The Fire that Fills Us with Passion will Never Die

(Nootau: Visible)

It had almost been a snap decision to do what she was doing then. Ever since the falling of the Spirit Oak south of the village, Ralla had been a little saddened to see the old tree fall and decay as it was. Its once large and reaching branches had been shattered and scattered by the snowstorm, and many of the spirit guide carvings had become unrecognizable from the wearing and breaking. But the tree that Ralla and her family made their home in was new and strong, and would live and grow for many, many seasons more. She had taken a knife she had cluttered about the many knick-knacks and things strewn about her home and went down to the root of the tree, where she would begin.

Like many AniWayan homes, and by tradition, the family unit was unique and very closely held together. Ralla would have her home in the red maple and the observatory go to no one but her descendants, and so she held the knife point to the tree's bark and began the slow process of chiseling the shape of an owl into it. She chanted in her mind the ancient AniWayan words of prayer for imbuing an object with the protection of the spirits as she did so, and Nootau looked on from a branch above. He had been more silent than normal ever since Maska arrived, and the activity the white woman was doing was but a pleasant distraction from all the hate and pain he had brought. Ralla knew what she had to do to stop everything, but she didn't want to leave her children behind or put them in danger. She would have to be careful, but...should all else fail, her mark would be left in the tree. The mother had heard that Ayasha had received her own spirit guide, recently, and wanted to let Ayasha carve her giude--whatever it was--into the tree as well. The family would live in a living totem pole.

Moon walks. "Moon talks." Moon thinks.

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[Image: Ralla_by_Nina2.png]
OOC: Dichali is visible Tongue

IC:Ayasha had been contemplating what to do with the newcomers. She wanted them out and Dawali back in power. She had asked her new spirit guide about if the spirits were unhappy with them or Dawali but he would only say that he was happy to guide her. Her glare was enough to send Dichali into a fit of giggles. The blue jay was much like her in personality and how much they both talked. But he was at times a bit annoying.

So she had gone on a patrol to clear her mind early in the morning but it didn’t help. So she headed back to the treehouse. But she was a bit surprised to see her mother carving onto the base of the tree. ”Mom? What are you doing?” Her eyebrow was raised in curiosity and her head was cocked to the side. She felt Dichali land on her shoulder and say, ”Hello, ma’am. How are you today? What’s up Nootau?” The bird would have gone on if it weren’t for Ayasha’s exasperated look. But he did give her a cheeky grin.

She walked up to the tree and could see the beginnings of the carving of Nootau. So her mother was planning on carving they’re spirit guides into the tree? ”Is this like what the Tribe did with the Spirit Oak?” She remembered Ralla telling her about it. At least she thought that it was her mother. ”Where might my siblings be?” She was rather curious about that.

"Oh, Ayasha. Good timing," Ralla said with a smile as she paused to see her daughter coming up behind her. She was also pleased to see a bird alight on the white girl's shoulder and then speak quite clearly--a feat not often managed by mortal, normal birds. Which could only mean one thing. She nodded respectfully to the bird--a blue jay--and giggled when Nootau gave the bird a quiet clicking of his beak. "I see you've found a charge," was all he said, a comment more than a response. Nootau was not often one for words, but was more of The barn owl turned his head to Ayasha and looked at her with those inkwell eyes. "Careful that Dichali does not talk you into trouble." At that Ralla gave her own spirit guide a raised eyebrow, a look that said 'a guide guiding a guide?' Well, there have been stranger things, but Ralla trusted that there wouldn't be a spirit guide that didn't have a clue to what its duty was; if Dichali was a spirit guide, then he would fulfill his duty rightly.

"I thought to mark the tree as ours," the mother said a little too simply, stroking the marked bark with her palm. She was almost finished. "A 'family totem', almost." When Ayasha came next to her, Ralla patted her head and stroked her hair like she had when she was younger, looking at the tree with her daughter. "Yes, just like that. But when the Spirit Oak broke from the earth from the snowstorm, it lost its connection to the earth, and so it is no longer half as powerful as it once was. But with this tree, we can carve our family's spirit guides, so that they may protect our later generations as well. Think of it, sweeheart; we are the beginnings of a family tradition." Not to say that the idea of the tradition was theirs to start, but the act of doing it for their home was quite theirs. "We must carve in Dichali as well," she said after a moment of contemplation. "And you must be the one to do it." So saying, Ralla finished a line or two--Nootau's carving being nothing more than the outline of a barn owl, since Ralla was not a skilled Gatlvska like Shiloh or Claudius--before giving the knife over to Ayasha. "Take your time." At being asked where the pups were, Ralla nodded behind the woodstock pile that was leaning against the trunk of the tree. Despite her having lost her position as Etikaiele Gata, the white mother still had a large stock of the lumber, the tower being held in check by two wooden posts that kept the logs from rolling away. And just around the corner, as she said, Alaster and Ahiga were wrestling, Aleu debating on whether or not it was worth her time to get her fur dirty.

Moon walks. "Moon talks." Moon thinks.

