We'll fill the open air

All welcome! This is a pack celebration thread set in the heart of Thornbury, so there's no posting order. Backdated to June 28th, right around sunset.

Word Count → 455

The depression that had settled in was worse than the craftsman had imagined. It was something he hadn't expected when he returned home, many days and nights ago, walking along Jack's slowly trotting form. Bangle remembered when Skye had run out to greet them, but did not find their son in the coywolf's arms. There was no trace of him anywhere, not a tuft of fur, a drop of blood, or a hint of that cackle in the air. He was gone.

Ever since that day, Bangle regretted coming back to the pack empty handed. He promised his mate to find their missing son, but came back without a hint to where Nathaniel had gone. If he closed his eyes, he could still see the look on her face when he spout the awful string of words that night to her, in the heat of the argument. And ever since then, he vowed to himself to spend more time with his two remaining children.

Presently, as the sun slowly nestled into the mountains, turning into dark orange colors and casting long shadows over the land, Bangle prepared. He hadn't really given the news to Skye or anyone else what he was up to, except for his two bounding pups that played nearby. The pack was due for another celebration - to enjoy laughter, love, and life. A small part of him hoped it would make Skye truly forgive him for his actions, and for days the craftsman prepared the feast, the decorations, and the large fire pit.

The scene was impressive for the only few days Bangle had spent on it. Logs from dead tree stumps were littered around the large area in Thornbury, hauled in with the help of Jack. The fire pit stood in the very center, already blazing before the night sky settled. A long wooden table held all of the finest meats that the former gypsy could put over a fire, with other fruits and vegetables that Bangle was able to tell were edible. He'd laugh as he watched Robert and Erzulie attempt to reach the tall table, and as one sibling piled onto another their efforts fell short.

"C'mere yeh lil' minions," He said to the pair, and they bound to him as he sat on a log, where his painted lute rested. Grabbing a pup each under his arm, he looked at each in turn. "This'll be yer first pack celebration, yeh wanna 'elp call mom n' the others?" Each nodded vigorously, joy in their young eyes and their large ears standing proudly atop their heads. Bangle drew back his head, and let out a long drawn out howl, followed in turn by his pups' small and underdeveloped ones.

Image courtesy of Dan Zen@Flickr; table template by the Mentors!

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OOC - WC: 438. Mya's optime formSmile

Mya smiled as the kitten she'd found purred happily ontop the shelf where brushes and combs were stored. The luperci had been busily cleaning the stalls in the barn. It'd been a long day, Mya had been inspecting the land of the Cercatori D'Arte and hunting a place to call her home. After all, this was her home now and she thought it best to find a permanent place to sleep. Rose, with her small little paws, had been with her every step of the way, softly mewing when it was time for her meals.

The Buffalo Wolf had grown extremely fond of such an animal that kept her company. It'd been a while since she'd seen the man who'd give her the rose quartz collar and formula. She couldn't help but feel a little captivated by the luperci. He'd been very genuine. Mya paused, scratching the kitten behind the ear and watching her eyes close in delight as her motor switched on.

As she finished up her cleaning in the stables, she tossed the shovel back where she found it and took the kitten in her arms. "See y'all tomorrow, 'kay?" she called back toward the horses as she made her way out into the fading daylight. Setting the feline down on the ground so she could trot ahead like usual, her ears perked at a noise. First a strong, older howl filled the air. It wasn't exactly a troubled howl, or a soft broken howl she'd heard so many times before as a loner. Instead, happiness filled the backbone of this howl. Shortly after she could hear several less mature howls fill the air.

With her ears perked, and nose twitching she began trotting toward the noise. Her riding boots thumping along the path she took, and her curls blowing in the wind created. Her ears carried her to the heart of Thornbury, hearing the ever louder howls. "Hello?" she called curiously. Being new to the pack she wasn't sure how to react to such howling. Her eyes rested on the luperci male and his pups as her kitten caught up with her.

She looked around, picking her cat back up. Edging slowly toward the howling male, cautious of to what exactly was about to take place. "Er... Everything okay?" Mya's eyes traced the adorable pups and fondly smiled at their cute little howls. She remembered when Toby and she had strived for nothing but pleasing their mother during pup-hood. I miss you guys so much, she thought silently. Then, turning back her attention to the father of the pups, she smiled politely waiting for his howls to fade.

