Like thieves in the night
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Thieves in the night

FREE POST ORDER; first Maska, then Wematin, then everyone else, please Smile

He'd called them with a demanding sound, one that carried far on the winds. They would know that it was important they come to hear his words. The Ahote wolf stood waiting, though impatiently, his brownish robes falling gently around his form. There were some Guardians who had come already, and he watched as they appeared, smiling at them. They would need such loyalty. The Guardians were growing stronger, and Maska felt confident now. When he first arrived, this place had had little defences, and a generally naïve way of looking at pack relations. They had not been prepared, should someone attack them. They called him paranoid for wanting these defenses, but they did not understand. They had not seen the innocent people of the Great Tribe slaughtered because their leaders had been too weak. Well, Maska intended to be strong for his people; no one could enter this place without his knowing, and no one could come to slaughter their children. Kidnapping, on the other hand...

When they had all arrived, Maska glanced at most of them in turn before clearing his throat. Some had already been watching him, some had not, but surely their eyes would turn to him now. He spoke in a grave voice, apologetically. "We are facing a crime." he began, looking at the Amara male, standing in the background on his four legs. Another crime. "Nayati Utina, a formerly proud male and fierce defender of his home, has made a criminal of himself." He would spare them the details. No one but Nayati and himself knew of Nayati's exile - well, and Nahele, but he trusted the goon. Facts were facts, however; he had made sure to let the male know before he was sent home. His face was serious, and his arms flew to point to the east as he spoke, the Great Fire illuminating his fierce green markings, and the coats of nearby tribesmembers. He glanced at Chitsa. "While his sister and his mate can be said to be his accomplices, it is not the same for his children. He has taken two innocents and made them traitors alongside himself, two pups who would be the future of our tribe." Not very likely, as they were hybrids, but still the point remained the same. "Like a thief in the night, he stole them away from under our noses, and now he is plotting against us from the shelter of another pack." He paused for their reaction, confident in his Guardians, but doubtful of the "original" AniWayans. "He must be brought to justice, and our precious pups returned to the safety of this tribe. The Crimson Dreamers refuse to give the Utinas back to us for justice to be done; they must be stopped. They threaten our peace in this southern tip of the land with their scheming, as our scouts have confirmed."

His hands were tightened in dramatic fists and he lifted one and shook it north-east. His voice boomed as he spoke, fiercely defensive of the tribe he was now responsible of. Sikyatavo sat wordlessly by his feet. "Tomorrow night we will seek them out and take back what is ours, and stop their plans and threats!". He waited to hear the roars of agreement from the tribesmembers.


Wematin understood his master's rage, although he neither approved nor disapproved of it. Understanding was far different from holding a viewpoint on something. According to the ancient laws, Nayati Utina had indeed committed a crime, and now he had run away like a coward to hide behind the borders of another pack. This, if anything, angered Wematin, because it had escaped his and the Guardian's attention that the Utina family had escaped proper justice, as was to be meted out properly. So there he stood to the side of Maska, tall and strong as before, looking out to the gathered before them. The Guardians he expected to be supportive--being otherwise would immediately blacklist them as nonconforming and thus a possible trouble-maker--but the rest of the tribe he already knew to be nonconformists, even those that bowed their heads and did as they were told.

In silence he listened to Maska's speech, and although he did not shout his support--he was not the shouting kind of man--Maska knew full well of his loyalty to his duty and thus where he stood. He did, however, raise his deep, gruff voice to address the crowd once Maska was finished. "We have confirmed it all. The Utina family, in their cowardice, has also involved Crimson Dreams with a blasphemous plot; they are sheltering the Utinas because they know our pack lands, and are plotting to overtake our territory and pack. Will you all lay down to a traitor, criminal, and usurper?" It was then that Maska announced their plans to attack on the morrow, and Shadi was the first 'whoop' of agreement and anger at those who had run from justice, although Wematin knew it was mostly for the prospect of a battle. She was truly a vicious woman. The black Guardian himself was already preparing for what would come, and would prepare the new Guardians as well for the night after this one. A plan had already formulated between himself and Maska, but in order to fully utilize it they would need a few more canoes--those which the Gatlvskas and a few Guardians would have to work on that night and into the next day if the element of surprise was to be on their side.

