hoofbeats on my mind

17th July . 2pm . Broken Arrow Ranch . Optime Form

The agouti males days were becoming busy, activity filled days. Between working on the house, getting the most urgent jobs out of the way first and then working on the smaller details, gathering the summers crops of medicinal herbs for the winter when they would no longer be around, and looking after everyone, including his two horses, Saul was beginning to sleep soundly through the night once more. The house still needed to eat and while there were four adults, there were still four semi-children that were not so good at hunting for their own food that they needed to feed. While they each had their own seperate 'pods' within Cerne Rise, it appeared more and more that they did things as a family, hunting and eating together was one of those things that gave them precious moments together every couple of days. The roof still needed to be tiled, but the male had managed to rip off some of the water proofing material from a house nearby to nail to the flat boards he'd already nailed to the A-beam they'd repaired. The front door was fixed, thanks to the packs Bensen Temo. The stairs needed serious work and this was his next job.

This afternoon however, was going to be spent with his horses. Hermes and Arete had been housed in the Broken Arrow Ranch, although Saul was sourly tempted to do something about the state that the barn was in. While the front was relatively sound, and therefore safe enough to house horses in, the back was unuseable, the roof caved in much the same as Cerne Rise. His horses had taken residence in the first two stalls on the left hand side of the barn, next to each other. Arete had been clingy since he'd first picked her up and each time he came back to the ranch, she would give the greatest whiny and try her hardest to get over the barrier. Hermes was a little more docile but he was always equally happy to see his savior when the male came around. Saul found it hard whenever he came to see his horses- he always felt as though he didnt have enough time to stretch himself thin over all of them.

He entered the ranch today with a long lead rope wound around his body. He'd already found all of Hermes' tack, scournging around the damaged outbuildings of the Ranch to find a saddle and a bridle that fit the large horse, as well as brushes and grooming kits that were very useful. He'd found a lunge rope however and good training was what the large horse needed. He was rideable- Eclipse had ridden him back from the Dampwoods were he was found. But Saul had yet to ride him with his tack on and the male was excited. A little bit of exercise would be needed however. Hooking the long rope onto Hermes' head collar the male led the large draft horse out into the daylight. Arete protested, but the male ignored her for now. Leading the black and white horse out into the pasture that was mostly flat, the male let the horse walk, using a long stick to gently tap his hind legs to keep a good, steady pace going.

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The Ma-tzu found herself walking slowly to the barn, she wasn't all that enthusiastic since she found herself doing more here than she did in Phoenix Valley. Despite it, she didn't complain, but her body was more sore and tired which showed in her posture today. Coming up to the ranch she noticed the doors already open and for a moment she got her hopes up that someone else was going to aid her in taking care of all the beasts. Those hopes were dashed when she noticed that he was only taking one of the new additions out and training. She remained quite as she looked over to the mare wondering if that was his horse too, and how he acquired the large horses in the first place. Though, really it was none of her business and the shy wolfess wouldn't bring herself to ask such forward questions, especially to another member.

After a minute of watching him, she began to work giving them all fresh water and a mixture of oats, barley and other wholesome grains for the horses. She also divided up the alfalfa which she enjoyed giving to them more so than the other hays since it was richer and gave them more energy or just fattened them up, either way they loved it and she loved spoiling them. Her eyes looked back to the young male, normally she would release them all into the pasture but feared distracting the horse he was working with so she held off on that task and instead decided to take a closer watch of him and his technique. Her eyes looked back to Adela, her mare, then back to the new face. A light smile on her face then she spoke, "Are you able to give him more slack? A wider gait would blow more energy out of him..as I assume that is all you're wanting to do with him.." A shy smile formed upon her muzzle as she approached the fence to take a seat upon it to watch more.

