The only thing I still believe in

The handful of wild root vegetables and even an onion she had managed to find had been sliced and cooked slowly in a shallow pan of boiling water laid on top the coals of the fire. Some fatty trimmings had been added along with the mix for flavor. Meanwhile, Anann worked to prepared a couple of large venison steaks that had been cut from a loin. Seasoning them lightly with salt and even more sparingly with her dwindling supply of black pepper. Taking a shard of obsidian, she cut a deep slit into the side of each steak, effectively making a pocket within the meat, which she carefully stuffed with sliced potatoes and onion before wrapping each steak in large, edible and sweet smelling leaves she had found. Hoping they would give the meat a nice flavor as it cooked. The meat protected with its foliage wrapping, she placed them directly over the ash coated coals to cook. Standing up from her crouch near the fire pit, Anann dusted herself off and headed to the stream to wash of her hands. Pausing for a moment at the fire to flip the meat over before heading around the cabin.

The sun was sinking closer to the horizon and it was likely that Anatoliy would be home at any minute now, but while the steaks were already on the fire, the meal was only part of her surprise for the Russian male. The rest was carefully pulled from one of her packs. The wrapped clothing was place on the table along with a sealed bottle. The drink was not the Tennessee whiskey that she preferred, but the crystal clear vodka that her lover seemed to enjoy. With a quick glance out the door of the cabin before she carefully put on the garment that Strelein had been so kind to make for her. Careful fingers adjusted the fabric so that it laid smoothly over her fur and took a bone toothed comb to her mane. The poor woman was at a loss for what else to do with the long locks other than a combing and tucking the strand behind her ears. She wished now that she had gone to Princess and asked the woman to help her for she seemed to have little trouble styling her own mane in elegant up-dos. A skill Anann had never had need to learn.

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bawness, Anann x3

He could smell the meat before he even got within site of the cabin. And it smelled delightful. It had been so long ago now, since he had last had a superbly cooked meal with the works. It made him salivate, almost tasting whatever it was cooking. There were hints of spices, something expensive and rare to get ones hands on. Anann must have used that small supply of them she had left. It almost made him guilty about it, but he knew she was going to be eating it as well.

Anatoliy knew she was going to do something today for them both, but he had no clue. And he was certain that the food that smelled so damn tantalizing was not the only bit of the surprise, especially knowing Anann. With clean hands and body, the Russo only cared the light scent of sea, wood, and paint. The smell of fire intensified as the Russo approached the cabin he had helped to build. Her scent started mixing with the rather overpowering smell of smoke and cooking meat. He had no idea what the golden woman had in store for him, but he was already liking what he was getting.

But that woman was mysteriously absent from the cook fire. Anatoliy merely glanced at the meat wrapped in leaf before heading to the cabin to see if his lover was inside. He was awarded with the sight of her in something so foreign. She never wore dresses, or clothes in general. So seeing her in something feminine was strange, but Anatoliy liked it on her. It stood out against her golden colors. "You are looking so lovely today. Is zhis part of my surprise?" he said, coming up behind her as she tried to straighten her hair. His hands went to her waist as he rested his chin on her shoulder, tail wagging lightly.

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Anann had nearly finished combing her mane when Anatoliy entered the cabin behind her. A warm smile spreading on her lips, glad that he seemed to like this little part of her surprise. ”It is.” She said as she set the comb aside and her arms crossed in front of her as she laid her hands over his larger ones at her waist. Her head leaned back slightly and against him for a moment before she turned in his arms to face him. ”And this as well.” She said, presenting the bottle she had found, having snatched it off the table as she had turned. It was marked as an import, though Anann was otherwise unsure of it’s quality, but she hoped it would be suitable for the evening. ”Here,” she said, thrusting the bottle at him to take and gave him a quick kiss, ”you get a head start. I need to go check the meat.” She said with a little smirk. Anann could hold her own when it came to drinking, sure enough but she had nothing on Anatoliy. With a second quick kiss, the golden woman whisked herself from his arms and out the door of the cabin before he could protest.

