Colors across the sky.

Word Count: 336

The daylight was starting to fade, seeping away into the darkness that heralded the onset of nighttime. Not usually a big fan of the dark, Melee did enjoy watching sunsets when she had the opportunity. So it was that instead of heading home after a long day of hiking around her pack's lands, the young female had found a vantage point from which she could watch the sunrise in a mostly unobstructed way. The girl's bi-toned gaze watched the colors of the sunset. The way that the reds and yellows and oranges painted a normally blue sky fascinated her. She wondered why the colors came out as the sun set; why before that was the sky completely blue? It was only occasionally marred by the white, gray, or even black of storm clouds. Other colors were normally absent, except as day passed to night and vice versa.

She let her thoughts about the day pool in her mind as she listened to the settling down of the pack's lands. Birds were getting quieter, the farm animals had ceased their noises, other prey animals were growing quiet. The only animal that avidly heralded the oncoming night was the owl. She could hear one hooting across the land as she sat. Occasionally she would hear something that didn't mesh with the growing silence: voices talking, pawsteps on the ground, or other noises that she associated with her packmates. Some of them might not be yet preparing for a night of sleep. She wasn't even preparing for sleep just yet; soon, yes, but not yet. Sunset wasn't the end of her day. Tonight, in fact, she had plans to head home and grab some things and then head out again. There would be enough starlight and moonlight that she wasn't worried about the darkness that would also be present.

For now, though, she was enjoying just sitting and watching the sunset. Thoughts about what she had done that day already and what she had left to do could wait.

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OOC:Sorry for the wait dear!
Word Count:533

The excitement and energy of the autumn festival and mateship ceremony had clung to Nayru for some days. The woman hadn't tried to shake it, nor had she tried to keep it, but it persisted like the smell of the bonfire clinging to her coat. At night it kept her from falling into slumber and in the morning it rose her early. She would sit up and turn to Gideon, who more often than not was still fast asleep. Closely she inspected him for some change, some tangible sign that the energy she felt had affected him. She could find none. Then she could analyze herself, wondering if the energy had changed her. It hadn't. Aside from the awkward day, and then the awkward night, they had joined themselves together, Nayru could see no difference in how they felt or acted. Slowly, day by day, the energy lost some of it's force until the day turned into nothing more than a good memory. Life was as it was before, the only difference being that Gideon and Nayru had finally put a label on what they felt. And yet, Nayru wondered if it shouldn't be something more also.

And so it was that Nayru walked about the lands with yet another title to her. Mate to Gideon. Wife Saul had called it. Nayru knew herself not to be a wife, because that term was foreign to her, but name the others put upon it, she now was one of them. Yet this did not affect her, for she still moved with the near silent steps and cat like speed that had always been characteristic of her. Nor did it affect her thoughts, which had reverted perhaps even to the steady and stable wavelength they had been on before the move. She felt more herself once again. And it was simply herself, making rounds about the pack lands for the evening that stumbled upon Melee. The girl was alone, and Nayru was pleased to find her so. Nayru, ever the watchful and receptive being she was, had seen the strain and unhappiness that had accompanied Melee's face the day of the mateship ceremony. This had trouble Nayru, but ever since the girl had been elusive to her and so Nayru had had to put aside the thought. Now she had caught the younger one by herself and the slick woman had no qualms about taking the opportunity.

Coming up behind her, Nayru spoke louder than usual but for her it meant only reaching a quiet-to-normal speaking volume. "Good evening Melee." Her intention was to announce her presence, in case Melee hadn’t caught her scent or the barely audible sounds of the footfalls her small body made. Grown, Melee both was taller and larger than the tiny Nayru herself, but the growth had come so slowly and Nayru had been there to witness it all that it was hardly surprising when Nayru stood next to the girl and seemed dwarfed by her. "Would you mind terribly if I joined you?" Her voice dropped back to it's cool whisper, but now, standing near to Melee, the girl would know to catch the quiet words of the woman.

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Word Count: 502

No worries, dear! :3

Heat was seeping out of the land with the setting sun. She stood calmly and let it leave, though she didn't feel cold. It was the middle of the summer and she had a warm coat of fur to keep her warm even if it wasn't. The girl smiled upward, her nostrils flaring to take in the last scents of the daytime. That same inhale also sucked in a smell she hadn't anticipated or wanted - Nayru. Her body tightened, her arms instinctively crossing against her chest in a defensive gesture. Though she had caught the scent somewhat early - Nayru was still far enough away that she could probably walk away - Melee didn't move. It might been seen as an active snub of the leader, and she still didn't want to harm her stepmother. As awkward and unhappy as the whole situation made her, that didn't mean that she wanted to bring unhappiness to the union. She had known Nayru as far back as she could remember, they were practically family... well, she supposed, now they were really family.