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[Image: Ralla_by_Nina2.png]
She gave her mother a smile in return. Ayasha was pleased that her mother was pleased to see Dichali. He seemed happy with himself and Ayasha rolled her eyes at him. She turned her attention to Nootau. She had never heard him speak, much less to her. But at his words of advice, she gave a snort. ”I don’t think that will be a problem.” Dichali was silent but gave them both an offended look and Ayasha giggled. He flew to a branch on the opposite side of the tree than Nootau was on and glared at them.

She gave a purring-like sound as her mother stroked her hair. That was something that she loved to have Ralla do. It was relaxing and showed how much her mother loved her. ”How exactly will it protect as? Will it do something about the newcomers?” Dichali gave her an encouraging nod at her question. At being able to carve Dichali, she gave a little happy dance, to which Dichali gave a laugh. She glared at him but accepted her mother’s knife. ”This will be bit different for me. I’m used to working on a single piece of wood and using stones for it.”

She started to carve the spirit guide into the bark and her skill was better than her mother’s. Though it was due to the fact that she had learned to carve from a Gatlvska, Shiloh. She first carved the outline and then started on the details, removing some of the bark and leaving some, creating a slight 3D effect. At her siblings, she nodded and asked with a smirk, ”Is Aleu still a princess? She really shouldn’t worry about her fur getting dirty. With her fur being brown, it doesn’t show, unlike the rest of us.” She knew that Aleu felt alienated sometimes because she was a different color than the rest of her family, including her.
OOC: Late and fail-post >_>

Nootau paid no heed to the glare and only went back about his business observing them all, quiet as before. "Well..." Ralla started, an iffy look on her face. "It's supposed to protect us from evil spirits. As for the newcomers..." Ralla took a quick look around to make sure no one was listening. "They are a different matter entirely, Ayasha. The spirit realm is quite different from the mortal one, and there are many things that we must deal with by ourselves. If we never overcame trials by ourselves, we would be unworthy to step into the spirit realm." It was all very worrying, but in truth, Ralla hoped that the carvings would protect them from the newcomers as well.

Ralla chuckled at Ayasha's description of her little sister, which was quite correct in every fashion. "Yes, I suppose she just doesn't like the feeling. But you're right; I remember when you were younger and would come home caked with dirt from exploring." Those were the days when Ralla was carefree and innocent of the world's troubles. Now she was experiencing them, and it all seemed too fast. "It won't last forever, this hardship," she said with certainty as she looked at her daughter's carving above her own--two birds, each in differing personality and species, but of the same purpose and power. "The spirits have not abandoned us."

Moon walks. "Moon talks." Moon thinks.
Ayasha giggled a little at Nootau ignoring the glare Dichali gave him but turned her attention to her mother. She frowned but understood what Ralla was saying. ”What are we going to do about them?” She asked in a soft voice. She knew that it was dangerous to talk about but she needed her mother’s guidance. Or at least support or suggestions.

She gave a snort of laughter at her sister not liking the feeling of mud. ”Do you know what might help? If you push her into the mud, and then join her in it.” She was only partly serious but did have a wistful look on her face about joining her siblings in the mud. But at her mother’s comment of her coming home caked with mud. ”Well there maybe time for me to do that again.” If she ever needed to hide, she would need to cover herself in mud.

Ayasha gave Ralla an incredulous look at it not lasting forever. ”It feels like its lasted too long already, mom. I don’t like it.” She followed her mother’s eyes to the carving of the birds and then glanced up at Nootau and Dichali. Her spirit guide gave her a look that said ‘I won’t abandon you.’ Still looking at Dichali, she said, ”No, they haven’t. And I don’t think they will for awhile.”

Ralla sighed and quirked her head to the side as if she were truly considering and weighing the options. "Nothing now," she said, knowing how this must sound to her spitfire daughter. "Sometimes, even if it hurts us, it is better to be patient and wait. Moving too early can set off bad repercussions that...that we can't afford." Those repercussions, of course, going as far as death itself.

Ralla giggled at the suggestion. "That's a marvelous idea, actually. I'll give it a go...but maybe without 'pushing' her in. And don't purposefully do it--I have enough trouble getting your brothers cleaned every time they get home." Which was complete truth. The subject once again turned dark, and the white mother could feel the pain in her child and tribe--how much those words rang true, even if, in reality, they were not. "No one does, sweetheart. And it's natural for us to feel this way. Pack law says that the strong lead, and if our leader defers, so must we." It was just the natural order of things, that. "But this new leader...well, I'm sure you know what I think of him. But as I said before, it is best to sit and wait for now. It is not our place--and no longer mine--to make such decisions, and it is now our duty to follow pack law. But I can promise you this, at least: We will soon see who the pack will choose to follow." That message was more cryptic than perhaps it sounded. In truth, even though the strong did lead a pack and pack law dictated obedience, it was the pack itself that chose its leader. While saying who they chose was one thing, acting upon it--and thereby affirming the choice in stone--was a different thing entirely. Ralla had plans to do the latter.