Her eyes took in how he moved with the stallion and she wondered exactly what type of training he would use to break his horses. Some used negative reinforcement, while others used positive...which would he be? Adonia used both, but many found it wrong but the results were undeniable. Adela was quick to respond and became a great horse as she, when given the chance, would follow Adonia around the pasture when she groomed the other horses. Of course, grooming them out of pasture would be easier, Adonia found it more fun as the horses got to graze while she worked. A win win in her mind.


you should add Adela up to the member listings, so InH has a more accurate account of the animals in the barn <3 Also, Arete is a foal <33

The large horse was pleased to be moving, even if it was round in circles. The agouti male started him with a slow walk, gradually increasing the pace until the male held a rocking horse motion of a controlled canter around the circle they'd gradually worn into this section of the paddock. He threw his head a few times, the occasional click from Saul a comforting noise to him it seemed. Saul was lucky that he'd found a horse already broken- he'd guessed that the horse had been lost in the snow storm and had not yet forgotten his early training. He was yet to ride him properly though and the aim of this exercise was to gauge his endurance and burn up some energy. Work around Ichika meant that Saul didnt have as much time as he would have liked with Hermes, and especially Arete. She was only six months old or so and would soon need to be introduced to the saddle. But for now, she was happy to follow him around. Saul wasn't at first aware of the activity going on behind him, but the voice of another caused him to glanced around.

A black and white female stood at the fence before swinging herself up to sit on it. She gave him some advice and Saul looked back at Hermes. The lunge rope was just a little bit too taut and Saul nodded softly, feeding a few inches out. Hermes stayed to the circle he'd created, but his speed increased just a few notches. Smiling softly, he turned back and nodded his head again. "Thanks- this is my first time doing this and I'm only going off of the books I've read." He admitted with a slightly sheepish grin. Still, it was rude to continue and not make at least a small amount of conversation. "I'm Saul Stormbringer." He said, shifting back from his position in the center of the worn circluar grass. Hermes slowed and Saul allowed him to trot around the circle for a lap before he slowed him further to a walk. He glanced back before gusturing towards the horse. "And this is Hermes. Its a pleasure to meet you." He offered before looping the rope around his arm to gather the excess back in. It was a complicated process of walk to trot to canter, and occasionally pushing the horse into a gallop and back down again. But it was good to be working with him and the male felt a grin play across his face.

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Her two toned eyes watched as he took her advice graciously and feeding the horse some slack. She gave the agouti male a smile when he spoke, "Much the same way I started before coming to Phoenix Valley...I was the caretaker for the horses there, but now I'm more than just a horse caretaker." She gave a light laugh, "I'm Adonia Demos, the Ma-tzu here in Inchika." Her eyes looked to the horse dubbed Hermes then added, "That's a very fine name for such a nice stallion...looks like he's got a lot of spunk in him too.." Adonia noted the way the horse moved, it reminded her of her favorite horse before the big snow storm tooked him from her, but he wasn't her horse anyway and surely the real owner mourned his lose. She pushed her mind from the thought of the storm, it was something that she punished herself for, feeling she could have done something more to prevent the barns collapse...but in reality there was nothing.

Her eyes looked over to the other part of the Ranch where the sheep were and figured she should go check on their water despite how intriguing it was to watch another. The smile that Saul gained made hers widen, happy to see another enjoying the pleasure of being around horses. "Well...I'm going to tend to the other animals...let me know if you have any questions or need a hand with anything...I'm not a grand expert but I do know a few tricks..." Her tone was soft as she straddled the fence thinking that she could possibly be annoying or distracting him from his task seeing how he was trying to adjust himself to talk to her. The Ma-tzu's eyes lowered a little to look at the ground where the horse wore a path, her eyes steadied there for a few brief minutes before gazing back up to the younger canine. She thought about going to tend to the other animals though she knew they probably didn't need it as she done so already this morning but she was here now and knew fresh water would be needed. As the thought passed through her mind she turned her head around to glance to the sheep who weren't too far away, then attempted to see the cows and their one ornery bull. In truth Adonia was afraid of the big bull but she did her best not to show it when she went in to make sure fresh water was available.