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Rory was watching his one-month-old niece, Saorise. He smiled as she wobbled around, babbling as she did so. ”Ye are a cutie, aren’t ya, wee lassie. Yer mum ‘twould be so proud of ye.” He thought for a moment. ”Though I’m not so sure ‘bout yer uncle.” She ran over to him and stood with her front paws on his knees. He was about to say something but heard the howl. ”Well, lassie. It seems like we’re wanted dogs.” He got up and picked her up.

He grabbed his mandolin and headed to the meeting area. He saw a coywolf with two little pups about the age of his niece, including one that looked like Skye, the nice wolf that let him in to Cercatori d’Arte. So these must be her mate and pups. He gave them a friendly nod and greeting. ”’Ello there, sir, lad, lass.” Then he saw a grey wolf that he had not seen. Granted he hadn’t met many people since he came because he had been settling in. He gave her a friendly grin. ”’Ello, miss.” He sat down and let Saorise down to play. She started to wrestle with a stick. He started strumming the beginning of the tone “Spanish Lady.”

WC:335 OOC: Big Grin

Shawchert was taking watch high up in the trees as he normally did. There wasn’t much that Shawchert didn’t see, though he would have offered Bangle any help he needed, he seemed ot have it under control. Shaw could see now the bonfire, and then heard the call. He waited a little bit to see a few people coming in. Shawchert figured he’d make his own appearance. It seemed like a celebration and he had so little to be joyful about, but to think of something happy for once, was nice. He moved into the light, the talles of them all, and had a smile on his face when he saw Bangle and his pups. He could see that one was still missing, but he had learned that it was not common knowledge about it, so he was not going to mention it here and now.

“Bangle, it’s good to see you again. I’m happy that you’re in one piece.”

Shawchert said. He then looked to the pups, and his hand went automatically to the flute around his neck. He hesitated, but only for a second, the children had him in their invisible clutches and he couldn’t help but put the instrument to his lips. It hadn’t been played in a while, but he still remembered how, and the sound was long sweet and beautiful to the ears. Shaw was always going to be a musician, just as he was always going to be a carpenter. It was in his nature and right now was the perfect time to take up his flute again, at least for tonight. He looked at the others that had come and nodded his head, he did not know them by name, though he had seen them at least once since he got back, he had interest in getting to know his pack mates, and wanted to make sure they were citizens who wanted to be here to live and take care of one another.

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Table by Sorin

WC:000+ - OOC blah would go here

She'd been alone in her house, with Casper in the yard and all of her patients sent home. Not cleaning, not redecorating, not really working in any way. She sat in her big reclining chair, nude save for a pair of shorts and a wrap of gauze around her chest and arm. She'd been overheating all day because of the summer sun, so she'd opted for as little clothes as possible. Of course, it hadn't gotten too much better outside, even during the late evening as it was. There was a breeze outside but Sky hadn't noticed yet, too absorbed in one of her many books to care anyway.

Her world of fantasy vanished, however, when a familliar howl lit the air outside. With an odd sort of calmness, she looked up and closed her book, slipping in a bookmark at the last second. Sounds like Bangle. Maybe he's calling the pack for a meeting or something for Skye... She thought, shortly before the twin voices of her 'sons' piped up with, Maybe Tal will be there! We should go check it out.

Hm... Sky hummed softly to herself in thought. She headed up to her room, grabbing a rather nice skirt (long and flowy and a mix of blues and whites) she'd found a few days earlier on a trip to Halifax for a restock, as well as a tube top she'd fashioned out of some blue cloth and silvery-white beads. As soon as she was dressed, she was out the door and off to check out what the call was for.

As she approached, she realized quickly that this was no meeting. This was another celebration, this time hosted by Bangle himself. Instantly her mind had decided for her that she'd be thrilled to take part, even if she hadn't been very fun as of late. So she wore a grin and a bounce in her step as she joined the others, her tail flicking unevenly behind her as usual.

