What I must do to become strong!
Quote:Date: October 30
Time: Late Morning / Afternoon
Mood: Frustration
Form: Optime


OOC: Sorry it took so long to get this up. XD I had RL issues Tongue
WC: 303

She held the bow and arrow in hand, her gaze lifted to study the thin long pointed pole in her one hand. She sighed, shook her head and gently slid the arrow back against the arc of the bow. Her fingers slid across the length of the object until they braced the thin string of hairs and slowly begun to pull back, her hand fought back the force of the pull as she held the arrow and bow in place. Her arm began to shake softly; the rhythm of her motions fell upon the arrow and caused it to vibrate slightly.

She sighed and concentrated harder, and then released the arrow. The object shot from the bow, and soared shakingly through the air until it landed with a soft thud. Deirdre sighed heavily and shook her head roughly, “I don’t understand.” She begun, “What am I doing wrong?”

Her gaze lifted to the red-tailed hawk perched upon a tree branch, its features rested calmly upon its winged form. The wolf woman sighed, “What? No smart comment?” She asked. The hawk squawked softly and then presumed pruning himself. The wolf sighed, “Great, at least I won’t hear your nagging any longer.” She growled.

She then placed the tip of her bow to touch the ground, and lent against it. A long sigh escaped her muzzle, as she looked off in the distance her semi keen eyes begun to study a tree in the distance. The tree stood proudly afar from where she was then, its rough bark covered in moss and dirt. A hand made target. The she wolf sighed, “I was sure I could hit it.” She mumbled to herself as she lifted her bow and arrow once more into her arms. She replaced a second arrow against the bow and pulled back.

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Sowwy this took forever


The huntress had a lot on her mind that day she had only just decided that she was going on a trip. She did not know for how long or if she would even return. This left her wandering with no real destination growing more and more unaware. It wasn’t until her ear twisted to a sound in the distance that she was pulled back into reality. She was momentarily lost but when she sniffed and then looked to the sky she found her bearing. She listened carefully for the sound and heard it coming from the west of her. She started to lightly jog. She heard it again and this time the noise was followed by frustration. She smiled as the voice was female and the frustration reminded her of her first months of learning the weapon. She heard the twang of the string and moved her steps carefully, silently. When she laid her eyes on the girl she watched her raise the weapon and fire, the aim was fairly off and she knew it before seeking out the flying arrow. She hid behind a tree.

The girl leaned against the bow and Saxif knew she had to speak up and make her presence known regardless of her own comfort. For the sake of a girl in need. She thought and stepped from the hiding spot. She tried to set her posture in a more submissive manner but it was clearly a struggle to the usually proud huntress. Your posture needs severe improvement. Saxif smiled lightly and though her awkwardness around females was clear when she rubbed the back of her neck she knew she needed to interject. Do... do you mind? She stepped forward her hands reaching toward the bow. It’s not just about taking aim and firing there are many things, little things you need to know. I can show you if you like. Saxif could not how ever fire the bow in demonstration as her arm was clearly splinted.

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OOC: Sorry for the shortness.
WC: 229

Deirdre startled as the voice of another Luperci female rang across the clearing. The she wolf spun her gaze against the approaching female and steadily watched as she spoke. The wolf woman allowed her bow to slip from her grasp, her voice came out calmly as she knew this other could not mean her harm. “Be my guest,” she stated. “I know the concept of the bow-but,” the wolf sighed, “I’m new to this.” She said as she quickly glanced away from the other to focus her gaze upon the hawk that pruned himself within the branches.

Her mind wondered, and I thought he was suppose to alert me when strangers approached. Her mind hissed to itself. The female sighed and shook her head, her gaze then once again returned to the other Luperci. He gray blue orbs caught the splinted arm. Her head tilted softly to the left, but she did not ask upon it. Her gaze fell against the other’s features, “What am I doing wrong?” She asked.

Then, “Oh. Since you offered to show me what I’m doing wrong.” She began as she offered the other female a semi friendly smile, “My name's Deirdre.” She said as she hoped to receive the other’s name as well. “And,” she sighed. “I thank you for offering me your help. I need to learn this thing,” She explained willingly.

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Kind of bullshitting some stuff... gotta watch my instructional video again but what I say here is how I see her training... next will be more realistic instruction.


The huntress took the bow and inspected it ensuring the string was properly strung, that the body had proper buoyancy and that the arrow notch was properly placed. Decent bow, great for practice. She said as she looked back up to see the female gazing upward. She followed the gaze and saw a hawk in the trees. He yours? Beautiful. She smiled at the girl when her gaze returned to her own. She shifted uneasily feeling her cheeks heat and looked back down at the bow. Like I said the little things. The bow is a very finicky weapon, difficult to master but when you do it’s like you become something completely different. She held the bow up in her stance. Her shoulders angled and arms nearly parallel. There are steps to be taken, examined, and practised until it becomes second nature. I would show you them in live action but my arm is still healing and I do not want to risk endangering my chances to ever use my own bow again. She sighed.

