One heart

AW, The others may post after Samantha and Rain have :] After that, no posting order.

She had been preparing for the ceremony for most of the day, Judas scampering around her feet and causing little bits of trouble as she went through her various tasks. She had been approached about the mateship and had made immediate plans for it, waiting for a day in which the skies were more clear. Her other children were nowhere to be seen, which bothered her; she had woken up to find Severus missing, though he had left a gift behind in the den for her, and had not seen Octavius all day. Oh well.

Naniko had lit the coals that morning and had gathered the appropriate charms, setting them on a part of the whale rib bone that hung down above her head. Judas had helped her gather one of the baby lambs, which would be used for sacrifice once the pair arrived. They would need to walk across the coals together toward her. Then she would say a few words to the pack, sacrifice the lamb, and bless the pair as well as she could. Naniko would ask the spirits and creator to give the new pair good luck and fertility in the following year, and would wish them many pups.

She lifted her head, calling out to the pack. Whoever wished to give these canines luck or gifts for their following years together would be welcomed to come and join the gathering. The coals were smoking, ready for walking, and the lamb beside her bleated and tugged at the twine around its neck. The Angela stood straight and tall between the arc of the bones, waiting patiently for more members of her pack to arrive.

Image courtesy of Mocodragon@Flickr; Table by the Mentors!

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An immense joy had swelled in Samantha's heart. Today was the coming of the mateship ceremony. Waking up early in the morning, Sam had been pacing around the den, clutching Rain's hand here every so often. The woman just couldn't hide her excitement. Samantha wore her favorite macaw feather earrings, the bracelet of silver that Rain had given her shone on her wrist. Before leaving with Rain, she had kiss him lightly on the muzzle and hugged him tight. "Rain...I-I love you." Samantha whispered softly before taking his hand and heading to the clearing where Naniko stood, a small lamb standing tied made little sounds as they appeared. It was hard to believe that their mateship ceremony was now. Looking up at Rain and giving a gentle smile, her words came softly. "Are you ready?" Sam gave his hand a gentle squeeze and looked onward where the Angela stood. Sam didn't know many of the customs in Anathema, but the ones that came with mateship were pretty obvious. Sam had a commitment, and she loved every bit of it.


Who would come for the ceremony? Samantha didn't know many in Anathema. The young wolfess was as happy as she was when Rain asked her to be his mate. Her heart swelled and fluttered wildly. After her grieving from her family, Samantha had found happiness.


This is an old table by Zero for one of my OLD characters.
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It was time. Sam stood pacing their den in excitement and happiness. He stood up and pulled her to him, hugging her close. "Sam calm down. I love you too baby girl. You mean the world to me," he said licking her affectionatly before letting her take him out of the den to where Naniko waited with a lamb and a small pit of coals. He came up behind Sam and put his hands around her slinder waste smiling at her question. "Are you ready? Because I have been waiting for this day to come. You are the one I want and I wouldn't want this any other way," he said softly. He bowed to his alpha and waited for her to start. Who would come?

Sam was all but bouncing in his arms and his smile grew as he waited for Naniko to start. How would Sam react after the ceremony. He wouldn't rush her into doing anything she didn't want but he did want a family. He nuzzled her softly, nipping her ears and whining softly as he felt her heart fluttering softly under his palm as he brought it up to hug her to him. Nothing could change how he felt towards her.
OOC: Big Grin Don't mind him XD he's just a child.

He wasn't really sure what a "mateship ceremony" was supposed to be, exactly, but thought that it might be fun to tag along with his mother and brother. The boy had gone to the pack meeting as well, even though that hadn't been required and even though he'd had many other things he could have been doing. He wanted to win as many points with his mother as he could, so he would try to go to as many of the things that she hosted as he could possibly go to. Severus was one who was always looking for some sort of attention from someone, and enjoyed one on one time with his mom the best...hopefully after this ceremony she would want to spend some just with him and would make Judas go home or something. A boy could hope.

One thing that really perplexed him about the area when he got there was the coal-walk. Severus wanted to walk over the coals, but when he put his paw above them he could feel the heat that they emanated. No way was he going to put his foot down on that! He was little, but he was smart enough to know that fire meant hot. And hot meant pain! He skirted around those instead, coming to sit down just outside of the group. What would happen? He hoped that Naniko would notice he had come to observe.