Then her ears picked up a familliar but lost sound, like a ghost of the past... or a flute? Sky glanced around for the source and spotted a very good reason for staying home. Shawchert. Ah, but he's playing his flute again... maybe it won't be so bad to have fun, just this once. Even if he's here. Her smile, which had faded upon spotted the ex-leader, returned with a timid excitement. She cocked her head and perked her ears to catch the tune before grinning and then... singing.

There's this town that I call home~
This pleasant town from which I roamed~
Always on my mind...

And of course, whenever Sky sang a cheery song, one which just now sounded beautiful, matching the flute's music perfectly note-for-note, she started dancing. Not dancing as in, jumping around and twirling... but more like... acting out a character in a play. Each step looked rehearsed timelessly, her hips slowly swaying each time she took a smooth stride.

Deep in Thornbury...
There's a different sort of wolf.
An artist with a trade...
Only looking for good.

I know the people,
the name that they own,
Listen now, my friends,
to the tale I'm to tell...!

Which pack sees what others don't
and which pack knows their arts?
Which pack loves what most don't see?
Cercatori d'Arte!

Sky hadn't lost her touch, not in the least. Her voice was cheery and happy, almost innocent in a way. Her eyes flicked over to Shawchert and this time, she showed no remorse or fury... only a friendly, inviting smile. Her gaze didn't linger though as she moved aside and offered a bright smile and a short wave to each person she danced by... on her way over to literally tug poor Mya into a playful twirl. Don't be so stoic, my dear. Dance!

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The alphess hadn't seen too much of her mate since the argument they had about the pups, but now she was wondering where he had gone with them; they went missing after she came back from tending to the garden. She didn't have too much time to brood about what became of them, however, when she learned the answer several moments later - from her front porch, she heard the familiar yowl of her coywolf mate coming from the center of Thornbury.

Her interest involuntarily piqued, she lolloped towards the square in the center of the town, finding numerous surprises there - an enormous fire, smells wafting towards her that scented like all kinds of meat and vegetables, Mya talking to Bangle, Shawchert playing his flute, Sky singing to his tune about the pack that they lived in. It brought a smile to Skye's face, a smile that hadn't graced that face in a long time.

Finally, she saw Bangle, and saw her pups on the floor, attempting to mimic Sky's moves, but failing due to their Lupus form. Laughing, she walked over to Bangle in tune with Shawchert's melody and, as Sky had done with Mya, made to grasp him and begin to dance with him. Skye wasn't an expert dancer like Valinta had been, but she wasn't bad either, and she fit in with the rest of the members - this was her home, and she loved it. Looking at Bangle, she grinned, letting him know that all was forgiven.

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OOC - Crap post, more like improvising at Sky's dancing with her.

She gasped in surprise as Sky pulled her up. She wasn't use to such a happy celebration, especially one with dancing. Laughing, she started moving as best as she could along with the music and Sky. It wasn't usual, that was for sure, but if this is what a pack did for fun she could definitely get use to it. The music was filling her ears, swelling through her body in happiness that assured Mya this was what having a home was about.

Twirling Sky around, she half skipped half danced around the slowly growing crowd of pack members. Blue eyes dashing joyfully across the instruments and their players. When she had done her weird but acceptable dancing around the circle, she let go of Sky starting to clap with the music. Once again she dashed her eyes over the party.

Her mother would have been so pleased. Satisfaction all over her face and deep in those bright blue eyes just as Mya's were now. "I'm so proud of you, Mya," was what she would have said. "This is what having a home is truely about." She started to laugh at herself, trying to hide the way her eyes were watering up in triumph. Sure, it'd been a few days having a home in the pack, but until now it obviously hadn't sunk fully in that her mother's goal in life had finally been fulfilled. She could finally release all that pain of losing her family in the past, and cope with the present like others. And that meant everything to her.

Throwing back her head, a loud howl filled the air with the music. She didn't really see it coming, maybe it was even kind of embarrassing later, but at that point it didn't care much. Mya jumped back into the dancing and singing. Soon she went on to even picking up enough words to get her through the song; which was a plus since normally she never sang for anyone or even attempted it. Yes, indeed, the Buffalo Wolf had finally found her place to belong in the world.

