Tastes Like...

Table & Coding © Kiki

It was no doubt a strange sight to see the boy carry about a pup with him just about everywhere that he went, especially for those that knew Bastion and his tendencies. The male was actually caring and worrying about someone other than himself and that alone was near about a miracle. Still he seemed to have really grown into the parent role. Of course that could be because he still didn't really see Enigma as another being but rather a toy or doll of sorts that was able to move about on its own. And of course he enjoyed dressing the pup up. He had found a store in Halifax that allowed him to gather Enigma his own set of panties to wear. But of course those were saved for trips outside of Salsola alone.

Over the past few weeks Enigma had learned to walk better and so Bastion had set the pup on the ground in order to let him totter along behind him. Honestly it made it easier for Bastion to carry the bundle of wildflowers that he had picked. He had taken up handfuls of different varieties that he had found scattered around the terrain of Salsola and found himself bringing them over to where a garden was being placed. Since Bastion was a frequent user of these he knew just where to find them, and had collected them before it could start to frost and kill all of them.

The boy glanced behind himself in order to make certain that Enigma was still following and couldn't help but to giggle as the pup still continued to stumble a bit, it mainly being when he tried to move faster. "Come Enigma. Carry these." He called out to the pup and placed the stems of a couple of flowers into the pup's mouth. This led to Enigma trying to chew on them and Bastion laughing about it. "No. No eat. Not food." He admonished the smaller canine gently and reached down to pick up Enigma and take the flowers back from him.

The pup was placed back down once the garden area was reached. "No go far." He warned the pup as he set Enigma back on the ground. He knelt down as well to try and place the flowers in the garden. Being as he knew nothing about horticulture he didn't know that plants needed roots that kept them standing upright in the ground. Instead he only had stems and buds and was trying to force the stems into the ground only to have the plants flop over time and time again. Of course this quickly became a frustration for him. The small male frowned and gave a light growl as he picked up a flower and tried to roughly stuff the stem into the hard ground only to end up bending and breaking the stem. "Why no go?" The words were demanded of the flower as he once again made to jab the flower into the ground and just broke the stem further.

We are all prey here
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sorry this is so rambly / +yo numbah!

Odessa had never been a regular in the common areas, usually only at night and early in the morning she was there, and of course when she needed to access her things. And today's routine had very little differance to it. She had left her temporary home quickly after she had gotten ready, swinging her bag of basic medical supplies up onto her shoulder and left immediatly. It had been early when she had left, with her brisk escape being under the cover of darkness, and now the sun was high in the sky, just a brief reminder of how long she had been out. And her desperation to have her own home.

Odessa steered her route up towards the garden. A somewhat familiar sight emerged as Dessa approached the landmark. 'Bastion?' she called, her voice low and respectful. Her eyebrows knitted together in confusion at what he was doing. Gardening was her first choice, since they were in a garden, but his actions were far from the type she expected from a gardener. 'What are you doing?' she asked curiously, her eyes tilting backwards as she stepped forward slowly.

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Table & Coding © Kiki

Bastion was determined to get this task completed at the very least, even if he had no clue what he was doing. He simply figured that if he could get the flowers into the ground then someone else could worry about tending to them after that. He had never imagined that there would be such trouble in just trying to get such a fragile object into the earth. After all it wasn't like the flower could physically fight back even though it felt as though that is just what it was doing. The flower seemed to quite practically be doing whatever it could so that it didn't have to be contained within the earth once more. It was like it had got a taste of freedom and now it no longer wished to be restrained. Of course these were just odd thoughts to explain the trouble that Bastion was having with it.

The small male looked up at the sound of his name. His eyes landed on some woman that he didn't know and therefore had no idea how she knew who he was. It wasn't really that much of a concern for him since he was of high rank and therefore deserved to be known about. And since he was higher than most others there was no need to really concern himself with figuring out who everyone that was below him was. The only thing that really mattered was that he was listened to and obeyed. And if not, well... he wasn't opposed to making certain that such a thing happened no matter what way had to be resorted to. And well, he had enough acclaim and prestige with the leaders that he felt invincible. He truly believed that he could get away with absolutely anything he decided to do. Who were they to question his means?

"Planting." The simple explanation for his actions was given. He thought that it was pretty obvious what he was doing. What else would he doing down in the dirt with a bunch of flowers? He certainly wasn't about to eat them, especially after he told Enigma that the pup wasn't allowed to eat them either. No, he was trying something and starting to get frustrated at his failed attempts at transplanting. It had been so easy to pick the flowers but he hadn't expected that placing them back in the ground would be a difficult task. If the flowers could be plucked up without much of an effort to be placed in the action then why should it be expected that putting them back in the ground would require anymore effort than he had put into taking it away? And it was because of that though process that he was have a difficult time of accepting that his attempts just weren't going to work. He had to accept that how he had taken them from the ground couldn't be the same way to be used to place them back in the ground.

We are all prey here
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OOC sup bitches? / +yo numbah!

'Oh...' she said, finding her answer from the grey man. Well, he wasn't doing it very well. That was Odessa's first thought, but she'd never say that out loud. She was too smart, too respectful, too nervous about loosing face within the pack. 'Well... Do you, uh, need any help? she asked steadily, crossing her arms over her chest and stepping forward. She knew little about gardening, but what she did know she was happy to spread around. One day, if she ever got her own den, she hoped to have her own little herb garden outside it. So she wouldn't have to trapse around looking for her ingredients. Of course there would always be plants she couldn't grow herself.

Of course then she'd have to find a green house type thing for the items that only required a situation a few degrees higher than what the Canadian nature could give. And with her own home perhaps she could use some of the space for a makeshift clinic, at least her communal space. Odessa's mind wandered away as she waited for a reply.

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