Certainly, if those who did not agree stepped forward or made a fuss, he would gladly make an example out of them like he had the foolhardy brown male. Only this time, it would be far, far worse. He dared them.

Guardian walks. "Guardian talks." Guardian thinks.
This is a totally useless post, but whatever. Go Chitsa, pulling at Maska's heartstrings.

She had joined him without complaint, easily pulling herself away from her work with the Great Fire as he called the rest of the tribesmen to him. The time spent with Maska had been relieving — she found herself less stressed and more cheerful, though the nagging sound of concern still remained in the back of her mind. Dawali's health often weighed on the mind of his youngest sister, even as she tended to the needs of the Guardians in the Town Hall. She had thought Dawali had been it. She had believed Dawali to be the end of it, but as Maska cleared his throat and began speaking, fear gripped the chest of the Amara woman. Nayati. Her closest friend in this new place had done something wrong. She met Maska's gaze with one of melancholy and despair — if Nayati had turned so foolish, what would she see in the others? Those who held no true right to be called AniWayans, those who did not know the ways of the Great Tribe, what would they do before this was over?

They were going to go after them for something that Chitsa didn't fully understand. Kuruk and Saqui were Nayati's children, and what right did Maska have to keep them from their mother? Chitsa openly disliked Liliana, she had told Nayati as much, but she understood the rights of parents to raise their pups and as Maska spoke of going to Crimson Dreams and demanding the return of the children, she turned away from him. She would not. She could not. It wasn't simply that it went against her own beliefs, but that she was a useless addition to any party. Her head shook, sending a spray of firey waves and feathers in all directions before she stepped forward to address the Councilman, voice filled with anxiety. "Councilman Maska, if I might excuse myself -- this is all...too much. Nayati is -- was -- my friend; I feel I I would like to retire." She did not openly explain that she did not approve, but behind the anxiety, there was disapproval that was echoed in her tense posture. She would not help destroy her friend, though she would not rebel against the will of the Great Tribe, and felt her talents (and her mind) suited remaining in the borders instead.

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OOC: I edited it my post a bit. But she still questions their actions.

IC: Ayasha heard Maska’s call and went, albeit reluctantly. She had wondered where Nayati went since she hadn't seen him or his family around. She just hoped that they were alright, whatever happened to them.

She listened to how the pups were the property of the Tribe and she was not happy. She wasn’t happy about the accusations that were made against the Utinas. She knew she needed to step forward and did so, asking, ”How are their pups our property? Pups should stay with their parents, not with strangers. To think otherwise, calls into question your own humanity.”

She knew that this might get her into trouble but she was still set on asking. ”How do you know that they are plotting against you? Maybe it is you and your paranoia that is threatening our peace? I know that I will not help you find innocent wolves and bring war on us when we did not ask for it. So you may go but I will not help you!” Her azure eyes were ablaze and she knew that she had multiple people behind her.

She held her head high, proud of her beliefs. ”Do you know why Nayati left? Did he leave because he did something bad or did he leave because he wanted to? The Tribe deserves to know why they should follow you in this. Why should we follow you blindly? Is this how things are done in the Great Tribe? Wolf-hunts?” She might get exiled but someone needed to ask these questions. And she was proud of her actions.
OOC: I'll not reply with Wematin this time, to sort of give the other Guardians a chance to be all Guardian-y XD (Nootau: Visible)

The meeting that was called set Ralla's heart to stone, if not only because any reason for this poisonous man to call a gathering could never bode well. She prayed that their little night escapade had not been discovered, and breathed both a sigh of relief and felt her heart shudder simultaneously at the accusations being made. The injustice...! It was Liliana's and Sunki's choices whether or not to stay; they were not prisoners in the tribe. But she saw the Guardians and the looks they gave them all, and not a moment later Ayasha stepped forward. Ralla opened her own mouth to stop her, but her daughter's words were too fast and flowed like a raging river. However much Ralla agreed with all the questions and statements--however much she wanted to agree and stand by them--now was not the time, and her heart completely froze with terror.

