And so the petal falls
branches off from Vysengi's starting post in the raid

He managed to slip away from the main group of raiders, preferring to do things his way. AniWaya had a way of doing things and he had a way of doing his own. He worked better alone and it was always nicer to deal in the quiet with those he intended to kill. He had never killed anyone though, and this was why he was here. He was a kidnapper here, not a murderer. That was best. Vysengi knew that Lisotta would not approve of him killing innocents while trying to prove himself to Maska. The little bird was absent, but the wolf knew that the spirit guide was not going to see kidnappings. Lisotta had tried to convince him not to, but Vysengi stood firm against her.

The group had begun to approach the manor, or what he had assumed was the manor, but Vysengi slipped off into the trees. Silence took over and the colored male was relieved. It was so peaceful that the man could gather his thoughts and steel himself. Taking one of the dual daggers from his belt and held it ready as the smell of the Dreamers got stronger. It was that strange scent that made his nose furrow and the disgusted look on his face. Maska's words were not terribly well spoken at times, but he had too many points that made sense to argue. It was hard to argue against a war leader, especially when it was so vital.

It was a fight to make the world pure and follow in the true ways. Vysengi only believed some of it, but it was for his honor, for his future. He would make a name for himself in this war, even if he had to forget some of his upbringing to do it.

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+3. This table depresses me dearly.

There was something wicked in the air, something foul and cruel, and it drew nearer like a gray cloud bursting with rain. Giselle had found herself at her balcony, leaning heavily on an arm as she watched the world slowly lose its color, like being painted with a grey paint brush. Pale blue eyes admired the soft yellows, warm oranges, and deep crimsons of the sunset, the dappled sunlight hanging lazily from the trees overhead; yet her heart was not in song, and there was no bright smile to see away the warm day. Her knot of emotions had gotten to the young girl over the last few days, and since then things seemed to not seem so bright, or taste as sweet. And so, as she let the soft breeze of autumn run through her hair, Giselle stared out at the world, wishing she had wings.

A rustle came from a tree down below, and it snapped her out of her dreaming reverie. Placing her hands firmly on the balcony, the mahogany haired woman peered down, but saw nothing but the growing darkness of the earth. H-hello? Is anyone there? She called, looking towards the source of the noise. But it was gone as soon as it had come, and Giselle could only think it was a passing creature. The pale princess sighed, and began to turn back towards her room when she heard a noise again, and then a strange scent. Her curious expression melted away and became instant fear, something she hadn't felt since the savages came.

The young woman darted into her room and began to grab her frying pan and crammed her satchel full of belongings. Tux leaped from the bed and joined her as Giselle scrambled out the door, fearing the worst. If her nose truly could not deceive her, then what she had scented was one of ... them. The young woman felt others in the Manor knew, and though fear tied her stomach tighter with each step, Giselle slipped out the back door of the building, making her way towards the stables. There was no time to react, and the woman had to call for help before it was far too late.

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Image © BSOD90@Flickr

Their smell was everywhere. It was foreign and it was vile. Vysengi's nose burned with their smell. There were so many of them living in that building. Why would they take to living in the homes of the ancients? The true life style was far more pure, far more correct. One with nature and one with themselves was the way it ought to be. Living in the wooden buildings was wrong and it cut one off from the earth, from life. Vysengi slipped around the building, wishing the scent away. But there was no luck of that, not when he was knee deep in their territory. His crystal obsidian knife glittered in the setting light, sparkling in the foliage as he crouched through it. The scent of the Dreamers suddenly grew strong as he watched the building, and the smell of fear was there too.

Slipping closer, he saw a pale woman emerge, and he instantly thought back to the list of people Maska had wanted. One of them was a white woman, but the male could not remember if the woman had brown or blond hair. It didn't matter in the end, they were kidnapping and if he could get his hands on one of them, they would be the better off. The young woman ran off from the manor, away from the raiders. Vysengi growled softly as he took after her, suddenly growling loudly as he came up behind her. Hands reached out to grab at her, dagger pointed away from the delicate flesh.

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She was exposed, in the open, but her fear had gotten the best of her. Giselle wasn't even sure if she could ride a horse to their neighbors in Cour des Miracles, let alone saddle one from the stables. Still, she knew she had to get away, as her feet shuffled along the earth, pale fur exposed to the world, and betraying her. The young woman dared not look back, afraid for what she would find, but the strange scent still lingered, and yet it grew stronger, and spoke of violence.