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Word Count → 713 :: She doesn't have any gifts this time, she's being a crab about what she gives away lately. :[


The pregnant shaman had come out to such a special event, even though she did not know the two whom were to be mated, she simply came out to wish them luck, and to perhaps catch Naniko at the end and speak to her. She also wondered if her and Venom would ever be subjected to such a ceremony that would bound them together officially, or if they were always going to be just friends. Just friends, just friends, the words seemed to haunt the woman really. They were not words that she liked, even though she was happy to be friends, she just felt like she wanted so much more. She did not want to force the male into anything though. In fact, she wouldn't rush him or force him into anything, she'd more than likely keep quiet about everything she felt about the male until he either sensed that she had something on her mind and he wanted to know, or until he 'read her mind' and figured things out for himself. Sometimes she wondered if he thought the same way she did. There's a mateship ceremony, Venom. Will you my date? she asked him, cocking her head to Venom, whom was just looking at her dumbly for a moment. Sure, why not? he spoke suddenly, his handsome smile adorning his face as he nodded his head lightly to her. Panda smiled back at him and then nodded her head as well. Get ready then, Naniko just called for the rest of the pack, so she's expecting people to show. she spoke to him while she got what clothing that still fit her on. She was without pants or a skirt for the first time in a long time because of her growing belly, but she put on her plaid button up shirt on, but did not button it.

Venom had gotten dressed in his checkerboard pants and his black shirt, looking as punk-rock as possible. He didn't look like he was going to a formal event, but that was fine with Panda because she loved the way he dressed anyways. He was always sexy to her even in rags. Either way they both got dressed, and this time they were going to be without gifts. Panda did not have anything to offer but good luck to these folks because she didn't have any attachment to these two people. True, she did not have any attachment to Theo or Demi, but those two were higher ranking wolves that she did not want to be on the bad side of, so she did some ass kissing at their ceremony. Here, these were two Zepars, and they had no rank over Panda, so she did not bother to bother getting gifts for them. Plus the woman was hormonal and pissy around this time so she didn't want to do anything special for the newly mated pair. Panda grabbed her staff with the human skull and feathers attached to it and she stepped out of her den, Venom following behind the woman and they walked to the Veil of Fenris.

When they arrived at the Veil, they were surprised that they were the only ones there besides the Angela's children. This had been the first time she had seen them running around and it was amazing how big they had gotten since Panda had helped birth them. Panda figured that the children wouldn't even know who Panda was, that she was one of the people who was there for their mother when they were being born. Panda could have been insulted, and slightly was if only because she was still sitting at the Furcas rank when she should have been Corson. She felt like she had done a lot more than Demi had done when she was alive and yet, Panda was still stuck at the Furcas rank. Could Naniko not like Panda or something for her to neglect the hard working nature of the pregnant woman?

Panda and Venom had greeted the Angela with a nod of their heads before they would sit down where they could, more so in the back, to keep their distance for the reason that the aura reader male had wanted to keep his distance for whatever reason he had.

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image © Alaine!


Word Count :: 000 Slight powerplay, if that's alright.

It appeared that there would not be many attending this mateship ceremony, but that was alright. It was not something that the pack was required to join in on, just something that they could attend if they wished to. Naniko was not a controlling or demanding leader most of the time - she simply either expected or did not expect things. She was the type who could adapt easily to most situations regardless of certain factors. When Panda and Venom arrived she gave them a smile and a nod of appreciation. She would remember that they were the only ones to come and support their packmates.

The two seemed ready for the ceremony. They approached her and she cleared her throat, speaking to those who had gathered. "These two canines have come today to be joined together for life. We will give sacrifice to the Creator in hope that They will bless these chosen two with luck and fertility in their coming years. After the ceremony is completed, we will feast in honor of the Gods and the sacrifice of the lamb." The speech was the same every time. Naniko had set up an area for the feasting just behind the rows of sawed off tree trunks that served as the seating area. She and Grace had brought down an elderly doe together the day prior.

She crouched down and pulled the lamb's tether, taking her ceremonial dagger and slitting its throat quickly. Blood sprayed outward and she cupped her hand over the wound, gathering it. Naniko dipped her thumb in the pool of blood in her palm and ran it across Rain's forehead, then Samantha's, then straightened. She pulled two necklaces from where they hung, talismans dangling from each, and placed one over each canine's neck. "It is done. May we wish good luck and fertility on this couple in the coming years. This mateship is binding; remember that. Infidelity is an act that must not be taken lightly" She warned.

Image courtesy of Mocodragon@Flickr; Table by the Mentors!

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slkdglsh I SWEAR I replied to this earlier. D: Oh wells. Jackson's bringing Agony along with him.