Carefully Anann removed the wrapped venison from the bed of coals and removed the binding and foliage before placing the stuffed steaks onto the awaiting plates that had warmed near the fire. A plate in each hand, Anann carried them over to a small table she had set off to the side of the cabin. It was cast in the evening shadows of the large trees around her home, yet positioned to give them a view of the evening sky painted in the deep vibrant colors of an autumn sunset.

”Anatoliy, come on. Supper is ready,” she called out, ”and bring that bottle with you!” Anann sat down at her end of the table that was bare, save for their modest place settings. A large cloth napkins laying over shards of obsidian. Rejects from her attempt to make a new dagger for herself, yet still viable blades and would serve as wonderful steak knifes for this special evening.

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She'd make a strange housewife x3

She turned to face him, and the Russo gave a low chuckle at her having combed her hair. He was about to play with a strand of it when she presented him with a bottle of clear liquid. He looked at for a mere moment before it was put into his hands and she had given him a quick kiss. Looking from her to the bottle, his face was rather confused for a moment as he tried to take in all that information in. "Vhy.. zhank you..," he said absently as he watched her swirl out of the cabin with a strange new grace that came with wearing the more feminine garment. He wondered where she had gotten it, for it had fit her so well.

Anatoliy heard her moving around outside, by the fire. He could smell the shifted coals and the meat exposed as the scent seemed to intensified. Quickly, he set down the bottle of wine and grabbed the comb his lover had laid down. Untying the tie to his hair, he quickly ran it through his brown locks and retied his low ponytail. Anann had gone to all that trouble, he might as well try to look far more presentable for it. He grinned as she called his name, ordering him to bring the bottle of vodka.

The Russo caught her tail tip going around the cabin, and he followed her, intrigued. "You have been very busy, I see," he said with a lopsided grin. The meat smelled great and he took his place at the table, setting the bottle down with a clank. "So vhat brought zhis all on, mine love?" Anatoliy looked at the golden woman, placing his hands on the table. The aroma of the food was tantalizing, especially after a day of fixing a boat and beginning his plans for lobster and crab traps.

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It was all a little out of the ordinary. The fresh cooking was bit of rarity in it’s own from their diet that was largely smoked and dried meats that were easy to store and even when she did cook Anann seldom went to such lengths. Though it was perhaps the dress that was rarest event of the evening and Strel had certainly out done himself. The garment had the strange effect of making Anann oddly self-conscious and she could feel the heat of her face as it flush at the way Anatoliy was looking at her. ”I just thought we could use a special night of simple pleasures.” She said with a soft smile as she reached over her plate to place a hand over his. ” And because you deserve it.” She said earnestly giving his hand a squeeze before pulling hers back and placed the napkin over her lap. She had spent a lot of thought on how to treat him with something special. A sort of gesture to express what she didn’t necessarily have to words for and to show that she was grateful to still have him in her life. A lesser man would have abandoned her. ”I say we enjoy it to it’s fullest.” She said before placing a morsel of steak in her mouth.

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Anatoliy gave a low rumble of amusement as he looked at his pretty golden lover. He squeezed her hand back when she touched his. "I zhink zhat you are deserving it, too." After what the two of them had gone through, he wanted little more than to enjoy his time with her, whenever he could. Even if it meant that he would risk other people. He had spent far too long away from her, worrying about her to simply leave her alone now. She was fully capable of taking care of herself, but he just missed her more than enough to let her go on her merry way.

"I zhink you're on to somezhing," he said softly, taking the obsidian shards and taking it to his steak. He cut it roughly, but keeping it as best as he could on his plate. He took a slice, and tried it, and smiled at the woman. "Somevone outdid zhemselves today." Anatoliy took another bite and knew he had certainly found himself a winner.

"Anann? Vhat are your plans for later, I vonder? Surely zhere has to be more from all zhe effort you have put in already." Anatoliy looked at the golden woman as he opened the vodka bottle, and poured them both an equal amount. Naturally, he poured it for her first. With a clank, the bottle was returned to the table and stoppered, and he raised his glass up to her, an easy smile on her face.

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Anann had been fusing over little details of the evening for most of the day and she had worried that the meat might easily be over-cooked, but as she had cut into it, she had found it was still perfectly pink in the middle. As she chewed the first bite, she was satisfied with the resulting flavor that the scant spices had added along with the onion, potatoes, and greens. She watched with interest as Anatoliy took his first bite, hoping that he too would like the slight flare to their meal and she felt the blushing heat in her cheeks again as he complimented the food and cook. ”I’m glad you like it.” She said happily, though from behind a bashful smile. Gods, why did she feel so nervous, it was ridiculous. But then, it had always been Anatoliy that was capable of making her feel this way.