Tux squeaked out a little too late, and where he found himself perched on her shoulder his flexible body fell to the floor as Giselle felt a brutal hand wrap around her delicate arm, bringing her to an abrupt halt. That dark grey cloud with its vile scent was stronger now, and Giselle could only gasp. Tears formed in her eyes as she shut them, refusing to believe what was happening, but her heart beat wildly and gave away her fear. The satchel with her things dropped to the ground, and Giselle attempted to turn and struggle away. "Let.. me.. go!" When the woman opened her eyes and turned her head, she looked up to see a giant beast of shadow, a dark shroud of evil that held her there roughly.

Eyes grew as big as a full moon, and the tears took no time at all to fall. She felt the hand around her arm tighten, and she wanted to scream, but another hand glistened with a dagger, and the young princess swallowed hard. His strength was immense, but the beast's size and scent terrified her. As her other arm attempted to grasp the bag on the ground, for her only weapon, the stoat hissed and bared his fangs, lunging to bite at the nearest bit of flesh of the attacker. Giselle drew back, and placed her free hand to her lips when the savage that held her shoved the stoat aside with a foot, and the animal rolled across the grass. "Tux, don't!" She squeaked to him in his speech, hoping this stranger did not, somehow, understand stoat. A tear rolled and fell, afraid that her friend was hurt by the kick, but with the shadows along the ground it was hard to tell where Tux was. But he was brave, and strong. "Go and.. find him.." The woman's voice shook, still struggling but knowing it was pointless against this shadow of a male. "Find.. Silvano!" She chocked his name, as if it took all of her effort to let it slip from her tongue.

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Image © BSOD90@Flickr

Well of course the woman struggled. She did protested loudly, and the wolf's ears began to smart from her yelling. The stoat was trying to get at him, trying to bite him. Growling in the woman's ear, he kicked at the little animal, eager to get it away from them. He wrapped his arms around the woman, holding the knife at her neck and keeping his hand on her arm to keep her from running. She made such strange noises, squeaking like a rat. His brows were furrowed in confusion as she spoke to the little creature. Clearly it was low speech, but Vysengi did not know a word of it, other than a chirp here and there that Lisotta taught her student. She started to struggle anew in his grasp that he could not help but look away from the stoat. It was a nuisance at worst, and he could easily snap its neck if it began to bite him again. But the woman would have to be quiet or else he would not know what to do with her pretty little neck.

Vysengi clamped his hand over the woman's mouth, he made sure his knife would not nick into her skin at all. It was just a bargaining chip, nothing more. "Hush young one, hush. You'll let everyone know what where you are," he said in a whisper in her ear, pulling her arm around her back so he could lead her forward. "We don't want that.. no, we don't..," he said again, pushing her toward AniWaya and where they had agreed to meet. He needed to get ties around her hands, and her mouth. She was a loud one.

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Silvano was still in his room, brooding as he always was. The window was open to catch that breeze, luring it into the room to cool it off and air it. Nothing he could do would make the smell of shame leave though, and the aura of depression. But what it did do was alert him to the smell of strangers, faint as it was with the breeze. He did not perk up instantly though, thinking it was one of the Utinas come to talk to his mother or to Anu, returned from the enemy. There was some joy beginning to return to life, but Silvano found himself ever unhappy. But when the smell persisted, and it did not feel right, the Sadira looked up from his bed and out the window. He saw Giselle leaving the manor, and his heart gave a sharp pang at the sight and smell of her.

Furrowing his brows, the Sadira grabbed his bone dagger, disliking the feeling in the air. There was apprehension, and then there was the fear. That was the most disgusting thing he had ever smelled. He remembered this from before, and instantly ran out of his room and down the stairs. It seemed everyone was aware of the presence, but it was not them that he was worried about. They were prepared this time, and more ready to handle them. Silvano was worried about the pale woman who continued to plague his thoughts. She was always in danger, and this seemed worse than ever.

But then came Tux. The stoat found him on the porch, sniffing at the air with the dagger in hand. The creature squeaked at him in that chittery little voice. Silvano looked at him and knew why he was here. Tux would not go to him, not unless he had to. "Stay put, Tux." Silvano's voice was full of command as he straightened, jumping from the porch as he took off in the direction of Giselle and her scent.

