[M] - star smashed
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

Set in the Dampwoods, a little ways off from the Inferni borders. :3

Once again, the slender hybrid found herself skulking around the borders of Inferni. She was being far more subtle this night, however, her movements reminiscent of any passerby. Only the most paranoid would have the right to be suspicious—and she had no bad intentions, anyhow. Instead, her curiosity for the clan was rising as she remembered and learned more about it. She’d yet to speak with any of its members, save for that coyote girl who’d warned her against “stinkies,” so still the pictures had been painted by outsiders.

There was little Vesper could gather from this vantage point, barely in sight of the invisible division marked by the scent of several hybrids. All she knew was that she wanted to know more, at least to gauge whether or not Inferni was a dangerous clan. They had apparently caused trouble for other packs, but that could be said of any group of canines; the diversity in Nova Scotia meant that not everyone got along. The hawk-man Niro had jokingly pointed out the coyote-blood-dominant clan wouldn’t have much of a problem with her, and she carried this knowledge with confidence.

The woman yawned as she sat, tucked comfortably against the rough bark of an old tree. It was getting late, but her blue eyes could still distinguish the different outlines of the woods beyond where she was seated. A clump of toadstools was growing by her paw, and she pawed at one thoughtfully as she took in the sounds of the forest around her: hooting owls, chirping crickets, and the more subtle sounds of other nocturnal animals going about their routine.

An autumn wind cut sharply through the night air, ruffling the coywolf’s black-splashed scruff and causing her to hunch her shoulders. Teeth clenched, she scanned the area one last time. There was no point in staying so close to pack grounds this late if she wasn’t going to be learning anything. At most, she could expect meeting a patrol by day, perhaps coyotes wandering far enough off course to converse with a curious loner. Perhaps she’d find other clues about what the clan was like through eavesdropping on conversation, but that was riskier and meant getting closer to the borders than she was comfortable. To avoid trespassing, she had to know where she was at all times—

The coywolf paused from where she’d been walking from the tree, and she took a seat once she’d stepped into a clearing. She tilted her head back, her throat flashing with white as her blue eyes stared up into the star-dusted heavens. Already, her mind was working, picking out constellations, comparing the pinpricks of light she saw now to those she’d seen other nights.

She remained so still that she could have been a statue carved from stone: neck stretched up and slender body positioned neatly on the dark needle-coated forest floor.

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OOC / +412

Helotes was out later than usual this night when compared to the previous night. He had exited the mansion, checking on Kaena as he did each time he went out, but she was not in her room this evening so he guessed she must be out herself. He had headed out the great doors of D’Neville and headed towards the Forest of Nod. He was starting to get a feel for this place, having visited most of the area within Inferni, but tonight he decided he would walk the borders to the South and make sure it was secure. This was not his job, in fact, he had no job as of yet, but he felt like it would be a good thing to do, something that Ezkekiel would approve of.

It took him the better part of an hour to get through the dense wood, especially at night too. He was in his four legged form, something he didn’t do usually, but he found he could move much more quickly through brush this way then in Optime. Still, when the wood became less dense, and the skulls started to appear, he was slightly winded. He was not one for endurance, and slowed his pace to revive himself. He walked along the invisible barrier, marked only by scent and the occasional bleached cranium. He loved how macabre Inferni was about their borders, it was so funny to him.

He would have completely missed the light colored female had she not stepped into the clearing right as he was walking past, still in the shadows and thick of the tree line. He stopped immediately and lowered his body, becoming like a furry rock. She was a small thing, and in the starlight she looked ghostly, her body riddled in scars, but still she was a lady, and he loved ladies, especially ones who basically handed themselves to him the late evening. He watched with burning eyes as she moved to stare into the sky. She was dangerously close to the borders, so much so that he could have attacked right then and there and no one would have batted an eye. But instead, seeing a she was a female and alone, he instead decided to making his presence known. Bounding out into the clearing like a deer, Helotes stood in front of her, ears and tail erect. He gave her a little smirk, Hello there gorgeous, what are you doing here so late?

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Sorry for the shortness!

