pray to your god, open your heart

+3. Borgata Tocatl, afternoon.

The trip to Freetown had been long, but worthwhile. Larkspur had been busy with his own new arrival. He had managed to secure a new breed in exchange for the creme, a fast gray mare that was an easy ride—Itachi had managed to handle her on their route home, after all. She had quickly been taken in by Black, which had made integrating her with the herd easy. With only one other male, the conflicts between horses were few. Salvia’s little colt was growing rapidly, though she would not be able to ride him until the summer after next. However, she was learning with Misty, and with her aunt’s help.

His new horse, given her temperament, was going to be an easy pack animal. Larkspur was currently cleaning her up, for the ride had been long and his ability to do so on the trail non-existent. Sirius had yet to be presented with the new horse and the Arbiter wanted to ensure his Boss was happy with the selection. Rowan had been summoned to help with this task, though her duties were hardly labor intensive. She was perched on the fence, combing out the mare’s pale mane. Larkspur had scrubbed the horse down and now that she was dry, he was intently rubbing her down with the new tools brought back from the city. The combs were excellent for cleaning out the short hair of the horse, and this pleased him greatly.

In the large paddock, the other horses grazed. His own mount, Black, and the gelding were gone. This told him that his children and their cousin had gone riding—he was pleased that Odessa had found a place within the pack. She was damned the same way he had been, and this was perhaps why he felt such sympathy for the girl. A snort distracted him and he turned. Rowan sighed and looked to him apologetically, but he offered her a faint smile and she returned to her work. Larkspur, too, continued cleaning off the new mare.

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mall-caps;font-variantConfusedmall-caps;letter-spacing:4px;">THE SPARK OF DAWN

The meeting with Sirius hadn't gone well, and though it had been dealt with over a week prior, her face still stung from the punishment dealt to her. It was that fact that kept her far from ruins -- even her own home had been abanadoned as of late while she roamed the kingdom in search of herself. Happiness was not an emotion she found useful, but she asked silently if she was happy where she was. Did she want to return to Eterne? Would Sirius truly find her if she fled the kingdom? She believed he would, and that was all that mattered.

Her feet carried her instead of her mind, which focused on the trivial with each new step. Her fingers tapped against her middle, as uncomfirmed suspicions grew that she would have to rid herself of the products of the day in Halifax, a shameful reminder of her ignorance and a more painful reminder of Sirius' anger. When her mind turned back to the world, brought around by a snort from one of the hooved animals found around the territory, she realized where she'd come to.

Larkspur was cleaning off one of the equine beasts he cared for, his red-furred woman combing its mane -- such simple work for something she saw to be property. "You ahre too nice to it, Larkspur." The change in her accent was noticed even by her, as his name came more easily to her tongue. Golden arms crossed, fiery eyes focusing on the property settled on the fence -- she didn't expect him to understand as Salvia had, but a slave was a slave was a slave and she wouldn't see them shown preference.

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pray to your god, open your heart

Big Grin

There had been gain and loss on the trip, but no fault of it was Larkspur’s. He had been sent to gather horses alone, and so he had—the slaves were Itachi’s responsibility. The horse the Protégé had chosen was left alone, for while the animal was rubbed down as the others, it was not meant for Sirius. This one, she would be useful. While the vague idea remained with Larkspur, he was slowly realizing what it would take to form the creature that Sirius so desired. Speed, hardiness, and that just-so color.

He did not hear the woman approach, though Rowan did. She kept her gaze low and continued on her task, though she signaled only seconds before the coyote spoke. Larkspur lifted his head and took a step away from the animal. Initially, he believed she was talking about the horse. It was only as his eyes followed her gaze did she realize what it was the Crone meant. He snorted bullishly. “I do what I please with what is mine,” he said dismissively, knowing that Tlanti, like Eris, was from a different world than he. “Y’think I’d be better off doin’ this myself?” There was the faintest challenge there, for while he and Tlanti had come to some understanding, he still did not think she considered him more than a laborer.

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Oh snap! Tlantli made him a present.

mall-caps;font-variantConfusedmall-caps;letter-spacing:4px;">THE SPARK OF DAWN

The signal from the red woman to her dark master did not go unnoticed by the Crone, but she ignored it. What he taught his slave was none of her business -- his bullish snort and dismissive words reminded her that it wasn't her place to tell him how to own them. She grunted a response, giving the horse a wide berth as she moved to stand near the dark Arbiter. She couldn't understand the fascination with the horses -- they were food, not prizes, but it seemed so many enjoyed the beasts as something more. The challenge in his voice went ignored as her hands found her hips. "Aye think your body ess better used for other things." The words were flat and honest, spoken without whatever seduction other women might have utilized to gain favor in the orange-eyed wolf.

A golden hand delve into the satchel at her hip, where she kept her gifts for others on chances she'd seen them throughout the day -- when it returned, it held a bundle of beads and feathers, held together on a leather thong and made with careful, but unskilled, hands. Her hands. Citlali was the craftsman that his aunt would never be, but she had tried carefully to take the eagle's feathers and work them together into a gift for the male she was so often at odds with. It was held up without a glance from the Crone. "This ess for you." The low-hanging feathers were separated by beads of a bright white color, creating a non-pendant focus to the piece of jewelry she'd worked dutifully on.

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pray to your god, open your heart

+3. Larkspur does not know how to do anything.