What he came upon made him angry, angrier than he had ever been before. To see that stranger hold onto her like that.. it boiled his blood and it made his rage rise. "You drop her!" he roared out, dagger drawn and pointed into the stranger's direction.

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Image © mrd00dman @Flickr


There was a sharp, throbbing pain in her arm, and the more the woman struggled the more it hurt. Giselle wanted to scream, she wanted to cry out into the warm sunset for anyone, but a large hand silenced her, and the dagger gleamed in his other hand, sharp and biting. Tears stained the man's hand as the ivory damsel shut her eyes, feeling her heart beat in her ears so loudly that the man's whispering words were almost drowned out. But they sent a chill through her, something not even the wind could do to prick at her skin, and the frail, delicate belle trembled in the beast's unrelenting grasp.

She had begun to move, but not of her own will. His voice continued, something that struck a chord deep within her and came out as a muffled scream against his fur. Still she wriggled, hoping he'd let her go despite his intentions not to, as he shoved her forward. Giselle thought she heard the wicked man's whispers still, but instead it was a loud, booming voice, and in that moment the snow white female thought it was the sweetest sound she had ever heard. Struggling against the giant's grasp, Elle managed to turn her head to the voice, eyes pleading as they settled on the mottled male's form.

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Image © BSOD90@Flickr

The air was too thick with the scent of the Dreamers for him to distinguish anyone else coming toward him. It had been merely the sound of him that had given it all away. Ears flicked back to see the stranger appear, reeking even more of the Dreamers than this woman did. While he should have thought of why she smelled so strongly of them, especially when the Utinas ought to have smelled strongly of the Tribe. But that did not register for him as the stranger appeared.

Vysengi growled as he turned slightly, keeping the woman before him, dagger on her throat and hand on her mouth to keep her voice from reaching. But it was too late, wasn't it? He had been heard. His eyes quickly looked for the stoat, and he kicked himself. He ought to have killed the thing immediately. Sloppy, too sloppy. "Be quiet, you!" yelled the man back at him, pressing the dagger ever so slightly into the woman's neck. "I'm not afraid of harming her before bringing her back." He pressed his lips against her ear, muttering into them, "I'm sure he'd prefer if you were intact.."

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He threatened her, and the Sadira could hardly stop his limbs from shaking in his anger. His fingers burned to grab at him, and cut his throat then and there. It was that rage his mother had, that his line was legendary for. He could feel it building within him, but he fought it. He would not become the monster. "You let her go," he said slowly, loudly. His words were repeated again, but the stranger refused to see reason. He could hear the whimpers as well as smell the terribly ever so slight scent of blood. "Drop her right now, you figlio di una cagna!" Silvano slashed his dagger through the air, pointing it at the man who held Giselle.

He knew he could kill him. He knew with all his heart that he could kill the man.

The stranger looked back at him with angry golden eyes. Silvano could tell what he was thinking. He thought him a child, but the three of them were all of an age. It felt so like competing for the woman that the Sadira could scarcely discern between the two. Then with a growl, the stranger's knife flashed away from the pale woman's neck and pointed at him. "You are interfering, stranger." Silvano eyes narrowed at him as he spoke, the lilt of a Tribemember. The smell of blood was a little more pronounced, and the Sadira looked at the woman's neck to see a slight cut there. "You are a cowardly mutt!" he roared back, feeling his knife hand itching. The stranger growled loudly as he shoved the woman roughly to the ground. "You are the blight upon the world!".

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Image © mrd00dman @Flickr


His hot breath was in her cream-tipped ear again, and the young woman tore her head away from it as best she could, pushing on his other arm. But she bit her own tongue as her fangs clamped down upon it, feeling the sting of a steel kiss, as the crystal dagger nicked the pale, soft flesh of her throat. The warm, gushing liquid trickled out slowly, and Giselle was trembling so badly she felt she would fall if this strange man suddenly let her go.

Despite the dull throb now at her neck, which began to drop slowly and stain the top of her dress, her ears perked up when Silvano began to speak in a different tongue. She had not known him to speak italian, and though she had heard the language was pretty, it was anything but when it boomed from the knight-to-be. When her tear-stained, pale blue orbs watched the dagger disappear from her presence, the young woman reached up and pried his giant fingers away from her mouth, if only briefly. Oh, Silvano, help! Her lungs begged to scream out when they were being muffled, and the woman choked out her grief with the plea.