A scent niggled at her while she had her nose stretched up toward the starry sky, but as entranced as she was trying to place herself in the star map, Vesper did not quite notice the approach of the male. Of course, the moment she heard the footfalls and became conscious of her surroundings, she let out a snarling curse in her head. Outwardly, she simply turned to check out the coyote hybrid that sprang into the clearing.

Other than an interesting dusky coat and a splash of red on his muzzle, the male could have been any other mutt. His scent was what interested her more; overlaying the interesting entwined odors that marked someone who had partial dog and wolf heritage was the musk of the clan whose borders she had been checking out. It was not especially strong, as if he were somewhat new to Inferni, but it was enough to intrigue her.

Almost as soon as she turned to face him, however, her expression interested, he greeted her in a way that filled her with exasperation. Gorgeous, hmm? Her blue eyes became icier, but she would not snap at him unless he continued to flirt; one word was harmless, after all.

“I wanted to look at the stars before I found a place to sleep,” Vesper answered with complete honesty, tucking her tawny tail around her body. “And I was interested to see what kind of clan made their home here.”

She smirked suddenly, a slight cruelty in the line of her lips. “Why ever do you ask?”

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Don't worry about the shortness. Ok, I know Helotes is a freak, forgive him. For the fight I like to block out the action via PM’s so we can post easily. I’ll send you a PM now. / +251

The girl didn’t even flinch when he appeared, somewhat to his disappointment, and when she spoke to him somewhat sarcastically his ear flicked in annoyance but the grin never left his face. Ah, you’ve got some spunk don’t you, for one so close to a territory of which she does not belong. He made a semi-circle around her, checking her out. Besides the scars and somewhat drab fur coloration, there was a fantastic body under there. Too bad she wasn’t Luperci, he would have loved to see her in bipedal form; the human curves lent by the virus were quite satisfying to the male. Besides, sex was always better with arms and opposable thumbs.

He sat off to the side of her, sniffing her. Unlike the last female who had pleased him she was not in heat, making her less attractive. But they were all anatomically the same, and feminine anatomy suited him best. What luck that he would be given the chance to fuck so many females in such a short amount of time? He guessed the gods must be smiling upon him, and he was becoming more and more glad that he had come to Inferni.

The grin returning to his face and he looked at her with a slightly cocked head, You know, you’re pretty sexy. I’ll let you off with just a warning this time if you give me a little something something. He leaned in closer to her, his nose dipping down slowly towards her unmentionables.

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*rubs hands together expectantly*

The male said that she had spunk, and her eyes narrowed as she figured they were going to go through the whole “feisty is sexy” kick that most men seemed to like. Vesper had let them know exactly how feisty she was, leaving them with enough wounds to reconsider hitting on the first female they saw next time. She was about to make a sharp retort when she realized he was speaking on, pointing out how close she was to the territory. At that, her bad ear flicked, and a frown settled over her slender features. She’d allow that much, and a threat from a territorial coymutt was something she could deal with.

A slight incline of her head showed acknowledgment for how close she was to the borders. “I wasn’t planning on stepping over. I’m only a loner, and I wasn’t sure if Inferni might be interesting.” She said no more—partially because she didn’t want to make him think she wanted to join right away, and partially because she was intently focused on his motion. The circling trick was enough to intimidate weaker canines, but she only kept him in the corner of her eye at all times, turning her head only slightly if needed. As it was, he hadn’t circled completely around her, instead sitting down and sniffing in her direction.

And then he grinned, and Vesper’s coal-tipped hackles rose. She was about to dissuade him from making any advances when he went ahead—asking her for a little “something something.” She would have been inclined to guffaw and spell out exactly what she thought of him and his kind, but he was encroaching on her personal space very quickly.

No fucking way.

Teeth flashed as Vesper snapped at the asshole’s nose.

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OOC / +152

A low lustful growl had just set in upon his chest when like lightening the female lashed out at him like a viper strike. He drew back but her canines still grazed his muzzle like razors. For a moment he just stared at her wide eyed and surprised, but then his hackles raised and a snarl set upon his face, Why you little bitch… He wouldn’t take that kind of bullshit from a woman, not now and not ever.

