again swelling in his chest as she spoke of Inferni so highly. And a leader! He could hardly believe himself, knowing his daughter had grown to play such a key role in the very place he himself had grown up, surpassing even her father in the world of the Lykoi — not that he minded, really. There were reasons he had not gone back upon finding his way into 'Souls territory once more.

"Optio! You make your old man proud, princess," he said, smiling even as her news of China and Clover's respective fates reached his ears. Though his smile waned some, the man remained positive knowing they were at least alive and nearby, knowing to stay together. With any luck, they would even wander to Ichikan territory, whenever they managed to move the two packs there, and perhaps they would remain there with him. Sage, he hoped, would do the same.

"Your sisters always were little freedom fighters, man," he chuckled, pulling the joint from his mouth briefly and blowing a few smoke circles into the sky. His voice dipped some with his next words, dripping of more worry and disappointment than that of any conversation including the sisters. "Micah's found his way here too, has he? Surprising; he was always a little screwed up in the membrane, man." A shrug. "Maybe we'll finally make nice after all these years, huh? What do you think, princess?" He traced his hand along her jawline, perhaps in the way he might comfort a lover, but after a fatherly wink he followed her gaze to the small songbird that joined their company so eagerly.

Fearlessly he reached up and scratched at its tiny head, the bird oddly undaunted by the touch and movement. "Well, look at that," he smiled. "This one's one of my regulars, my little Sage, but I haven't named her yet. You're smarter than your old man; what do you think?"

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Short, sorry, ilu. ; ;

Sage remained close to her father, nearly fearful that any distance now would force them apart again. She had found him, finally, and did not want to lose him. Her thin, lean-muscled arms laced around him, squeezing him tightly every now and then with overflowing joy at the reunion.

Razekiel's pride-filled words soothed her, and she beamed back at her adoring father. Despite his absence from much of her life, she was rarely happier than when she heard his approval. He spoke of Micah in sullen tones, bleakly hopeful that he could one day get along with his son. Sage knew that Micah still harbored ill will towards their father, despite her attempts to convince her brother of Razekiel's innocence. Her salt-and-pepper brother was not a malicious creature, but he wanted nothing to do with the colorful man in Sage's present company.

"I hope so, Daddy," she muttered, nuzzling into his hand as it graced her cheek. Her worried frown had returned, and her brows furrowed.

There wasn't time for worry, though, because her darker father set her to name the little bird perched above his migrant home. His larger fingers had reached up and pet the small creature easily. Pulling away from her father for a moment, Sage moved to do the same, slowly extending her arm and then her finger to gently stroke it's soft feathers.

"Name her Faith, Daddy," she cooed dreamily, giving the bird one last pat before straightening slowly, lazy eyes wandering. "Fay," she murmured in a pretty tone as she admired the feathers from afar. Just then, a larger sparrow flew down to join them as well; this one was less tame, and flew off frequently. It kept coming back, though.

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Micah's demeanor had always worried him, even from the beginning; in the few short months Razekiel had been with his children in Juniper Peace, he'd observed a difference between the boy and his sisters as they developed day by day. The five, as Storm Lily had not yet passed, were the sable man's first litter, and thus it was safe to say Razekiel knew next to nothing about raising children nor being a father. Was it his fault Micah had shown such withdrawn signs even from the start? The boy was not normal, this Razekiel knew, but Micah's constant terror and fear of all around him was just barely enough to offset his rebellious tendencies against the hippies and soothe the coyote's concerns that Micah might just grow up into the Lykoi genetics that ran through his blood.

The coy knew he had not messed up all too terribly in raising his children, for he knew well the three girls were quite fond of him and had indeed been worried by his disappearance. Sage shared in his concerns for her brother, however, as evidenced by the listlessness in her smile and tone. "Everything will be cherry and groovy in time, buttercup. Do give that frown away to the wind, Sage. There is too much else to love and embrace about this world, about your brother to give away that smile for even a second." A grin and a wink.

"Faith it is," he smiled at the bird's given name, nodding approvingly, but still his thoughts dwindled on earlier conversation. He dared to bring it up once more. "You make your old man so proud, doing Inferni well," he started, a smile on his face but doubt in the undertones of his voice. "It was a place for family, but not... me. I couldn't groove that pad with the stink of blood and hate choking my every breath!"

Clearly he did not fear offending her — but the man spoke in a way that was hardly offensive. No, he seemed only... honest. After a pause, Razekiel moved to embrace her once more. "To the north, in few days to come, a land of peace and love will be built on the Mother's greenest foundations... you will find me there with the family I've gathered. If nothing else, my little Sage... do visit, yeah? The sun, the sky, the sea, the mountains, it's... it's mind-blowing, man..."

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I suck. D:

Her concern was washed away fluidly with his words; she couldn't help but feed off of his good mood, as she was sure others often did from her. With a weak, but quickly strengthening smile she nodded, and allowed her mind to be free from worry for now.

Pride continued to flow from her father's mouth, but then his words turned sour, his mood suddenly darker as he spoke of Inferni. He was right, what he said; it did stink of blood and hate. That land had seen so much bloodshed, so much violence for both just and unjust causes. Sometimes, it stifled her, as well. She nodded in sad agreement as dark ears fell against her tangled head and she looked away, ashamed of the place she called home. Despite her title, she still felt measurable unease in Inferni, and it persisted despite her attempts to mold their environment to her, to mesh with her estranged family. She became free only when she escaped it's borders.