Ahh! Her hands suddenly flew out in front of her, and the dark haired woman realized she was let free, but with a hard shove the ground rose up to meet her. Oof! She said, hitting the hard packed dirt as the shadows of the evening engulfed her. Giselle was hurting in several places, but her body curled up as she lay there, propping herself up with an arm while the other flew to her blood-stained throat. When she pulled her fingers away briefly, they came out sticky, and the woman swallowed hard, fearing for herself and the man whose anger was directed at the savage, nearly the same anger that turned him into the beast only days before. The damsel could do nothing but lay there, too scared to call out for help, staring on as her eyes watered with hope.

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Image © BSOD90@Flickr

He had not meant to cut her too badly, but it was his hand that had jerked at the man's voice, insulting him in a tongue that was nothing more than gibberish. If the stranger was not to die this moment, the warrior would have been glad to teach him the true tongue, the tongue of old, of life. But first, Vysengi let the woman go, and he heard her fall to the ground with a thud. Ears back in anger, the warrior wanted this man to stop bothering him. He was proving himself a warrior to the Tribe and it was what he had wanted. No one was going to stop him from taking that away from him. He ignored the woman. She was weak and she was easy prey. Once the strong stranger, yelling as he was, was dead on the ground, he could take her and leave. Maska would be proud of the yearling warrior, and the strength he proved he had.

"Your disgraceful existence ends here, stranger! You will not plague my children with your presence!" Vysengi pulled out his second crystal obsidian dagger, holding it in his off hand as he got into a battle stance. He bared his white fangs at the mottled man, putting himself between the pale woman and her would be rescuer. He had heard her call out to the man, called him Silvano. His name did not matter. His angry golden eyes turned to the woman, and he growled out at her, "You move from there and I'll be bringing back a dead body. Traitors are better off dead." Then, with a growl, Vysengi launched himself at Silvano, daggers bared. The long points glittered in the dying light as they fought to find a way into the Dreamer's flesh.

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The stranger launched himself at Silvano, and the Sadira did not know how to react. He had never fought with another person, let alone one eager to kill him. But he managed to dodge one knife only to have to block a second with his only weapon. The sound of the obsidian striking bone was the strangest sound he had ever heard, and it jarred his ears as the impact vibrated his arm. It was not a metallic clang, but it was a strange sharp crystal whine. The stranger swung his other blade back at Silvano, who only managed to twist away in time to save his throat. A few hairs drifted by and he was glad that it had cut naught but thick neck fur.

"Leave us be!" shouted the Sadira, retaliating with his bone knife. It hit the stranger in the arm, slicing a thin cut along his arm. He hoped the warrior would drop that blade, but he seemed to clench it much more tightly. Silvano swallowed hard as he darted back to deflect another strike with his dagger. The crystal whine echoed in the air, jarring his ears further.

"I will take her with me, and you will die!" growled the stranger, golden eyes blazing as the blades danced before the Italian hybrids eyes. He felt one of them cut at his free hand, and he felt the sting of the parting flash on the back of his hand. The hand swung back, out of reach of the stranger, who had growled at his failure to cut the correct hand. A weakened knife hand was fatal. Silvano saw his chance at the man's hesitation, and darted around him, trying to reach Giselle. But he growled in pain before he could so much as get halfway to the young woman. He looked back and saw the invader had managed to stab him in the back. He could feel the blood, but that it was shallow as well. The dagger had been thrown and somehow the Sadira had twisted in a way that it had merely given him a deep graze in the fatty tissue of his lower back."Disgraziato senza cuore..,"

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Image © mrd00dman @Flickr

Doo doo doo. +3

Her mind was blazing, and again that wave of unfamiliar anger stung at her. There was nothing she could do about it, though, as she lay there helplessly watching the beasts struggle. Knives flashed here and there, and Giselle choked out when she thought she had seen the savage cut the Dreamer male. He seemed unscathed, though, as he danced around the other, inching towards her. Her lips formed a small 'o' as she leaned forward, but the stranger's threats kept her on the ground, gazing helplessly on.

