close enough

-noms new table- okay, so saul has come snooping around! this is his first visit to AniWaya and he wants to know whats going on. I dont mind who joins!
2nd Septemer . 5pm . Borders . Optime Form.

Word Count → 000

The young male had let his family know that he would be gone for about a week and they would have to survive without him. He'd made sure that Gypsy was well settled, or as well as she could be. He'd attempted a breeding between Hermes and Gypsy the day before and he hoped it had been successful. They'd been very interested in each other since Saul had come across Dixie and Wayne and the deal had been made. He'd been a bit nervous about leaving the two of them out of his sight- Gypsy and Maia didnt exactly get along it wasnt hard to tell. Saul was just grateful he was bringing Hermes with him, the handsome stallion couldnt cause much chaos while they were down here, right? He wouldnt bet on it. The stallion gave off the picture of obediance but Saul could feel the excitement in his muscles as they moved through the forests and open plains that belonged to nobody in Nova Scotia. The two had passed through Arachnea's Revenge and Saul had been unable to resist going home. Dahlia de Mai, in the almost exact two months since they'd left, it was alien to him. He'd dropped by his cabin as well and the two had spent the night in there. It had been surreal waking up in the morning to be in his old house with nobody around him.

Haunted by the ghosts that he didnt know existed, Saul had moved on from the old Dahlia de Mai territories south. He knew roughly the whereabouts of his destination but not exactly. He would have to go by scent when he no longer knew where he was. Despite spending most of his life in Dahlia, he hadn't really ever left it to go exploring the other packs. He perhaps should have done, and then he would have known where AniWaya was. But the whispers that were making their way around Nova Scotia were tell him that there was something brewing in AniWaya. Curiosity drove him to find out what, but there was also the chance to perhaps build more relations with packs that were very far from their reach. Ichikans were peace makers and perhaps Saul could do something to smooth out the kinks that were springing up down here. A small voice in the back of his mind told him that one person couldnt change the fate of what was going on, but he was determined to see if he could help.

The day wore on as he made his way further and further south. He was well and truely lost by the time he smelt the borders and pulled Hermes into a trot and then a walk. The sun was still up but it ouldnt be long before it set and he would have to find somewhere to sleep in the darkness. Still, the male approached the borders with a happy smile on his face. His satchel sat across his chest, resting against his legs, while both of these were resting around the girth of the stallion who was fast becoming his favourite companion. He clicked the male to a stop, green eyes turning molten gold in the very early evening sun. He would wait to see if there were any scouts or anything around before he called for anyone.

Picture manip by Cait, table code by the Mentors!

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Ayasha had decided to do a quick patrol before dinner. Her hopes were that there wasn’t anything to deal with and she could go home to her mother. They were close and despite their disagreement about her going to be with her uncle, she could tell that her mother was glad to have company. He heard the sound of a horse and went to investigate what was going on.

Her eyes alit upon a man on a horse. He seemed rather happy for some reason. Didn’t he know what was going on in AniWaya? He did smell of a pack but she had no idea which one it was. It wasn’t one she recognized. She approached quietly but in his sight early so she didn’t startle him, or his horse. ”What are you doing here, stranger?” Her tone wasn’t harsh but she was a bit wary.

If he knew what was going on here, he would probably left. But he might be able to help them get rid of Maska. So she regarded him with guarded curiosity. Her time under Maska’s rule had mellowed her out slightly. She still liked to talk and ask questions but she was a lot more careful than she was before. ”My name’s Ayasha, a scout of AniWaya.” She offered in way of introduction.

<33 yaaay

Word Count → 000

Hermes was uneasy beneath him as the two came to a stop. He was an active horse and Saul knew he would rather be moving than just standing. But the whispers racing over the lands, passed from ones mouth into anothers ear and so on, were telling Saul that something was going on down south. And he wanted to find out what. Ichika was committed to helping others and if there was disquiet down here, Saul wanted to know if there was anything he could actually do to help them out. They didnt have to wait long before a flash of white alerted him to the fact that someone had spotted them. She emerged a little way away and approached deliberately, a move he'd seen often in his life. A move that meant she was not here to sneak up on him and startle him or attack him. She approached him deliberately to show that she was a friend. The first question she asked was one he should have expected, but it came as a bit of a shock. Her tone was not bitter, but he definitely detected a wariness about her.

"Hello, I'm Saul Stormbringer from Ichika no Ho-en. We've been hearing a lot of rumours about things going on down here and I came to find out more."

He told the truth, but he still felt a little superior sat on his horse. With a pat to Hermes' back he dismounted, tieing the horses reigns in a knot above his neck so that they wouldnt drape down and trip him. Hermes had the choice whether to roam around or stay by his side. The white female then introduced herself as Ayasha, a scout of AniWaya. Saul nodded softly. "Its nice to meet you Ayasha. I am the Hui K'o of Ichika... I'm not sure what that translates to, but I'm a medicine man first and foremost." He said, thinking of the strange names for their ranks in Ichika. He didnt mind, as each name translated to an image in his mind of what the rank was, even if it didnt have any words. He waited, green eyes wary to see if anything would change between the two of them.

Picture manip by Cait, table code by the Mentors!

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Ah, so he wanted to know about what was going on. She nodded. ”A lot of people want to.” She sighed slightly. ”We have a new leader that many of us don’t agree with. He seems bent on making us miserable and our neighbors as well. Maska, that’s his name, attacked Crimson Dreams because one of our members was forced to leave and took his pups with him. Maska said that the pups belong to the Tribe not the family. He has been making us create weapons when they only one’s we’ve ever needed have been for hunting. I fear that he means to go to war with the rest of ‘Souls.” She felt better that she could tell another pack about it.

Ayasha continued. ”He has forced many members to leave. My own mother has sent my younger siblings away for their protection. She’s trying to do something to help get Maska to leave. Do you think that you can tell your leader and let them know the situation here?” She knew that they would need help from anyone that they could. At the pleasure, she gave a wry smile. ”The circumstances could be better.” They could be a lot better.

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