Anann looked up from her plate as he spoke her name. Umber eyes locking on gold. With a mouthful of food, Anann could only shake her head at Anatoliy’s question as he poured their glasses, a smile on her lips as she chewed. ”No more surprises.” she said finally with an empty mouth. ”I suppose since I provided the setting its up to you where the evening goes from here.” She teased, a mischievous smile on her lips. Reaching for her own glass she raised in mimic of what Anatoliy had done with his own. "Do you propose a toast?" That grin still playing on her lips.

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"I have to do all zhe vork now?" he countered with a low chuckle as he clanked the bottle back onto the table. He watched her mimic his movements, raising the glass just moments after he raised his. But her question was a good one, and he nodded with a smile. "Is customary, is not?" Anatoliy licked his lips as he thought of an adequate toast, especially as he felt a welling of emotion within him. He was sitting with Anann again, enjoying a dinner with the woman he had stood behind for so long. It just seemed so terribly strange, to experience something so normal for once. It was like nothing happened, but he would not have had it any other way, with anyone else. Straightening his arm at the woman, he simply said, "Любовь. Love." And he clanked his glass with Anann's before taking a quick swallow of the alcohol. Vodka was not common for him, and he enjoyed it, even though he knew that his golden woman was not partial to the potato brew.

He ate more of the meat as he smiled at the woman. It felt weird, sure, but it was still nice. "Oh, I did have somezhing I vant to do later." There was naught suggestive about his tone, but his words could have been taken as such. There was plenty he wanted to do that was not remotely akin to that, but he was starting to feel it at the bottom of his heart, that raging desire to do what he had wanted to do before the man appeared and postponed everything too long. Resting hands on the table, he looked seriously at the woman before him. "I just don't know how it vill go." His eyes were serious as he poured them another shot. "Is your turn now, I zhink, Anann."

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”Surely, it’ll be worth your while.” She said with a smile. It had been so long since she had smiled so much; since either of them had. Her glass raised, Anann wanted to squirm in her seat so badly. Strel had done a wonderful job with the dress and it fit perfectly, but the feel of the fabric was unfamiliar to Anann and it felt as if it bunched terribly as she sat. Still she smiled sweetly as she watched from across the table as he licked his lips as he thought on the toast. Slight traces of emotion playing across his face and most notably his golden eyes. Her hand moved unconsciously to smooth the fabric over her belly even though there was barely the occasional wrinkle or fold. ”To lubof.” She repeated as they clanked their glasses together lightly, a warm smile on her face. Downing the shot, her nose crinkled and she gave a light cough. It’s bite on the way down was a bit different than the amber whiskeys Anann preferred, but the spread of warmth in her belly once it was down held the same familiarity.

There was a certain nervousness to the evening air, or so it felt. Though Anann was beginning to think it was only her and she did not understand why she felt this way. It felt as if their relationship was so young, so new again. But surely they were past the butterflies she was feeling as he looked at her from across the table. His smile causing her own to grow. Her ears perked as he spoke and her head tilted slightly in curiosity. Her mind pondering the possibilities upon a couple different tracks. Anann looked at him as he placed his hands on the table, her own expression growing more serious though not enough to pull the smile from her lips completely. She gave him a slightly perplexed look for his statement. After all, until she knew what he was up to it was impossible to know how it might go. Still she doubted that it could go too horribly. ”I guess we will just have to see, won’t we?” The soft smile once again on her face as he poured another round.

She should have known he would put her on the spot for the next toast and she wished she had been thinking of something to say for now her mind felt blank. Though after a brief moment, she raised her glass and gave Anatoliy a moment to do the same. ”Patience.” They had both been left waiting and wondering at one time or another.