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Whoohoo :3

Word Count → 520

It did not take long before others began to arrive, and Bangle's grin grew wider with each person that came. First was an unfamiliar woman, who had approached nervously. Bangle's bat-like ears flicked forward, and offered a welcome smile as he stood, his pups hopping to the ground. "'Course! 'Tis a celebration, after all!" And then, another unfamiliar face approached, and the craftsman kept the same expression on his face. "'Elo friend--" He would have said more, had Erzulie not bounded up to the new pup that entered the scene and wriggled her body playfully. "Hey! Ya wanna play?" A chuckle came from the coywolf, and looked at both faces in turn. "Name's Bangle," he introduced himself with a cheeky grin, his hands on his hips.

Bangle crouched down then to Robert, who sat there looking shy as he watched his sister attempting to engage the strange pup. "Why don' yeh go play, mn?" But Robert shook his head immediately and looked up with his violet eyes back into his father's orange ones. There was just no convincing his young son to be forward with newcomers. When the male stood up, he looked to see a familiar, tall figure entering the scene. The coywolf had already pushed aside his sadness about the loss of his other son for the night, and would for the rest of the night, approaching the familiar face. "Shaw!"

The former gypsy hadn't seen the man since he left, and was unsure how long he had been back for. Regardless, Bangle's first friend had returned, and looked the same. The coywolf clapped the man on the arm, as high as he could reach given the difference in height of the pair. He stepped away when Shaw began to eye his pups, who looked a bit apprehensive of the extremely tall wolf. "Shaw, these're meh lil' minions, Erzulie 'n Robert." By this point in time, however, Shawchert had taken his flute and put it to his lips. Behind him, Bangle heard Sky's sing-song voice, as she approached with a tune Bangle hadn't yet heard.

But the lyrics and timing seemed right, for Skye had appeared. Bangle took a step around Shaw, and Sky who had begun to dance with the other female present, but hesitated coming closer. Even his pups had forgotten about what they were doing and began to dance. "Skye--" He began, but had no words for her. He wanted to bring the pack together in a celebration, for it was long overdue, but it was also his way of apologizing to his red-headed mate for the quarrel they had upon his return without Nathaniel. He regretted the words he yelled at her that evening, and since then had spent more time with his children.

Skye said nothing, and instead took his hand and began to dance to the tune Shawchert played, and with a guffaw into the open air, he knew she had forgiven him. His heart danced along in his chest as he moved to the beat of his friend's flute, knowing the music would attract others to the happy scenery.

Image courtesy of Dan Zen@Flickr; table template by the Mentors!

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OOC: EDIT: Edited 8-5 due to me missreading, sorry guys

Shaw couldn’t help but smile at Bangle’s answer, he had barely changed even after becoming a mated man AND a father. He nodded, though he met them before, one of thechildren “accepted” him back into the pack.

Once he began playing the flute Sky came. He couldn’t not expect her to be here, but her smiled died as soon as she saw him and his heart sank and felt as though it had been punctured my many little spears... how could she not love him anymore after all they’d been through. Those were his thoughts but they did not deturr him from his playing, and there was barely even a skip. Sky did what he knew she did best besides being a doctor and as her voice rang through his ears his heart melted and he wanted to drop his flute and just kiss her right there in front of everyone, but the man knew better, for one she hated him, and another he was now their official performer, which he loved. He did however, see her inviting look, and his eyes twinkled a little, not sure what it meant but, was he gettign to her? Perhaps playing his flute for her again would help sew the ties, like a seranade, he would have to put that into action later. He continued playing smiling as Skye came and started dancing with Bangle. Mya, he had never met, but she seemed at ease in the pack, and he heard her howl, forcing himself not to respond in kind. He was happy, though still reserved. He did not let out his enthusiasm or any of his emotions freely these days. He continued to play the flute and let his thoughts sink in as he watched the scene around him.

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He heard the call. His heart lightened as he laid aside his book. He'd been reading more in depth about crystals and their various uses. It didn't take him long to join the group. He gave a cheery smile to Bangle and Skye, his eyes glancing over the pups. His mind drifted, as it often did, to his own son. The young boy was off wandering yet again. Seemed every time he turned around, the pup was getting himself in more trouble. His heart leapt as he watched Sky and Mya dancing. He put his hands in the back pockets of his jeans, grinning at the woman in the flowing skirt and tube top. He laughed as Mya released Sky and joined the clapping.

