Dishonour! Dishonor on you and your whole family!
ooo treasonness Big Grin lol the name made laugh. Have you ever seen Mulan? I got it from the part where Mulan smacks Mushu and he goes off on a bender 'DISHONOR! Dishonor on you! dishonor on your cow! XD


Getting up the morning after the pack meeting was almost impossible for the brown giant, everywhere ached and throbbed incessantly from being body slammed into the ground. The feeling in his left arm and shoulder was virtually non existent and the man had to physically watch his hand flex just to be sure it had moved at all. Getting from his hammock to the floor was a struggle and the man lost his balance halfway through, smacking into the ground with all his weight he let out a loud yelp of pain. Analise came running when she heard the yelp and helped the man to his feet, the young female came away covered in his blood from the wounds that had reopened.

With a low groan of complete agony the male gently pushed his daughter away and stood on his own. The Austral princess handed over a walking stick she had spent the night carving for him out of a tree branch and he took it gratefully, leaning his weight against the wood that his body could not bear. Analise looked at her father with worry,

"Daddy, you should stay in bed, you can't go work." But he stubbornly shook his head and began to make his way towards the door, using the stick as a makeshift crutch. The man did not bother with his morning exercise knowing he would never make it all the way through them. He left her at the house to do what she saw fit with her day, he knew she liked to carve things with the knife he had gotten her. It took the Austral man well over an hour to get to the stables when he normally jogged the whole way taking about 20 minutes.

He disappeared into his work place, and from within it came constant yelps of pain, clattering and banging as things were dropped, loudest of all the voice with a spanish accent yelling "Maldita sea!" Damn it!

When I saw this I laughed so hard that I nearly fell out of my chair XD 'Come on Crickey, let's get this show on the road! Let's move it, heifer!' XDDDDDDDDD Oh, childhood memories~ Backdated to July 17 (Nootau: Not Visible)

The moon was screaming.

Ralla had woken up that morning, panting and with her mane matted against her neck with fearful perspiration, to find that the echo of a distant voice remained ringing in her ears. She clasped her hands tightly to her ears and clenched her jaw tight before the scream she wanted to echo was released and woke her children. All four of them were fast asleep, seeing as it was a little before the sun breached the horizon still, and she did not want to alarm them. Two days ago had been confusing enough for them; they didn't need their mother to appear as if she were having a breakdown. But that dream...! It had most assuredly been a vision from the moon. One so strong had not been received since the snowstorm, and Ralla had well learned her lesson since then on what happened when she ignored such things. Fire, she thought, recalling the nightmare. Fire consuming the forest... The land stained red and black. A scream coming from the moon in the night sky as a poisoned raven clawed at it. All of the signs were immensely terrible, but only partially clear. The poisoned raven couldn't possibly be Dawali; she refused it. And it didn't seem right... None of the other signs had pointed to it beings Dawali's fault, and none of them had ever made themselves clear for as long as she had been a part of AniWaya. But it did mean corruption, for sure. The more the white woman awoke the more she became aware of the signs, and the more she felt she needed to share them. But with who? Surely sharing these dreams with anyone was dangerous at this time; the newcomer Maska was harsh, and telling anything of his rule that was not fortuitous would be suicide in itself. For the sake of her children, she needed to at least appear to everyone else that she was only an Itse, now.

She left the tree hut when Ayasha had awoken and the pups cared for. What with the Town Hall being commandeered for Maska and his Guardians' use, the plan of keeping them there until they could transform into luperci was voided, and she would need a new plan. With all the pack unease, though, it would be hard to find anyone to take her children in. No; perhaps for the time they would have to remain in the tree-hut after all... Her wandering brought her to the stables where Sugar was being kept. At the very least he had not been taken from her; he was her life-long friend from the beginning. Before she could make her way fully to the pastures, though, she heard the yelling and outbursts of Spanish from within. "Leon?" she called out as she stuck her head in, recognizing the man's voice. She remembered all too well the pain he had been brought at the pack meeting, and felt deeply for him. She wished she could've done more than just shepherd everyone with words, but it was no longer her duty to do so, and interfering could've brought the man more pain than he was already in. With ears back she entered, searching for the man she considered kin.

Moon walks. "Moon talks." Moon thinks.

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[Image: Ralla_by_Nina2.png]
raaallllaaaa <3 2+

Anger overwhelmed him and he kicked at the feed scoop, sending it spinning to the other end of the stables where it crashed against the wall. Several of the horses whinnied nervously and shuffled about, their caretaker radiated rage and pain, a combination that did not go well together, he could easily turn from trusted leader of the herd back into a dangerous predator to be feared and fled from. Hooves clattered and rang against the floor and as always accompanied by the familiar snorts and grunts of the horses. The injured giant leaned against one of the support beams, attempting to rest even as crimson welled up and rolled down his limbs and torso.