In a panic Ralla went forward and clutched the white girl to her, fear evident in her eyes. Ayasha had just properly insulted Maska and put herself in dire straits, and Ralla shielded her daughter with her body as she looked up to Maska and the Guardians. "Please forgive her," she whispered, tough as it was coming out of her throat, as she squeezed Ayasha tightly to keep her silent. She did not want this man's forgiveness or his permission or anything from him, but she would do whatever it took to protect her children. She had seen what they had done to their tribe already for the most trivial of things; what would they do to a petulant child who spoke out of turn? The white mother did not want to imagine it, but instead continued to stand between her daughter and the wrath of the poisonous man. Nootau screeched loudly from the top of his perch on a totem pole, but whether it was in fear for her, anger at the new men, or anger at her decision, she did not know.

Moon walks. "Moon talks." Moon thinks.
Nahele had known that the meeting was to be held this evening, and that they would launch their attack on the morrow. It wasnt that Maska had told him directly, although he was close enough to the green patterened man to know just what he was thinking. It had more to do with the tension in the air, the restless moving of the great Councilman as he had paced in the Town Hall that they had taken over as residents. The dusty gold eyes of his Guardian had watching him make his resolve, although Nahele also knew that it was a long time coming. Nayati's unfortunate departure had happened close to two weeks ago and the Guardian understood well enough that Maska had been plotting his moves carefully. They perhaps should have done this sooner, an immediate response to the white furred man stealing innocents from them. They hadnt as the original members of AniWaya were sure to have noticed their disappearance and the lack of reaction thereof. To regain their status amoung the tribe, this attack was going to have to be swift.

Camoflagued ears perked as Maska began to speak. He hadn't heard what the male was going to say before today, but he felt it in his bones, understood exactly what Maska meant. He shifted restlessly from foot to foot, the black cloak that almost always adorned his body swaying softly around him. He said nothing for the moment as his leader finished speaking, rage coursing through his body as a little girl began to speak. Insolent child, she had no idea. If she'd seen the atrocities in the Great Tribe, if she only knew, she would not speak so boldly. Nahele looked up as Chitsa asked to be excused and was a little disappointed that she did not stick around as an example of a good tribe female. The little girls mother apologised for her, although dusty gold eyes still remained on the both of them.

"There is no doubt that I will go tomorrow." He stated, very simply and easy to understand. He shouldnt have had to speak at all- Maska already knew that the three of them would have done what he'd asked no matter what. But the rest of the tribe needed to hear it. Tightening his grip on his bowstring tight across his chest, he heard Hania stir from his perch on Nahele's head, invisible to everyone but still managing to make his point to the male.

Saxif to the rescue ^_^ this is fun. (I got overly excited XD)

Saxif could feel the fire burning within her, the rage slowly building each time she was near them. It took every bit of her power to remain calm to keep her fists from clenching. She kept her head high; she was in no place well below the guardians though their duty great she felt she held some equality to the newcomers with her rank. It was Maska who was above her and to her regret she had to show some deference to his reign. She did so only to satisfy the group before them as she arrived. As his words were spoken followed by the roaring cheer of the guardians Saxif was slightly shocked. It had only been recently they had met but now the leader has set upon a path exceeding her expectations. She was sure it was more than just what he said, there was something about him that said it otherwise. She knew a hunter as she saw one, the same glint in his eye… he was up to something nasty. She pondered in silence as the others reacted.

She watched as Ralla threw her self between her daughter and the guardians. She found herself moving forward to close the distance between her true leader and her daughter. Relief washed over her as Nahele spoke out instead of laying out a punishment for the youth. Quite the fire in the youth don’t you agree? She spoke in a humorous tone hoping to defer any retaliation from the others. She talked further to keep attention upon herself; she was just that kind of person to be willing to protect her pack mates even if it meant her life. She pretended to scratch her back a bit as she spoke but really she was bringing her hand closer to the knife ever present upon her back.