Her arms uncurled from her chest to fall down by her sides again before Nayru came up behind her. The words were anticipated, so she didn't jump or move away. Instead, she half-turned with the faintest glimpse of a smile on her dark lips. It wasn't the usual beaming grin of the mischievous Soul wolf, but it wasn't a blank expression either. The girl's face was happy, it just wasn't as gleefully happy as it was so often. That was fine, though, it wasn't as if she always had to be that happy... right? She knew that it probably meant Nayru could tell she was unhappy and uncomfortable. After all, Melee was the sort to grab someone in a hug, to grin and laugh and energetically... that feeling had returned when she was with Saul, but her stepmother was a different story. There was a gap between them, at least in Melee's mind.

At the question of the leader, she smiled a bit more. The quiet nature of her stepmother was an interesting counterpoint to Melee's own exuberant nature. Though that exuberance was tempered right now by her uncomfortable feelings. They felt like butterflies in her stomach, but not the good kind. "You are more than welcome to join me... the sun's almost gone, though." she remarked, as if Nayru was there to watch the sunset. As if there wasn't something else that could easily occupy their attention in a minute. Melee silently hoped that the other female wouldn't bring up the elephant in the room... then, maybe, they could have a peaceful time in each other's company. Even though Scorpius had encouraged her to speak with Nayru and Gideon, she wanted to talk to Gideon first... or at least the two of them together. Not just Nayru. She wasn't sure if she was ready for that just yet. Maybe later, after she had talked to Gideon about how she felt.


Word Count:559

Nayru had always been perceptive, and having watched Melee grow from a young child into the creature she was now the Jiryu was quite apt at reading the other. Melee was reserved with her now, more so than usual. The girl had been for some time, ever since Gideon and her had officially announced their union. It seemed that when the man and lady had casually been together it hadn’t quite irked the girl the way it did now. Although what had changed beside a formal title Nayru could not pinpoint. Always she had been in the lives of Melee and Range both. The woman had watched them both learn to hunt, fish, swim… she had consulted Gideon on numerous issues and had often stayed the night in the bed of their father, as platonically as it had been at the time. Now she spent every night beside the man, and it was only this and their official titles as mates that had really changed. Yet whatever changes had or hadn’t occurred Melee seemed to take them quite personally.

Yet Nayru said not a word as Melee consented to her company and Nayru slid in beside the girl. As if she were truly there to watch the sun slip from the horizon the ivory and ebony lady quite silent, watching the natural spectacle. Even after the fiery ball was out of sight and only the remnants of a glow remained Nayru did not speak. It was only when darkness truly encased the two did she turn to Melee, her voice natural and easy and as ever almost too soft to decipher. "What have you been up to Melee?" There was an unasked question hanging in the air, and Nayru knew that Melee perhaps felt it more so than she. For whether or not Nayru could perceive the emotions of the younger girl, Melee certainly felt them. And probably felt apprehensive about them. Yet Nayru did not bring them to light.

Easily she could demand it of Melee. Why do you dislike me so? Certainly she had the right. Not only was she now the mate to whom the girl considered a father—to which Nayru felt gave her no real authority—she was the Ryu—this she knew gave her actual authority although rarely did she ever make use of it. It was neither reason Nayru felt she had a right to question the girl. Simply it was that they had known each other so long. Nayru had only been supportive to the pair of children Gideon had dragged home one day and the sudden betrayal by one of them was more hurtful than Nayru would have imagined it to be. Yet she could not demand this of Melee, so merely she questioned the girl on her day, and whether the girl wished to hear it or not, shared her own. "I've been at the vineyards most of the day. Tending to the vines. The harvest is in nearly and Siku seems to be around less and less." The last statement was said neither with disappointment or pleasure, simply matter of fact. How easily she had accepted that others came and went, and that was just the way of it. There was only one who wouldn’t leave her, and he was the father of the girl who sat beside her.

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Word Count: 525

Melee was trying not to take out her inner turmoil on Nayru. Deep down, some part of her really associated Nayru most closely with the term "mother" anyway. She just had some self-inflicted problems to deal with now that the union was official. It was a fear of being left behind, more than anything else. The girl was afraid that Gideon and Nayru - now that they were united as mates - would decide that they had no need anymore for Melee and Range. This fear was irrational, but that made it no less present inside of her. It didn't seem to her that Range had the same fears; he was as carefree as he always had been. In fact, he had seemed almost pleased by Nayru joining their little family group as a member. It was just a matter of time before Melee felt the same way. Time would certainly fix these feelings until she scarcely remembered them.

It was actually... nice, though, to sit there with Nayru and watch the sun set. Slowly, it sank behind the horizon line until it was nothing but darkness. Normally she was afraid of the dark, but it wasn't as scary with Nayru at her side. Besides, the stars were still scattered across the heavens and they lent at least some light to the packlands. The moon was beaming down on them, too, and she looked up at the sky with a smile. It had been a good day and she felt that it would be a good night, too, although not exactly what she had expected. She jumped slightly when Nayru spoke softly, because she had been so absorbed in the silence. Although she was usually energetic and couldn't sit still, she had her moments of tranquility. "Mostly gathering seeds, learning more about forecasting... I really want to be the Guan Han when I have earned my rank. Otherwise, I guess just the usual stuff. Sleep, eat, run... that kind of thing." she said, just speaking her mind. Which was what she usually did, sometimes to her detriment. Sadly, the one time she really should have at least tried to talk about her feelings (the situation with Nayru and Gideon), she seemed incapable of doing so.