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Anatoliy gave her a relieved smile, understanding the logic behind her statement. They would never known until he tried, but the Russo was fairly certain that the two of them would enjoy it, appreciate it, whatever it was they were supposed to feel about it. He kept gazing at her face, drinking it in, as he had been doing so often lately. It had been a bit since they had been properly reunited, and he could not help himself still. As the woman paused to think of her own toast, he thought of the feel of her against him, and how her scent was already overwhelming him here. And the dress wasn't helping. She never went out of her way to dress up, except for the ball, so terribly long ago.

Anann finally raised her glass and the Russian man did the same, clanking it against hers as she gave her toast. "Unending patience, I zhink," he added, with a slight chuckle as the words were drowned in vodka. The Russo was blessed with patience, something that neither his father nor sister seemed to have. It was his mother's gift to him, and probably to Silas too. But Anatoliy had not seen that man in a long time, long enough that he felt as though he was estranged from his littermate.

Wiping away remaining drops on his lips, the Russian stood from his seat, meal eaten. "Anann, please to wait here a moment," he asked of her, before striding into the cabin. He found the necklace he had meant to give her long ago, and pulled it free from his spare pants. In the palm of his hand it rested, as his fist clenched tight. He stood before her, his strange nervousness evident from his almost shaking hands. Then, with a downward glance, he knelt before her, one knee out. He held out the necklace at her, without a word. He could barely manage it.

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There was no denying that the Russian had patience. It must surely be boundless. The proof was in the very fact that he sat across the table from her on this very a evening. Anann could only give a slight smirk to his comment before she downed the shot. The second was not nearly as harsh as the first had been. Those that followed would be even easier.

They had both finished eating by the time that Anatoliy had risen. A smile of contentment on her face as her eyes wandered between her lover and the vibrate colors of the fall sunset. The meal had been good and the vodka had left her with a rather comfortable buzz that had left her forget about awkwardness of her dress. That was until Anatoliy rose and asked her to wait as she had already made to rise from her seat. She gave him a curious look, but quietly obliged.

As he quickly walked off to the cabin, Anann once again fussed over her dress. Running her hands over the fabric to smooth it over her fur and golden fingers brushing a few stray strands of hair back behind her ears. She was curious what he might be up to and her mind couldn’t help but come up with a few ideas of it’s own. A bright smile greeted him as he came striding back, faltering only slightly as she was puzzled by Anatoliy’s sudden nervousness. He was not alone, as he knelt before her Anann felt her own nerves make her skin tingle and her heart race.

Her jaw dropped, stunned, as the necklace was presented to her. ”Oh, Toliy.” A trembling golden hand raised to her lips and she gave the Russo a look of disbelief. Those dark brown eyes so filled with emotion. Where.. but how? I..I thought it was.. lost..” The hand left her lips and reached for the shining trinket as if to ensure it was truly real.

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The Russo felt his ears fold back against his head as she looked in surprise at the jewelry. He felt oddly guilty, that he had taken it from their cabin so long ago. After his sojourn in the cabin, Anatoliy had raced off to find her, taking the necklace with him in his pants. He had been waiting to present it to her, but maybe he ought to have done it sooner? As the woman reached out her hand to touch the necklace in his own hand, he gripped her's with it. "It vas zhe day I came to find you. It vas laying on zhe table, so I took it, so no vone else vould." Anatoliy's tone was apologetic, even though he had nothing to be apologizing for. It had been his gift, so he had every right to take it and hold onto it.

Swallowing hard, Anatoliy began, "Anann.. I know zhat if zhat man never came, I vould have done zhis much sooner." It was hard to talk about him, but it was brief enough. "At home, zhe man vould usually present a ring, but I figured zhat zhis vas much better." Clearing his throat again, the Russo put his other hand on top of hers. "I love you, Anann. Very much." Anatoliy truly loved her. Why would he ever stick through the Keese garbage if he didn't? "Please, be vith me. Be mine mate?"

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She did not mind, nor care how it was he had come to once again hold the silver necklace and its horseshoe pendant. All that mattered was that it had been safe and not forever lost as she had thought it. She had remembered seeing it on the table, where it had not belonged in the first place, when she had returned home from Anatoliy’s after the storm. From there her memories of what transpired hazy and fragmented. She had not known what had become of it and she had not been able to find when she had returned and had feared that Keese had gotten rid of it.