It took only seconds for the male to approach the femme and offer his hand to her. He bowed deeply, his mis-matched eyes dancing. "May I have this dance, Lady Sky?" His tail wagged slowly, his heart pounding in his chest.

OOC - This celebration has a lot of emotion.

Mya noticed Tal walk in instantly, his familiar face and scent sweeping over toward her. She started to breath a bit hard, growing more and more excited. Would he ask me dance? She felt her smile on her lips grow more meaningful as she ran her hand through her hair. She'd favored him from the instant they'd met. She'd also never danced with a boy, though now it appeared this was the time for exploring new things.

Chuckling a bit nervously, she started to walk to meet half way with the male. That's when she finally focused on his eyes. Such joy and happiness that sat behind them, seeping through. It was all focused on Sky. Sky who'd danced with her. Sky who'd met her on the border that day, so intimidating and scary. Sky who wasn't Mya, and who obviously had attracted the eyes of Tal.

Trying to not look idiotic, she side stepped over to where she'd left her kitten. "Come here, kit." she said quietly as the feline bound into her arms. "We can just dance by ourselves," she whispered a bit mad. Then she turned with the mewing kitten held against her, dancing along to the music.

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WC:000+ - Oh look, Sky's making all sorts of people upset tonight. XD

Sky was still twirling a bit in dance even after Mya let go, so when she noticed Tal, she jerked to a stop and look down, eyes alert and tail still flicking. The sight was darling; Tal inviting her to dance just like a real gentleman. For a moment, she'd forgotten her company. Her hand reached out to his and she smiled. Let's dance. She took his hand and would dance with him no matter the style he chose, simply happy to be spending a moment with her crush.

When Mya howled, it hauled Sky back into reality. There were people all around her, Skye and Bangle dancing nearby. Mya rejoicing a few feet away. That Rory fellow nearby and the puppies... and Shawchert, playing the flute. Her eyes lingered on him a moment, showing no emotion for him, though her mind begged the question; Who was really the cruel one here? The man who lost his family, or the woman who danced on his shattered heart?

Still, she forced her eyes away without showing off her thoughts to look back at Tal with an excited smile. Bad thoughts wouldn't ruin her fun. Not tonight.

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OOC: Shaw is sad ; ;

Shawchert played on, but his eyes locked on Sky’s as soon as Tal came to her, and when they started dancing his whole world came crashing down. Yet the only faulter anyone would hear from his flute was just one wrongly placed finger that was immidiately saved with another part of the tune and he forced himself to close his eyes. How could she? After all this time, after all they’d been through... but she was just dancing right? That smile though... that was the smile she had saved just for him. Suddenly his thoughts went to.... ‘Is this even worth it?’ She had obviously moved on. Was that why she hated him so much? His heart ached and he wished to know what was going on. He had been fighting for the singing doctor much of his time here in Cercatori. He never left her. He may have left because his own mother was in danger, yes possibly leaving the pack open for more tastelessness, but he thought that his leaving was for the good. That established Skye as their leader and not him. He continued to play, to let them have their fun, but he already knew that when he was tired out he would go back on patrol.

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Table by Gen

Word Count → 000

Galileo had noted the hustle and bustle fairly early on, but he had paid little attention to it at that point. When he had decided to get up and out of bed, he dressed sparingly. He had pulled on his suite trousers, brushed his hair and put on a simple silver chain around his neck. There was no need for a shirt when it was a party, he partial lapse back towards his old self, but hey it was a party.

When he arrived he hung back, merely sitting and watching the excitement unfold, taking occasional sips from his flask. While he had no wish to partake in any dancing nor any dancing, it did entertain him to watch. And if conversation came upon the table then that was something he would gladly partake in. Speech was something he found himself excelling in, he was never at a loss for any words.

He hadn't seen Aslan anywhere in the past few days. Which worried him, slightly though. Io would have his head if anything happened to her son. And seeing how she acted over the fact they were in fact half siblings, he wasn't under any influence that it would be a good idea to irritate her again.