He bulldozed into her now, setting all his weight against hers and pushing her down to the ground. Straddling her, he grabbed hold of the scruff of her neck in his teeth and pressed his hips down upon hers, trying to position himself. The adrenaline and blood started coursing through his veins as he did this, violent sex sometimes had its advantages. He growled sadistically, her scruff in his mouth. She tasted good.

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This post sucks but yayyy superwoman!

Vesper relished the look of shock on his red-striped face, and her lips curled momentarily in a smug smirk before anger set into him. His assaulted muzzle wrinkled into a snarl, and though she quickly mirrored her expression with the expectation that this would become a fight, she wasn’t too unhappy. She would simply knock this guy on his ass and continue on her merry way, with perhaps a few new scars to prove her battle.

The male hybrid attacked first, however. She was surprised by the strength of him as he barreled into her. A surprised yelp flew from parted jaws as his body bore down on hers; the sound transformed into a rather sharp, desperate snarl as her slender body was pressed to the forest floor. She saw this as a fighting move at first, a way for him to tear at her shoulders and neck, but then his teeth gripped her scruff in a firm hold, and she could feel his hips bearing close to hers.

That telltale brush of contact set a flare of panic inside her. She had never been with a male, had always been lucky in that her would-be suitors never wanted to go through with their suggestions; she’d been able to hold her own.

This… This act was not even a possibility for her. She had never considered it, and now the brute was attempting to force it upon her—

To prevent herself from hyperventilating and succumbing to his embrace, Vesper let out another snarl and twisted her head. His jaws slid slightly from her neck, not enough to completely relinquish his grip, but it was enough to give her a clear shot at his throat. She twisted her head further, growling, and managed to grab loose skin and neck in her jaws.

The female was terrified, and she used the terror as strength. Tightening her grasp, she twisted her head and managed to fling the male off her body. He landed heavily on the forest floor, and she relinquished her grip, backpedaling and staring at him with her chest heaving.

She didn’t get much time to look at him.

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OOC / +316

He was just about to set about the rhythmic motions of sex when the creature beneath him turned into a veritable fire ball of rage. She twisted in such a way that he wouldn’t have dreamed possible, causing him to lose some hold of her, and before he could react her teeth were buried into his neck. His pain was short lived as the little female somehow managed to fling him head over heels off her and onto the ground beside her. He laid there just for a split second, shocked once again by the sheer will of this girl, he slowly turned to look at her with piercing eyes.

She had really down it now. Helotes hoisted himself to his feet, dirty, bleeding and looking like something out of hell. He could taste her flesh in his mouth from where he had been ripped away from her and could smell his own sickly sweet liquid draining from the puncture wounds on his neck. Like a hellish fury, he ran at her, all teeth and claws and snarls and attacked her. In his frenzy he was not sure what he was doing, but all he knew was that he would punish this girl for what she had done, inflict as much physical pain upon her ask possible.

His sharp teeth managed to get several good blows in on her legs and back, he even managed to reopen the old scared tissue on her ripped ear, but he did not go for any death blows. This girl would have to wear her punishment, feel them searing for several days. He would not kill her, and she would never forget him. With on last meaningful act he grabbed her by the muzzle and basically body slammed her onto the floor in front of him. He stood above her, panting and bloody, Should have just let me fuck you.

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Not sure where the length on this came from. <3 Anyway, this will probably be my last post for the thread. It was really interesting to write!

She should have run. She should have swallowed her goddamn pride and run when she had the chance.

But pride wasn’t the main factor keeping Vesper rooted to the spot, staring at her dark assailant. She was terrified—a state of mind she wasn’t used to. Her breathing was shallow, her limbs trembling, adrenaline alone keeping her from feeling the pain from his teeth scraping her neck or the ache of exertion from flipping his body off her. She was terrified what losing this fight what mean and terrified of the could-haves.

The coywolf stared at him with fear-dilated pupils as he rose shakily to his feet, a hellhound with face twisted in vengeance. He reeked of arousal, aggression, and blood—and she found herself taking a step back, ears lowering slightly. This feeble movement meant nothing when he leaped at her, all wrathful snarls and biting fury.

