paint it BLACK..

WC:000+ - For anyone really, but I want Alaki to maybe get in on this. :3

It was a bitter numbness. Like clumped fur in the snow, Matteo felt as if the world had suddenly started weighing down on him, dragging him in everything he did. It had been this way since word had gotten out to him that... Demi was dead. She'd disappeared not long ago and then one day, he'd gotten word of her death. It came as a shock to him to learn she'd never come back, but he wasn't surprised that she'd left in the first place. She'd lost everything here in the caves. He wouldn't have wanted to return either if the same had happened to him.

Except, now it almost was.

The albino coydog sat rigid upon a large boulder just inside the lip of the Veil of Fenris. The open-mouthed tidal cave was perfect for him; it gave him a spot to run away to, one that was purely his own. Granted, this time he'd had a moment before leaving... he'd decided it best to bring Camilla along, if only to keep her safe, protected from the brother neither he nor his mate desired to talk about. Giuseppe.

The source of all of Matteo's problems, it seemed. First he'd fucked the poor kid over from childhood. When Teo had finally gotten away from that, he lingered in the shadows like a pest, waiting to get ahold of Camilla... and now that Gemma was expecting what could've been his pups... all new targets, if they so much as resembled Matteo in any way.

He'd never before prayed for a colored child, begging God not to give any of the pups white fur or bi-colored eyes. Nothing that could link them to a trigger for Giuseppe. Nothing that would put them at risk. Nothing that--

Hey, big brother! Look'it what I found! Camilla's voice rang out nearby, snapping the older brother from his thoughts. Curiously, he looked over to where the younger girl was playing in the wet sand, obviously enjoying her time out at the 'private beach'. Carissa and I found some sea shells! Can you help me make a necklace, big brother? Can you? Please? She yipped happily, running over to where he sat with a handful of various different shells. Carissa, the raccoon, followed closely behind.

Well I don't know, Cammi. Teo started, leaning forward with a knowing smile and mischevious eyes. Are you going to start being nicer to Beyaz when we get home?

Camilla shut right up when she heard that, cheeks instantly puffing out. No! Beyaz is a mean bird!

Only because you two pester him so much. He's just like Alaki; you've gotta take it in little doses as not to... scare him. Matteo grinned wickedly, flicking his tail back and forth playfully. There was no doubt in the world that the coydog was happy with his mate. He'd never been treated so well before. Hell, he even got to take charge once in a while! Life was fantastic in that area. Even little Camilla was happy with her new brother-in-law. So why couldn't he just be... happy?

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WC:371+ - He's kinda aware something's up, he just doesn't know what o.o

He was not stalking... just following out of concern. Not stalking, not stalking. Again and again he repeated the words as if the were some mantra in an attempt to convince himself that he really was only following. The trail was strong and easy enough to keep to, but every now and then he became so occupied with arguing with himself that he lost the trail and had to back track and start following once more... Matteo was nowhere in sight, for he had been keeping himself well hidden and at a safe distance, unsure what to make of his mate heading out with such a strange look upon his face. Something simply did not feel right, a tight, sickly feeling that was wrong probed at him and he found himself compelled to -follow- (not stalk) the white one to wherever he was going. Since he and Matteo had officially become mates, things had been going surprisingly well; almost too well some may say, but he was happy, he had the one he loved by his side and had somehow formed his own family.. sort of. One heck of a strange family I have.. he muffled a laugh, forcing himself to pay attention to his stalking.. concerned following.

Before long he found himself at what looked like a cave and memories of Selene flooded his mind, along with an old, almost forgotten dread. He isn't like that.. he doesn't any more, he wouldn't... panic struck him as he recalled long hidden memories of the white female self harming. But his blind love for his mate made him believe that he was overreacting, being over sensitive and foolishly over thinking things; everything was fine. From the scents that lingered by the entrance, he guessed Carrissa was with Teo and so he silently padded in after them, his ears picking up muffled voices up ahead but no details, nor sentences could be made out. Lingering a short distance away he found his feet fixed upon the spot, as if the were suddenly chained down. Shrugging off the bad feeling he approached confidently, a huge smile on his face to cover his inner uncertainty to whatever was going on. “Guess who?” he called out.

Image courtesy of crowolf@Flickr; table by the Mentors!

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WC:xD This played in my head the entire time I was reading that post.

Camilla had just opened her mouth to reply to her brother's 'advice' when both coydogs heard a familliar voice; Alaki. Matteo felt a pang of excitement flicker into him, only to quickly become panic as he realized where he was. The Veil! How had Alaki found it?

Better question, why was Alaki here? Shouldn't he have been with Naniko or Leiv at this hour? Why wasn't he working? With mixed feelings, Teo nodded Camilla over to him and called out to his mate as she scrambled over. A tall, dark stranger? He smirked at that as he bent down to brush Camilla's hair out of her face, getting rid of the tangles. She quickly took the hint and brushed off as much of the dirt as she could, muttering something about seeing Alaki everyday anyway and scrunching up her face a bit. So lady like.