The tension still felt palpable, taut on the air. Maybe she should talk about it with Nayru... perhaps her fears of what would happen were unfounded. In fact, they almost certainly were. Yet she looked over at the leader and swallowed the tightness in her throat. Choking it down into her gut, because she couldn't imagine intentionally hurting the other female. She had neglected to ask after what Nayru had been doing, but the other wolf shared it anyway. The girl listened, then let the silence dwindle for a moment between them. Perhaps she should have offered something in reply, but her stomach was clenched uncomfortably as her feelings came rushing back. All of her unfounded fears. "That's... I am glad the harvest is good. Do you need help?" she asked, finally, though it was a clumsy and late response to Nayru's words. Her ears flicked back and forth apprehensively.


Word Count: 504

Melee's words washed over her and she said nothing, taking in the girl's ambitions and turning them over in her mind. Guan Han? She wished to tell the weather from the stirring of the stars and other elements? They had had a Guan Han once, Alexander. The man had left and his absence did not surprise Nayru. Nor would his return if he ever made it. However if he did come back, Nayru hoped the girl beside her would have already claimed his rank. He had never served the his job as well as he could, but then did any of them put their whole hearts into the task they had been assigned? Some did, some did not, and Nayru could only watch them all as they plowed along, the stronger bringer up the weak. That was how it worked, and no one seemed bitter. However if Melee wished to fulfill any job, Nayru hoped she would do it well. And Nayru had little doubts that the girl would.

Turning her blood colored eyes to the sky, she thought of the stars. Dahlia de Mai had had an extensive library, and what books hadn't made the move from one pack to another were not extraordinarily helpful. There were none that would explain the starts to Melee and Nayru because Nayru knew were the Dahlian books on astronomy and the universe lay. In Crimson Dreams with Aro. Had they boy read them? Had he benefited? Perhaps Nayru could take Melee to meet the boy one day and he could teach her what he understood about the subject, it had fascinated him so. The girl seemed interested. Perhaps even, if the books were of no use to him any longer the dark boy could be persuaded to give them up to the younger girl. And yet for all the ideas Nayru had of helping Melee, she only made a soft "mmmhmmm", knowing now was not the time to push the girl in any direction.

The silence that engulfed the pair did not bother the Jiryu, even as tense as Melee's discomfort made the atmosphere. Merely the tiny woman kept her relaxed, calm face and when Melee spoke again she turned her full attention from the sky, back to the girl. "If you wish to help, there is much you could do." There was a endless amount of work with Siku missing, yet Nayru had not recruited a single soul to aid her. She would labor uncomplaining, picking up this burden along with all her others without a word if the others allowed. Never did she ask others to do anything which they did not care to do. And yet, most everyone seemed content with pulling their weight and for this Nayru was grateful. "I go to the vineyards most everyday now, you could join me in the mornings?" Nayru titled her head, not wishing Melee to make a commitment she did not mean but allowed for the opportunity anyway, it seemed the safest subject just then.

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Word Count: 425

Sorry for the delay!

Melee had wanted to forecast the skies since she was a young cub. She had observed storms, lightning, clouds, and all of the elements that combined to effect weather. The Guan Han rank was perfect for her because of this. It was exactly what she would like to master and teach to others someday. Though there were other things that she enjoyed as well - planting, finding neat items, spending time out in the rain - these were things that didn't matter as much to her as weather forecasting. Since she didn't think there was a forecaster yet, it would be a great job to take on when she was considered ready. All in due time, though she was impatient to be considered a ranked adult.

Nayru seemed introspective about Melee's comments, so the subordinate female merely sat quietly and waited. Their conversation was one filled with silences and thought. It wasn't something unnecessary chatty, which left gaps where the chocolate-coated girl could also remember all of the bad thoughts she had toward Nayru. Now that she was sitting around again with her stepmother, she couldn't think of why she was so worried about the whole thing. Nothing had changed. The red-eyed leader had treated her with as much respect and kindness as she always had. What had she been so worried about? Suddenly, the Soul adolescent felt ashamed of the way she had reacted to the mateship. Although she had not thrown a tantrum or anything, she had been rather unkind about the whole thing. Saul, at least, had noticed. She flicked her ears sadly; maybe now was the time to talk to her stepmother, as Scorpius had advised. Maybe not right this second, though, as they were in the middle of a different topic.

When the other female asked if she would join her in the mornings, Melee nodded and smiled. "I would like that." she replied. Indeed, it would be interesting to learn about the vineyards and even nice to spend time with Nayru. Now that it was beginning to dawn on her how foolish she had been to fear, she wanted to make amends. "I think I owe you an apology. I haven't gotten a gift or congratulated you and my father for your mateship yet." alright, so she was dodging actually coming out and saying what she had felt for the past couple of weeks. At least she was saying something about it, though. Now she would likely need to find a gift for them, too. Time to visit Halifax.


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