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His eyes were only for Sky, he'd barely registered Mya or the others. She accepted his invitation to dance, and he pulled her to him. He stood 6'4" to her 5'1", but he smiled down at her, his eyes warm. He leaned down slightly, his arms holding her protectively, his voice a soft whisper. "You are beautiful, Sky." He straightened, his eyes not leaving her face. He watched her eyes go to Shaw.

For a moment, his heart ached, and then her gaze returned to him, her eyes smiling at him, for him. His heart lightened, leapt, and he spun her around, laughing. One day he would ask her to be his mate. But for now, until he knew she was ready, he would be pleased simply to continue courting her.

OOC - Alright, Mya's gone. I really like how she's all crazy over Tal for really no reason at all. XD

As she danced with the tiny murky feline her eyes glazed over and thoughts whirled in her head. She should have known. Of course he liked someone... Her heart had sunk down to her stomach and her brain's gears were in dire need of a good oil. She slowly released the cat from her grasp robotically, in which a yelp was echoed somewhere distant from the kitten's mouth. Mya turned, hardly breathing, to get one last glance of the dancing pair.


She felt the dizzy feeling come over her as her zoned-in senses picked up the words he uttered. Beautiful. He thought she was beautiful. With one last disappointed frown she bent to pick the cat back up roughly in her arms. "I can't be here," the female heard herself say. Then her legs carried her as far away as she could manage before anyone could notice her. Of course, no one would notice her anyways. Tal hadn't. Why would anyone else?

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This amazing table by Sunny!
As more wolves came, they started play a tune that he didn’t know but picked up fairly easily. Rory then switched to playing along with the music. Another pup wanted to play with Saorise and she looked for his permission. He nodded and she went to play with the other pup while the female pup’s sibling stayed behind his father. He gave the boy a warm smile to help encourage him.

Everyone was having a good time and dancing along with the music. Except for one female who ran away. He made sure that his niece was alright with others and then got up and hurried after the female. ”Miss, are ye alright? Yer missin’ a lot o’ the fun. If ye want, ye can sit next ta me. I won’t be dancin’ but ye can be part o’ the still. What do ye say?” He gave her a friendly and hopeful smile.

Rory started to head back, looking back at her. ”I understand if ye want to be alone bu’ ye can come join me when yer ready, alright lass?” With a final smile at her, he headed back to the fire, playing his mandolin, all while watching to see if the lady would take him up on his offer.

OOC - Lol She’s gonna sit, but not say anything at all, and hopefully since its dark this will be the reason you don’t recognize her in the other thread.

Word Count → 171

She paused in her walking as she heard the irish voice. Someone cared? Her stomach felt like it was up in her throat still, but she slowly turned around and hid her face with the kitten so no one could see. “That’s very kind of you. Thanks,” she muttered before walking over to him. The male turned off toward the party again, looking back once more at Mya.

She re-entered the party, pulling her emotions out of her face and deep inside somewhere to be buried from the others. Sitting herself down beside the mandolin player she began to listen to the instrument’s song. It was definitely a pretty sound that came from the small-banjo looking thing. She forced a smile into her eyes alone, letting her kitten’s soft purr from down on her lap slowly relax her. She stroked Rose’s neck and body to the feline’s liking, and tried to keep her eyes away from the dancing pair she was so utterly aware of without wanting to be.

Table code by Cait and/or the Mentors!

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yeah this will prolly be my last Gal post in this thread since he's not a party person :| he is in fact a very dull person for such a fun pack.

Galileo watched as the dog creature with the annoying accent offered to join another female in the act of sitting down. He himself moved over to a secluded spot where he wouldn't be noticed. While he didn't enjoy participating in things like this, he found some amount of pleasure when watching them unfold. He had left Apep back at his shop, there was no need for him to be out. Quite a few creatures here were afraid of snakes, so with the curtosy that came with being in a pack he had denied he reptile his adventures. He didn't suppose that the slippery bugger would enjoy the noise anyhow.

He chose to seat himself under a low branched tree, the boughs hung down and partly covered himself while he stared out and let the party take place. He couldn't decide whether he would have prefered to stay home or what. The celebration would have effected him anyway, he lived in Thronbury, a stones throw away from the central area too. He hadn't really wanted to stay cooped up all night so this had been the only choice. If he wanted to stay in the pack it would be a good idea to get used to it.


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