It was nice for the male to speak to someone who roughly knew what they were talking about. He'd learned the basics of riding from Liliana, but had taught himself the rest of his equine knowledge he had gleaned from books and the little experiance he had had with dealing with Hermes and Arete. It was okay once he got used to it, but it was also benefitial to the male to know that there were others out here who had perhaps a little more experiance than he did. She spoke of Phoenix Valley and Saul searched her gaze for the moment, trying to figure out if she missed the valley as much as some others did. "Do you enjoy your job in Ichika?" He enquired, wondering if she was content in her role in Ichika, whether she enjoyed doing what she did. She glanced at Hermes again and Saul took a moment to look at him. He was perhaps only 2 years old and had some growing to do, but he would estimate that he stood at a rough 15hh with room to grow. He wasnt the hugest horse he'd ever seen, but when fully grown he could see the horse expanding to a nice 16-17hh. It was a good height, especially when carrying the male.

"Thank you. I found him out in the dampwoods, lost and alone. Along with Arete... Unfortunately, her mother had been attacked and was dead. She was curled up by her mothers side. I reckon she'd be about eight or nine months old, although she's undernourished from being on her own. They both have a bit of spirit to them..."

He chuckled, realising far too late that he had rambled at the female. A sheepish grin made him turn back to Hermes and watch as he came to a walk once more. He looked okay, Saul paid critical attention to his hooves and legs, trying to gauge whether he favoured a hoof or not. Saul thought not. However, the female spoke once more announcing that she had to go and tend the other animals. Saul nodded softly, wondering why she upped and left as she did. Gathering the lunge rope up in his arms, Saul bought the black and white horse over to him. As he did so, he looked back to see Adonia on the other side of the fence, but she hadn't move away. With a smile Saul swung himself easily up onto Hermes' back, riding towards the female.

"Why don't we go on a ride Adonia? You could go and grab your horse and we could have a ride around the valley..."

He suggested with a shrug. Unclipping the lunge rope of the horses head collar, Saul desposited the coiled rope on the fence post and waited to see if Adonia would get her horse and join him.

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Adonia didn't have to put much thought into the question posed to her by Saul and with a light smile she gave him an answer, "I enjoy working with the livestock, so yes I really like my job here in Ichika." Her tail waved lightly back and forth when she had spoke showing her pleasure for her job. "Most of the animals here at the Ranch are rather relaxing to me...the bull is the only one that makes my job a little unnerving...he isn't the safest to be around and I'm getting used to having to be wary of him when I need to go into the pen." She noticed her own self going into more detail about her job which he didn't even ask about and her ears folded back feeling a little foolish for blabbing on, so silence fell upon her until he spoke about his horses. Her ears perked and she listened kindly to the young male. She gave a grin to him before she looked over to where the little foal was. "She must be spirited to have come this far in life after the passing of her mother...and you're a very kind soul to have taken both horses into your care..."

As she zoned out her eyes went dim for a moment before she heard the voice of Saul break into her mind. Lifting her head her gaze fell upon him and she gave a light laugh, "..sure..." Without much hesitation she brought herself back over to the other side of the fence and went to fetch Adela. Her mare wasn't as tall as Saul's stallion as she only stood at 14hh and being older estimated around 5 maybe 6 years old. Her temperament was not as spirited as the stallion either, but she was curious about things which Adonia found to be an amusing trait and catered to the curiosity allowing her to check things out, like when she would brush her. Adela never failed to want to check each brush out before being groomed. Bringing out the mare, Adonia quickly put on her head gear then mounted her. At first Adela danced a little uneasy due to not being rode in awhile, but quickly calmed with a few calming whispers. Once settled she gave a light squeeze with her legs and Adela cantered out of the barn toward Saul. "Alrighty, I'm ready to go where ever.." she said with a happy grin.

It wasn't often she had an excuse or the time to ride Adela and it obviously brought her joy to do so.


