[m] if the price is right
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.


Northern border, Borgata Mazatl area if that's okay. Early evening. Should be dark by the time they get to... whoever. Big Grin I figure Shae can post first and PP them getting there, and then Mel can come in? Or whatever you guys want. :3 WC: 338

It was early evening, but Denver had a job to do. Eris had given him a task, and he would be certain to perform it. He was to protect Salsola-- and her still growing children-- from outside threads. According to his superiors, a homeless canine had been found lurking around the borders, and this would just not do. The outsider was to be disposed of.

The same task had been given to his cohort Maggie; they held the same rank and strove for the same co-rank, and so they were destined to work together. For this fact alone, Denver was more amicable. The girl was at least pleasing to look at, and in general had been easy to work with. Both of them desired more than their previous lives had given them, and they were equally motivated to strive for betterment in the Thistle Kingdom.

Denver had never been largely violent, but this matter was entirely different. If he were to appease his superiors, he would be granted more clearance, and eventually would be superior himself. The ivory dog already believed he deserved such respect, but knew that here it must be earned-- for that, he respected his King. The Associate may have been lazy, but he knew when an opportunity knocked, and would be the first to grab it if he could.

The sinewy muscles were returning to his legs, and he moved towards the borders quickly. He had easily abandoned his uncomfortable bedding in the Ruins in order to perform this task, and so determined pale eyes set themselves upon the skyline, searching for a large, lone, misshapen tree that rooted itself near Salsola's northern border. It wasn't long before he found the landmark he sought-- the same place he and Maggie had agreed upon meeting. From here, they would convene and locate the stranger so close to their precious home.

Leaning into the shade of the lonely tree, Denver waited, light blue eyes ever watching the sun as it crept farther down the skyline.

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I suck so hard, but now I’m all good and not being absent so hopefully this can go quicker now that Im not failing x_X. To make up for lost time I’m going to say the wolf became visible once magz got there if that’s cooooooooooooooool.

Shortly after the run-in with Eris late at night by the water, Magnolia had been asked to prove her loyalty to her new home. The yearling was shocked and surprised that Eris had entrusted both her and Denver to kill a stranger on their lands. The thought terrified the young girl, and as she shifted into her Halfling form in her residence she wondered idly how taking the life of another would feel. Would she feel their soul slipping out of the puncture marks, or would it trickle out of their mouth like blood? Would Magnolia really be responsible for something so horrific? Would she really do it?

The girl ran as fast as she could despite being unsteady on her feet. She had never used this form but long ago had heard that it was faster and stronger than any other. The wolf sought out Denver’s scent and followed the trail he left behind him. Her heart was racing, her ears were back. She was nervous. She didn’t want to kill anyone, but she was ordered to. And Maggie did what she was told.

Denver’s form appeared eventually by their agreed meeting place, and despite the circumstances she smiled. They had met not too long ago and since then she had considered them on friendly terms. The dog was one of her few allies in this land. Ready? she said breathlessly, jade eyes desperately searching Salsola’s border. She wanted this done as soon as possible.

There,was spoken, barely louder than a whisper, and Magnolia turned to the other Associate to the left of her. It was time, and this had to be done.

Image by Sean McMenemy, table by Tammi!
Nondescript 3 year old gray wolf; scars on his left flank. Feel free to attack him whenever.

Each high-trotting step was taken with pride that bordered—nay, surpassed—into cockiness. His head was high, ears erect, tail waving in a timber and black-brushed tail behind him. Why would he be afraid? Packs didn’t scare him. He had managed to steal from many, and even mate with one of the alpha’s daughter’s in the last one. It had been a narrow escape though; Papa had found them while his knot kept them bound, and only a frantic wretch on his part had saved him from death. A scar, jagged and toothy, marked that adventure.

But he was lucky. Hampton had always been lucky. Born into a pack, he was fed right, raised right, and generally had no trauma until his own father kicked him out. Granted he deserved to be kicked out, but still. So it had been a loners life, unable to force his way into a pack, unable to find one that would put up with him. Arrogant and unwilling to bend to leadership, he had never been able to stay for long. Long enough to mate with a broad, at least, he chuckled to himself. Maybe he’d find another one here.

The pack scent was clear enough, but it smelled peculiar. He dropped his head and quickly learned what he needed to know, a male alpha, a female who had recently given birth, and several other males. There were girls, though. Young girls. Oh how wonderful. His groin tightened at the thought of being able to deflower a girl before the alpha could. Wouldn’t that piss him off. A louder, cocky laugh sounded as he lifted his leg to urinate over one of the dominant scents.

sorry for the wait. it's okay that i gave denver a knife, right? if not i will edit that part. <3

Fucking pig, Denver thought, catching a whiff of the fresh scent of urine. He nearly gagged at the strong clouds of ammonia wafting their way. Frowning, he turned to Maggie, wishing he had telepathic powers. Instead, he just made an angry face and turned back to stare at their prey from behind a clump of bushes. How dare he piss all over Denver's land, their land?