With that kind of fire in our youth it proves our pack could become strong which is what we should desire. Her mother will teach her well to be as you wish I am sure of it. Her voice was eerily calm, as her heart beat with excitement… a dangerous fearlessness filled her eyes. I shall join your group if you so desire Anasgayv, for I agree. The youth are the future of our pack and the pups are of AniWaya and what they have done should have been done with your permission. Her words spoken in believable disgust at the “criminals” really she gathered it from her disgust of the new ways. She was now easily in the place in front of the mother and her daughter. She was ready for anything. She knew her words might bring confusion to her pack, she only hoped they remembered her words from the night of the meet. Her labyrinth of thoughts always whirring, her defined muscles were ready to react.

word count → 476 ;; table by lin
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OOC here!

J'adore had come, without taste or distaste either way, listening almost robotically to what Maska and his goons announced Nayati's escape, and the so called theft' of his own family. J'adore kept his thoughts silent, not speaking them for fear of the same thing. His own children were younger, but it didn't make a real difference. 'You feel the same way do you not? You feel you would have do the same?' his guide spoke swooping down to his side. She stood close, invisible and inaudiable to everyone else. J'adore nodded, refusing to give his guide away. He smiled as Ayasha defyed orders, such spirit for such a young girl. Ptitsa had spoke of it many times, how she was a true AniWayan, unlike that Maska. J'adore couldn't help but think, even if the dreamers were to truely attack, that it would be better to await the attack. So that it was clear that the dreamers were in fault. He didn't speak his thoughts, but if any looked at him, it was clear he had things on his mind.

J'adore stepped forward, clearing his throat, 'If it does not effect any of your plans, I would prefer to stay behind, with my own children. It is... worrying, the circumstances we as a tribe are facing... It makes one value family and tribal relationships'. The words were spoke with wisdom, seemingly coming for a supporter of Maska. Far from it. 'You should have been an actor, child.' His guide spoke with amusement in her voice, and in reply to that J'adore twitched his tail, plain faced but grinning below the surface.

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WC: 513

[/html]Things were spiralling out of control and Claudius didn’t know how to help. He needed to do something, but he was so stricken by fear that he understood that he couldn’t even move any part of his body let alone help the Utinas. Liliana and Nayati had fled. He had always looked up to Nayati as an example of what a real tribesmember should be: strong, fleet-footed, and a strong hunter. And since he had dyed Liliana’s blanket in the early months, he had looked at her, too, but for different reasons. Now, his chest ached with the knowledge that they had left AniWaya and that their decision would bring the entire tribe against them.

Or, perhaps a part of the tribe. The young girl didn’t seem to understand that there was a time and place for everything, so when she spoke out, Claudius could see the fear in Ralla’s eyes. She should not have come to the meeting with Ralla: she was too young, too foolish, and too brazen with her words. Claudius suspected that if Maska was truly vicious, he would take her tongue for her treason, or worse.

He didn’t want to entertain such macabre thoughts, but it seemed as though everyone else was thinking the same thing. He could see the fear in everyone’s eyes; even Chitsa, who had been less outspoken at the first meeting and even pulled aside to speak at the end by Maska. This had not gone unnoticed by Claudius; though, he didn’t know what it meant.

The first to agree was Nahele, a guardian who seemed less of a thug than the others. He didn’t comment on the silly girl’s outburst, and for a moment, Claudius was glad. Although he thought the girl put them all at risk, he didn’t want to see her hurt -- even if he didn’t think she had the right to call Dawali ‘uncle.’ He couldn’t let his jealousy overtake his humanity.

A yellow wolf was the second to agree. Claudius had seen her more frequently than before with the frequent meetings. Before Maska’s arrival, he had never seen her before, so he didn’t know if she honestly believed what she was saying or not.

Another white-eyed male, not the same as the darker-furred one, spoke up and requested to remain uninvolved in the mission. For the sake of the children. This was the same reason for which they were going to war, and Claudius found it horribly coincidental. He tried not to giggle.