As she was speaking she went through each motion, miming pulling back an arrow, taking aim at the girl’s chosen target and releasing into the fluid motion. When she sighed she lowered the bow and stared in the distance wishing she had really shot an arrow. She set her golden eyes back on the female. My name is Saxif Goldenfeather. She held out the bow for Deirdre to take back. I will be glad to show you what I have learned. Saxif knew that even though she was young her aim was clearly a thing of great pride. She took satisfaction in her skill and before her injury she used to hone it day and night since the first awkward days of wielding the strange weapon. In time it had become another appendage to the huntress to a point where her draw was becoming like instinctual nature. First thing first is safety. Your bow and arrow should always be drawn toward your target during practise. You notch your arrow in front of your body like this arrow toward your target. She mimed holding a bow parallel to the ground just above her thigh. Legs just slightly bent and turned away from target so your body stays balanced and in comfortable alignment when you draw. She bounced her thighs slightly to show her solid stance.

She went over to Deirdre giving a slight adjustment to her feet width with her own foot. Not roughly just a light tap to get her to move one in proper position. Your weight should be distributed to your leg, the one you feel most power in. This will give you not only your best balance but for future practise, much future. She warned slightly. You will be able to shift in all directions quickly instead of just having a half circle range. She rounded about on her dominant leg her hands in position of holding a bow fully drawn. She was able to move very quickly from North to West in all directions in various angles from pivoting her feet. It was so fluid you would almost think it an odd dance. Her training quite clear in every step and shift of her body some points quite flexible and liquefied. Though, she was always rigid in her arms. She shook her head feeling she was stepping too far ahead and refocused. Getting your balance in proper control will make you a well defended individual. Keep you safe from all angles. She put her hands on her hips. Let me see your current draw. She was usually quite uncomfortable around females, her mind would often go to mush. Turning her into a bit of a drooling pup but having this task seemed to make her forget that awkward part of herself. It was satisfying showing someone how to shoot a bow while her own was collecting dust.

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OOC: Okey dokey. Smile
WC: 376

The female glanced down at the other, her gaze moved away from the hawk as she spoke. “He’s my companion,” she corrected with a smile. “My friend, though.” She smirked and muffled a soft laugh, “He isn’t always friendly.”

The she-wolf then fell silent as her ears twitched to the sound of the other female’s voice. Her gaze watched and studied the other as she spoke but when the other made a comment about her inability to actually show Deirdre how to properly use the bow by usuing the said item, the young Luperci spoke out. “I would not want you to take that chance either,” She told the other female. “So please, don't take any unnecessary strain on my part.” With that said the she-wolf fell silent as she watched the other move as if she was actually shooting the arrow.

Once done the Luperci known as Saxif Goldenfeather offered the female her name. Deirdre smiled, “Nice to meet you Saxif, and I appreciate your help.” She retook her bow and brought it close to her body, “The lady knows I need this.” She spoke quietly as a soft sigh escaped her muzzle, and then once the bow was again within the young Luperci’s claws the training began.

Deirdre watched as Saxif begun to mime the motions of using a bow, when the training began Deirdre begun to mimic Saxif’s motions as she listened closely to the other Luperci’s voice. Saxif soon came over and tapped the young she-wolf’s feet into the right positions. Deirdre held back a small laugh, and instead allowed a soft smile to grow against her muzzle as this occurred. After, Saxif spoke and then showed the ability to fluidly move about while aiming the bow. Deirdre was amazed at the other’s fluid motions that she found herself almost dropping her bow as she watched. Then she wolf shook her head lightly as Saxif picked up her voce and went on to teach.

Deirdre nodded to the small command and carefully lifted the bow, squared her shoulders, lifted her head so her gaze could lock against the hand made target in the distance, and then pulled back the bowstring. She held her stance and waited judgment.

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Sorry for the wait.


I hope to have a companion of my own someday. Would be a great hunting tool. She grinned as she gazed at the bird.

Saxif looked over the girl’s posture as she held the arrow back. Your aim is off because your hand should be in this position. Saxif pushed Deirdre’s hand up to her cheek. She adjusted her arm to align with the arrow. She rounded behind her shifting her shoulders just slightly. Your aim should follow the shaft of the arrow. She made sure her arm was strong by slightly tapping it and nodded. Her feet were correct. She noticed the arrow slipping slightly to the side. Redraw, your arrow is not secure. When Deirdre lowered her bow Saxif adjusted her fingers higher up on the shaft. You have to notch your arrow on the string from this point and slide back. This will ensure your arrow stay firmly against the string and your fingers can easily hold the arrow against the body of the bow. Now, draw.