The wolf was on four legs, but by sight alone Denver could tell that his own size was no match for this haughty brute's. Still, he had speed and cunning on his side, and with the lovely Magnolia as his partner, they would not fail. It had been a while since he had worn a weapon, but for the sake of his own safety (and perhaps Maggie's, too), he had brought a knife. It was small, and hardly larger than a simple pocketknife, but it had served him well in the past. It could cut meat, he knew, and that was good enough. He had polished and sharpened the blade as best he could. Happily, he found that he could nearly see his own reflection in the old tool. It was strapped securely under the leg of his pants, at his ankle, but he didn't reach for it just yet.

Moving ahead to follow their quarry, Denver slid behind every bit of cover he could, knowing that the wind was taking his scent away. The foul scent of urine was stronger in the air now, anyways. Denver's nose wrinkled again in disgust. "Hey man, you lookin' for somethin' here?" he called out with Southern tones, moving into the open confidently, his pace casual, almost friendly. The Associate's pink nose twitched at the wolf's scent; it was dominating and heavy, full of testosterone. The stranger wanted sex. Pale eyes darted to Magnolia, and without a word he motioned for her to come to him. "A pretty girl, maybe?" He crooned in his most convincing voice. He hoped he wasn't reaching too much, trying to use his pretty counterpart as a lure. His gaze flickered to and from her, trying to explain that she should just But if it would work, Denver would be sure that the cocky motherfucker stopped breathing before he could lay a finger on her. If he could just get him to come closer...

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Table by Tawny!

Still feeling slightly uneasy on four legs, the wolf watched the other Associate with keen, focused eyes. She wasn’t entirely sure what he was planning but Maggie trusted him. He seemed confident and she could see he had something up his sleeve. Denver called out to the brute that was clearly oblivious to his impending doom, and Magnolia wrinkled her dainty nose in disgust. His smell was everywhere and that just made the little Associate angry.

She didn’t expect to be the bait, though. She looked at Denver nervously, but remembered she could do this. They could do this. A little confidence bubbled up through her gut as she made herself visible. She knew she was pretty, and she didn’t mind being flattered in such a way. The secui walked towards Denver and wagged her tail high. She gave the stranger a big, flirtatious smile, licking her lips. It felt slightly degrading but she knew this was the only way they’d catch him. Magnolia kept quiet, letting Denver lead the conversation and the eventual attack. She didn’t want to mess anything up.

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He snapped to attention at the voice, jerking his head over none-too-gracefully at the…dog? Hampton had seen dogs in passing and thought them ugly things, looking far too soft for the world that he knew was made for wolves. Yet the man was not aggressive, and even seemed to sense what he was looking for. Yellow-brown eyes narrowed, suspicious. They were going to offer him a girl? What in the world had he been missing in Nova Scotia?

To his surprise, a girl (and a young girl at that) approached from the woods. While in her larger form (as was he), she was still incredibly attractive. Pale and with a unique darker streak along her head, Hampton was instantly drawn to her. More-so, he imagined from her age she had likely not gone through any sort of mating before. A low rumble began in his chest, pleased by the offer. “You serious? What’s the catch?” A sideways glance was shot towards the dog, cautious yet…though his hormones were hardly arguing with him now. That was visibly apparent from the thing dangling between his legs.

sorry it's short and crappy! i suck at dialogue. >< hurrrr

Denver had attracted the wolf's attention easily enough, just as he'd hoped. Pale eyes flashed to Maggie as she flaunted herself before the stranger vaguely. The Associate's brows raised in amusement, glad that she was playing along so easily. Grinning, his eyes turned back to the brute as he spoke. A catch? Well, Denver wouldn't reveal the true price of his supposed offer, but he would still play along. "I'm just tryin' t'help," he offered, without really answering the question. The Associate's gaze briefly flickered over the bulging mass between the strangers legs with disgust, averting his eyes to his companion instead. He moved over to Magnolia in her larger four-legged form. "But, if you're not interested..." he said, his voice trailing off. It felt strange to look down on her for once, but he placed a hand on her head and stroked her mohawked head briefly, teasing the stranger. "I'll just take her for myself." Denver began to turn slowly at this suggestion; if the wolf wouldn't take him seriously, then he would leave. Or at least pretend to.

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Oh my god I’m so sorry for the wait >_> And if any of this isn’t okay, just shoot me a pm. ^^ <3 For the sake of the thread speed I’m just going to have Maggie make the first attack….

What’s the catch?