There was little denying that Larkspur favored his red slave over the others, but he had never been breached on the subject. She was submissive and attentive to him, and this was all that mattered. He did not need to strike her, for a raised voice or a certain tone would bring about the same effect. Rowan was peculiar; she did not hate this master, and had grown fond of him in the weeks since her capture. It was better than what the trader would have wanted with her—no one dared touch the Arbiter’s property.

The black wolf did not take her words as another man might, and remained impassive. He was made for labor and for battle, but instead he tended to animals. His size alone meant they broke without much effort. Salvia’s colt, while fond of the girl, managed to remain headstrong when it came to her father. When he was old enough to ride, Larkspur would break him as he had begun doing with the AniWaya horse.

Now, though, his focus would be on the smaller things that needed to occur. He blinked at the collection of things, and upon realizing what they were, recognized that this was not simply a trinket as the things Eris had given him. This was made with power in it, for the Crone was magic, and she had used the feathers of the can tah beast around his neck. He dropped the comb to the ground, advancing quietly to take the fragile thing from her. Orange eyes widened, pupils growing to suck in the magic that certainly resided in this object.

“Thank you,” he said, not knowing what better words to use. Awkwardly, he tried to turn the object about and make sense of where it was supposed to be worn.

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mall-caps;font-variantConfusedmall-caps;letter-spacing:4px;">THE SPARK OF DAWN

She allowed the situation, as distasteful as she found the whole thing, to be dropped as her attentions were focused elsewhere. The gift was more important. His comb dropped as he advanced and for a moment, she was concerned at the proximity of his body as he took the carefully crafted necklace from her substantially smaller hands. There was a magic in his eyes that kept her gaze firmly there as he studied the piece -- it hadn't gone unnoticed before, but it was the first time she'd truly looked. Thank you. It was enough to satisfy her.

"You said thaht Tahk controls the..."lesser ahnimals"? El águila flies close to el sol; perhaps our Gods ahre not so different." She remembered this Tak found purchase in the shadows, where Momotztli was the Sun. Still, accepting his differening faith was a large step for the golden Crone, who shunned the beliefs of others and clung to her own with a careful soul. She was not a priestess, nor was she devout, but only Momotzli made sense until speaking to Larkspur briefly about his own.

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pray to your god, open your heart

+3. Yay for presents.

It took him several attempts before he reasoned out that the collection of things was meant to be a necklace. Fragile and sacred as it was, Larkspur was ginger about placing it around his broad head. He found that the construction, even if it was not as pretty as some of the work others could do, felt powerful. She had made him something while invoking both his shadow-god and her own sun-god. There was an essence of them both within, he reasoned, and thus this was an object to be used when magic was needed.

White-speckled hand rose and touched the feathers gingerly. His ears twitched as they listened to that unspoken voice and knew his belief was correct—she had infused magic within the feathers and beads and trappings of this object. “No, perhaps not…your snake,” he said, finally bold enough to mention it. “That is one of Tak’s animals. He speaks through the eagle, the snake, and the spider.” These power-animals were universal, it seemed—cross-cultural ideas of what it was to know might in another form, to know animals that were powerful and to be respected.

The thought suddenly recalled the basket perched in the barn. “Wait here,” he said, perhaps more sharply than he intended. Quickly he turned and strode into the building, glad that it was empty except for the frightened deer in the final stall. Larkspur had been told explicitly by Sirius what to find for the Crone, though he was nervous about keeping it around the horses. Thankfully, she was here now—it had only rested within the barn for a few hours. He picked the woven basked up gingerly, as if what was inside might be able to strike through the reeds.

With great care, he advanced towards the witch-woman and presented her the basket with little flourish. “Sirius asked that we bring back a gift for you,” he explained, for the idea was the Boss’ alone.

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mall-caps;font-variantConfusedmall-caps;letter-spacing:4px;">THE SPARK OF DAWN

She watched as he tried to rationalize the purpose of her gift, and though she wondered internally if he would ever figure it out, he did eventually riddle out the creation and slip it about his neck with the utmost care. Wonder of his opinion came to her, but she didn't voice the inquiries that built inside of her mind. Fiery eyes focused upon the faded hand of the D'Angelo, watching as he touched the features, as his ears twitched atop his head. What did he hear that she couldn't?

It didn't matter. As he started to speak, her curiosity was tamed, only to be replaced with other wonders. Her snake, the large and carefully-done scarification across her back that represented female spirit within Eterne, it was an animal born to his Night deity. Slender fingers reached up to touch where the fur was missing at her shoulder. Eagle, snake, spider. Two things she had never truly thought of and one that she had put all of her faith into. It surprised her.

Left to her wonder, he told her to wait, and disappeared into the barn only to emerge shortly after with a woven basket in his hands. As it was presented, she took it from him, staring at the top as what it was was revealed -- a present from the Thistle King. "Ay gift?" How queer, to receive another present for doing nothing. BUt it was a present indeed and so she opened it carefully, and peered into the bottom, and there she found something that so touched her heart that a little, gleeful crooning noise escaped her angular jaws.

Without fear, she reached into the depths of the basket to retrieve the subtly striped living snake, a baby for its size, but beautiful regardless. Without fear, she allowed it to wrap itself around her hand and strike her with tiny, sharp fangs that burned. It was brought close to her face, to be studied carefully, a living trophy that was prized for its symbolism. Her silence was solid for several moments that seemed long to her before she turned her eyes back upon the dark Arbiter. "In Eterne, we cahll this coatl; the serpahnt, it ess ay symbol for power. For women. Thaht ess what Eterne ess -- ay plaise built ahround women."

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