As her petite form inched closer towards the knight, he growled into the deep red sky, and Giselle gasped sharply as she saw that he had been cut. No.. She whispered, her stained hand at her mouth. Her eyes scanned the ground for her satchel, and saw that it was near the two men, but too far for the damsel to reach it. Her eyes narrowed in pain, both physically and emotionally, looking up at Silvano and the other man. The woman wasn't sure how badly her friend was hurt, but it was enough, noticing the fire that burned in his emerald eyes.

Giselle moved around and drew her legs up towards her, pushing her form back instead of forward. She was all too familiar with that look, and the flames were only beginning to grow hotter. Her body shook violently, and gently she put a hand to her throat to stop the bleeding, but it seemed of no use. It mingled with her tears as they kept falling, wishing no more blood would spill and everything could go back to normal, like closing a book and letting the words drift away. But it was not that simple, and the violence continued when she opened her eyes, not knowing she had squeezed them shut as if to will the world away. Pale blues swam, filled with emotions and horrible fear for the worst.

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Image © BSOD90@Flickr

Well.. mindrape innocent girl more?

He could feel the blood, but it was not debilitating. Not even in the least. Silvano fumbled for the fallen dagger and gripped the hilt with fingers red and sticky from touching his own wound. He would have his sister tend him when this man was dead and he had gotten Giselle back inside. The hilt was warm in his hand, both from his blood and from the man's grasp of it. Vysengi looked at the man holding his dagger and gave a dark look at the wolf handling his precious dagger. "Return that, 'tis not for the likes of you," hissed the man. Silvano gave a cocky grin, ignoring the pain his backside was making.

The two of them launched at each other, the AniWayan down a dagger and the Dreamer bearing that weapon high. The two crossed blades, but it was clearly the slightly taller, slightly larger male who was winning here. His blows were far more ferocious than ever, as he rained down the cuts. The AniWayan hardly knew what to do with himself. It seemed to last forever, even as the blood fury in the Sadira's eyes started to fade as his body grew tired and weaker from both mild blood loss and sheer exhaustion.

Vysengi smelled his own blood coming from multiple wounds on his hands and arms. The Dreamer proved to be such a strong opponent. He was hurting, everything stung, but still he pushed on. Silvano managed to cut the man's arm, severing his muscles controlling the arm with the last dagger. The crystal thing fell to the dirt, and the raider chanced a glance down at the fallen dagger, and then back at his arm, before he found that his neck was in a flurry of pain, and red. Blood flooded his vision as Silvano lodged his bone dagger into the man's neck. Blood spilled from the puncture as the artery was severed. Silvano's vision cleared as the stranger's fogged up and disappeared. The red splattered all over his hands as the AniWayan crumbled to the ground. The dagger remained in the neck of the dead wolf. Silvano simply took the daggers he had dropped and claimed them for his own, as prizes.

Silvano stepped away from the corpse, feeling almost tired beyond belief. "Giselle..," he said softly, crouching beside the woman.

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Image © mrd00dman @Flickr

+5. Jesus, what a terrible day for her xD

The pale girl curled into herself, as if wishing the shadows of the receding day would take her. Finding herself backed up against to a tree, she could only sit there with her hopes, and clutch at her wound. She felt dizzy, lightheaded, body wracked with strong emotions, and the more the femme attempted to blink tears away, the hotter they stung her and the bigger they became as they rolled down and stained her white cheeks. Dark hair was plastered about her shoulders, ends of strands soaking up the blood and the tears that turned her chest pink.

Please.. She pleaded into the air, but at such a whisper there was no one to hear her. Eyes could not tear themselves away from Silvano and the attacker, the remaining sun glinting off bone and crystal blades, like wild fangs that tore and shred. Giselle could see their silhouettes, the shadowy forms of giants dancing around another, biting with the weapons in their hands. She couldn't really see who was winning, and she found both her hands now finding the other, clutching and holding on to one another as they pressed against her chest, wishing it would all end. The young woman could not make sense of who the man was, only that he was a savage, and she would have been taken had it not been for the knight.

But she could scent the blood, and the white woman shivered as she heard the whispers in the trees, much like the whispers of the man whose lips were on her ears. He was truly wicked, and though Giselle meant for no harm to come to anyone, the wicked had to be dealt with. When the scent of mixed blood stung her nostrils, pale blue eyes winced, and the smell became stronger near the end, as the female gasped when a giant went to the ground. With the sun against her, it was only a shadow that came towards her, and the Dreamer turned her head away and backed away against the tree, thinking for a moment that the mottled knight had fallen. No.. please.. She pleaded with the shadow, unsure who it was, but her body continued to shake all the same.