“I... w...ill... c-c-come,” he added. “If y-y-you need a sc-sc-ou-out,” he began, trying to quell his nerves -- and his stutter, “I c-can... sc-scout... ahead... I am... quick and kn-know the southern p-parts of th-the tr-tribe.” A half-truth and a half-lie. “We-wematin... knows me.... f-f-from th-the meeting... if you want me... I will go.” He needed to find a way to make this right: perhaps he could, if only he gained their trust. He didn’t know what he was going to do yet, but he knew he would find his answer in time.[html]

601w :: Pissed off Luna enters the scene ^w^

Things weren't going very well...ok not well at all. Luna had no idea about what to think, but she would remain calm. At least that was all she could do. The impotence was umbearable, and she would have much preferred to kick whoever was comitting these acts away from the tribe herself than to risk her friends. Specially Ayasha. Said pup had showed such fury at the mention of Maska, such hard feeling that seemed unfit with her pure white soul, the soul of a youth.

"Luna, but what are you going to do about it?" Questioned Kali when Luna found herself walking along the river that crossed along AniWaya. The female sighed at her companion's question as she pondered about the question. She wanted to answer to that so bad, but nothing came to her mind. That was when the medic heard a single call that made her turn in the Village's direction. With a sprint, she ran towards the direction of the calling, her speed restrained by her current two-legged form. The ghost made herself invisible as she followed the masked woman, but her presence was still noticed by the wolfess thanks to the necklace that tied them.

She did it in time to hear the announcement made by a tall man with dark robes and green markings. Maska, she guessed. A low growl emerged from her chest, which was suddenly cut off by a surprised gasp produced by Maska's words. One of the the members had supposedly committed a crime and ran away from the packlands, accompained by other two wolves and his children. The announcement was unsettling for the brunette. Had it been wrong that he brought his spawn with him during his departure? His children? And now the supposed leader was planning to attack the pack that had offered them asylum when they had needed it. With shiftey eyes, the green-eyed woman looked at him. She couldn't believe his words. After he spoke, other wolves, both familiar and unfamiliar, let their voices be heard. She moved forward in a protective way when Ayasha gave a step forward to complain about what had been said. Luckly, her outburst was stopped by her mother. A sigh of relief escaped her lips, at least her dear friend hadn't triggered an attack towards herself.

A couple of wolves agreed with Maska's plan, and when Luna turned towards the second wolf who spoke in favor of such a horrible act to frown at her, she felt a knot in her throat. Saxif had been the one to speak. Walking towards the blonde, Luna touched her arm, questioning her with her eyes. Did she wanted to make war against a clan that had helped somebody who had been her packmate? Against somebody who had suffered the unfairness of these people? "Saxif..." But her gaze didn't linger on her for much longer. Instead, she turned towards Maska. "I will not go either." She told to the supposed leader. "I think that i will be of more help if i remain here and tend to the injured ones, just as my rank dictates." Her voice was firm, and her eyes didn't show any emotion. "However, i do not agree with such a horrible disposition. War." Her voice was impronted with hatred as she spoke the last word. "Is it really necessary?" She would not help them create war and would not take part in such a horrible action. She retreated once she spoke her words, not even looking at the girl who had agreed with an act that she despised so much.

Luna lives "Luna says" Luna thinks "Ghost says"

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Points: 5

Another meeting from Maska and his guardians. Neither Songan nor Sanuye was looking forward to this. Whatever it was, they were both sure it was not going to end well. They both came forward and looked around to see who else had showed up for this meeting. It looked like not that many were here compared to the last meeting. He recognized most of those here, though noticed that there were more guardians than before. Was it really needed from the chief of the Grat Tribe to send over so many guardians with the green marked wolf? Surely the ones that he came with would be enough for him. He gently crossed his arms, though was quiet. Sanuye was quiet as she looked around, wondered where most of the members had gone. They must have been busy.

Both listened as Maska began to speak about the recent exile of Nayati. Sanuye was more surprised about the whole thing than Songan was seeing as the two of them were friends since they were pups. A growl came to her face as the gray wolf dared to call her friend a criminal for taking the pups that belonged to him and his family. Songan had met the two pups before when her met Liliana and hoped that they were safe as this was going on, though worried about Maska's plan to get them back. He didn't want anything to do with it. He would not dare to forcefully take away family from another, especially from the Utinas. Sanuye would not stand for such a thing. How could Maska believe such a thing when it was already known that there were plenty of pups here in AniWaya, her's included.