Earthen ears flicked forwards as the sounds of someone approaching and he made an effort to attempt to stand on his own two feet, to face whoever it was that encroached upon his work place. If it was one of Maska's men they would be met with fierce hostility and hatred. But as it turned out it was not an encroachment at all, rather a welcomed visitor, immediately his ears relaxed against his head respectfully and the man bowed to the white she wolf as elegantly as he possibly could given his condition,

"Osiyo, Etikaiele Gata. I am honored by your presence here. Why is it that you visit me?" His mannerisms and voice were oddly formal considering their closeish relationship. None of Maska's words stood within here, Dawali was still ruling chief, and Ralla retained her deserved master rank in his eyes along with the others who had been stripped of their ranks and he would address her by no less, least of all the Itse the fake chief had tried to foist upon her. Maska was nothing and a nobody to Leon, and until he proved otherwise it would remain that way permanently.


The smell of blood was hinted in the air, muffled by the strong scent of the horses, but noticeable nonetheless. Ralla's ears pricked upwards as she entered fully, greeted in a most unexpected fashion by Leon, who stood there in the pseudo-darkness with the blood-scent coming from none other than himself. "Osiyo," she greeted hurriedly out of courtesy before stepping forward to assess her friend closer. "Leon, what have you been doing to yourself? And you can't use that title with me anymore; I...I am no longer the Etikaiele Gata." However inappropriately she had been addressed, the white woman was more worried about Leon's wounds than the address. "Do you need Mizu?" Ralla was no good at healing--had always been rather clumsy with it, in fact--and didn't know the severity of Leon's wounds other than he had obviously reopened them in some sort of fit. Whether they should stay wrapped up or get new bandages, she didn't know.

"I need to talk to you, Leon. It''s so strange." Ralla, in truth, knew what lied in her heart--what her true beliefs were and where her loyalty lied. But voicing such things was dangerous for any and all who knew and believed them, especially with how Maska had been handling things thus far. "But more importantly, Leon, I'm...I'm so sorry for what happened at the meeting. I didn't know what else to do; I was afraid that he'd hurt you more if I interfered..." She was ashamed that she was weak; Kemo had been strong for her, and would've stepped between Leon and the Guardian without fear. Ralla was not strong and could never hope to fight off a man of Wematin's size, especially since doing so would've been treasonous. It was all so messed up, and it only added to the guilt piling in her heart.

Moon walks. "Moon talks." Moon thinks.

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[Image: Ralla_by_Nina2.png]

She came in tentatively as though afraid of him possibly, a thought that caused him to frown. The man grabbed an empty bucket and sat himself down upon it, lowering himself down from his great height, maybe that was what she was afraid of? It didn't even cross his mind that it would be the blood leaking from him that disturbed her so, at least not until she mentioned his injuries, he shrugged,

"Mountain Lion attack." Her words after that angered him and he bared his teeth slightly, hissing under his breath, "Fake words from undeserving leaders have no standing amongst me and mine, Etikaiele Gata." He looked at her pointedly, almost daring her to correct him a second time but not as harsh as a true dare, he considered her a friend and thus treated her with respect. "Nien, I shall be fine." He rubbed at his arms, brushing blood from them as though it was dirt, in another time or place the amount of crimson that he was leaking would have concerned him but she had things to tell him, this was more important.

He waved off her apologies about not interfering and then pinned her with a piercing gaze,

"It is not the job of women to stand between fighting men, I did not want you to interfere. If you had gotten hurt for it, because of me, the shame is one that would pain me deeply." He shook his head, a fierce expression on his face, if the black man had hurt Ralla, then the Austral giant did not think he could have contained his fury and someone would have ended up seriously injured or dead, the situation would have gone from bad to worse to the blink of an eye.

"What did you want to tell me?" He gestured for her to come closer, and upturned a second bucket for her to seat herself on, upset slightly that he did not have better to offer her.
In all truth, Ralla could never be afraid of a wolf for their height. Her brother dwarfed her by two feet, so any other wolf could not intimidate her by their stature alone. No, it took their will and intentions to frighten her--much how even a small, sickly man like Maska caused her such distress. She felt a little bad when Leon mentioned the mountain lion--he was lucky to come out alive in such a situation--but she felt her heart skip a beat with how quickly his demeanor changed with the topic. She was truly flattered that he thought the way he did, and perhaps that would make it easier for her to tell him of her vision; surely he would understand. But he was right; she dared not correct him, for what he thought and said was truly his own concern and business, that which she had no control over.

The alabaster woman sighed quietly in relief, happy to know that Leon's pride as a man had saved her any scorn that perhaps would've been pinned to her if she had been stronger. Indeed, had she been stronger like Leon and her brother, maybe she would've stood up to Maska and his Guardians like the Austral man had. But she was not brave like them; she could only show her resolve in her own ways. And she had no doubt or reservations about them, either. "Never feel shame for me," she said as she went closer to her friend, a smile on her face for his concern for her as well. "I was once a Councilman, and it was my burden and duty to carry the shame of our people with our Chief. You have never done anything to shame yourself." Indeed, all Ralla could think of Leon and his family were good things; things that had never merited any scorn or disgrace. Even if she had gone complacently with Maska's orders and Leon had disobeyed the new verdict, she couldn't see it as a fault; it was sheer bravery.