That was, until she heard her name. It was soft, and it made her spine tingle, but it was familiar. Slowly, shakily, she raised her small head up towards the male, and relief washed over her when she met sparkling emerald orbs. Her hands remained pressed to her heart, which pounded against her stained palms, and the woman blinked up into his face. Silvano's hands were stained with blood, and she knew then that the wicked man was gone forever. He had slain the other giant, and he had saved her life.

Her heart ached, and it longed, but she was thankful to see the man safe. Oh, S-Silvano... I'm.. I'm so glad you're okay.. She managed to say in a heartfelt tone, still full of grief. As tears threatened again, the woman threw her arms around the male and hugged him tightly, and her sorrow poured out onto his shoulder. Giselle dismissed the pain in her neck and the emotional heaviness of her petite body, and simply held him there, knowing he was still real and still there, next to her. As the young woman began to say something else, it only came out as a choking sob, as her fingers buried themselves into his dark fur, ignoring the stench of blood that stained the both of them. He was alive, and despite everything she was ever so grateful.

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Image © BSOD90@Flickr

she'll be fiiiiine

Silvano gave a tired smile at the young woman, relief flooding into his veins like some sweet drug numbing everything away. He was tired, oh yes. He had not yet realized he had killed someone, the first man he had ever killed. "I'm fine," he said, rather hoarsely. Giselle was crying, and he could tell that she had. Of course, she had to have been absolutely terrified when the man grabbed at her, and when he whispered to her. He had no idea what was said but clearly she was jittery and not her normal self. Who would be? She just saw a man get killed before her very eyes. Instead, she ignored his bloody hands and wrapped her arms around him and cried into his chest.

He let her hold onto him, keeping his red hands away from her body. The red would stain her pretty white pelt, but it would be nothing on his dark hands. Still, he managed to pull his arms around her, keeping his palms and fingers locked onto his own arms. But the pain in his cuts and his lower back were becoming too much to bear. He needed Cambria and he needed her fast. "Giselle.. help me," he said gently, trying to pull her back into reality. He would need her to help him, for the pain was starting to spread up his back. His head was starting to pound from the blood loss. Giselle had to get him to his sister soon.

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Image © mrd00dman @Flickr
+3. Slight pp bb ;D. I'll let you pick where he wants to go.. because I wasn't sure XD

She had felt the light pressure on her back, and it made the girl cry all the harder. Forgetting all about her physical pain had led the woman to forget his own, and when she loosened her grip around his neck he pleaded for help. Giselle's eyes popped open and she drew back immediately, the stain from his locked hands that were behind her briefly touching the ends of her hair. Oh.. you're hurt, she stammered, remembering the wound on his back. It only made her want to sob again, but now he was the one that needed her help.

The damsel scrambled to get up, but stumbled backwards at first and braced herself on the tree behind her. When she managed a wobbly state, she held both of her hands out to the knight, biting her lip anxiously, wanting to know just how deep he had been cut. Wanting to know just how much she had to blame herself for all of this. But as of now, he knew he needed his sister to look at his wound, and wondered where her companion was, or just what was going on at the Manor now.

When he stood, though on his own, the dark haired damsel went to his left side immediately, and he draped an arm loosely over her shoulders for support. Silent tears escaped from her face, and fell to the grass as they walked slowly. Giselle was thankful to be on the other side of the male, as they slowly shuffled passed the giant that reeked of death, his blood staining the grass. Despite his wickedness, despite her near capture, a tear glistened for him, and was just as quickly wiped away.

Giselle turned her head away from the scene until they were well away from it, the smell of death permeating even as she stooped to pick up her satchel. A thankful smile was given when Tux emerged, having watched helplessly from the balcony. He shied away at the smell of blood, but looked up curiously from one wolf to the other. Tux.. please find.. Cambria. There was not a moment's hesitation when the stoat vanished, his body like rippling water upon the ground. They were engulfed by the shadow of the Manor as the pair made their way inside. The nick at her neck began to throb again, and pale blue eyes shut tightly in an effort not to weep because of it.