I cannot believe I missed this one! It slipped through the net! <33

Adonia gave her answer straight away and Saul grinned in return. It was good to see them settling in here- he knew Nayru was worried a lot about the assimilation of Phoenix Valley and Dahlia de Mai and he also knew there were a few on both sides who were not happy about the merge. Saul was getting used to it now, seeing the opportunity here the likes of which he never had done in Dahlia. While he had thought Nayru a little foolish for saying that Dahlia's resources were diminished, there was nothing more to develop in Dahlia, he hadnt realised just how right she'd been until he'd actually gotten to Ichika and seen how much needed to be done. He relished the work and had his sights firmly set on the barn as his next project. He chuckled softly when Adonia mentioned the bull. He was a tricky one, and had been on the way up here.

"I can see why you'd be wary of him!"

He commented, not wanting to distract her further. Adonia made another compliment about Arete and Saul chuckled softly. She was a good foal most of the time, she just got a little excitable and happy some times. He was going to have to start breaking her in soon, getting her used to a saddle and a bridle and weight on her. Of course, she was still far too small for Saul to ride her. He though about Eclipse, her slight weight maybe would be easier to break the foal with. She was nearly nine months old by now and Saul knew it was time to start training her. Saul warmed softly as Adonia called kind and with a shrug he brushed off the compliment. "Awh, I couldnt leave her there to die... She hasnt recovered properly yet and I'm trying to feed her as much as I can to bulk her up a bit." He offered with a self conscious stroke to the back of his neck.

Although it was clear she thought it strange, she agreed to come on a ride with him. He shifted on top of Hermes, rearranging himself into a more comfortable position on the barebacked horse. It didnt take long for Adonia to come out on a black and white mare, older than Hermes but still rather young. He smiled softly as Adonia joined him and Saul let Hermes out of the paddock they'd been training in. Walking side by side towards the Valley, Saul felt a peaceful blanket wash over him. "I'm thinking about starting a breeding programme in Ichika. We have so few animals and its the same in all the other packs that it would be easier for us to produce offspring from the animals we have here. Like the cows" He chuckled, now privy to Adonia's dislike of the bull.

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She listened to what he had to say about the foal's weight and she nodded in agreement, "I'd give her several things to bulk her up depending on how much weight you're looking to put on her and how fast..but I've had luck with rice bran for Adela. Just had it to her regular feed and it should help bulk her up in a matter of weeks if not at least in two months tops she should have some really nice bulk to her." With that she began to follow him once he started to move. They seemed to move at a nice leisure pace that caused a peacefulness to fall over Adonia's usually insecure mind. Soon Saul spoke again and she turned her head to make eye contact with the young male. His subject was one that did interest her as she thought about it too. She let out a light laughter, "Yes I'm sure the bull would be quite interested in procreating." She added with some humor but soon became a little more serious about it, "Wouldn't we need some outside cows though as well...just one bull and one cow won't be enough to bring up our numbers, we'd need a few more cows..." Trading entered her mind and she wondered if Saul thought of the same thing.

Her mind thought about how many sheep, goats, and chickens they had. Surely they could trade a few chicks once they grew up. The rooster seemed to have no problem already procreating, but chickens are almost a dime a dozen and don't give as much meat as one cow. That idea was quickly thrown from her mind as fast as it came. It was easy to think of the chickens since she wasn't as attached to them as she were the sheep and goats. Still the numbers of sheep and goats needed to go up as well. It was exciting to think of trying to get the numbers to go up, but she always thought it would go up on it's own except for the number of cows since there were only one bull and one cow.



Adonia looked thoughtful for a moment as Saul mentioned Arete's malnourishement. He knew she was probably closer to nine months, although she had the body of a six month old. He knew little about feed and he left it to Adonia and whoever else fed them, to figure out what she might need. He realised his folly- he should be communicating with the wolf who was looking after his horses and not just leaving it up to them to figure out what his horses needed. She began to speak and Saul paid better attention to what she was saying. There might be a time when Adonia was away from the pack and he had to actually feed his own horses. He thought of the little horse whose ribs showed and she seemed wobbly on her legs. He wanted to bulk her up to the normal weight of a nine month old foal, but it would be ideal if it could be done quickly. He wanted to start getting Arete used to the lead rope, the lunge line, having blankets on her back and headcollars on. These were all things that would do well in helping her to break her properly.