Maggie froze, momentarily stopping the way she acted because she wasn’t sure what to do. The repulsive intruder was turned on by her looks, which made her even more disgusted with the whole situation, but she stayed strong and still kept her mouth shut. It was obvious that Denver knew Magnolia, so why was this dumb intruder still going for this? Was this going to work? The other Associate turned towards her, and Maggie continued to play along despite her hesitation. She was getting more and more nervous the more time went by.

She made sure that the stranger couldn’t see her face in front of Denver’s back before she shot him a very specific look. She widened her eyes in the stranger’s direction, trying her best to portray her plans to her partner. The associate took few nimble steps ahead of Denver, jade eyes switching focus from her friend to the man. With that, she gave him a smile that turned into a vicious snarl. And then she lunged.

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Table by Fae

You guys are free to PP any attacks from here on out. Smile

The dog seemed as if he was offended, and truly, Hampton was surprised. Was this guy serious? His legs trembled at the idea of something being given so freely, and he took a hesitant step forward when the dog touched the girl. “No! No, I mean…” he tried to control his composure, but his jaw was salivating and his tongue was curling up to his muzzle, hungry for something only women could fill.

Then the girl came forward and pleased, the burly wolf let out a deep rumble of pleasure. His groin tightened. He took one step forward before the smiling prize turned into a face full of teeth. There was little time to react—he pinned his ears and returned the snarl, only to have teeth scrape across his muzzle. BITCH! The wolf bellowed, and flung himself at the girl.

durrr short. i figure we can wrap this up in a couple more, if that's cool?

Maggie had managed to lure him, but just as quickly as she had gained his trust, she'd betrayed it in a flash that Denver barely managed to catch before the wolf was on her, snarling and thrashing about in retort. Denver flew into action, running forward and hurling his fist towards the back of the man's skull. He stumbled as it connected, his fist throbbing now as he regained his footing, reaching for the knife hidden under his pant leg. His partner was quick, but he worried for her safety. A clawed hand strove to grab the stranger's thick neck fur, pulling him back as much as he could before driving the knife deep into his ribcage. The gurgling sound that came afterwards nearly made Denver gag, but he removed the knife and tried to kick the hideous brute from his silver companion, a deep growl echoing from his throat. Something oddly protective flared in his mind as rarely seen ivory canines were bared at the wolf, pale blue eyes blazing right through him. The Associate would have no qualms with ending this fucker's life.

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Magnolia’s mind finally stopped thinking, working only on adrenaline and pure gut reactions. The wolf attacked her, and for a moment she was knocked back as his muzzle wrestled free from her teeth’s grasp. She snarled, this time from pain, as his teeth connected with her shoulder. But the woman reacted quickly, not really feeling the wound, and bit his neck as hard as she could just as Denver stabbed him. She knew that was a fatal blow, but she continued holding on until she heard a snap and tasted gushing blood.

The female made the mistake of looking at Denver. Jade eyes met azure and seeing the viciousness in his eyes she promptly let go of her prey. It was shocking to her, seeing some primitive side of them come out to play for the first time. Her front was dripping with blood from both herself and their quarry, but together it looked the same. They were made of the same stuff and yet this man was chosen to die for stepping on the wrong pack’s land.

Maggie stepped away from the kill and her partner, ears flattening in between her mohawk. The secui looked at the corpse, wanting nothing more than to throw up and block this memory out forever. She was nauseated, exhausted, and still shaky. She hadn’t even remembered about the puncture marks on her shoulder. “What have we done?” she asked breathlessly, not really expecting an answer.

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Table by Fae


The beast let out a gurgling half-roar, and Denver sneered as he dug the knife deep into the flesh of the aggressor. Warm blood spilled out over his hand, and instantly he jerked the tool out of his belly, watching with curled lips as the pool of red grew beneath him. Maggie's face was covered in his blood, too, Denver noticed; her mouth was around his neck. By now all struggle was done, and the man fell with a splash into his own blood. He swallowed hard, the scent of blood filling his nostrils, sudden disgust overwhelming him. Pale eyes rolled away towards his partner, who stood over the body looking shaken and nearly sick. Denver cleared his throat. "You alright?" he asked, moving around the body carefully. His eyes narrowed on her neck, where he noticed bright, small circles of crimson. "Mm," he grumbled, noticing the missing fur there. The bastard had gotten her, after all. "Motherfucker," he growled, aiming a solid kick at the dead man's scrotum.

The mutt placed a hand on Maggie's shoulder, and he could feel her shaking. His own heart still raced steadily, his breath still short. "He was no more use alive anyways, Maggie..." Straightening his clothes and brushing off what debris remained on his clothing, Denver nodded to his partner. "C'mon, let's get back. You gotta get that looked at," he mumbled, hoping that the bleeding would stay minimal. Blood covered his own hands, too, but it wasn't his own. Disgusted, he held his hands away from his body, trying not to get anymore of the wolf's remains on his body. He couldn't remember seeing anywhere to wash his hands on the way there, either. At least the deed was done; Eris would be pleased.

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