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Table by Alli!


oh bb.. pp with me some more ;D

The man could rot there for all the Sadira cared. He had taken the other man's daggers upon his death, and he did not want his bone knife back. It belonged lodged in the raider's neck, where it had ended his life. As his precious world would want, it was a natural weapon, fit for the death of one of earth's children. Somehow, he would have to tell his mother about the body, so they could either return it or take out of the pack's boundaries. So far, Silvano had no idea how to deal with something like this; no one told him what to do with the body of someone he had killed in defense of another person. Did this make him a knight, rescuing Giselle from the clutches of a kidnapper?

Silvano glanced at Giselle, who seemed still half in tears. It was for her. And walking with his arm over her shoulder was more for her benefit than his. Or was it his? He felt rather guilty for it, simply because he was feeling joy at being able to touch her again, even so modestly. "Cambria might not be there," he said to the young woman under his arm. His opposite arm was reaching around to his side, as though it would make the pain in his back stop. Tux had run off, but Silvano did not know where he was going to look. Cambria had to be somewhere, but he had no clue where at all.

The two of them walked in, and somehow the two of them made it up the stairs. Silvano knew he should have stayed on the first floor, but it was safer upstairs, where no one would see them from the windows. The Sadira told her to run off and grab an old towel from his room. He stood waiting for it, as she scrambled back and draped it on the couch in the common room. No one was there, so it was quiet. "I don't think I can wait for Tux to find my sister," he said, wincing as he sat down. "Could you run downstairs and get the bandages in Cambi and Mati's room?" His emerald eyes looked up at the pale woman's, pleading with her.

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Image © mrd00dman @Flickr
+3. Hello, Bernice, I love your newww wig.

As the young woman sat him down gently, she took the moment to wipe tears with the back of her hand and nodded at his request. Yes, of course, she said as encouragingly as possible. Like a butterfly, her form fluttered out of the room, down the stairs, and across the way into Cambria's room. She knew where the woman resided but had never entered the room before. Hello? It's me, Giselle, she said as she opened the door to the large room, poking her head around the door. The sunset came in through the large windows and bathed the room in the sun's glow. As beautiful as it was, there was no time to spare, and pale blue eyes found no one within to return her greeting.

Carefully she scanned the room for anything that looked like wrappings. She wondered where Cambria or anyone else in the Manor was, noticing the absence, but Giselle presently shivered at the dreadful thought that the savages had returned. As her eyes fell upon a small roll of white gauze, she smiled exuberantly, snatched it up, and flew back towards the common room that belonged to the black woman and her family.

Giselle approached the Sadira male on the couch and handed him the wraps. She remembered a time when she took care of her papa when he was ill, but was far from any kind of a medic. Still, the damsel owed him that much to help him, feeling she was the one to blame. Elle and took the wet cloth from where it hung. I.. I'll need to clean the wound, she instructed gently. With a free hand she gingerly touched her own neck, which still throbbed. She bit her lip, patiently waiting for the knight's next instructions, feeling the damp cloth droop between her fingers. Quietly, she took a seat on the edge of the couch, teary eyes focused on the tall male.

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Table by Alli!


i can't believe how prepared i am for this thread

As Giselle left him on his own, the Sadira felt stiff, even as he listened to the distant growls and howls. No one seemed to be in the manor, and that was just fine with him. Defend the two of them he could, but he did not want to know what the strain to the open cut would do. So, instead he took out the two stolen daggers and looked at them. They were dark black, but still terribly shiny, even if they had his own dried blood on them. Silvano wiped them against the towel he sat on, watching the dark color crack off and rub away. The obsidian glittered back at him in the setting sunlight. Gingerly, he rose as quickly as he could, and found the candle in his room and the matches. Once lit, he slowly walked back to his seat on the couch, and set the burning candle on the table.

He leaned forward as the young woman was coming up the stairs, and he grinning at her as she presented the bandages. She had a wet cloth in her hand, and he shook his head as he touched her arm to lower it. "No, go to my room. On the bottom shelf you'll find a bottle of clear liquid. It's vodka," he said with a rough swallow. Alcohol would burn as it touched his flesh, but it would clean it better than a wet rag would. "Get it and use it. It'll clean better." Silvano gave her arm a gentle squeeze as he looked at her with his emerald eyes.

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Image © mrd00dman @Flickr

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