"That sounds ideal actually. She's just so small and I would guess her to be around nine months old, but she certainly doesnt look like it. I want to start training her soon, but she doesnt have a lot of energy or muscle mass. Would that be okay to set up?"

He asked, glancing across at her as they exited the range of the ranch and began to move out over the valley. The day was nice and warm and he could feel Hermes beneath him, warming up beneath him. He hadnt ridden him bareback a lot and it was a little uncomfortable, but it was a lot simpler than having to tack him up every time he wanted to ride him. Adonia looked across at him as he mentioned his plans and Saul chuckled softly at her response to his jibe about the cow. Of course, the cow and the bull would procreate on their own and Saul wouldnt be surprised if the cow was already pregnant or something of the sort. Adonia's tone turned serious as she asked about the cow population- as of now they only had one cow and that was not enough to seriously raise their numbers. She asked about trading and Saul thought of Anathema. Perhaps they'd accumilated some cows throughout their time living in the mountains.

"I guess trading would work, although I don't know which packs might have more than a handful of cows as well. Perhaps we might be able to find some wild grazing cows now that we've moved past the mountains. It would be a long shot, but there might be a herd or two roaming around that we could take a few cows from. And the obvious thing it- we'd have to trade something to get a cow from another pack and what would we trade, we need all the animals we have here..."

It was a difficult situation and one that required proper thinking and planning. Saul wasnt too sure about which packs had cows, if they had many. Of course, trade with Inferni was out, despite Ichika's pledge to bring peace amoung those of Nova Scotia. They hated wolves and those from Dahlia knew all too well how much. Saul fell silent for a few moments before looking back up. "Well, I don't think breeding our horses is going to be much of a problem, although I think we would have to keep careful documantation about who we breed together. I intend to get a mare soon and breed Hermes with her." He said, glancing down at the horse beneath him. He was very big and he hoped he would find a mare that would be able to withstand that amount of weight on her back, even if it wasnt for very long. Pushing thoughts like that from his mind, he glanced back across towards Adonia, to see if she had anything else she might add.

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She couldn't help but notice how intent he listened to her words about the feed. It took her by surprise that someone other than her mate would listen so intently to her and to be honest it made her feel a little prideful of her knowledge. A smile formed on her muzzle as he then spoke in return, she gave a light nod, "Yeah, I don't see why not, obviously I'd start light with her until she grew some muscle mass but I'd also definitely not hesitate in at least starting her." once the words came out she realized just how boldly she spoke, '..og course, you do hav your hands full with two horses to break in." Her ears folded back a little sheepishly then let her muzzle drop down. It wasn't long after the slight silence of the ride that their talk of breeding program really perked her interest. It wasn't often one became involved in promoting the friskiness of livestock. It was quite exciting to think about baby cows and sheep and goats and even horses running around. Chickens really didn't excite her much though the chicks were quite cute but so hard to catch and hold. They just weren't affectionate things.

Her mind willed back to the thought of trading and what they could possibly trade. She thought about goods, like handcrafted materials but really wasn't sure. The idea of looking for cows perked her interest and in a way the thought of rounding up cows was another exciting prospect. "Rounding up a few wild cows does sound like a little adventure..we'd definitely need a few hands for that. Horseback would be proficient I'm sure. It would make the task quick and easy. I don't see why we couldn't get quite a few that way and we wouldn't have to worry about trade either..." She wondered where the herds would be most easily found but when Saul spoke of breeding the horses she couldn't help but look down to Adela. She hadn't actually thought about breeding her horse but in a way in would be nice to have a colt or filly from her.. Her eyes looked to Hermes and she gave a light chuckle, "I'm sure you'd need to find a decently strong or large mare for that."