Then, he embraced her again, allowing her fears to be shed once more as she buried herself in his fur. He told her of a place to the north that the Mother's hand had blessed with a supreme beauty. Mind-blowing, he'd said. Gold eyes widened; yes, she wanted to see such a place! Her mouth fell into a small, open circle as she imagined the land he spoke of. She had known marvelous, awe-inspiring lands and knew that he had, as well. For him to speak so highly of a place must mean it was worthy.

"That sounds..." she began, amazed. "That sounds amazing! I can't wait to see it! You are leading people, now, Daddy?" Sage's father had always been an admirable figure in her eyes, and now it was reinforced even more; he'd gathered a family together, to create a perfect home. She must visit, must see the home that he had made, away from Inferni.

The idea of joining him floated through her mind briefly then; but, could she? Could she leave Inferni, failing herself and all that she had set out to do there? Had she really made any progress since beginning? The angry stares and negative energy had spoken volumes about how she was perceived there, but Sage felt that she still needed to try. She was convinced that there was still good in Inferni; the Aquila himself was a kind man, and there was still hope left in it's clansmen, she was sure of it.

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Leading them was perhaps a bit of an overstatement, for Razekiel saw himself in that title by name only. The coyote sought unity and peae in his Ichikan brethren, and hoped they might rise to seek the same in one another and find a sense of pride in the pack he had strove so hard to create. He would not express to his eldest child how much he worried for them and prayed the Great Mother would make their transition from respective packs to Ichika smooth and graceful. Would they come to accept strangers as packmates, if not family? Would they come to accept him as a leader, if not as family like the rest?

Slowly his stomach wrenched and throat closed, moved by her tears — had Inferni been so awful to her? The red-faced coyote had been greatly inspired and delighted to see Sage unhindered by Inferni bloodshed and for the most part still with a grip on the morals and teachings he, her mother and Juniper Peace had shaped her with. For her to maintain such strength even in the midst of Inferni warfare and cruelty — and to use her peaceful nature to help turn the clan to a brighter future — well, the man could not be a prouder father. He found tears in his eyes as well, hugging her tight with one arm while raising the other to remove his glasses and wipe the lingering tears away. "Your dad is so proud of you," he mumbled, tightening the hug. "Don't cry, princess. You're doing so well."

"Sage," he began again after a few minutes' recovery, allowing her out of the embrace, "I lead with another, the former Dahlian boss. She's real groovy, little girl, you would love her." His ears lowered somewhat, smile drooping as well. "You'll come visit your loony old man, won't you?"

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bad vacationpost! lol

Sage did nothing but linger in her father's embrace, drinking up every ounce of attention and love that she had missed for so long. She couldn't help but keep thinking how wonderful it was to be here, like this, with him; it had been too long, and she'd been needing love in her life for some time. Each word he spoke chipped away at the veil she had donned for Inferni. There, she could never fully be herself. But here with him, she was safe and free.

Razekiel cooed more pride-filled words into her ears, and she managed to return his smile; no words could express how she felt, so she simply nodded and tried to flush out any sadness. She was happy in this moment. Nodding, she nuzzled her head into his neck in a reassuring manner; she had not meant to upset him at all.

After a while, he released her from his tight embrace and expanded on the details of his new home. The Dahlian leader? "Nayru?" she asked in a curious tone, her face lighting up as he mentioned her. "I've met her, daddy; she's very nice!" Sage tried not to recall their last meeting; it hadn't ended well, but Nayru had left a positive impression on the Lykoi girl.

It was almost as if he didn't believe that she would visit him; of course she would! She wanted nothing more, and if she hadn't any duties to attend to, she would have gone right then. "Yes, daddy, of course I will! I'll come soon, too. I promise." Her eyes found his and she smiled honestly; it would not be so long before they saw each other again.

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Close up around here? Smile

He smiled with ease and confidence, pleased his daughter had made acquaintance with his co-leader — perhaps it would give more reason for Sage to visit and with lesser hesitance. They were both leaders, however, and Razekiel still anticipated their next meeting would not be in moons close by, but with this he would hold great patience. If it was a possibility she might wish to join him in Ichika no Ho-en, he would gladly welcome it, no matter the length of time it took, and even if he practiced great patience he would still wait with bated breath. "Far out, little lady. She's like one of my own, that one; you two should chill sometime, yeah?" A wink.

"I will be waiting then, princess," he said, a twinkle despite the glaze in his eyes. "The far north, remember, on the sunny side of the mountain. Call for me, yeah? I'll tour you the scenic route, man."

He gurgled laughter, then moved to embrace her once more, a tightness at the hug's end signifying a time to depart. The prince held on with all his love, hugging her with a squeeze reserved only for his daughters, and finally laid his hands on her shoulder and smiled. "I gotta beat feet, princess, and so do you. You got responsibilities, now, and this guy would hate to keep you from makin' Inferni the thing it should be."

word count → 000 ;; image © Sylvatica ;; table by lin
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