Sanuye looked around as there seemed to be mixed feelings among the members of the tribe. She could not believe there were some of the original members of the tribe who were agreeing with him. She agreed with Ayasha's thinking and would never bring harm to her friend or his family. "What gives you the right to take Nayati's family away from him? Those pups are his family and should remain with him. What good will bringing them back here do? We already have plenty of pups here in AniWaya!" Songan's attention snapped to her and pulled her into his arms. "Sanuye no..." Sanuye growled at Songan to let her go, though he would not. He gazed up to the councilman. "I'm sorry for that Maska... though we will not go with you. We will remain here." He agreed with Sanuye, though dared not to speak out like her fearing exile himself. Perhaps it would be better if they left and returned to their home. At least there Sanuye would be able to say what she wanted without being punished for it. Sanuye knew the laws, though was sure Maska would have to right to exile her for speaking her mind, though she could see the worry in his eyes. They soon retired back to their home, not wanting to hear any more about Maska's plans.

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x.x exit leon

He crossed his arms and stared stoically at the weakling snake before him, his white eyes taking into account the Raven Guardians around him that seemed to have reproduced like rabbits. Were these ones just fools who followed orders without thinking? It appeared so, mindless idiots with no thoughts of their own. He eyed them with a mixture of disgust, contempt, hatred and mocking, these were not men but cowards just like their weak leader, hiding behind their pitiful strength as a group. He smiled as Ayasha called him out on everything he had said, openly looking at her with some kind of approval, he was not the only rebel here.

He stepped to the side a few paces, protecting the young female with his own body. As much as he agreed with everything she had just said, now was not the time nor the place. There were too many Guardians to face now, not alone. They would need help and Maska's plan to attack Crimson Dreams had given him an idea and he needed to speak to Ralla after this meeting was over. For the first time since they had arrived, the spanish man held the words that he so longed to spew force, and the violence that he wished he could deal to them all. They did not belong here, they were intruders and they were not pack nor would they ever be.

"No, I will not take part in this. I have more important things to do." He spoke flatly, his voice holding neither anger nor a trace of any other emotion. The man turned and walked away from the gathering, feeling immensely tired, he wondered when this would be over or if it would ever be over and for the first time considered leaving AniWaya and its people behind.

OOC here: Table & Coding © Sunny

He could hardly believe what it was that he was hearing. Did this place know nothing? What was wrong with these members? He had no idea but he wasn't impressed with the entire lot of them. It made him question if they knew anything about true tribe life? Were they just playing at being in a tribe? He knew other tribes sometimes allowed outsiders into their midst and he would assume that is what happened here. But really, was this tribe built up of all those that had no experience with tribe life at all? He had held his tongue throughout it all but he felt he no longer could.

A look was passed over to Maska and in the silence of the look he told Maska that he meant no disrespect to him. He wasn't looking to usurp his leader as he stepped forward but he simply couldn't allow this utter disrespect to continue any longer. He couldn't hold his tongue any longer. The male leaned his weight onto his spear that he always kept with him. A deep breath was drawn in before he finally chose to speak out. Normally he wouldn't raise his voice but the shambles of this tribe needed to realize just how utterly grotesquely they were presenting themselves.

"I must start off saying how disappointed I am in the whole lot of you. None of you are fit for tribe life the way you present yourselves here. If the decision were left to me each and every one of you would be left to exile to fend for yourselves. Perhaps then you will understand the luxuries you are being afforded on this day." He paused to give a stern glare at all of those that had chosen to speak out their disrespect. He had started out addressing the group as a whole before he thought to break it off and direct his attention to individuals. "Children should not speak on things that they know nothing about. Children should be seen but not heard. All of life's lessons are learned through observation and then application. If you wish your daughter to be pardoned you should have brought her up properly. For her to speak with disrespect reflects badly upon her as well as upon her parents. There should be no forgiveness for disrespect. I regret speaking ill towards a female but to question one's leader is to disrespect the entire elder generation. Leaders get to where they are because the elder women put their faith in them to do the right thing and to lead with honor. To speak against their wishes you dishonor yourself and speak of treason upon your own part. leaders are supposed to be respected and listened to not questioned at every turn. Again, you aren't fit for what you are being given here." Normally he would never speak to a female first because they deserved that respect. But if these ones were going to dishonor themselves then he'd rather speak against them rather than dishonor his ancestors.

