[M] rat tails and wolf bones.
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

FYI this is backdated to five days after this thread -- November 7, 2011. (WC: > 500)

[/html] He had not left his den for days. Although Enkiel had tended to the wounds he'd sustained while fighting the traitorous bitch, Enkiel couldn't prevent the pain that wracked his tired bones. He emerged from his den only to relieve himself and to hunt small prey nearby, not wanting to infect the rest of Inferni with his dying sickness. He knew he wasn't sick with anything; he just felt so damn feeble that he couldn't do anything. Uselessness; idleness, really, was a sickness for which he had always wished a remedy.

Today, he was able to walk farther and do more. That bitch had killed one coyote, Kesho, in the process of achieving her goals and Hybrid still mulled about it. He fucking hated knowing that some woman had killed Kesho. He'd been an able and competent warrior; something Inferni seemed to be lacking these days. He stalked through the sparse growth as he considered these things, too wrapped up in his own thoughts to properly hunt. He moved somewhat distractedly through the forest and was only startled by the sudden appearance and disappearance of a squirrel.

"For fuck's sake!" he shouted. He was too goddamn jumpy.

He shook his head and continued on his way, trying to move more quietly. He felt his shoulders aching as he pushed himself farther. He quickly left his den behind and was soon deep into the Forest of Nod. As he walked, he spotted another squirrel not too far away. He knew it would be useless to try and catch it, so he quietly watched it scurry away. However, in its wake, he spotted a small fawn. Although he knew its mother would be close by, he figured he might be able to sneak up on it and take it as his own. He crept closer, slinking as quietly as he could; but it was of no use. He made too much noise, and within seconds, the deer had spotted him, risen to its gangly feet, and dashed off. All Hybrid saw was a mocking white ass in the distance. Again, he cursed. He was having horrible luck today.

With that, he decided to return to his den. He wouldn't be catching anything today, so he figured he'd try again tomorrow. He sighed, very much annoyed at his own incompetence. He was too fucking useless to do anything.

As he trekked back to his den, he stepped carefully and noisily through the forest. No longer trying to hunt, he just wanted to return to his den and sleep through the rest of his horrible, painful day.

He took one step, but his paw landed wrong. It twisted and he tripped, falling forward. His other paw got stuck on a tree root and he fell into a dip in the land. As he fell, he heard a loud crack: he had broken his foreleg clean in two. He yowled in pain as fire shot through his leg. His other forepaw, where he'd first tripped, had twisted at an odd angle too. He tried to move, but was overcome with a sudden wave of dizziness. He then promptly threw up and passed out.

He woke up a few minutes later, struggling to breathe. He couldn't move and neither of forelegs were responding. He felt himself choking on something -- vomit? Piss? He couldn't tell -- and tried to push himself up with his back legs. For a second time, he succumbed to darkness and passed out.

That was the last thing Hybrid Holocaust remembered before he passed out forever. [html]
OOC: / +814!

She had heard of her father's injuries, and worst yet she had not seen him in days. She had been busy trying to keep the pups away from their wounded father, which had given her no time to slip away unnoticed to go see to him herself. She had brought him fish though, today, because she had enough time to hunt for him as well as visit him. She had hurried to his den after she had caught herself a few fish for him to gorge himself on. She didn't know what she was to come upon though. She had the fish in a purse, and she'd been walking towards her father's den. When she had gotten there, she had found that he was not in there. That meant that she needed to track him down. She sniffed around, the ground mostly. Her head cocked lightly as she walked in the direction his scent was coming from. He had gone pretty far from his den, that much she could tell by the fact that she was still walking five minutes later, trying to find him. Maybe he had gotten too hungry and had went hunting himself. Given his injuries he should have just waited for someone to bring him food, but he was too vain to let anyone just give him food. She knew that much about him. She also would have been vigilant and stubborn about the food she was bringing him today, and she would probably whine and threaten to bother him until he did eat it.

Her nose suddenly smelt blood, and urine, fecal matter, and she stood straight up and cocked her head again. The hell? she asked herself before she had emerged from the brush right before her father's body, and she saw him. The look on her face was of horror, and she dropped her bag of fish. She slid down into the pit where her father was, to have her feet submerged in vomit and piss, and she had touched her father, grabbing him and lifting his face out of the piss. She did not feel any life in him anymore. She whined. Her ears fell back on her head and a frown pulled on her maw. How could this happen to her father? All he was doing was protecting puppies from harm, and this was the way he needed to die? She did not care that he was covered in piss and vomit, she still wrapped her arms around her dead father's body and she fell to her knees in the pit, her legs now covered in the mud of blood, piss and vomit made by her father. Oh daddy... she whimpered. How could this have happened? I was so stupid to not come earlier. her accent was gone, she have no focus to keep the charade up. She sniffled and buried her face in the scruff of Hybrid's neck, a dry spot on her father's body. You didn't deserve this, daddy. You didn't. she cried to him, even though it would have fallen upon deaf ears.

Valkyrie refused to let Hybrid be buried here, so she soon got up from the disgusting grave that the world wanted him to die in, and she had gotten out of the pit first and reached down and grabbed her father by his scruff and hoisted him up with as much strength as she could muster. He was quite heavy, and it was hard for her to drag him up but eventually she was able to, and she then dragged him through the forest. She had found a spot near his den that had been a good spot for his grave. She dug out a pit that was not one of piss and vomit and she had gently put him down in it. I love you daddy. Rest in Peace. she spoke to him, still too hysterical to go on with her accent. She whined softly again and sniffled her nose to keep the snot from coming out. I'll miss you...even though I barely knew you... she spoke to him, and then she buried him, with each scoop of dirt came a whine of pain. He meant so much to her, and he didn't even know. Once he was buried completely, she had gotten one of her spears and she had used it as a marker for his gravesite. She had no time to wash herself or her dress of her father's filth before she had gone to Ezekiel's cave and spoke to him about her father's death. She did not say much, other than she found him dead, and then she left the Aquila's den to do wash herself of the dirt and grime that had littered her otherwise beautiful pelt.

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