Jackson had been looking forward to the mateship ceremony since he had met the two lovers one rainy day. They had been really nice to him, and he wanted to do his best to show them his support. He’d brainstormed a few ideas of what sort of gift he could offer them to wish them good luck. He’d remembered the gift his father had offered him when he had come of age and was inspired to hand-craft something for them as well. Like the necklace he’d made for his coming-of-age ceremony, Jackson decided to make the pair matching bracelets with small bone-carved charms. Each bracelet had five little charms on it, each a different shape but similar to the companion bracelet. It was strung together with sturdy twine weaved together in a simple braided pattern.

He’d convinced his sister to come along with him, but she had taken her sweet time in meeting him outside the caverns. He said nothing but offered her a withering glare, which she ignored in typical fashion. They were probably going to miss it at this rate. They hurried over to the ceremonial grounds, not missing it entirely, but they were noticeably tardy in their appearance. “Thanks a lot, we’re late!” he hissed to his sibling under his breath as they approached. Naniko was in the midst of sacrificing the lamb by the time the Acidic siblings snuck into the small gathering. Some of Naniko’s boys were there, as well as a rather pregnant Panda and her friend. A somewhat embarrassed grin slipped to his maw as he snuck into the group. He couldn’t wait to congratulate the pair and give them their small gifts.


Hi =] Do extra possible points count for this as an Anathema event?

WC: 305

Points: 3

There was some kind of event going on in Anathema today. Axelle didn’t know who it was for, but figured she would attend anyway. It wouldn’t hurt, and maybe she would meet someone new. It seemed the ceremony had already started when she arrived, and Axelle dipped her head to Naniko when they met eyes. She quietly went over to an available seat in front of a wolf she had seen before, a rather interesting colored coat she had. Axelle smiled at the two as she passed and sat down.

Then she was quiet and listening. This was a mateship event, and the two getting joined were not familiar to her. They were from her pack, so she gave them her respect and attention. Naniko said her words, and sliced the lamb’s throat. The blood spray made her thirsty, and her mouth watered instantly as she watched the blood leak out of the lamb’s neck. She licked her lips, and continued to pay attention to the rest of the ceremony.

Others had arrived towards the end, with gifts. Axelle looked around herself and noticed everyone was carrying gifts to give, except for Panda. Her ears lowered as she realized she was supposed to bring one. She felt stupid for showing up empty handed, but maybe she would make up for it later.

Act speaks thinks/emphasizes
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No problem for me!! I guess I gotta keep the ball rolling... :[)

Aqua eyes glanced nervously around the area, some were starting to arrive. Samantha did wish that she wasn't a stranger to the pack, maybe then there would be more guests. She was grateful when the few guests came that they did care enough to watch. An alabaster foot hovered over the live coals, feeling their heat. She knew that Rain and herself had to walk them, but she wasn't as sure. Of course she was happy, this was probably the most important day in her life. Samantha looked around at the new guests, a puppy of grey and a black and white woman with a male of chestnut. She gave a grateful smile at them all, it was nice to see more of the members. Her hand gripped her mate's even tighter. What was he thinking? Was he patient or maybe as restless as herself? Many things remained a mystery with Rain. Maybe after the ceremony they could talk. Sam felt strange, almost as if she were very small and not as grand as everyone else. "Rain?" Her head tilted up to look at her new lover, her voice asked of his guidance and a little of his support. Sam hated to be in the spotlight, to have others watching her every move. What if she messed up?

She knew he was there for her, it made the restlessness cease. Sam had no idea how she ended up with someone so perfect, so kind. It was like walking in a dream that you can't wake up from. But thinking of waking up was terrifying. She could lose him in a single heartbeat. The woman shifted her feet a little and gave one little glance at Naniko. When would they start? The lamb beside the Angela seemed to be also pretty nervous, it bleated and tugged on the rope. Tonight would be its last. The ivory fae was ready, she would start when needed and Rain would be by her side the entire way. She swore to herself that she would thank Naniko for putting this together, for helping along the whole way. She had a lot to be grateful for; her life, her mate, the acceptance from Anathema, for every event that happened every day. The sorrow and guilt felt earlier in life seemed to disappear, there was no longer room for that in her heart, hopefully nothing would change that.

When they had approached their Angela, she listened with nervous excitement as Naniko spoke. Things seemed to progress pretty fast, the lamb was sacrificed to the gods, after the necklaces were placed around their necks, Naniko warned them, told them the meaning of a mateship. Sam nodded, there could not possibly be something that would make her leave Rain. She wouldn't do that. "Thank you Naniko, this has been a very big choice for me and Rain. I understand. I don't think that I would leave him for the world."She did wonder if he felt the same. This was a very big step for her, she knew of the things that could happen and hoped that nothing will. More people arrived and she recognised one, the male she had met a few days ago. Jackson came and she waved with one hand and waited.

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