He looked from the young girl and her mother in order to focus on the male that wished to stay behind. "It is the mother that stays with the children and cares for them. It is the woman's place to protect the young. Are you not a man? Every man should strive to protect and provide for the women and children. You would rather stay here than go out and protect them? You would dishonor those you would choose to care for? You can do nothing for them if you stay here. You aren't a man at all. If you can't prove yourself then you deserve neither mate nor children. You don't value your family as you may claim to. If you did you would give your life in order to protect their own." Men he wasn't so concerned with laying things on the line for. Each gender had their jobs and they should abide by them. If he didn't want to protect his family then he shouldn't have had one in the first place.

His gaze then passed to the female that chose to stay behind. "Women shouldn't be expected to fight. It is the man's job to fight, to protect the women of the tribe. As much as I don't agree with violence myself there are times where it is needed. Would you rather us just sit here and wait to be slaughtered? Would that make you feel better? Your leader is going out to head off the attacks. He is putting himself on the line to make sure that all of you remain safe here. Why do you feel you must question and challenge his every move? Shouldn't you trust your leader? He has your best interest at heart. If he cared nothing for you he wouldn't choose to act on the information that he got. No, he would wait for them to come and all of you to be killed within your beds. War is an extreme circumstance but it would be better to go into war than to wait for it to be brought to you."

What was wrong with all of the men here? "More men that do not wish to fight and defend what you have? What is wrong with all of you? Do you care nothing for anyone but yourself? As for pups? They are raised by a tribe and not just their parents. To lose one is to lose part of the future. How many of you have ever lived in a tribe before?" He paused and looked at Maska before looking back out over the crowd "None of you deserve the protection and home you are being given. You have done nothing to earn your place here. You should be forced to care for yourselves. Your leader should just allow all of you to perish since you speak out his protection and don't want it. The entirety should be made homeless and see just how well you can do when no one gives you the comfort you have here. None of you would be able to last on your own. You aren't presenting yourself as a true tribe. There is no unity here. Your leader has been kind and afforded you luxuries that you haven't earned since you wish to not even do your part."

He got a good lot off his chest and stepped back. He turned away from the assembled to face Maska instead. He bowed his head and knelt down before the leader. "I apologize. I respect you and your decision. I know you have your reasons for humbling yourself to care for these people who can't show you that same care and concern. You are a great man indeed to rise above this adversary and still wish to protect them and make certain they remain safe at home. I submit myself to you and your will. Punish me as you see fit for speaking out against your people."

Table by the Mentors!

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OOC here!

J'adore purse his lips as the guardian rambled on at him. Oh the things he could have said to the guardian, the urge was almost to much to barge, but wise and cunning as ever, he spoke calmly, handing out respect.

'Guardian. My mate was beaten by an outsider while I was protecting the tribe, she is in no fit state to care for anybody. And the Kunikoti is caring for her, leaving my children alone. As much as I wish I could allow myself freely to join you in the raid, I fear that the members for the other pack will escape the raid and target here in retaliation. They obviously have no morals stealing pups from this tribe, so what is to stop them from coming here if the raiders are focussing on the targetted pack? My home is not far from the borders, I can easily leave my children with my mate and the healer and protect the borders, that is what my rank calls for. But if you wish for me to join in with the raid, I will do my duty for the tribe. I have already failed my mate once, and if the raid will prove that I am a worthy mate and tribes member, I will join you'.

He didn't want to go with them, but he didn't want to loose face within the tribe either, or be exiled. The Guardian's words had hit hard, causing J'adore to respond with a long winded reply but never the less everything about wanting to join in was a lie.