She patted Deirdre’s back and took a slight step back to observe her technique. She nodded as it seemed she took her advice to memory. Now when you shoot you have to keep in mind that everything about the success of your shot depends on you. When you draw and take aim you breathe calmly. You will release on the exhale of your breath when you are ready and pull your hand back along your jaw. You will then hold that position until your arrow strikes the target. You are in a sense a statue with your hand the only thing moving as the arrow takes flight. She hoped she wasn’t confusing the girl it was the first time she had attempted to teach someone else. She crossed her arms and watched Deirdre. Now shoot.

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OOC: Sorry for the late reply and the bad writing of this post. Just hasn't been my week. Kept losing internet and when I did have it, it did not always want to work, >:|
WC: 360

Deirdre made a quick comment, “Falcrin is not a tool.” She eyed her teacher as she positioned herself with bow in hand and followed her sensei’s lesson, “He is as wild and free as you or I.” She continued to explain, “I do not command him and he helps whenever he feels like it.” She made a soft sound and then spoke again, “He is free to go as he pleases…” She fell silent after that as her thoughts traveled after her words. The hawk would be allowed to go where he wanted, just as the she wolf had explained, but if the winged beast did not return after a certain amount of time the she wolf would always go after him. The wolf woman was very attached to the bird, despite the reality that it may not have looked as so.

Then after her mind returned to listen as the other female taught her, Deirdre obeyed everything commanded of her, she allowed her body to be moved to its right positions, her hands positioned correctly. She redrew when commanded and stayed silent though out the entire session. Her ears twitched as the other’s voice rang out to greet her hearing. The she wolf smiled gently and held her stance firmly.

Then a single command arrived and the woman let lose the arrow. The arrow cut through the air swiftly and then hit the targeted tree a few distance before the wolf woman. The she wolf smiled as she lowed softly her bow and blinked at the arrow protruding from the trunk of the tree. “I hit it!” She exclaimed happily as her tail swayed softly behind her. She then turned her gaze to Saxif, “I hit it.” She repeated baring her teeth in a large grin, “Thank you.” She began, “for giving me your advice and teaching me.” She thanked as she once again turned her attention to the tree with the arrow stuck out from it. “Now,” She began as she redrew her bow back, “Lets go again.” She said as she made a stance once more and waited for Saxif’s approval before she released the second arrow.

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OOC: Man everytime I tried to start this response something would happen forcing me to stop Confused So a lot of my ideas got lost. I think we can end this post soon unless you have any more plans for this. Still want a slight lesson in daggers? Lemme know.

Saxif hadn’t meant to offend the girl; she never meant it in such a callous manner that the girl was implying. She was very much respectful of creatures and their freedoms and choices. Her grandmother made sure she knew the web of life; she saw no creature above or below herself. She had merely meant that if she had been as lucky enough to have gained such a companion she would hope it would be kind enough to join her hunts. She remained silent though unwilling and uncomfortable at correcting the lady in her personal beliefs. So she continued with the lesson.

When the arrow struck the tree Saxif gave a soft smile and watched the excitement emanate from the brown haired female. She felt proud to experience this first moment to be a part of it. She glanced about seeking a place to settle in as she spoke. Good work! Now it’s just practise, practise, practise. I’ll stick around just in case your form tries to get lazy. It can happen in the beginning as your muscles adjust. She sat on a soft looking patch of grass near Deirdre and gave a gesture with her hand urging her to continue.

OOC: Sorry again for the lateness, I seem to be having no luck with computers as of late...And we can end this soon, if you want. Smile
WC: 318

The arrow flew through the air again and had thrust its tip into the thick bark of the tree trunk, crystal gray orbs glanced across the landscape and gazed intently upon the arrows that marked the trunk’s body in the distance. The she wolf smirked to herself as she lowered her bow and turned her wild gaze upon the other female. She softened her smirk into a smile and spoke, “I offer you my thanks again.” She told Saxif as her gaze fell for only a moment toward the tree trunk that had suffered through her practice shots.

The she wolf sighed as she gently lowered the bow to the ground, “Practice…” She repeated aimlessly, “I’ll be sure to do that every day.” The female added. The wolf woman turned her gaze upon the other, “What other talents do you have?” She asked as she hoped the tone of her voice did not come off as rude. To soften the edge of her vocals the wolf offered the other female another warm and friendly smile.

“You are a excellent teacher,” She offered as a complement, “and I am curious if there is anything else I may be able to learn from you.” She began, “I need to become strong if I want to complete my goal…or at least become strong enough to past my desire off to my cubs, if I ever have any.” She stated calmly.

Her gaze fell into a state that caused the young she wolf to seem much older then she truly was, a side effect of her force turn into a Luperci. Her personality was not always as stable as she would lead on.

“I must become strong and learn much, if I wish to lead.” She stated as she hoped to implant curiosity with her words. The she wolf smirked slyly, “Do you have any knowledge in blade handling?” She asked calmly.

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