Strong emotions swelled in her chest and threatened to choked her, even before he started to speak. She might have refused him the last time, but she had still treasured the necklace and the love it represented. She gave his hand a tight squeeze as it grab hold of her’s. Anann was unable to look away from his eyes as he spoke. She knew with out a doubt that he loved her. It was in his touch and the way he looked upon her. In all the little every day things. She leaned forward to give him a passionate kiss. ”Yes, I am yours.” She said with a broad smile and watery eyes. She wanted those arms of his around her and so she stood, pulling him to his feet so that she rest her head on his chest, tucked neatly under his chin. ”I love you too, Anatoliy. I always have. My heart has never belonged to any other.” She said softly as she listened to his heartbeat in her ear. Their hands were still clasped together around the necklace, trapped between them. Her free hand came up to rest against his chest, fingers tracing random patterns in the pale fur.

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The woman accepted, and the Russo had never felt any other feeling as strong as the one of elation he felt at that very moment as she came close. She raised him up, her eyes watery and his eyes bright. Her hand was on his chest, and he wrapped his free hand around her shoulders as he pulled her close. Their clasped hands he put between them as he hugged her close, giving her forehead a kiss. "You make me so very happy." It was true. He had not felt as good as he did with her near him. It had started to be that way long before Keese came, but it was stronger than ever when he brought the woman back to him, free of the grey monster's hold. He loved her. He loved her so much.

Then, he pulled the two of them apart and pulled his hand from hers. It took a good moment fumbling, but he managed to unclasp the catch and held the chain with the pendant before her eyes. "Come, turn self around." As she did so, lifting up her hair, he pulled the chain over her head and around her neck. He fumbled again for a moment, hands big and clunky compared to the tiny mechanism, but he managed to hook it together, and let it fall against the woman's chest, secured in place. Anatoliy wrapped his arms around her, resting his big head against her shoulder. He pressed his body against her, eyes closed as he enjoyed the way she felt against him. It felt right, like she fit right with him.

He had not known how to have done this before; it had to have waited for a moment like this. She had dressed up special for him, and he let his hands wandering from across her chest, and down her hips. They were covered, but the material felt fine beneath his palms. "He did a good job. Zhis is beautiful, especially on you."

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I think we know where this leading, so feel free to fade to black :x or not, whatever you desire.

Anann let down her hair as she felt weight of pendant resting against her chest and the hands of her lover pull away. Golden fingers falling to brush over the silver treasure as she looked down at it with a blissful smile on her lips. A soft, purr like murmur rose in her throat as she felt Anatoliy’s arms wrap around her and his head resting against her shoulder. She leaned back into him just lightly as his own body pressed against her, brown eyes drifting shut. A content sigh left her lips still curved in a smile. In this one moment it felt as if all was right with world. Things always felt right when she was in his arms. Simple bliss. She wished she could hold on to this feeling for the rest of her life.

The feel of his hands running over her body was even more teasing than usual. The layer of fabric giving the sensation a whole new feel as his touch caressed her chest. Anann knew it wasn’t just the alcohol, but it could have certainly been helping, a soft moan leaving her lips as his hands trailed to her hips. ”Thank you, he did. I’m glad you like it.” she purred, voice laced with a light, playful growl. She wanted to turn and face him to give him a sweet kiss, but things felt so good, so right as they were now that she dared not move.

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fading to black because we should just mooove on xD

The Russian man playfully nipped at the woman's neck as he roamed his hands over her hips and sides. His fingers occasionally pinched the material under them, making the entire outfit rise up her body in a terribly tantalizing way. Anatoliy pressed against her as he tightened his arms around her. It was a mixture of the alcohol and elation running through his veins that made him squeeze her tightly. "I am zhinking zhat ve can clean up later," he growled out lowly, as he lifted the woman into his arms. She could protest all she wanted for the undignified action, but he could not find it in him to care. She wouldn't be complaining soon enough.

Inside of their cabin, the man let her down, and turned her around. He ran his fingers through her hair and down her neck as he kissed her. Anatoliy supported himself against the wall with both arms as he kissed the woman with something of a passion. "I love you very much, Anann," he said as he pulled away from her, hands trailing down her arms, to her hips once again. This time he deftly pulled the material up her thighs as he breathed hotly down her neck.

Fade to black

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