She tried to defend herself, to keep herself alive. Her defensive growls turned quickly to whimpers, and his teeth cut her in several places. Her jaws opened feebly whenever he came close enough for her to bite, but her mouth was more like a toothy catcher’s mitt than a clamp. Her body weakly shuffled out of the way as he dove down, again and again, and soon she was whining and curling in on herself to avoid the worst of the blows.

It was a first for the tawny fighter, to be beaten so severely. Perhaps she’d come close when she first attacked her father—the memory returned when pain tore across her already savaged ear—but even the worst of fights she’d been in had resulted in her either winning or still standing defiant even after she’d lost. Several wolves had knocked her aside, a whelp too intent on her pride, but they had never gone into a frenzy such as this.

The last blow came when his sharp teeth clamped down on her narrow muzzle. She winced, but this was not another fleeting blow; he held his grasp and slammed her on the forest floor. A weak shriek came from her as her already battered and bloody body hit the dirt, and she remained crouched, sucking her breath in through clenched teeth as her several wounds mingled with the scattered rocks and grass on the ground.

The stars swam above her, cold and distant, and his bronze eyes were shadowed. He stood over her and made one last remark, breathing hard from the exertion of pummeling her, and Vesper shivered as the words stung as much as any one of her multiple lacerations. However, there was the faintest hint of pride left in her—Vesper was not broken yet. I would have rather died than let you fuck me. And the fact she still had breath in her lungs was proof enough that she would be okay. She would make it, and she would never forget him.

But the loner did not dare breathe a word of her thoughts. She attempted to gather herself, pulling her paws underneath her, panting and shaking. Slowly she rose, creeping backwards as she did so, her ears flattened against her head with the left leaving a smear of blood against her skull. Hoping that he was finished, knowing that she wouldn’t have the strength for much more if he attacked again, she put more distance between them. Her tail was tucked between her legs, her fur still bristling—though small patches had been torn from her scruff from knocking him off—and while she didn’t like showing how pathetic she was, she knew that submitting appealed to the pack instinct in wolf hybrids. The weak showed respect and were left alone.

“You’d better watch your back, bastard,” Vesper hissed, her words dripping weakly from her mouth and probably hardly audible, too meek to be a threat. She spoke them as she was sidling away, and quickly she turned and coaxed the last bit of energy into her body she needed to run—once again praying he would not pursue. She looked to the sky and quickly lost sight of the heavens, but she didn’t think any map could direct her where to go next to nurse her small, beaten body.

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Aha, ala Lion King. Thanks for the great thread! / +331

She looked up him, scared out of her mind and bloody and he was surprised she didn’t just piss herself then and there. The rush of having besting even a small thing like her washed over him like a form of ecstasy, one that was even better than any sexual one, and his licked his snarling lips of her blood. She scrambled to her feet, the beauty he had seen in her earlier now gone, instead she was a weak little thing trying to get away from him. He continued to stare her down, and when she got several yards away from him she still had the gall to threaten him.

The growl in his chest broke into horrendous and sinister laughter which started small and then rose louder and louder as she disappeared into the forest beyond. His laughter soon turned into howls of triumph and dominance and he cried out, If you ever come back, bitch, I’ll kill you! before falling into laughter again. Once he had calmed himself, and the calm sounds of the night took back control, he assessed his wounds. He hadn’t made out too bad, just a small graze on his snout, a couple puncture wounds in the flesh of his neck and on several other parts of his body. But besides the dull ache of these he was no worse for wear and he smirked to himself.

However, on the trek back to the D’Neville mansion, his adrenaline wearing off, was when he really began to feel the pain. It wasn’t unbearable, but he would have to rest well into the next day and take it easy for a while to recover. Once entering the dimly lit mansion, he stopped by Kaena’s room. She was back in and as he peeked in she caught his eye, "Fuck, what happened to you kid?", she said roughly. He smirked at her, Nothing. Night grandma. And with that he slipped off to his room for the night.

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