Gratefully she sat next to the other man, intertwining her fingers in her lap as she sought the right way to began. She raised her face to his, her forest green pupils connecting with his as she told her story. "I have had a vision," she said plainly. Not many knew of the visions she received, but she did not attempt to hide them or twist them to suit another's wishes; they simply were. "It began with the village and the river. As the moon rose and the sun set, the river ran red, originating from the heart of the village. It spread out and into the soil, tainting the land and forest. The forest burst into fire and turned to black, and all that was left was ash. And then that ash turned into a pitch-black raven that shed poisoned feathers; wherever the feathers touched there was illness." With every passing recollection, Ralla's voice trembled more, the implications of her vision so very, very terrible. "And the flew to the moon and began to claw at it. The moon screamed as it was assaulted, and... Leon, it is a dark omen." Perhaps, since Leon had not grown up in the Moon Tribe, he did not know how dire it was for the moon to be profaned. But with everything else he could most certainly sense her dread. "It is an omen of destrucion and death." Ralla knew that they could not act rashly; this would only make things worse. But she needed someone else to share this with so that she wasn't so alone; so she could affirm any actions that she might later take.

Moon walks. "Moon talks." Moon thinks.

His chest puffed out slightly with pride at her words, that was the reason Ralla had been chosen to join the council, she was and had been willing to bear the burden of the entire tribe on her shoulders where lesser mortals would have stumbled and fallen she had only stood taller and walked forwards with more strength. He could however think of one thing that shamed him and would do his entire life, it was also not something that the tribe could bear for him, it was personal,

"My wife is dead because of me, there is no greater pain and shame that could be dealt to me." His voice was emotionless as he said this, the giant of a man did truly believe it as well. If he had just kept his sperm to himself then she would not have diverted onto the course of carrying his children and in the end dieing during labor. He observed her with gentle eyes as she came to sit in front of him, the only thing he could think for the man that had abandoned her and his children was; more fool on him. Ralla was a lovely woman and any man would be lucky to call himself her mate. His placid thoughts however quickly turned sour as she explained her vision to him, horrow filling him up from the inside. It was true that Leon did not see the moon as Ralla's old pack had done, instead he held beliefs of the moon that were all his own and she was just as sacred in his own culture as she was in Ralla's.

As her voice trembled and shook, his eyes flicked back and forth wildly, slowly widening until they were like lamp lights shining into the gloom of the stables,

"Sacré bleu.. Madre Luna..." His giant hand shot forwards and grasped onto her own petite paw as though needing something to keep his anchored and straight.

"Poisoned raven... Kalona means Raven Chief, yes? Dawali is no longer ruler under force, Maska is closer to the title Raven Chief now, his ways and views poison our peace." Subdued anger filled his voice, and his lips lifted to show the very tips of white fangs.

If Ralla was telepathic she would blush XD

Ralla's ears went back when Leon told her that bit of himself, although she could not think it really true. But she did not know the finer details, and did not know how to comfort the man except in silence and in a gaze of sympathy. Sometimes Leon seemed completely at home in the world, other times fierce and brave, and it was the rare time now that he seemed strained and pained by it. Sometimes, it was better to let sleeping dogs lie...

The white woman was only fluent in three languages: Her native tongue of Lakhota, the AniWayan Cherokee, and English. Spanish and French and all those other 'Romance languages' were lost upon her, although the one word 'luna' she recognized as 'moon'. So, more specifically, she could at the very least pick out the words with the same bases as English... But when his hand grasped her own she felt the connection and mutual worry that she was feeling, and was assured that she was not overreacting. "Yes... Leon, it worries me very much. But we can't do much as we are now. We might not like it, but Maska is our leader right now. Our dislike is not enough basis to start a rebellion, and he will not believe the vision of a fallen Councilman. But I can't ignore it either, and I'm at a loss of what to do about it until then..." His anger showed plainly through, and Ralla squeezed his own hand back. "Please calm yourself, Leon. You'll reopen your wounds..."

Moon walks. "Moon talks." Moon thinks.

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Table by Lou!

[Image: Ralla_by_Nina2.png]
we can finish on this post with them being all sombre and not knowing what to do? it seems suitable. Or you can post again with Ralla having to leave :3 up to you. also fail shitty post because my brain is dieing D:

Breath expelled from his maw, rushed after being held in for several seconds. He clicked his tongue impatiently and reigned in his anger, it was of no use here, with nothing to pit it against it was just wasted energy. The man realised with a wince just how hard he had grabbed her hand and released her paw, resting the elbow on his knee and his head on his hand and stared morosely at the floor. He felt like a youngster that had been chastised. White eyes dimmed at the prospect of having to live under the rule those people.

"I know not what we should do either. Perhaps all we can do is wait and see what happens." He disliked the idea, it smacked perilously close to cowardice to him and he despised the idea of sitting by and doing nothing but they were trapped. AniWaya was not a fighting pack, they had no real warriors to defend them.

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