She need only wait, and be patient.

Moon walks. "Moon talks." Moon thinks.

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[Image: Ralla_by_Nina2.png]
Ayasha understood what her mother said and why but didn’t really like it. ”Mom, I’m not sure how long I can wait and not do anything. But you have a plan?” She wasn’t sure if her mother would tell her but she hoped that she would.

Ayasha snorted in response. ”My suggestion might work better. And I can clean up myself, thank you very much.” She leaned in and whispered. ”But I was more talking about hiding from bad wolves.” She hoped that her mother would get what she was talking about.

She nodded at Ralla’s talk about leaders and leadership. ”What if our leader is weak? And if he disagrees with our choice?” The first question was referring to Maska and the second to both Maska and Dawali. She had the feeling that Dawali might disagree with becoming the leader. ”If what Maska says about the spirits not choosing Dawali, why are all the spirits here?” She had to know why. Dichali nodded at her question. She whispered to her mother again. ”I’ll follow you and our leader. No matter where that takes me.” Her words were honest and fervent. She would follow her mother and Dawali to whatever end, even if it meant death.
Your next post ends it? Unless you want to actually play out an AniWayan quiz? XD

Ralla never lied to her daughter--it was immoral, and guilt would gnaw at her--lying she just could never do. Dance around the truth? Maybe. For the moment, the snowy woman could see that she was depressing her child more than she wanted to, so with a smile she bent down to pick the young girl up. It had been ages since she had done so, and Ayasha was no longer a little pup, but Ralla was no longer pregnant and the movement came easy to her after almost a year of hauling firewood. My plan, the Great Spirit's plan, the moon's plan--everyone has a path set for them, sweetheart. It's up to us to follow them. As for your little camouflage plan, I think it's brilliant, she said in full support of her little one. That was the greatest thing she as a mother could do: Give her support.

"If he is weak he will be overthrown--that's the simple rule of pack law. But although he may seem weak in body, sweetheart, one's physical strength doesn't make the man. He can be very cunning, and it seems as if he is so, bringing along the Guardians. So long as they are there, he has support, and the pack cannot overthrow him. The woman knew that pack law was often controversial and confusing, but it was just the way things were. It was up to individuals to start the wave, but sometimes it took more than a single person to keep the wave going. The spirit guides are only a small part of the grand design, Ralla began, seeing Nootau shoot her a look that said 'I'm small?' along with the mental color of bright green for envy or questioning. Oh hush you, she said playfully to Nootau before continuing her explanation. The spirit guides are part of the spirit plane, but when they are there they are a part of the Great Spirit--the spirit of all and grand origin. The Great Spirit is, thence, the final decision on all matters. However, you raise a good point. Spirit guides may be branches of it--and hence all have different thoughts on how their charges follow their paths--but if the Great Spirit were truly against this pack and Dawali, it would've called back our spirit guides, marking us as unworthy. I'm afraid if that had happened...we'd have no choice but to completely accept out position. It was true; so long as the spirit guides were there, there was hope. But see how differently our two spirit guides guide us: Nootau steers me to be observant and calm, but Dichali guides you to be outspoken and thirsting for answers. These are the ways that our own spirit guides shepherd us in our paths. Likewise, Maska's own spirit guide must have a plan for him as well. We ourselves might not agree with it, but there it is.

I'm glad to hear that, Ralla said with sincere thanks, giving her daughter a tight squeeze. So long as it's what you believe in. Now come, if you're done with your duties, I think I should quiz you and your siblings on your AniWayan. It's certainly been long enough. With that Ralla turned and made her way to behind the wood stack with Ayasha in her arms, and as their spirit guides followed them, the carvings of the two avians remained on the tree like faithful guardians.

Moon walks. Moon talks. Moon thinks.

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[Image: Ralla_by_Nina2.png]
OOC: Sure. And don't mind her mutterings. She doesn't plan on acting on them...probably Tongue

IC: Ayasha was slightly surprised that her mother was able to pick her up. Granted, she was small and Ralla was surprisingly strong. She snuggled slightly against her shoulder and nodded at what her mother said. Her blues eyes were happy that her mother would support her. She sighed. ”There may be a time when we all might get dirty, mom.” And she didn’t necessarily mean with dirt and mud to camouflage herself. But she wouldn’t voice the other possibilities.

She muttered darkly. ”I could just stab him in his sleep.” And she wasn’t really joking. But it was unlikely she would do it. She may dislike Maska and his cronies, she didn’t want to start acting like them. So she contented herself to think rebellious and murderous thoughts. She broke into giggles at the conversation between Ralla and Nootau. ”That hare is up to no good, I’m sure of it!” She looked surprised as Dichali spoke but saw his determined look.

She gave a slight squeak at the squeeze that her mother gave her. ”No problem.” Her voice was a bit tight as she spoke during her mother’s squeeze. She nodded at being done with her duties but wasn’t sure how the quiz would go. Alaster would probably win. Nerd, she thought fondly.

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