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OOC: Dichali is not visible. And Ayasha is being somewhat smart.

IC: Ayasha almost immediately regretted saying anything, or coming for that matter. It seemed like very few others would stand up with her. Though she could tell that her mother agreed but didn’t want her hurt. She was surprised by how many people supported this…endeavor. She barely shook her head, partly in anger, partly in sadness.

But there were two of her friends that openly supported her, Sanuye and Leon. Sanuye asked many of the same questions that she did and Ayasha nodded. Leon was silent but gave her a look of approval. Many wolves went to protect her however and she was grateful for that. But then a guardian made excuses for Maska.

She knew better than to speak. She did scowl at him however, still feeling mutinous. How has Maska been kind? Do kind men attack people and use fear to rule them. She then gasped as his speech made J’adore offer to go. She thought about following Leon and leaving the meeting but she really wanted to see if Maska would answer her, and in a twisted way, if he would punish her.

Dichali landed on her shoulder and spoke to her so only she could hear. ”I’m proud of you. But you need to be more careful.” She glanced at him fro the corner of her eye. He was actually giving her a concerned look. With the support of her spirit guide, she faced Maska and his goons and waited for a better answer to her question.
Sorry for the delay~

It was in the back of the crowd that Foxglove was standing, listening in silent horror to what her new leader was saying. She refused to believe that the Utinas had done anything wrong. Foxglove did not know Nayati or his sister, and she hadn't the faintest idea what his original crime was meant to be, but she was very fond of Liliana and the two puppies. The young Monroe girl refused to believe that something needed to be done, for if Liliana and her family had felt the need to leave in the first place, they should be allowed to do so.

There was much going on around her and it seemed as if no one had been the wiser to her presence at the meeting, so Foxglove moved away quietly, gypsy feet pulling her away from the meeting. She could not be involved in this. Szellem flew a short ways in front of her, his own thoughts busy. Something was amiss, indeed.

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Thieves in the night

As before, the discussion moved along as if without him. At first, comments were meant for his ears, but they soon caught flight and others joined, until they were discussing openly his decision in front of his very face. In a sense, it was fascinating how his words kept themselves alive in this discussion. However he soon grew bored of their insolence, as one after the other proclaimed they would not join the raid, and some slipped away quietly. Chitsa asked to leave and he stared at her coldly, but did not object. She was a free flame, she could do as she pleased, though he preferred that she did as he pleased. He paid no mind to the insolent child and her pathetic mother; the rest of the tribe saw them as they were. They were no more than specks, dirt under his paws. He could have them removed if he so wished, but for now he felt generous. Staring at them as Ralla stepped forward to apologize, and as the newest Guardian reprimanded her severely - and others - Maska finally saw fit to speak again.

"All able men will attend the raid or face punishment. Wounded may stay behind; J'adore, I can understand your dilemma. I ask that you choose between assigning a Guardian to care for them, or care for them yourself." He paused. "We will NOT risk our tribe, nor any member of it!" They were beginning to understand. "We will NOT risk our future." Though frail-looking and lean, Maska was a powerful sight as his cloak and long hair were caught in the wind, and the Great Fire shone on his fur and lit it dramatically. "I have chosen Wematin to lead the raid. I trust in him to lead you in the darkness, along the river, to retrieve what is ours and secure our tribe once again." Finally, he turned and walked away. He could not be bothered to listen to more of their chatter.




As he was address by Maska he showed respect. He may not have agreed with his ways, but the Ahote male was of a significantly higher rank than the Spaniard himself. And if his own father had taught him anything, it was give respect when called for it. With a bow of his head, he spoke, 'Thank you, Anasgayv. Then I ask that I stay. I would not want to displace your guardians'. And I don't want to make enemies out of allies, well once allies as it would be after the plan was set into motion. He was foutunate that he had his children, although he felt bad about using them as an excuse, it was needed.

He stepped backwards, bringing an end to the conversation on his part. 'I shall make my leave now'. He made his way to the back of the crowd, moving swiftly between the other tribes members, dwelling on the words spoken. He would be happy when he returned home, he always felt like a man standing along side his children.

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