For a moment the female beside him looked happy to have more knowledge than Saul himself had. It was a familiar feeling, especially when Saul was able to fix someone up or heal them when they were injured. The superior knowledge was infectious and in this case, Saul was glad she had come to know horses so well that she knew how to help Arete. Left to Saul, he would have had no idea how to make the filly gain weight as Adonia did. Smiling softly as she spoke about a plan she had, Saul nodded at appropriate moments. He was glad he'd come to the ranch today to train Hermes- Adonia was a pleasent face to talk to and she had an intelligence that made for an engaging conversation. She looked a little sheepish, amending herself as if she'd said something wrong. Confused for a moment, he replayed her words in his mind, trying to find anywhere that might have seemed rude. He couldnt find any.

"Hermes was alright when I found him- I think he might have been lost in the snowstorm but he was already broken when I found him. Arete on the other hand was born wild, so I'll have to work a lot with her. I appreciate your help Adonia- I would be seriously lost if I'd been trying to get Arete's weight up on my own... Thank you."

He said warmly as they continued. Adonia thought for a moment in silence before voicing her opinion on perhaps capturing some wild cows. Saul had no idea where they would be able to find them, but it made sense that on horseback they would be easier to capture. Although they could probably act in the same way sheepdogs did in an earlier time, using the horses would help in rounding them up. "It would take a while for the cows to become domisticated enough to milk and interact with, but its possible. I'll talk to Nayru if you'd like about getting a couple of us to go up into New Brunswick and see if we can spot a herd or two." He said, knowing Nayru would be more than pleased to increase their livestock whatever way possible. Of course, he knew his sister in law would prefer that they trade, but he had no idea about who had any cows, let alone what they could trade for said cows.

Saul noticed Adonia's surruptitious glance down at her own horse as Saul mentioned breeding horses. He couldnt quite make out her expression and didnt know what she thought about using her own horse. Of course, it was completely up to the owners of the mares if they wanted them to breed- unless the horses took it into their own hands whilst out grazing one day. Still, her light chuckle was taken as positive as she looked towards Hermes. "I'm sure I'll find one out there soon enough. Although when we do start breeding the horses we'll have to keep a detailed log of foals and their parents to avoid inbreeding down the line." He said, thinking of how disasterous it would be if Hermes bred with every mare here- they'd all be related. Luckily for him, there were other stallions in Ichika that would diversify the bloodlines somewhat.

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Saul seemed to be quite a pleasant youth to be around and despite her early hesitation to socialize she was quite happy to of. It was a great start to a business relationship and perhaps a new friendship for the wolfdog. In all her time within a pack it wasn't often she got to talk about horses and to do so was fulfilling to her in a way she hadn't yet experienced. It was especially so when the young male thanked her for her advice making Adonia blush lightly beneath her black and cream cheeks. "You're welcome.." Her tail couldn't help but lightly wag behind her while they carried on with their topics of discussion. In truth the most exciting one was finding cows. Adonia loved to track things and the thought of rounding up cattle sound so western in was thrilling to her.

Only one thing halted her excitement, the reality of actually getting to perform the job. She forgot about having to get permission. In truth it was the only thing that she disliked, but fully understood, about being in a pack; getting permission like she was some pup. Again, she fully understood the nearly bureaucratic ways that packs ran, but it was sort of stifling to her. She kept this feeling secret since she liked a majority of pack ways and one couldn't complain about the safety of a pack. "I certainly can't wait to have a few more cows around..perhaps the bull would become more complacent...you know since he'd have too much to preoccupy himself with." A light giggle came from her as she dipped down her muzzle in a playful fashion.

She certainly couldn't argue with the plan for breeding the horses and she gave a nod to the Stormbringer. "Of course.." She couldn't think about what would happen if a horse inbred, inbreeding in general disgusted her, and she knew from hearsay what happened to things that inbred. How such a thing occurred baffled her. Didn't an animal know or even have the instinct to stay away from siblings or parents in that manner? Her mind seemed to have zoned out in the thought, then sharply come back, " eck!" She shuddered. "I certainly don't want to have to worry about such things."


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