Teo didn't get up to greet his mate. He would've... save for his numb legs. He'd been sitting too long and just bending down made pins and needles poke at his nerves there. For once, Alaki would just have to deal with serious informalities. ...Then again, this is Alaki. He won't care. Another smile, this one amused and shy, like a kid with a crush. So manly.

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WC:370+ - OMG. That song is totally what i was thinking too xD

Admittedly, he should have been practising or doing something productive other than 'following' his own mate … out of concern. But sometimes things outside of fighting and practising combat were more important, his mate was one of those such things, and so he'd shrugged of his duties for the day to get to where he was. And funnily enough, he didn't feel the smallest bit bad about it. Grinning like a fool already, he found his jaw hurting as the smile stretched even further as the white one responded to him in equal humour. Stopping short of the pair, he turned his head from side to side, raising a hand above his eyes as if he were looking in the distance. “Where, I don't see one?” he joked about. Slowly, he approached the pair, bringing himself close to his mate and wrapping his arms loosely around Teo's waist. “But if it were a handsome white stranger, then I must agree” he said as he leaned in and nuzzled the side of his mates neck. Then, remembering the child as an after thought, he placed a hand on Camilla's head and ruffled her hair, “And a little squirt too”.

Now that he'd greeted the pair he allowed himself a moment to look around the area they were in; so focused upon following the trail of the pair he hadn't really taken in his surroundings. Then again, mountains and caves all looked the same to the marbas and after a few seconds of looking at the unknown area he grew bored of sight seeing and returned his attention back to the white one. “Any idea where we are?” he asked, honestly clueless to his whereabouts. There were still a few areas within Anathema he had yet to explore and some he hadn't even heard of, that mixed in with his awful sense of direction he genuinely could not figure out where they were. But that wasn't the question he truly wanted to ask; for he knew something was up with Matteo, call it a mate's intuition or maybe him being paranoid, but he wanted to know and yet was too afraid to ask. If something was truly wrong, he'd mention it... right?

Image courtesy of crowolf@Flickr; table by the Mentors!

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WC:00+ - Teo gets all swoopy.

Matteo chuckled softly and hummed in approval as the darker male held and nuzzled against him. He watched fondly as his mate actually took a moment to greet Camilla as well, tail waving slowly behind him in appreciation; he really was trying hard with the kid.

Hey! 'Laki! Camilla protested in feigned annoyance at her hair being ruffled, pulling some strands away slowly once he stopped. She was giggling softly as she ran off again, satisfied with having greeted her brother's mate. Now was time to play some more.

Matteo shifted as she ran off, eyes on Key as the other looked around curiously. He suddenly didn't mind him being there, comfortable and relaxed despite his initial anxiety over the situation. Alaki... just seemed to have that effect on him.

This is the Veil of Fenris. I found it a few months back and Naniko took it into the territory. Not many people know how to get down here or that it's even here. He smiled and glanced out at the water, sighing softly. I come here to think or to relax when nobody has time. It's safe to relax here... Giuseppe doesn't even know it exists. Teo thought bitterly, eyes narrowing ever so slowly. Noise.

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WC: 342 - Slow kitty be slow ; ;

His attention drifted from his mate for a second to watch the child bounce away to do god knows what; and truthfully, all he cared was that he was now alone with his mate. Sat along side the white one he was content; the uneasy feeling within his stomach was still there, but it mattered little now that his beloved was within arms reach. Relaxed now, he allowed himself to slouch a little; arms stretched out behind him to support himself, his head titled to the side giving the other his full attention now. Although the place he found himself in was unusual it did nothing to hold his attention; truthfully, nothing could draw him away from his mate, especially when the albino was so near to him. Ears perked up as Teo spoke, his mind processing every sound and every word the other spoke, smiling softly at the other without realising that he was doing so. Everything was well until that last sentence, the words and the sigh seemed to scream 'something's up' but he don't want to prod and poke, although his curiosity burned he would wait patiently until the other choose to confine in him; anyone else he would have had at the end of his blade demanding answer by now, the fact the he was not was a sickening show of how the other effected him and domesticated him.

Rolling his shoulders, he bumped gently against the other for the sake of simply touching his mate. “Hmmm, thought the trail down here was a tatch confusing, if one were directionally challenged this place would be the equivalent to a living hell.” he gave the other a pointed look, informing him of his difficulties of finding this 'veil of Fenris' without actually mentioning that he himself had struggled. “And you are safe where ever you choose to be Teo; and if anyone threatens that safety, they will only do so once” the words came out nonchalantly, reflecting his opinion that only a fool would dare to threaten his mate.


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